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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2014 7:30pm-8:01pm PDT

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three agreements are for five years, with four, five year renewal options for a total term of 25 years, and the rent increases at 3 percent per year. >> thank you. >> any questions? >> commissioners? >> so motioned. >> moved it. >> and second. >> any public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed all of those in favor, signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> motion carries, next item? >> ten,adopt a finding declaring that the sfpuc's francisco reservoir property, located at bay street between larkin and hyde streets in san francisco (francisco reservoir tract) in its current condition, is surplus to the needs of any sfpuc utility; authorize the general manager to execute an mou between the sfpuc and sfrpd for a jurisdictional transfer of the francisco reservoir tract at fair market value of $9.9 million to sfrpd; authorize a request to
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the board of supervisors and mayor to approve a conditional jurisdictional transfer of the francisco reservoir tract at the fair market value of $9.9 million, subject to the terms of the mou and applicable law. >> >> move it. >> it has been moved. >> second. >> and it has been seconded. >> mr. clerk? >> that is fine, it will be glad to answer any questions, i think that the title explains the action that we are today. >> we will ask you, is there any public comment on this item? item ten? any public comment? >> oh, yes. >> president, could i have two minutes? >> please. >> public comment will be two minutes, i have a number of speaker cards in front of me, i would like to call frank dawkin and next will be mat ogrady and jan bloom. >> good afternoon, thanks for being here. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is frank from vernal heights and i just want to show
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my support for the park because of the reason that we need more resources more green space for the children and families and not just for that particular area but the city of san francisco, i feel that, more green space would help the city. more trees, and i feel that it is a need for the city not only for the residents, but as for the folks who are visiting san francisco, and so, i fully support it and i hope that there is a positive vote. >> thank you, i appreciate you can here, thanks again. >> next speaker. matt. >> commissioners, i am the ceo of the san francisco parks alliance and i am delighted to speak before you this afternoon in favor of the transfer, for the san francisco reservoir to the recreation and parks
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department there is a many reason why this is a good move for the city and i am going to focus on three of them, the first is consistency with the general plan and the second as if this willful fill a need in a park neighborhood and finally this will not have a significant negative impact on the city's ability to acquire other parcels for the other neighborhoods that exist elsewhere in san francisco. i will address each of these one at a time. >> first as you know, the site for the san francisco reservoir, is already, designated as an open space, in the city's general plan. and the decision before you, would simply be consistent with that decision, making that is already in place. second, this is a park neighborhood as defined by the recreation and parks department and they have put a very clear set of criteria into place, in the open space acquisition fund, that guided in selecting sites for acquisitions one of those is to fill the gaps in the park system in san
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francisco, where we don't have necessary open space, this is one of those sites, according to those criteria, and finally, one of the concerns that we have is having adequate funding for additional acquisitions in the neighborhood, particularly in the d6 with the most park efficient neighborhood in san francisco. and the 17 years remaining in the open space acquisition fund, funding stream will provide an additional 38 million dollars, above and beyond all of the expenditures for all three of the acquisitions pursued by the recreation and parks department, there is ample funding available for the acquisitions in the other neighborhoods if it is a matter of finding the right sites to purchase. >> and so in sum, there are three key reasons, and the general plan and it is a park deficient neighborhood and there is mrept of funding available for additional acquisitions. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> hi, jen. >> good afternoon, commissioners my name is jan bloom and i am here to support the san francisco transfer.
