tv [untitled] July 19, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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send the link, commissioners? >> yes. that would be great. any other commissioner reports? okay. next item. >> we have item no. 11. general public comment. >> do we have any members of the public who would like to make any comment on any future small business commission meetings? seeing none, public comment is closed. >> next item. >> item no. 12, new business. this allows members to introduce new agenda items for future business. >> do we have any future business? >> seeing none. next item. >> item 13 is adjournment. >> do we have a motion to adjourn. >> i move. >> second. >> all in favor say, "aye". >> aye. >> we are adjourned.
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[ meeting is adjourned ] >> >> >> well, good morning, everyone welcome to the city hall san francisco the people how's house of san francisco. i am so delighted to be joined by the park commission of the rec and park and as well as phil ginsburg who has the presumption responsibility for the park recreation around san francisco their buses i didn't because the summer has thousands of kids running around and experiencing and playing i want to thank them
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and welcoming a good friend and someone i like to see in this city the pga tour president ted bishop thank you, very much for being here (clapping) >> i'm just excited, in fact, i'll as excited when former willie brown asked me to build that clubhouse at harding park in the earlier 2000s said you have to build it on time o pga officials are coming in and can't be detailed i was happy to put our skill sets together a revitalize our park into a golf facility and that's what we've done and pga park today, i'm here to celebrate the
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announcement lange along what the folks that pga park will be hosting the 2020 knapp and the 2045 president cup at harding park aren't those wonderful world-class events before those arrive in 2015 we will be hosting the match champing to the park those 3 events is the sunlight of a historic collaboration between the pga tour and pga of america in concert with san francisco. we can optional have done that with the for sight that willie brown had but the dedication that the staff has with pga tour and managing harding park and the concerned fester to keeping
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that pa park and that golf course at world-class standards we're proud of the collaboration it's historic in many, many ways it will be the first in so many decades for a major world of golf to be hosted in san francisco i'm proud of the staff working hard with the pga the co-sponsors course is of standard but happy to the pga america for coming here. i know that the pga of america were here in disguise probably a few months ago playing the course and seeing whether or not on the turn of the 14 and 15 hole whether the gsht across the lake were going to be turned off i was wishing on during my opponents hits would those are gunshots go off or be dragon
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boat raise this is an urban setting this is why they choose san francisco to host it the urban setting the parks are extremely valuable on behalf of the city of san francisco thank you sandy tatum for your wonderful leadership in restoring our clubhouse it is restored for a reason. i'm standing be here amidst those trophies and i'm sure the commissioner will mention but let me city in addition to those world-class golf event that bring the best players from around the world in our country to be here and play here in the city to fill our hotels and our great restaurant and all our hospitality i wanted to say i appreciate the pga for another
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important reason. and i know that since commissioner fittings up took over in the mid 90s, the pga tour has raised over one billion dollars in charity for all kinds of causes across the country i think that part of the our dna we wish to have the first t program enriched by all the golf tournlts in alignment with the way we handle all the international fester in san francisco whether a worldly sierra's or superbly 50 all the money raised will go to philanthropic causes the pga match that with the players along with the pga tour management i know have excelled in this arena that's why we're prourd proud to have the
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opportunity to host those world-class events. with that, i want to say again, thank you to all the pga staff the different golf clubs and the staff from our rec and park department and other commissioners and, of course, golf enthusiasts from the entire bay area. i want to introduce at this time a friend of mine and someone i want to see here often hate a our tour commissioner ted (clapping.) so thank you, mayor and we're delighted to be here today to participate in this announcement of next year's in may playing the world golf championship and ted announcements one of the four major chamz in golf will be played in 2020 and the president
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cub back here in 2025. if i could i'd like to look back a second on the beginnings of how we got to this point because today is an announcement of a lot of first, the tours in the pga has announced a series of event that's coordinated in this fashion those 3 particular events played at the same venue and it going back really to 1997 we were in the process of announcing the beginnings of the first t program a program designed to bring golf to kids who historically had not had access to it around the country sandy tatum got in touch with me and have dinner with chuck and other corporate london breed's
