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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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and i hope that we have an improvement to the air-conditioning system and i imagine that technology is advanced over the years. and but, just want to make sure that we do address that. and especially if we are going to have as much glass as we are going to have and they are going to become important >> we have double good news for you. >> first, it is not your imagination. >> okay. >> that is the hvac system and the vendor has been problematic and it has been difficult to get parts and it is one that was a happen and a design systems that we mentioned is in fact, climate control, system, and it will be improved and much improved but in particular, the ability to get the parts so that, you know, we don't, we don't have the cars out of service or we don't send the cars into service, where you you know, your hair gel may be washed away.
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>> and not my hair gel. >> no. >> and so, the answer is yes, we have the problems, now, and b, your favorable action on this today will lessen the likelihood of future problems. >> thank you so much. >> directors anything else? >> directors? >> rubke? >> and yeah, so he alluded to this but defendant naturally i don't think that we can start early and often enough with the out reach with the disability community in particular as far as the interior of the cars go and i mean what you just considered and you just said and ininclusive process of if you said that to someone in the disability community they might strangle you, they have a very negative look at a viewpoint as to what happened with bart. and i think that the lesson in my mind there is that we could start tomorrow doing the out reach every day which is impractical and it shil would not be enough, and so anything that we can do to just meet with not just our own,
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wonderful advisory committees like max, but key other community organizations like light house for the blind, and ilrc and all of these other places and i would be happy to help. >> okay. >> and i think that it is usually important and i think that the layout of the cars that is really disability centric in where that post is going to be and where, the buy sick until there, and you know, you are going to stumble on all of those things, the out reach is better. >> okay. >> director? >> i was just going to say the same is true and i know that the one thing that they brought up, and for some people there is an active notice, and the beeping of the cards, and the voice over the system and the air-conditioning units and just thinking about that, because we live in a world with so much noise and that makes sense that these cars can help to contribute to quieting the rider experience is important. >> and to that, effect, i mean, every time that one of those
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pneumatic doors go off it is loud and it is almost like a gun shot when they are working and so, looking forward to having a much quieter operation of the doors as well. >> and thank you. and members of the public, yes? >> one person, who is turn in a speak are card. howard strausner. >> good afternoon, again, directors, i am almost as excited as you guys are about getting these new cars. and especially the extra service on the other day for the first time in my history, i had to let a car, go by and i did not see a way to wedge myself on. and so, that is going to be important and really gets me real excited about this one, on the quality level, of the coupling devices coming from a 12 to 100,000 miles or so. and that should give us a real good chance, and johny, was talking about it and perhaps,
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en routing coupling, and you make it work bet and her more people are going to want to ride these things and you are going to be more need for more service and you can only, and i don't know what the number is, it is 32, 33, who knows how many, trains per hour, you could really get with consistency and the reliability into that subway. and so that you are going to have less, one car trains, and you have to be coupling one car trains, to two car trains, to get three car trains, and you can have more two car trains and all of that stuff, and so, i look forward to the coupling. and the other thing that no one has mentioned is the warning and the sounds of the and to say what the next stop is, when you are in a car that routes you and you have not been on before and you don't know the stops, the best one that i have seen is in berlin, the three in a series and you know because that was the subway and the
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same thing for the buses to give good notice to the next stop that is coming so that the people can get organized and get ready. and the people start helping getting up beforehand, and >> i have been on market street at 6:00 with only one street car that is packed to the gills. and these seem like accident vehicles and i would like to have them combine with the
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existing fleet. this seems like a good addition to the fleet and i hope that more vehicles are added to the fleet because this is an ex-expanding population in the city and we desperately need it and we should have enough vehicles, at all times to provide adequate service, and i mean that you should really be, saturday, night, and in the subway, and you will see, how horrible it is as far as having access to the transportation. and this is a transit first city. >> anyone else care to address the board. >> seeing none we, have a motion. we don't. >> we have amended the resolution. and right. >> we have mended the whereas klous and is there a mention >> a motion.
