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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PDT

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different forms. it could be -- i think the idea would be if there was a way of doing a two-way bikeway on one side of the street, but within the limitations of the embarcadaro right-of-way, i don't know frankly personally how possible that's going to be. but you could look at wider bikeway on the northbound and the southbound side of the street where they're still split, whether they're at the curb edge or even adjacent to the metro median in the middle. that's a technical possibility as well. and, so, that's all within the scope of what the mta team is going to be looking at is physically what's the width of the embarcadaro, how much of it is subscribed for what purpose, and are there opportunities to rearrange that space so that you could free up more generous space for bicyclists. i do think that it is going to
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have implication for on-street parking along the embarcadaro, but you know, it's too early to tell beyond that framework. i mean, what exactly that you can expect. >> that leads into a question, i guess, because there is only so much space. if we want to dedicate more space to bicyclists, i guess what's the give? is it parking? is it auto lanes? so, how is that going to be balanced? because we may create better traffic patterns for the bicyclist, but then we have more congestion for autos if we have to give up space. so, i think that's going to be a real consideration because it is already congested for autos regardless whether you have bikes or not. >> agreed. i think that's why we wanted to take the idea of developing a conceptual design through this public process rather than load onto ceqa and the other implementation measures because it's too early for us to answer all those questions. like we mentioned before, i
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think the implementation requirements themselves are going to be a public conversation about what the projects are and how you best meet that balance. >> i think you helped, i wasant sure hearing this presentation, but i understood how you're really going to change everything on the embarcadaro really as r as the bike lanes that exist today. i don't know that registered with me initially ~. >> yes, and then i guess to your point about bike safety and compliance with traffic rules. you know, whenever we've gone out to talk about bike improvements along embarcadaro, that's one of the key issues that we hear about. so, i think the bike coalition staff, powell and janice were shy about mentioning those efforts on promoting edge scott nations and awareness about compliance with traffic rules by bicyclists. but i would also note that it's traffic rules by pedestrians, by vehicles, as well as bicyclists that we all do share
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this space together and that there are improvements that we can all make. so, there are going to be efforts -- in fact, i believe that the bike coalition is planning a bike light campaign to -- they have an ongoing education program to promote bicycle traffic rule awareness and that they are planning one for the embarcadaro. >> is it [speaker not understood] embarcadaro. whenever we see new [speaker not understood] throughout the city where bicyclists zoom through it, there is no traffic, they don't think they have to stop at a red sign. it takes a few times getting tickets out there. people say it's serious that we really need to abide by it. i think somehow we need to get enforcement to get the message across. signage is the first thing. if there is enforcement, oh, yes, i have to abide. >> i agree. >> thank you.
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dianne and patrick, really exciting presentation and opportunity and, peter, it strikes me here how many, many years ago you were working on trying to get any bike lanes and trying to get the bicycle transit enhancement through the kind of push back we got. so, the fact we're having this kind of discussion is really very heartening. so, very pleased to see where we're going now. a couple of thing. i also want to thank the bicycle coalition, and to commissioner woo ho's point, dianne raised it as well, but the bicycle coalition really does work with cyclists to try and get them to understand, you know, the complexities of working within the recommending of pedestrians, autos, et cetera, and it's virtually like anything. you have a few bad actors everyone seems to notice. obviously we've all seen red light runners and peaedx that hospital in the middle of the street backwards. i saw last night.
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~ pedestrians there are going to be bad actors everywhere. it really is a matter of [speaker not understood]. they don't look and listen. i really want to thank the bicycle coalition for raising these issues and being a voice and advocates for cyclists. i also feel like i'd be remiss if i didn't point out, too, we're going to be having the blue green rail extending. i'm very excited about the opportunity that's going to present to link the entire waterfront. so, i'm looking forward to having this piece. it's certainly much more congested and is important, but that is in the planning of the blue greenway to ensure there will be opportunities to ensure cyclists have a safe [speaker not understood], and they'll have a chance to see what works well and they can also implement that extension. i do appreciate, too, we're looking at best practiceses.
