tv [untitled] July 17, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PDT
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past which is really a groovy thing. we have passed the budget in these past years and it's been two people in the audience and now we have 20, and it's really great. having said that, i think -- and personally speaking, i am learning too and so as i look through this and i'm trying to analyze it and understand it, i am learning too. and so i think that as board members we will get better at this and we will -- and staff also will get better at it as we're more comfortable with it and we can really use it as the comprehensive planning tool that it was designed to be. thanks to everyone. i think we're ready for a vote. >> thank you. mr. haney. >> yes. >> maufas. >> yes. >> mendoz-mcdonnell. >> yes. >> murase. >> i. >> wynns. >> i. >> fewer. >> yes. >> six is. >> thank you very much.
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so we're on to our second one, action item, which is a real biggie and that is the fiscal year 2014, 2015 recommended budget. this was moved and seconded on june 10. can we please have a report from the committee as a whole from commissioner murase? >> yes. the committee as a whole back on june 17, and as i mentioned in my earlier remarks, we didn't have very much public comment at that meeting, but there were a number of comments and commissioners that took it upon themselves to come up with suggested edits which should be contained in the budget tonight. thank you very much. so i think it's deputy superintendent lee, i think you're on again. >> thanks president fewer.
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as i did before -- actually, this is a longer request in action. so maybe i'll -- okay. okay. i will note the correction if i may, in the the reading of the requesting action. so this is superintendent's proposal 146-10 sb 2 fiscal year 14, 15 recommended budget. and would it be all right procedurally if i just read the first paragraph? >> that would be great. very all right. >> all right, general council is suggesting that i read the first and the fourth, so i will take that wise advice.
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[inaudible] and the san francisco county office of education be submitted for second reading as the budget for fiscal year 2014, '15 and be placed in the official files of the secretary of the board of education that the superintendent is authorized to make any transfers necessary to correct erroneous account changes in the method of expenditures within the purpose of the appropriation. and then just skipping down to the fourth paragraph, that in accordance with the california education code, the california school accounting manual and governmental stan tardz board, statement number ten, accounting and financial reporting for risk financing and related insurance issues, [inaudible] fund to account for the self insurance activities including workers compensation, general liability, property
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insurance and dental insurance, education code section 39602. >> we have one public comment and that's susan solomon. who minutes please, miss solomon. >> thank you. before i say anything more, i want to correct how i introduced myself the last time i spoke. i am also as the asf member, a member of close the gap coalition. that was relevant in my previous comments and i omitted it. i had a question about page -- and i item on page 65 of the budget where it appears that there is no money budgeted for professional development from qtea, for certificated personnel. now, i understand the background that in our -- in
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previous years money that qta funding paid for the three days of professional development in the contract, so that there was a temporary reallocation of funds, but that money has been restored and we have the three days of professional development coming out of the general funds, but qtea calls for 18 hours of professional development, up to 18 hours for para professionals, early education teachers and k 12 teachers so it could just be it's on another page of the budget, but i couldn't find it. thanks. >> thank you superintendent. is there response to that or -- oh, rita, do you have a response to that? that'd be great, thanks. >> thank you. this is in reference to exhibit
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6 of page 65 that miss solomon's referring to. exhibit 6 is basically all the unrestricted general fund expenditures and the qtea funding would be on a specific page that's for -- if you look at the individual org 135 -- if i can find that page. qta's funding [inaudible] but it would not be on exhibit 6 is all i'm trying to clarify. >> if i may add, there is in the narrative of the budget book, there are a pretty
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>> i have a couple of questions. one, i just wanted for the record, the committee meeting was not broadcast to repeat the comment that i made about the peef transfer for the weighted student formula so that we are aware of that. i mean, what we really want to be clear is to tell everybody that we're aware of this even though honestly, i wasn't until the budget was published. and that is that $8 million is still being used to support the student formula and i've asked that -- i think we all had the idea and we've been speak tg whole spring that all the redirected funds that we had used given the flexibility that we had during our budget crisis were all being restored last