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>> second. >> all in favor, say aye. >> item 12. adopting a policy for placement of wireless facilities on sfmta owned and managed real estate assets; approving the master license agreement for placement of pole-mounted wireless facilities on sfmta-owned poles form; authorizing the director to execute master license agreements with wireless telecommunications companies; and waiving section 10 of the sfmta board of directors' rules of order as to notice of this action. >> all right, an accident written presentation in front of us this afternoon. anything to this added? >> i think that i agree that this presentation was, the report was very well written and i think that it is the result of very good staff work to get us to this point, and we have a dynamic market place with a lot of demand for this kind of license and i think that it is a thoughtful process, working with the industry, and with our own infrastructure folks to come to a workable agreement and maybe we will have the staff here to answer any questions. >> yes, howard is the only person who has turned in a
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speaker card. >> it is wireless, enjoy. thank you. >> all right, members of the board, questions or comments? >> no. >> motion to approve. >> i would just say that having served on the planning commission and having to approve the wireless facilities there were many who asked why more of this was not in the public right-of-way, or whether the rec and park property and whether it is the mta property and why it is not going to the city instead, and i think that it will help a lot of the conflicts that exist in the existing communities that fear, the cell phone antennas and there are not a lot of place to put them and so the 10,000 plus, poles in the like, and i think that it really makes sense and i think that looking at the history of having aesthetics and things not approved and adequately with the planning, and i think that it makes sense, now policy in place to make sure that happens. >> sounds like a motion. >> move to approve. >> second. >> further discussion? >> seeing none, all in favor,
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aye. >> item 13? >>presentation and discussion of the addendum to the real estate and facilities vision for the 21st century report and the draft citywide public sites development principles. >> we do have a brief presentation, and if you have interest, this is an update, to the report based on some work that we have done since we first brought this to you last year and, we will be very brief, but just to point out some of the differences between what we presented to you a year ago and where we are now. and jason, the project manager, is from the real estate division, will give you a very brief update. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> repeated mentions of brief, really. >> i am with you >> good. >> so what i am going to do today is give you just inform of you what is going on. >> you need to be in the microphone there. >> yeah. >> just inform you on what is
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going on with the publicized development program, and at the same time, excuse me, i am sorry about this. >> and at the same time give you an update relative to the revision report and the aden um, focuses solely on the coached facility, and the electric, motor and things along those lines and so, in terms of the public sites development framework, what we are doing right now with the mta as of the beginning of this year, we are working on a city wide strategy and we are doing this as a intragovernmental effort along with the city planning department and the office of economic workforce development. and the public utilities commission and so it is involving the enterprise departments right now and the mayor's office of housing and we are doing this in a coordinated effort to
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essentially develop a strategy for development of public assets and public real estate sites for what will be the betterment in the community. and when i say that i am referring to a couple of things, i am referring to the public benefits, such as, affordable housing. and the public benefits such as transportation and public benefits such as open space, such as, economic development. which is kind of the over arching umbrella of this thing when you put it in perspective and so right now to aoe the sfmta has the mlu with the office, and that document itself is what it is doing, and it is facilitating and what is considered phase one of the process, which is the community out reach and the public participation, and it is probably a year long process to which we are going to the various agency and boards and
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commissions and do the commenttations and inform them about the program over all as i get the move along sign here. but any way. some sites. under consideration, right now. for the development we are going to the market, we are going to ask the developers gauge whether or not there is an interest in the parking facility sites of which caster street, and claire mont boulevard, and performing arts garage and we reached to that supervisor in that regard and you are aware of one of the sites, which is the central subway, and that is the potential, asset that will be developed at the same time, and you are also aware of some of the other projects that are not going through this process but at the same time, they are or they could have been benefit fromed it, but the end result, is affordable housing and transportation and open space and reference to something like
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as an example. and so, that is what we are doing right now and that is the over all idea. and it is at the point where it is a lot of out reach work and public participation and from that process, we will be able to develop a comprehensive policy in which to implement in san francisco. okay. now, moving along, the service demand, and growth in san francisco, and the effects on the over all transportation network, and the service delivery of that network, well, the effects also, have to do with the ability to or in ate the service from a particular facility, and the ability to maintain those vehicles, at a particular facility and simply the ability to operate effectively and so what the addendum does is it takes the original vision and it revises