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many again, i have photos. i won't show you. in leone, i was struck by how extremely well the dedicated bicycle lanes were with the raised area. pedestrians understood it. autos 1250edctionv it. ~ understood it, cyclists. quite congested areas along the waterfront so i do have a few pictures. but one of the otherings in that struck me, too, it wasn't that contiguous system so we're in areas where it wouldn't work to have one type of approach to others and that would allow for a seamless, easier pathway. so, it sounds like that's being contemplated here as well. so, appreciate that. but just having come back from somewhere and seeing how well it really works and how it can work and it absolutely enlivens the waterfront is really exciting. so, i'm looking forward to it.
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again, as we talked about the crowded number of cars along the waterfront i think as we've said so many times, we can get more people on their bicycles, it's healthier and reduce car congestion. the more we can increase travel along the waterfront with people and bicycles, they say one less car. so, i'm very excited about it and look forward to getting periodic reports and updates. so, if you can keep us posted on the pro. and one question i did have was on the new document you gave us. you said it's a draft white paymenter, but you said it was no longer a draft? ~ progress >> we plan on updating the white paper. so, the version that dianne had is the most reese penult you but we are planning on updating it in the future. >> got it. thank you all very much. next item. >> item 13 a, informational presentation regarding the request for proposals for a retail leasing opportunity at
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the pier 29 bulkhead building, located at chestnut street and the embarcadaro. >> madam president, commissioners, my name is mark [speaker not understood], assistant director of real estate for the port of san francisco and i'm here to present item 13 a which is an informational item, informational presentation regarding a request proposal for retail leasing opportunity at the pier 29 bulkhead building. before i start, i want to kind of inform you that this presentation is really twofoldedthv the primary purpose is really to discuss the rfp, one specific site ~ which is the pier 29 bulkhead building. but second airly, we also want to discuss a broader vision of the range of pier 29, ~
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basically the ship version. can't talk about one without talking about the other because they're connected and clearly have synergies. first, a bit of history about the pier 29 bulkhead building. the building was built in 1918 in a new york classical architectural style as many of the other northern waterfront bulkhead buildings are. pier 29 building along with the shed was originally used for maritime and for much of its life was an area for cargo warehousing of sort. in more recent years, pier 29 and the bulkhead building had been used for a variety of mixed uses such as general storage, parking and construction lay down. an event that you probably all remember, in june of 2012, a fire caused major damage to the bulkhead building and the shed. and while the surrounding
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buildings were saved, the bulkhead building was pretty much completely destroyed. soon after the fire, port staff basically -- not port staff, but port rebuilt the bulkhead building, completeding repairs in time for the 34th america's cup events. during the events, the bulkhead building was used by america's cup in support of america's cup events at the site. more specifically, a fairly large portion of the bulkhead building was occupied by the waihiki island yacht club restaurant which is basically a pop-up style restaurant meant only to be used for the event t. was actually up only for about six months. and when the restaurant was removed, the bulkhead building has now subsequently been used on an interim basis for basically supporting the phase
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two of the cruise terminal project. now that san francisco is no longer being considered for a host for the 35th america's cup, port staff believes that it is appropriate time to share some of our ideas with the port commission and the public and to retain and get feedback from you. real estate staff believe the pier 29 bulkhead building represents a valuable leasing opportunity. since it was recently renovated because of the fire, it is in fairly excellent condition and it's also well placed along the embarcadaro adjacent to the soon to be opened cruise terminal and plaza. the leasing of the pier 29 bulkhead building is an important next step in support of the cruise terminal and the plaza where there's already been significant public investment.
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our strategic goal is basically to make the bulkhead building more of a people place. and to basically provide supporting service to the cruise ship passengers and visitors of san francisco and the port, to activate and enliven the waterfront, and to bring the bulkhead building back into economic use. by providing a significant and ongoing revenue stream. we believe that the pier 29 bulkhead building represents a valuable retail opportunity that would serve basically three market street. cruise ship passengers obviously, local tenants and residents and worker in the area, and other visitors that happen to be walking up and down the embarcadaro. the pier 29 bulkhead building now has the potential to undergo a transformation and
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become an integral part of the waterfront. [speaker not understood]. for retail lease to operate a san francisco bay area flavored retail facility with either a single or multiple smaller retail businesses in the bulkhead building. it also gives the port an opportunity to go out to the market on a smaller scale and engage the interest in san francisco flavored retail facility in conjunction with the cruise terminal. the rfp would seek retail operators that can capture local, regional, and international visitors and cruise ship passenger spending as well as provide a retail attractive to san francisco residents year round. one thing i want to make perfectly clear is that this retail opportunity is clearly meant not to compete with other port facilities such as fisherman's wharf or the ferry building.