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year during the current year and budget year, but that isn't true. we're still going to be spending $8 million for third, third peef money for general fund purposes and we will eventually, i hope -- at least my request is that we will be given a plan in the coming year for how we're going to, over time, fix that. and actually, i particularly think it's important because we're going to be asking the public to reauthorize the peef this year and we're going to have to tell them this is what we've done with that money, including this, and this is our plan. one other thing about the peef, on page 34 of this budget book there is a description in the -- it's in the description of revenue sources, i think. and -- maybe not. it's -- anybodiway, the
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description of the peef in this [inaudible] blus or minus annual adjustments tied to changes in the city's annual revenues. i really think the narrative should tell us how much that is and we should stop saying $60 million. and in a way maybe it needs language that says kind of recalls for us the way it was implemented or there was a transition period over time where it wasn't that much money during the intervening years and then also we've had the trigger pulled in previous years. this was a very current and not actually completely accurate. i mean, it is if you have any idea what plus or minus annual adjustments means, but otherwise it doesn't communicate what we would want
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the public, especially anybody reading this book is interested in engaged public to actually know about the rev enue that comes from peef. i want to -- i'm sorry to repeat, but i want the public to know about this and not everybody was at the budget hearing. on page 83 where there are -- there's a summary of expenditures, we had a discussion about things that are hard for us to understand how one -- and it doesn't really matter which one it is, but how one budget looks like it's much more for the current year and one looks like it's much less, when actually that's the same money transfer to some place else. and it just made me realize that we need better details about what is spent in these categories.
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i understand that -- you know, if you go to the section on curriculum and instruction, you see some of that, but it's still really hard to understand. it doesn't tell you what we're spending the money on. one of the things i think is very confusing which is peef related, is that in these central office budgets it looks like we're spending millions and millions of dollars on those central administrative functions when actually a lot of those are the school site positions that we've hired through peef because it's peef funded, it's actually in those departments and so there isn't anything really to distinguish between what we actually spend on administrative support for various academic areas and what we actually spend on people that are in the school site so i'm hoping that in the coming year we will find a way to describe that better within the
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budget book and within the budget presentation so that we -- i figure that if we can understand it then we have a chance that the public might understand it, but it's hard for us to understand no matter how well we think we know the budget. i want to just end by saying that i appreciate the comment that was made because i actually think our budget documents, as big and confusing as they are, are just many, many times simpler and more accessible to everybody than they were a few years ago. and i understand that that actually is represented by a huge amount of work by our staff. and by input from the public where we talk about how we can make this more accessible and easier to understand so thank you very much. >> any other comments, questions? wow pree rita, this might be good for you.
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>> i also want to thank, just generally speaking regarding all of our budget processes here, i want to recognize the board for your leadership in helping us to start the process earlier. i want to thank everyone who have lent their voices to the development of the budget, and i especially want to thank deputy superintendent lee for his leadership in really listening to the feedback and for rita and everybody that's been involved, joe, everybody that's been involved in really helping to iterate every year a newer, better version of the budget. our goal is really to be as transparent and easily understandable as possible when somebody picks up the budget. it's a continuing process, it will iterate and continue to iterate on this process, but i want to thank staff who's worked non stop since january to get to where we are today. i couldn't be more proudz proud of the work you've done.