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it in a sense that we are looking at not previous fleet numbers and more up to date fleet numbers and so it is kind of a fluid and a flexibility that was built into the original vision where this enabled us to look at it in a different light, relative to what the new, 2014 fleet plan is. and with that said, the inat the present time was always to mitigate, or to alleviate the top two, which were the facility lessons in efficiency and at the same time, accommodate, the growth, while also, creating development opportunities. for the mta, you can use your real estate and you can accommodate the growing fleet through the year 2013, and well the addendum is saying, okay, because there is going to be a
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largeer and more rapid of the fleet and lrv is an example and what you need to do and also looking at it from a ten year additional horizon up to 2040. you need to find the additional real estate. and that is where we are at right now with it and there is a lot of numbers on this chart. i am not going to go through it with you, three key points, we operate at crush capacity or beyond, capacity. and at all of our facilities. and what was expected to be realized in terms of fleet growth, by 2030 and now looks like it is going to happen by 2020 and so even with it coming on-line by 2016 and so we hope, we are still going to need more real estate to make this thing happen and make it work. and the reasons for the fleet plan increase are five, longer time period, expanded out to 2040 and that takes into consideration the population growth, and service, you know,
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increases and just the demand on the over all transit system if you will. and then, there is a larger rider ship in the eastern neighborhoods and that is simply, you know, all of the various developments that are happening in the eastern part of san francisco and going to have an impact on our fleet. also, added efficiency, and we only have one facility right now, that it can accommodate 60 foot buss in terms of the maintenance, and that is flinn, and so, we are adding efficiency, into the system, by bringing in 60 foot, articulated buses, but in reality, there is really only one place right now to service them. and that is at flinn and that is something that needs to be taken into consideration going forward. also, improved estimates that were in the old plan, the 2014 fleet plan looks at things on the annual basis and has just much better detailed information, and actually plan
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from. and next fleet, and reserved fleet, whatever you want to call it, it needs a place to reside. and so we have to account for that as well. our vision, and two strategies, the first phase is phase one, which is basically on to accommodate the fleet growth and to prepare for the facility renovations and in the original vision what you saw up front was electrified flinn, and let's rebuild the procidio and well that is not what, the addendum is suggesting, it is suggesting let's deal with fleet growth and our existing facilities, that we can probably renovate, more effectively, in the near term and then we will talk about some of the bigger development projects and the multiple use of facilitis in the future and so that happens, the first phase in a seven year period and beginning now at least so we hope and or in the sex phase happens 2221, to 2029 and the
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next steps you know, the little piece right here, and this could be said if we don't complete, 2021, the phase one by 2021, then we are anticipating overcrowding. and we need to do that first and foremost before we deal with the second phase. >> and then, our next steps are simply, as the facilities and the development projects are moved along, and as like to say that the needle is moved and in the right direction, and many of these projects, and we are ready to take them to say, a design, and build, type of contracts they will be brought forth to the board as that occurs, and as i mentioned before, we are going to have off street parking lots, and performing arts garage, and hit the streets soon and then, we are going to continue to evaluate our project feesbility and all of the various public sites and projects and also, development projects going forward. >> so. >> thank you. >> very good presentation, i
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really pleased to see all of the agencies working together. and that is really a key to the success of this for sure. >> are you talking about storing some of the fleet in morin. >> not actually, it is not morin county, it is street, >> okay. >> in san francisco sf >> okay. >> no storage plans for the county. >> okay. >> just one more questions, for the temperature check on this because i know that when i first started on the board, the presentations that we got around the real estate needs were a little dire talking about the number of acres that we needed. and it seems to have shifted, a know that we have seen, the phase one, and phase two as a flowchart showing what needed to happen. >> right. >> so, just for somebody who may be the public who has not read the entire report, are we
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feeling pretty confident that this is all doable? >> so, i think that we are feeling confident that it is doable. and the initial vision report which came out last year, with the more modest fleet reduction, actually anticipated that just by reconfiguring the existing real estate assets we could accommodate the growth since we have revised a number of assumptions as well as the time horizon. we have now found that we can't, purely, redesign our way out of this and so the addendum to the vision report, now does call for some limited amount of expansion and we need a new facility and need to expand, one of our existing facilities that the price tag to implement all of this is pretty high and we did, feed this in to the mayor's transportation 2030, process, and that the geo bond that was amoved today by the board of supervisor to go on the ballot, and contemplates up to 70 million dollars towards
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the facility needs. and for muni and so it will be a good step for the first step of doing so and still a significant amount of capitol investment. >> there are areas that we are looking to expand, and for example, on the facility as well as the training and so outside of this report, we are working on other projects that we will be looking for some additional acquisitions. >> thank you for bringing that up because i know that a lot of us have been to meetings at different facility and a lot of them do need the upgrading in terms to make it more
