tv [untitled] July 16, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm PDT
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have greater resources to share those resources citywide through the private sector resources. that doesn't always allow us to build places of equity where there are not a lot of wealth in the areas and we can get into place like district 11. >> i don't think i was disagreeing with you, but what i was suggesting was the opportunity to leverage private dollars allow us to focus public dollars in higher needs areas where those applications or grants would be more appealing. so i think through the generosity and philanthropy of the community on the san francisco reservoir parcel, we are pursuing our public investment and state grant investment and some of our higher needs community
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where that capacity doesn't exist and that is a balance. >> thanks again. one thing i would add and i want to thank supervisors avalos for this process that we have done our best to leverage outside funding is the really desire for people to do it not just at this park, but at other places throughout this city. i think present my perspective and i appreciate the comments and where that's going potentially, i think as people get more engaged in the city, opportunities come like this for fruition and develop and it bodes well for them for people to continue to get involved in our city throughout san francisco. this is a part in our area of town and there are going to be other opportunities that are going to be tremendous. we are now bringing people into the fold as being part and contributing to the parks and recreation system and it's
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going to be an exciting opportunity. so colleagues, if no other questions, at this point in time. mr. rhodes, can we go through your budget analyst report, please. >> yes, mr. chairman and members of the committee, chair farrell as you stated and as we report and as the department stated as we report on page 20 of our report, the parks and recreation and park department will make payments to the puc from the open space acquisition fund totaling $10, 669,000. you can see how it's referred on page 20 of our report. attachment one on page 20 of our report shows an estimated end of year open space fund balance ranging from $11.1 million in
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2014-2015 to $39.2 million in fiscal year 2030. 31. our recommendation on page 23 of our report, we recommend you amend the proposed resolution to request the parks and recreation to report to the board of supervisors prior to december 31, 2014 , on the department's strategy to acquire open space properties that meet the open space acquisition policy priorities and an evaluate of district 6 open space of community process an how it could be extended to other neighborhoods in the city. we consider this approval as amended for an apologize matter -- policy matter for the board of supervisors. >> colleagues, any questions. otherwise i have 12 public comments cards. whoever i read, if you can lineup along
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the side. everybody will have two minutes.2 minutes. >> thank you for having me up here. the members of this committee. i'm guessing there is not of opposition to this as i have been watching the neighbors weigh in in favor of it. it's been a wonderful thing to see, everything from russian hill. the 42 members that you mentioned. i want to say that the website has generated an awful a lot of support and excitement about this project as well. add to that 42, a number of people who are really excited about. the reason i'm here to speak
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in favor. you know i generally like to speak and see anything that is going to help us raise children in san francisco. i want to thank you for this vision in pursuing this project for as long as you have and to emphasize the scope of this project really enables to meet three really important just like a trifecta of objectives in san francisco. i see it's a real true opportunity to build a greater community for the people that are right there, now -- not just on bay street. but it's also a really true destination for all of city of san francisco. i live on the other side of the hill. it's a specific location that allows a person to think of it like a stern grove or goaden gate park to go to visit. also. as you noticed where it is as the cable cars go by
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and girardelli square is there it's a real place for a real tourist destination. have you for having the presence of mind and doing this exactly at the time. thank you for all of your work. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is connie tang and i'm here to represent self-help for the elderly. we are here to support the francisco park project which is in dire need of open space. there are many seniors that live in that area and they have to walk around their block just to get some fresh air and exercise because they live too far from a big recreational park. we look forward to working with the project committee to plan for space for the francisco park
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for seniors who do the exercises as well as looking at the golden gate bridge or aquatic park, seniors will really enjoy that we applaud the collaborate of the community over the years and we look forward to continue to working with them in the coming months. please approve the transfer of funds needed to acquire the site. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hello supervisors, my name is jamie irving, a filmmaker. i filmed the pelican flying over the hill over the reservoir. i swim in the bay in aquatic park and walked this area many many times. it's a beautiful spot. it's a panoramic view. a fantastic place for a park. i also live
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on telegraph hill and a member of the telegraph hill dwellers and chair of the trees and birds committee and i would like to speak on behalf of the critters that are also going to love this park. the plan is to plant native plans, drought resistant and those plants will attract wonderful birds and bees. if you put up a hummingbird feeder in your yard, you will attract hummingbird. paulo can't be here today because he's working but he looks forward to hosting and leading bird walks in the park. he does
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that now on telegraph hill once a month. it's called feathered fridays. he does bird walks all along the hill and has found many many new species. he's looking forward to doing the same in this fantastic park. it's inspiring and i urge you to approve it. >> thank you very much. i'm going to call a few more speaking cards. >> supervisors. tough act to follow judy irving. she took my speech. i'm going to make this really short. i'm all about the environment in this park and the extremely dense area of van ness avenue where there is extremely a need for open space. it presents an opportunity to develop some incredible habitat for
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migratory birds and threatened species including the bepopulation. we know how threatened the bee population is. our wild life requires very little water because they are already adapted to our very dry mediterranean climate. it's all now native plants now. they are doing fine in front of the lawns that we have. we plan to have a very sustain able landscaping system going in including a state of the art low use water recapture, we cycle reuse system which we all so plan to use as an educational tool on this site. there are many wonderful programs that we would like to run, but first we need your support in approving this park for our entire east of the
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van ness neighborhood corridor. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, my name is gene top an and resident in this city. i heard about this park. even though i don't live around the area but i am a big supporter of open spaces and parks in san francisco. i feel it's always important that whenever the city gets a chance to create a new open space, a new park for the city that we should take it. this is a great opportunity to dough so. -- do so. thank you. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good morning supervisors. my name is nancy yee. i'm addressing you this morning in support of the san francisco reservoir park. wearing three different hates, from -- hats from the child
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development center and serving many families, second, as board member. >> it's wonderful to have you back in the chambers after a day. congratulations on your retirement. >> thank you very much. second as board member of the head start, an early care education agency serving close to 300 low income preschoolers and their families. it currently operates three centers in the north beach area and third as cochair of network for healthy california project. an obesity program focusing on healthy eating and physical activity. so there is a great need for more open space in san francisco but especially in the neighborhood where the proposed reservoir park will be located. the adjacent neighborhood are under parked and these are some of the most densely populated neighborhoods in our city.