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thank you. >> thanks. commissioner haney, did you have a comment? >> yeah. first yeah, i feel like i should comment. we're voting on the final budget here. i want to thank deputy superintendent lee who's really put a tremendous amount of effort, not just into ensuring that our budget reflects our priorities and particularly around equity and how we spend our money, but also that it's transparent and there are lots of charts and pictures so we can understand it as best as possible. for all of us, it's an ongoing process to make it better so every year we learn something and hear feedback and improve it. so thank you for hearing that feedsback in the way this one is presented. i would say just a few quick things, which is that it was a
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top priority. and i do want to make this clear for the board without say saying a whole lot about it that a lot was and looking back in terms of the sacrifices that our staff has made over the years that we can do as much as possible for them over the budget and balancing and maintaining our [inaudible] that was clear. and then i do think that that for us around mtss there was a lot of questions. i think, you know, in the last couple moments at the meetings over the last couple weeks, i would say perhaps as a board we should have some conversation about it to make sure we understand all the formulas and everything and what's included in there. again, you know, there was the security that i think going in there again as well and i was -- you know, that was added this year and i think, you know, just making sure that as
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those things are changing and we're thinking about potentially funded positions, we all knoll why we're doing it, what the research and what the basis is behind it. i mean those are big decisions that cost a lot of money and i think that the board should be as involved in that process as we can be and ensuring that we all understand it and i think we all -- i'm putting that on the record because i think we should take a responsibility for that because i know it has been around for some time. when it gets here to the end and we say what's that, why is that there? and dep superintendent says it's been there the whole time. i think i'm putting that commitment out there too that we will continue to have that conversation earlier. just the last thing, which is that i don't think we have enough money. i don't think that's a controversial thing to say, but the choices we have to make, the trade offs are ones that we
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shouldn't have to make and despite the fact that we're getting a little bit more revenue from the state, it's not nearly enough of what we need to do for our students. as we think about the future, i think the public should also know that we're still grossly and i would say criminally underfunded in terms of being able to meet the needs of our students and we're doing the best that we can. with that, but the choices are impossible ones and they're unfair so we should also reminds our public that if they want us to do what they should expect of us, we also need to make sure we have an adequate amount of resources to be able to do that. thank you for doing the best that we could with what we have and thank you for your leadership, superintendent, and we're ready to vote. >> superintendent. >> yes. invariably as often happens when giving out thank yous, i
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forgot to thank or deputy superintendent for instruction [inaudible] who i can't tell you how many hours both deputies spent on really leading the budget process. our budget is dripping with equity. it's not only dripping with equity, it's at the core equity, so i want to thank you for your leadership. i couldn't agree with you more, commission erp haney. er haney. it's criminal how we funds education. it's not seen as an investment. and until it's seen that way rather than an expense, we're fighting for pennies. i'm joining with you. let's take that right of sacramento. >> commissioner mendoz-mcdonnell. >> i just want to thank everyone for their efforts on this as well. this is potentially my last budget that i could be approving and so i feel
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compelled to just say that, you know, eight years ago this was a very different conversation that we were having and we spent a lot of time stripping down to some really kind of core foundational work that's been happening in our district. and i think these are always those times where it's an opportunity to reflect on how jek b generous our voters have been because we really don't see that kind of support in other cities across the state. and there were years where we were seeing school districts filing bankruptcy and we were, you know, barely on our two feet, but we've been able to manage. and, you know, to my commissioners' statements about our partners, particularly our labor partners, this has really been some tough years and we're starting to get to a place where we are -- it just feels a little different. it doesn't feel a lot different, but we're still
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trying to do a lot of work with a little bit of funds. and i continue to be really proud of what we've been able to be produce out of san francisco unified school district considering the challenges that we have and, you know, i'm -- i think about the [inaudible], i think about the children's funds, i have think about peef, and, you know, we're going to be going back to the voters in november. those are going to be some really huge asks that we'll be making and those are things that will change that budget up once again if those kind of things don't happen so it really does take a village for us to do what it is we want to do for our children. you know, i've been somewhat silent about the budget because it feels a lot different this time around. we were kind of sort of joking around the amount of red on our