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it was sandy's violation toy including but not limited to build the harding park but to create a genuinely venue for first t kids and really use it as a beachhead, if you will, for the center point in northern california area. it was a great idea we were all excited about that i think two years later mayor brown we had a press conference announcing to get it denouncing done another year and another year went bay by but sandy wouldn't give up it was his perseverance that bought 80 us to rebuild harding park and we were on our way and the 2005 with players like tiger words and fold by the president
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cup we learned a lot about the enthusiasm of the fans in the bay area and the diversity of the fans the intelligence of the fans and our players noticed that as well that you had thousands of people who it out 80 taught to handinging park and know it's a wonderful thing to bay play that level of competition at harding park since tln then chamz in partnership with chuck to get the clubhouse built so here we are today, we're excited about this for a number of reasons one to have a major champingship
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played are here this past weekend i heard cbs say over and over again in washington, d.c. the congressional is major champing venue and with ted's announcement today from today on harding park will be referred to as a major champingship venue that's a terrific thing for any golf course and the first t to help it get moving is positive as well. i'd like to spend a second before i bring ed up to talk about for a second the match play champing. we think that having played the president cup at harding and 9 and being existed about it cob in 2025 it sets up for a match
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play that was a factor in deciding to bring it. but also you may not be aware we're bringing it forward with a new format historically we have the top 64 players 2 against 63 they play on wednesday and we're down to 32 players and on thursday we're going to do it differently t next year it's going to be a world-class play cup everyone in the united states being riverside to that formulate in brazil where we'll be playing golf in the olympics nor the be first time in six the players will be broken down into groups of 4, 16 groups of 4 and then on wednesday and thursday and friday they'll play each and cut to the top 16 players out of
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that play to play the 16, 8, 4 and 2 on the weekend why did it important. first of all, it's a lot more golf 96 matches on wednesday thursday and friday it's a ton of golf and one of the reasons we wanted to come here we know the fans will replenish relish the opportunity and the best players will rise to the top and third i think if you're a steve stricter barbara watson or tiger woods you'll follow your favorite player to get sgo the round of 16 one that will create a a lot more enthusiastically and excitement so we're going in
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a new direction in san francisco and i want to comment that starting about sandy in all those years the relationship with the city and the mayors that perverted our mayor and this mayor that did this arrangement it worked well, with the partnerships so, now as i bring up ted bishop ted became the president of the pga a year and a half ago in my view he's a great visionary with the game of golf he likes to do things differently and take everything so a new level and the decision to come to the west coast and harding golf and playing at another golf co-sponsors is a new direction ted congratulations for that and your partnership and we wish you
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well, as we work together in the next 15 years together. ted bishop (clapping.) well, you know today is certainly a very monumental day in the history of pga in america and certainly in the golf community in san francisco i'm here to announce it the pga champing will come through harding park in 2020 and will mark the first time in the one hundred and 2 year history of the pga championing that will be played in the great city of san francisco this would not be possible - thank you (clapping) this certainly would not be possible without the great collaboration with the city and county of san francisco the pga tour and the pga of america and
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mayor ed lee and thanks to you and phil givens berg and tim this seems like another step in a lot of the things we've been able to accomplish working together in the past 20 months and look forward to a great future for the pga of america and iceland be remissed if i didn't say thank you to our chief officers (clapping) at the pga of america quite honestly we got this deal done fast and it was certainly not without they're great efforts but i think the thing that's important for everyone to understand the pga officers and the pga board of directors have been committed to trying to find a site for west coast pga champing for basically, the passing past year we couldn't be
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more proud of the fact it is going to take place at the harding knowing park. we know the friends the northern california pga sections are going to be great hosts you've done f this before we we look forward to you guys doug doing a fantastic job. the u.n. the 2020 pga champing is going to help us showcase the strongest field in prime time television that's one of the factors it cause us to come to the west coast and gives the pga of america the flexibility in an olympic year to moving our champing to another point in the golf calendar assuming we can work this on the one hand without the pga schedule. we view this partnership with the city and county of san francisco as one that is going