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and there is definitely not enough open space. the proposed property is accessible by a number of muni lines and especially by the hyde street cable car lines. the project has brought citywide support and i hope that all of you will support it as well. thank you so much. >> this you very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning supervisors. my name is tyler, an intern. i'm in favor of this vision. this is a great opportunity for all san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. i'm going to call a few more people. >> hello, i'm didi. i live downhill from the reservoir
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near galileo. i'm a retired schoolteacher. i have 10 grand children. so i think i know something about the parks and kids and the benefit this would have for all. the area is bounded by van ness. chinatown is one of the most densely populated areas in the country and it is as we've talked about, it's severely under parked. although technically the political district 2, the majority of residents would most likely use the park live in district 3. it's expected that the park would primarily serve seniors, schools and the east side of van ness. that's where the green open space opportunity is sparse and
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there isn't an unmet need for recreational opportunities for children. i hope that all of you support this project. it's been a wonderful project to work on. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning. my name is george. i live on chestnut street. i'm there is president of the russian hill improvement association. i'm speaking in support of this project. we who live up there see everyday hundreds of people coming from all parts of the city toen jo i the views and take pictures and go down to fisherman wharf. right now they have to take pictures where they are in danger where people are driving by. now they can relax and take pictures and walk whenever they want from
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there. this is an ideal place to do it. it serves a lot of public transportation systems. the cable cars bring next to it from tenderloin, chinatown quite easily as well as people from russian hill. there are bus lines going on bay street and union street and van ness. people from all over the city can come down there and have a good time and they are welcomed and we would love to see them there. like supervisor said, there are people that are old and young and new people coming to the area. right now it's difficult to get them to walk down to another park. the hills are very steep. so a park in that area would be ideal for them and they would certainly appreciate it. the regarding the comment that supervisor
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avalos made about parks in other areas, a lot of us as individuals we would be happy to support parks in other areas of the city. this is one city and we love it. we'll do whatever we can to support efforts in other areas to create parks for the benefit of everybody in the city. thank you very much.a >> good morning, my name is andre a kin. management of the boys club. i'm a parent. to have a nice, safe outdoor experience is anything a parent can ask for to spend time with their children. tools have the anlt and -- ability and to have a place where no matter where from and what part of the city that you liven there is a place that you can come and spend outdoor time that you can have some
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other experiences that this place is going to provide. i would say is priceless. so i appreciate the fact that you undertook this taking and that you are bringing this for the entire city. thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is -- i live in knowey valley across town from this wonderful potential park. i know how important it is to have open space. the city has been very accommodating and done wonderful things for the knowey valley recreational center and also open space on 24th street. i also live close to dolores park and see how important it is for families and children to have a place where they can hang out and just relax. i envision the same thing for the hills park
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on russian hill and i would like to see the same thing happen there. san francisco is a world class city. but open space is less than 17 percent if we prepare ourselves with some of the great cities in europe such as london. those cities are more than a thousand years old. we are only about 200. if we don't preserve what we have the opportunity to preserve now, we are certainly not going to have chances to do it in the future. >> thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good morning supervisors. my name is tina moylan. i remember three 3 years ago meeting with supervisor farrell and part of this business -- working group.
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working group in poor neighborhoods in san francisco. i like end it last week to wind is surfing in the tsunami which wouldn't happen. we had open meetings. i always felt what's good for folsom california is good for sacramento or what's good for san francisco is good for russian hill and vice versa. i have been to dolores park. all of us have gone to golden gate park. parks is necessary for kids. i never thought i would never see this day. i said to supervisor farrell, if you can make this happen, i think you should start turning water into wine.