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powerpoints these last few weeks. it's less and less, but still not enough, but i want to thank you for all of your efforts for putting together something that has been a lot easier to follow. i think there are certainly, you know, even as early as last night, places where we would want to see some growth, whether it's custodial services or hearing about how work orders are done with a various small handful of folks, you know. and not that -- that doesn't even start to talk about, you know, what -- the things we want to see in our classrooms, but i just want to thank everyone for all their efforts and i will be supporting this tonight. thank you. >> commissioner maufas. >> i just want to make a tiny comment, which is really to
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thank the staff for just -- it's not super uper different from last year,. commissioner haney, it will next year be better for you. but i just want to thank you all, there is a true difference -- oh, sorry. i'm just saying, next year will be better for you. [laughter] they just look really different and that's just you taking our feedback and hearing from the public and how to understand what we're trying to do here with the money that we have and i think i know the difference because, again, there are not three people helping me. i probably could benefit from three people helping me, but i'm saying i can get through them with that. and i wanted to just thank joe
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for your years of service around this work. >> commissioner murase. >> just very breechly. my view of the budget is we've really sort of dug ourself out of the budget crisis, but not much more than that in this budget. and so in terms of the work that commissioner norton and commissioner fewer launched in all the other commissioners have engaged in in terms of vision 2025, we haven't even really begun to fund our vision of what the school district will look like in 2025, and so while this is a tremendous improvement over the past four, five, six, seven years, where we have been looking at budget cuts and furlough, otherwise known as no learning days, we
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really are only just now digging ourselves out of that hole thanks to the chronic underfunding of the state. so thanks to proposition 30 and the support from the community for local revenues we're at this place, but i would like to emphasize that we really need to make up much larger investment in our school budgets . >> okay. last comment . so i -- i think this book looks way better too, josh. and part of it is the paper's very nice, and it's easier to reads, i like the format. but still, it's a really complicated process, i think, this budget. i would like to simplify it a little bit meaning that -- i'm looking at our multitier
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support from 2013, 2014. you know, it would help if we sort of had the same format as things when we look at this because for example, security was added within this last year. it's hard to compare when there's different things like that. i think that -- and then also i would like -- so it would -- for comparison sake, it would be helpful to have the same columns every year so we can look back and say what resources have been added or taken away. but i appreciate the work that went into this because i think that it was very helpful to have it in the books this year versus on a separate piece of paper. what i'd like to see is the lcsf concentration [inaudible] i just have to say that it isn't a lot of money at some school sites, it's, like, $5,000. what can we do with $5,000?
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even when it's $25,000 you can't buy staff with it. it's interesting to see what the school sites will be doing with this money and if -- what kind of impact it has. of course as [inaudible] said, we're severely underfunded and i think everybody knows that. what i think that might be helpful to understand this too, for me, is that if i could have a copy of what we sent to the state on our budget and then look at it reference to this. this is a very simple form on what we send to the state, do you know what i mean? and this is the appendix that tells me more detail on it. it would be more helpful for me to understand it. this is just huge volumes of, you know, stuff. whereas this tells it very
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plainly, what comes in, what comes out, what's coming into what funds. and then we can look it up and more understand it. i think although these books are really attractive and they are better, josh. it's written in a much more lucid way, i just think that that would be helpful to really understand what i'm looking at. now, another thing that i want to say about the budget is underneath the these mtss, i would like to see restore to practice coaches, where they're at. because that is actually another resource for our schools, right? and i know that we invest heavily in the restorative practice and we've put some money into it, but not only that, i think we've put money into all those other things that support the behavioral rti, all those system supports,
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and you're doing actually in the very right way because you're also upping the nurses, the counselors, all those things that work as this -- that team, you know what i mean? and so we're filling out all the things we couldn't do before, so that's a really fabulous thing. however, i can't help but thing that we're invest in that even
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though i know there's fwraet need across the board. what alarms me a little here is -- and i don't kind of know how i feel about it so i'm going to be completely honest. i don't know about that assistant principal thing as a threshold [inaudible] 550. i mean, i think you teal find out this year whether it's the right number or not. it's just that we have so many schools that are smaller because they're not as popular and they can't attract the population, you know. and so -- but they're very needy, you know . but i see there is some balancing affect there
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