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because the area east of sven ace avenue is very dense and heavily built up there is a scarcity of the green space for not only the birds and the threatened wild life but the people and humans as well. and a public park of acres will provide us an opportunity to not only plant abundant trees and plants and shrubs that are native to san francisco but the habitat for the birds on the pacific fly well as well as local wild life, including song birds and bees and butterflies and we have hopes that we can plant a pollenator garden in order to attract the bepopulation, and native plant landscaping also helps to help with the climates and they require little to no extra water, which we think would be
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a gooded conservation idea. and a low use water recapture and recycle to conserve water and educational tool and we also hope to engage the sfpuc for helping us with the water and educational programs, this park will not only provide the open space for the human enjoyment but it is planned to be greened in the newest sense of the word, thank you. >> thank you very much, for being here. next speaker cards that i have, i have margo kelley and i have new access, and i have tina. >> and mr. chairman. >> yes. >> is there a way to abbreviate this hearing, i think that all of the witnesses are in favor, and i certainly count my votes and i think that we are ready to vote yes, just give everybody some time. >> in the interest of expediting the item, could i
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show to your point, only support for the staff recommendation. are there any comment cards or any public comments because i will call them out of order that are opposed to the staff recommendation? please come forward. state your name for the record. >> hi, good to see you. >> it has been like three weeks in a row. >> thank you for being here today. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i am not against open space and i think that it is a great project but what i said to you before, previously the report which is the appraisal report, calls for open space of 128,000 of open space and housing and we have the mayor and the board of supervisors constantly hitting us over the head saying that we need housing and the mayor has on the ballot, in
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november, he wants to have 30,000 units of housing in the city which is new housing and housing that has been brought up to code and so we have to start somewhere and i think that it is very important that we have a minimum of housing and we could have the open space, and we could have the trees, the birds and the bees, but, every part of the city has to take their fair share of the housing needs. and i am just going to, i just listened to some music before i came here and one of my favorite r&b songs by king says that everybody wants to go to heaven. but nobody wants to die. everybody wants housing in the city, but nobody wants it in this neighborhood. or in their own neighborhood. so we have to start somewhere. and i think that we really should have some housing on this site. thank you. >> thanks very much, for being here. and so this is i am on the fly
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now, and rebecca lynn, janine, john, monica, abraham, and tyler, and stephanie, tina and if the next speaker does not touch on the issue that you wanted to present to this commission, feel free to speak and i think that margo kelley will you be the next speaker, and you may be able to wrap this up for us. >> hi, commissioners my name is margo kelley and i am a legislative aid for mark ferrill and he represents the district in which it will be in, he would be here but he is in the board of supervisors meeting that meets on tuesday and so i think that the support from our office can just be sumed up in a couple of really short points. one, i think that it is just more of a thank you. the general manager starting with ed harrington has been very supportive of this and has
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in this puc staff have been so supportive and helpful, and in this process and we really would not be here today if it was not for his leadership and with now, kelley's leadership in getting us to where we are now. and secondly, the rec and park staff are really thoughtful in how they structured the payment terms. and the open space fund, and it allows for like gray said it allows for the san francisco reservoir to be purchased and to be renovated to a park, and it allows for two other identified acquisitions, and allows for 38, over 38 million dollars to be left in the open space fund over its life, for other acquisitions. and in all corners of the city. and then, the third point is really just i think, that this is just 4 and a half acres of open space that we are going to be proud of to see turned into a park at the end of the day and personally i have been proud to work on this project
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and with that we ask for your support. >> thank you for being here. >> are there any other necessary public comments on this item? >> please, come to the front. >> thank you very much. >> rebecca evans, commissioners and i am here on behalf of the sierra club and we support, and i want to respond to the housing comment, there is housing going up and i live less than a mile from here and there is new housing and new housing that is being built and a lot of other priority development areas in the city and no return for this and i have used in my lifetime not to be a part for the citizens of district two, district three, and the china town and the part of city that could use recreation space. >> any further public comment. >> the question has been called.
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>> please come forward. >> who made that rule? >> come forward. >> thank you for being here. >> my name is tina and i am all for this. i just have to make a comment. i have been president of russian hill neighbors for four years, when this subject came up, and supervisor ferrill suggested it and i said, having four neighborhood groups in the north east sector of san francisco has about as much chance of succeeding as surfing in a tsunami and so i just have to applaud this group who has met for two and a half years, bi monthly, without any
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ripples, roughles, waves, or anything, it is remarkable. i mean, this is like a miracle. so, this is i am catholic and so this is like my concession. i was so wrong on this that i just have to tell you that it is so delightful to see that we can work together, and collaborate. and so i am thrilled, and i do believe, 100 percent in it. >> thank you very much for your comment. >> and no sentence for her at all. >> and it is necessary for the comments, and seeing none, public comment is closed. >> i know what commissioner torres saw and i watched him closely, he saw, incredible effort, tons of heavy lifting by people in this room, and not in this room, and when the neighborhood gets together, and they have leadership, like out of district two, supervisor, mark ferrill's office and the staff and all of these organizations and it is like an orchestra and that is why the commissioner torres and i agree with him and that is why he is like i am going to go ahead and call for a vote.