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we feel that there is a market here to survive on its own without competing in that market. activating the pier 29 bulkhead building will enhance the cruise ship terminal area where cruise ship passenger, neighborhood, community, and invite visiting public into the newly rehabilitated historic building. now i'm going to go to [inaudible]. the slide that you see up on the screen right now is basically the whole pier 29 and 27 complex with the cruise ship terminal and its relationship to the pier 29 shed and bulkhead building. the bulkhead building is labeled number 1 on this slide, and that is the subject of the rfp that we're discussing. in our research, we had our
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consultants look outside, basically [speaker not understood], and look for different themes, and other types of uses out in the world, and we found a number of different they'dv themed retail sites, some which had a transportation hub theme similar to the cruise ship terminal ~, cultural themes with [speaker not understood] in place, sky tree in tokyo. the basic market hull theme, which is the chelsey market idea in new york. and a much more later theme that is coming around and is much more popular now is more of a maker theme with design showrooms and the like. and this is something that [speaker not understood] quite a bit of interest.
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looking at the entire facility, port staff has basically divided the pier and the bulkhead building -- bulkhead building is number one again. that's the topic of tonight's conversation. but the broader vision for pier 29 as it sits here is basically in four areas. we'll go through those one by one. this again is the bulkhead building and what we would be looking for here, this would be at the subject of the rfp. we would be looking for either a single tenant to take the entire space and use it, the possibility of a single tenant taking it as a master tenant and using most of the space and subleasing space that is close to them, but operating it under
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one lease. and a third idea is a consortium of tenants that could possibly band together and use the space for multiple uses. and, again, we're looking for a unique san francisco theme for this, one that hopefully doesn't exist along the waterfront right now. area two, which is basically the southern portion of the shed. we envision this area being used by smaller shops and cafes and the like. a portion of it would be dedicated to cruise only. we've had concierge services, baggage storage, a place where people can buy tours and that sort of thing.
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area 3 is basically the back of the house space. this is -- we consider this to be more industrial space. and in conjunction with this kind of maker theme, we see this being area -- an area producers can actually produce their product in this area and then sell it in area 2 so you can have basically your lab work space and production space in the back and then showrooms and shops in the front. these kind of space create very interesting spaces for people to see and look at, very similar to the exploratorium where you see projects actually being made and the whole industrial process going on right before you. area 4 is an interesting area. this is the very tip of the pier.
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and for those who experience the america's cup and went out to this area, this is a -- it's roofed. it has a roof over it, but it only has two walls. it's semi open and the america's cup used this area, basically i think they had a wine concession out there and i think they had a number of group head and food service. this is an area that's public access and i think bcdc and everybody wants to see it activated somehow. the big problem with this area is that from the embarcadaro out to area 4 is about a quarter of a mile. without a catalyst like a big event like america's cup, it's going to be hard to get people all the way out there. so, we envision this as being kind of an experimental area, an area where we can actually try different things to see what really might work in the future.
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it's an area we might have small special events, you know, events like food truck events on weekends and that sort of thing, art shows, wine tastings and the like. and, again, coming back to the general theme and the total vision of the pier here in this slide. i want to make sure that i mentioned that there's a great opportunity here for local-owned businesses. the port encourages participation of local owned businesses in the rfp process. we want to make sure that happens. we're looking to the public. we're looking to the commission. we're looking to our stakeholders to give us comments and ideas of how we can enhance that element of this rfp. the other thing i want to mention for sure is that this lease must be consistent with
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the waterfront land use plan and all of the uses that we've been talking about are consistent with the waterfront land use plan. and we also want to be consistent with the waterfront land use plan in terms of how we move the process along. in your commission staff package, attachment c is basically directly out of the waterfront land use plan and it outlines the process for public outreach and how we are to go about getting public comment. moving forward, next steps, basically we want to continue our outreach. we went to nuweg on last week. we are going to fisherman's wharf advisory group next week. and we expect to be going to
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nuwag again probably a few times. we're seeking public comment. we're seeking comment from our stakeholders, we're making appointments with stakeholders, and we're trying to draw out as much out of this as we can and as many ideas as we can possibly get. projected schedule is up on the screen. we had started our public engagement last week basically with nuwag. and here we are at the commission meeting and we -- after getting comments, we feel that we could be ready to issue an rfp in the fall of 2014 sometime with some sort of results coming toward the end of the year and making decisions on respondents about that time.