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comfortable to the people that work here in addition to the buses. >> anything else? >> okay. >> you were saying that it is going to be something that we need to count on for the capitol budget moving forward, is that something... >> or what we have approved in the last capitol budget at all? >> yeah, so that both of the two year capitol budget and the five year, cip, first of all it anticipated the general obligation bonds and so we are glad that it made another step today and it has to be approved by the voters and there are other, funding sources in and so it is not just the 70 million in the 5 year, cip and but the current cip will not fully fund, this is hundreds of millions of dollars to implement this vision, and but, all of the revenues that we could identify, in this upcoming five years, what we do have and so we have, like i said, kind of a good first step towards implementing this when we come back in two years with
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a revised cip, we will, you know, hopefully have identified more revenue to get us further along the path towards being able to implement what is recommended in the vision report. >> thank you. >> and again, we are receiving this today and it does not require any board action >> informational item ethank you, and your team for an outstanding report. >> okay. >> public comment? >> public comment. >> howard? >> okay. >> good, afternoon, again, howard, and so this is really my main, item for the day, and i offer my neighborhood, as an example of how to use your public states. and it was mentioned, that you have a little, parking lot and lower, and i think that it is 20 spaces and it is just an ideal site to put the housing right above it and the, it would actually, three stories above the garage, would look like any other apartment house
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in san francisco. and except the one side will be three stories above grade. and it will be no taller than the building right adjacent to it and now, i come to you because this will be a good way for you to get more money and i went through, your experience, of trying to get the money out of a hotel on steward street and hope that works, but that is 65 years. and maybe you will get it different and maybe you won't. by that time. >> and this is a chance, that the problem is, my neighbors, they are against everything, and so, if you, i am saying, okay, you guys tried to do it and i have asked one of the architects trying to build a small, 5,000 square foot single family home in the neighborhood and make us a sketch whaf it will look like in the lowering, and so maybe we will seeing something and what it might work. but, the affordable housing will come in and say, well, gee it is the public land and it should be affordable and my neighbor, in the cities, done, and they don't want the people who spent less than a million dollars to consider them trailer trash to come into the neighborhood and without
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spending one million dollars for a house and a place for your car and you just and they will not let you in and so i will hope that we start to look at this one and any other public parking place, if you have, to deck it over in intensifies and they are all new neighborhood places and intensify the use of the neighborhood and fit right here and the good architects and make it look nice, and they would not have to face the parking so that your car share program will help that out. and actually clariton has the parking places right across the street of the garage. and so, keep in mind, open and keep doing this. >> thank you. >> okay. seeing no one else, and speaker, and so we have received it and so the next item. >> 14 is the discussion and vote to conduct the closed session. >> motion? >> yes. >> and motion. >> and all in favor? >> say aye. >> aye. >> we will go into closed session, thank you ve
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>> okay. >> hold on a second. >> >> all right. announcement of the closed session, the board, met in closed session to discuss the cases that the board of directors voted to settle both matters and discussed labor negotiation and took no action, and no anticipation of litigation and, item 16 will be to motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed. >> move to not disclose. >> second nany further discussion. >> aye. >> we are adjourned with vera hail and i will convey that to her daughters and welcome, again, director borden and thank you very much. >> thank you. >> pardon? >> when is it mine?
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>> rise please for the pledge of allegiance. >> mr. president, i would like to call the roll, please? >> please do. >> president mazzucco? >> present. >> vice president turman? >> here. >> commissioner marshal?
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>> here. >> commissioner dejesus is en route. >> commissioner loftus? >> here. >> and commissioner wong? >> here. >> mr. president, we have a quorum and also, the chief of police gregory suhr. >> welcome to the wednesday, july 2, 2014, police commission meeting, you see that we have a pretty wide agenda and we are moving into the summer session and we actually may have some other days off due to vacation schedules and training schedules, but welcome. this meeting is going to be a very positive meeting. we are going to have after general public comment, a presentation by officer jason johnson, regarding a trip that the police department arranged and i will leave it for him to tell us more about it but it is something that the police department with be proud. >> without further adieu, call item one. >> general public comment. >> the public is welcome to
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aaddress the commission. address the commission as a whole. on the commission rules of order, during the public comment, neither the police or the personnel or commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public. but may provide a brief response. limit your comments to three minutes. >> it is time for general public comment. >> >> good evening, president mazzucco, and commissioners and chief suhr and director hicks, i am the president of the san francisco police station. and i wanted to appear before you tonight, basically to
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comment on an article johna, lamb, and he was granded a list, and the officers who have fired their weapons and who have been involved in officer involved shooting since 1990. in his article he makes references to the number of sfpd officers, who have fired their weapons in the past 24 years. and he intends to betray our members as being somehow trigger happy, nothing could be further from the truth. what he does not touch on in the article, some of these discharges were accidental or unintentional and tragically some of these were officers who had taken their own life due to depression, or ptsd. >> he also does not touch on the fact that the vast majority of these discharged were by officers who had put