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commissioners? >> if i could make. >> yes, commissioner? >> i think that the effort of the people have put together to make this project a reality is amazing and it is just, as you said it is historic and commendable. and the other thing that we do need to keep track of is making sure that as we dispose of the water department asset that the financial interest of the rate pairs is also kept in mind. i noticed in the materials, that this reservoir was taken for the service before i was born. and that is a long enough time, i think. there have been no shorage of ideas as to how to develop, or improve that property, over time. they have all failed. and i think that we are now in a position, fortunately as being able to say that we can
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actually get a return for our assets and at the same time, contribute to creating something that is very valuable for the neighborhood as well. i think that the, and we have talked about the various valuations and i think that the improbability of development is a key factor and as one commissioner i would roughly have $20 million today and $20 million never and that is why i will be supporting this. >> thank you for your comments, commissioner torres? >> i will call for a vote. all of those in favor, say aye. >> aye. >> and opposed? >> ayes have it and the motion carries, congratulations san franciscos on your beautiful new park. next item. >> the closed session items
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item 13, existing claim.wendy
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and johnny tseng v. ccs. item 14,conference with real property negotiator pursuant to pursuant to government code section 54956.8 and administrative code section 67.8 (a) (2) (ambrose) property: cedar fair lease a portion of bay division pipelines no. 3 and 4 sfpuc parcel 142, santa clara, ca . 15,conference with real property negotiator pursuant to pursuant to government code section 54956.8 >> settlement was raoefmd on item 14. >> next >> item 13. >> item four, we need to move to disclose. >> moved. >> not to disclose. >> and second. >> all of those in favor by saying aye, we will not be disclosing any other new commission business?
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>> seeing none, the meeting is now adjourned, thank you. >> thank you.
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good morning. everybody. thank you for joining us for this meeting of the budget and finances committee meeting. i would like to welcome sf gtv for filming this event. >> city clerk: clerk items today will appear on july 22nd, board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> thank you, madam clerk. we have a long agenda today after our budget season. madam clerk, please call item no. 1. city clerk: item 1: 140619: proposed annual budget and
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appropriation ordinance for selected departments - fys 2014-2015 and 2015-2016]1406191.sponsor: mayorproposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for selected departments of the city and county of san francisco as of june 2, 2014, for the fys ending june 30, 2015, and june 30, 2016. city clerk: item 1: 140619: proposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance for selected departments - fys 2014-2015 and 2015-2016]1406191.sponsor: mayorproposed annual budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and all estimated expenditures for selected departments of the city and county of san francisco as of june 2, 2014, for the fys ending june 30, 2015, and june 30, 2016. good morning supervise 1234. the ladies egislation today is for a future parkland. this is as you may know one of the parks and recreation department outstanding acquisition priorities. it's been on our roster pretty much as long as we've had a roster since the late 1990s. we are glad the time is finally right for the city to purchase the property. this is an image that shows the property. there are a
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total of i think actually about 12 parcels. some of them are submerge. the net land area is about a little over 2 acres. it's located between two existing parks and recreation owned parks. the india basin shoreline park and the indian basin open space used for shipping from the 1860s through the 1990s and it has a lot of historical significant significance for this community. it includes the land structure cottage which is one of the if you remaining buildings in the basin. the purchase of this land is a key component which is expansion and revitalization of this water
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front. the red parcels are the properties currently owned by the clinic which we hope to purchase it at this time. the orange parcels are known as 700. that land is owned by a private developer builtic. and parks and recreation is partnering with it. i will get into that more in a moment for a very significant expansion of new public open space in this area. build ink is planning a new residential site but we want open spaechlts -- space. it's a great opportunity for a regional park. for the past few months, the parks and recreation department -- >> supervisors avalos?