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[ laughter ] thank you, ms. moylan. next speaker, please. >> john lack man, russian hill improvement association. good morning supervisors. i was going to focus on the collaboration and neighborhood operations but supervisor farrell did a better job than i. the community organizations that has given us their support verbally and many in writing come to the full area of district 3 as well as district 2 which is the natural nearby constituency of the park and many of the residues that would use the park the most have just their true leather and maybe their
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bus fare to get to the park. it becomes a really important park for the greater neighborhood as well as the entire city and all the tourist as well. i hope that you don't let this and in these parcels pass us by. thank you >> thank you very much. >> i'm eileen from the parks south side district. i'm urging the committee to support this resolution and to the full board with recommendation. due to its location, francisco park would attract those around san francisco and would be a citywide park rather than just a neighborhood park. the park would serve by transit making it accessible forrian all city
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of san francisco. city of >> i represent neighbors on the working group. through my work on this community in the hyde center which is maybe about 5 blocks from the reservoir sight in district 3, i have learned how diverse the community that surrounds this particular parcel of land that's 4 acres. so, down the street yoou got north beach place which is a multi-income multi-race development where a lot of the teens and the families and seniors that we serve at tell hyde neighborhood center live there and the teen center which is a drop in center for kids and
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there is a francisco middle school which is an immigrant school and a lot of those kids come from a non-english background. most of those we serve on a daily basis, seniors, toddlers, preschool, most of these people are low income. we sometimes get caught up in the name russian hill. these four 4 acres of land, it sits in the middle of district 3 and 2. i would have to say that if you can vote for this today, you will be serving thousands of kids, thousands of seniors. we've gone seniors who do thai chee in our gym. they can do this in the park. we've had meetings where we got so much excitement from the y, we
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talked about intergenerational programming. anyway. we have a lot of speakers. i just want to say thank you to supervisor farrell and margo kelly. please vote for this today. thanks. >> thank you, next speaker, please. >> my name is penelope clark and also a member of the working group. i have been working with this for a long time in fact my parents worked for it for many years and i wish they were alive to see this wonderful progress. i'm also a resident for the san francisco neighborhoods. when i brought this to the coalition which represents over 40 neighborhood groups throughout the city, i was just so pleased at the response from so many members who knew the space. and people from these other
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neighborhoods comfort fourth of july fireworks and blue angels. they are familiar with this area. once they have this wonderful space instead of trying to pile up on hyde street to watch these things, they will not only come for these events, but they will see this is a place where they will come with their families for picnics and i got overwhelming support from the coalition. i think this truly is a neighborhood all city neighborhood park, not just one neighborhood. thank you very much. >> thank you very much, next speaker, please. >> i will call a few more speaker cards. kaitlyn mann. those are the last speaker cards that i have. if i have not mentioned your name, and
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would like to speak, please c'mon up. >> of course we strongly endorse the transfer from the puc to the parks and recreation department to create a new park. three reasons to highlight. the size of the park, the leveraging of the philanthropy involved and to give you context for long-term scheme for acquisition involved in san francisco. this would create as supervisor farrell pointed out a substantial park. four 1/2 acres. it's a rare opportunity to be able to create a park that size and as for location it would have a positive impact on tourism which is the no. 1 driver of our economy. second the leverage of private park philanthropy. there are about $9 million that are already paid that are lined up in the
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support of our construction and maintenance of these parks. those are contingent on title of this parcel with the completion of this acquisition to the parks and recreation. so you hold the key to unleashing about $9 million worth of resources already in the pipeline. finally over the 17 years that remain in the open space acquisition funds of the parcel tax, there will be an additional $38 million available after all three of these acquisitions are paid for. so there is plenty of funding available in acquisitions of these parks. so we have a lot more work to do and a lot more resources to apply for creation of open spaces in san francisco. thank you. >> hello supervisors. i'm speaking on behalf of our executive director and also
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the organization. to support the transfer of reservoir land within the puc and parks and recreation emancipation of the development of the reservoir to a park and restores the life of san francisco. wout a doubt this is a great opportunity to create a new park for the neighborhoods. as from previous meetings the puc and the parks and recreation the community support for this project is very high. i would like to say that the working group has been working very hard and has been successful in raising over $9 million in private support to develop the land igsz itself. it's very u nique to have san francisco to making it much more beautiful. i would like to say supervisor farrell thank you for your
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leadership and it's great that you are working towards making san francisco beautiful. i urge you to approve the land transfer today and the next board of supervisors meeting. we look forward to your continued support to make san francisco more beautiful. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning. the better stores of the restaurant. chinese people there. it's so crowded, overall populated. without the public there, i'm going to send it back. but i don't know how to regulate this issue. then for the --
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