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and then moving for lease approvals by both the commission and board in spring of 2015. so, and of course, the schedules, getting comment and feedback from the commission. with that, i completed the presentation. >> thank you. have public comment, i have a card from marilyn nichols. hello, my name is marilyn nichols and i live in telegraph landing which is just across the street from pier 29. and one of the thing that i'd like people to think about, and certainly you have, i really am impressed with all of the parks that you have created for communities and thought about that, that kind of public access. we don't have that where we are, you know.
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this is a high density residential point when you look at telegraph hill. and there are no big fields for people to play in. now, i understand the need for revenue, and one of the thing that i think most people were excited about at one point was when chelsey piers was one of the groups that was looked at for pier 15-17 which is now, of course, the exploratorium which we're very happy to have. but somehow or another -- and i'm sure that there must be a way to have public access for the community, someplace that, you know -- i understand the cruise terminal is a big deal and i think in this presentation the idea of, of,
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you know, accommodating cruise passengers was mentioned at least seven times. and there are a lot more people who live on telegraph hill and all around the north embarcadaro, and i would just like to say that we need to have some space and some consideration, very much as herron's head and islis creek and everything else is having. so, we'd just like to put that in there and for you to consider in terms of a retail, you know, situation, maybe, maybe someone like chelsey piers in new york. neder, if you see how successful that has been as something that really contributes to the area. and while i understand the need for free space and free parks ~
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for many other parts of the city, yeah, where we live, people are probably well able to afford to pay something or to help subsidize the idea of a park there. thank you very much. >> thank you. is there any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners? actually, dianne, if i could perhaps call you up and you can address a little bit of the history and that may address some of the points raised by the prior speaker. and also if you could talk a little bit about the northeast wharf plaza, the part that is coming in right there along the embarcadaro. >> yes, dianne oshima with the planning and development division. pier 27-29 is identified as a development opportunity area in the waterfront land use plan. and at one time, actually,
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active recreation pier was -- a development opportunity was contemplated for pier 27-29 and even onto 31, pier 31, not at the exploratorium site at pier 15-17. and there had been a development proposal there for active recreation use, solicitation process which the pier had submitted a proposal along with the mills corporation for an active recreation mixed use development project. we had done this in concert also with planning that the port and bcdc had done together to plan for a major public open space, which is actual -- the northeast plaza which is now under construction as part of the cruise terminal project. so, that is a three-acre public park and open space at the tip of pier 27 along the
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embarcadaro that now is being developed as part of the cruise terminal project that had been also contemplated as part of any major development on that site previously. the mills project included a ymca, various active recreation uses and mixed use retail and commercial uses as well. it did not move forward the developers ultimately left that project because of a number of project problems. and for a time, the port had been proposing or moving forward with a cruise terminal project down in the south beach area at piers 30-32. that project which was part of a mixed use development project down at 30-32 also did not go forward. the developer walked away from that because of the cost of retrofit to the pier.
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and with that, the port school program for trying to find an appropriate place for the location of a modern cruise terminal, sort of went out the window for pier 30-32. the port then convened -- actually, mayor gavin newsom convened a blue ribbon committee to look at where else the cruise terminal could go and they looked at pier 27 and that's how we ended up moving the james r. herman cruise terminal project from pier 30/32 up to pier 27. and the park was still it grated into that cruise terminal project. so, at the time that the active recreation use development opportunity was being considered for pier 27-29, one of the big draws for that use was the formal pier 27 shed, the large shed. it was [speaker not understood]
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without posts and pileses that enabled active recreation use to be an opportunity there. and now with the cruise terminal project where we have taken out the old pier 27 and replaced it with a brand-new cruise terminal facility with the remaining pier 29 facility, that is more like the rest of our finger piers where we have piles and structural supports that really make it more difficult to do active recreation planning areas in there because they're broken up by the structure of the pier sheds. so, there has been an evolution in term of an intent 15 years ago to go for active recreation use at this particular location. and because of the events that i just described, it's now evolved into a cruise terminal. the open space is still there. i think the questi