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>>supervisor john avalos: a quick question. how long has that property been there around the ownership? >> i believe they have owned it for 10-12 years. i believe they were interested in housing but they found the bcbd regulatory requirements to be very onerous and there is environmental contamination at the site and they found it would be in their better interest to sell the property and use it from the land sale for housing elsewhere. >> okay. thank you. >> so as i was saying for the past few months parks and recreation has been in partnership for the planning around the future of the open space. we are working closely with the strans parks alliance and the trust for public land and build ink. we also received a $500,000 grant, a
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private conservation area grant which will fund our process and design and public outreach for the public park development. in addition, the partnership may involve a potential land for some portion of their 700 site for some small portion of their site that there may be interested in. it would net the same or greater amount of parkland for parks and recreation, but the purpose of that would be to optimize the size and the configuration and the continuity of public open space. in addition, the san francisco bay trail which is a regional project of the association of government bike trail that will eventually ien circle the entire san francisco bay. there is gain in this area and the park acquisition development would provide the opportunity to complete the important
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segment of the trail. the proposed acquisition at this time the city proposes to go forward with this by having the real estate division purchase and hold the property for a period of up to 24 months and then at the end of that period, rpd would acquire the property from real estate through jurisdictional transfer. the purpose of structuring it this way is that it gives us time and flexibility to formalize and seek these partnerships to help develop the park in addition it will give us time to develop a concept design division parcel before we take up the land. at the holding period at the time of jurisdictional transfer, property would be paid for from the open space acquisition fund. and we have a memorandum of understanding between the parks and
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recreation department, real estate division and mayor's office of public finances which governs the purchases, the financing, the management of the property during this 24 -month period. initially the property purchase would be financed through commercial paper. and the parks and recreation commission will be voting on the memorandum of understanding tomorrow. so briefly the parks and recreation has an acquisition policy that lays out criteria to help us with property acquisitions. the first is to acquire property loektsd in -- located in a high needs area and open space by the general plan is an area that has a high percentage of low income residents, seniors and/or children, high population density and high
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projections for expected growth in the next 25-30 years. this map shows a quarter mile and half mile radius around 900 in the site and the darker areas are higher needs. so you can see there are many areas of motion derately high to high needs of this area that this park would serve. this just shows the surrounding neighborhood context. there are a few other parks in the vicinity. the second criteria is to acquire properties that have identified external sources of funding for acquisition for development and maintenance. in the case of 900. as i said we propose to purchase the property to open the acquisition fund and staff is currently looking into potential funding for development. there may be as i said an opportunity as part of this public private partnership with build inc.
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and it could potentially be something because it's a very large project included in the next general obligation bond for parks. we have not identified a long term funding for the park. that will be addressed during the planning phase in the 24 -month period before parks and recreation takes title. lastly the acquisition policy to acquire property that support a variety of recreational uses. this is a very large site. it's very flexible. it's located right on the water and it has very spectacular views. the weather is very nice and provides opportunities for recreation for sunbathing, enjoying the views, it also offers a great deal of opportunity for active recreation. most water base, boating, kayaking, etc. with the completion of the san francisco bay trail, opportunities for walking, bicycling and lastly opportunities for natural
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habitat restoration, for the creation of wet land habitat and for wild life habitat. so the details of the proposed acquisition, the purchase price to the seller is $2.975 million. the city would be responsible for environmental remediation. parks and recreation has commissioned a phase one and two site assessment which presents a broad range of environmental clean up where they consider excavating 2-4 feet. consider excavating the unpaved area. it will yield a range of cost estimates ranging from under $500,000 to up to $2.8 million. we are working on a more accurate remediation. part of a remediation estimates they like to know
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where you are going to build where so they know how deep the excavation is. we don't know that. we'll have that in the next coming months. we'll expect to ak isses the acquisition fund to remind ate the cost. since it's a legitimate related expense. in addition there is an opportunity for grant funding to the usepa, they have a grant for fields program. we are well positioned to apply for those funds. this acquisition project has very strong support from the india base and neighborhood association as well as the san francisco parks alliance and trust for public land. the parks and recreation and open space advisory committee passed a resolution in support of the acquisition. although they did site -- cite some terms about the remediation