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to be very important to us in the decades of the future i want to see that this is the only venue in san francisco that the pga of america had my interest in bringing a major champing to this is the only venue we'll have discussions with we couldn't be prouder mayor ed lee and ted the reasons are simple it wasn't hard to get fired up bugs i love history and diving into the history of harding park and seeing what this place is to golf i think it totally unisolated i was contacted by two champions i want to quote them first of all, tiger woods great memories of marreding park
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and it's great to see this played significant renovation were made to the course and it's exciting this is the first pga champing in san francisco also from phil harding park was an excellent host for the president cup and now can host the major champing i'm excited to have one of the golfs biggest events. i thought this announcement is really special because it means that the pga champing is going to be played in back to back years in 2019 and 20 at the two the municipal golf course in new york and in 2019 and obviously in harding park in 2020 on the west coast i thank pga of america to play the champing
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added municipal golf course makes a profound statement that's one that is important because putting golf is a primary entrance and 80 percent of the rounds are played on public golf course and as a packing professional that spent the last 43 summers as me as wanting to be part of the announcements is a special thing to me personally you know, harding park in a lot of ways is truly the essence of public golf it has holstered mia many champing but no more than the champing that was played between harvey ward nonresponsive tens of thousands of spectacles and ken father was the head professional player
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here and today ken holds the golf record he had the dpigs distinction of the holes at harding park i've played with john and have a debating feat it i can't imagine but there's other people that harding park is special i was cracked by johnny miller he said you you know, i have so many fond memories of harding park and the putting green is where i became a great putting eerie got into putting games and really felt lying it made me the putter i became when i went on the tour as a kid i loved going to harding park you'll see ken and bob and george archer it became a great place to hang out i owe
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hi. my development as a player to harding park it's a profound statement and tom watson played many round when he was a is the at stanford university and we have a city champion and one of the needed it things in the 4 byron nelson back the only player to win two events on the same course in the same year when he won the victory open in san francisco. like so many other public golf course in community all over this in addition the atmosphere here is absolutely magnetic for generations of golf percent are the last thing i want to say it's a special day for one man in the room. next week sandy tatum will turn
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94 years old without his tenacity and we know that hardingably park would not will exist exist it was used in a tournament as a parking lot i thought dan said it p there was a time in the history of the golf course we hoped would be used for the champing when you see the evolution and where hardingably park is today not that long ago mr. tat up a great effort to you and the city of san francisco thank you (clapping) i don't think i can say it better than tom watson in a conversation about over the weekend. without sandy's character and the respect he commands this po.
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thank you (clapping) >> thank you we're able to take a few questions up here if people wish to while you're thinking ted bishop and i share a history we going both have a two hole in ones he's a pga professional i'm just a mayor. anyway any questions? all right. thank you. again, thank you for being here and thank you, again president bishop and commissioner. turns out here to san francisco. we're a world-class city i we provided ourselves in hosting events that really take advantage of our setting but
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also in the arena of supporters to have the pga here compliments and brings people together and raises money but raises great charity events something sandy and charles have worked to establish the program. there was so much that's reflected in those great tournlts that's a history of harding park and how we revitalized it it's participator hospitality and it's international event when you say the r see the finding cup and lutz all the players come and enjoy themselves you're coming to a city with 74 general council offices it compliments and supports our business it
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reflect the values of what a great city like san francisco what it's all about >> (inaudible). >> we had a vision it had to begin with someone that's why there's praise for sandy and charley and willie brown perhaps we would have been happy to host a few tournaments like charles swabbing finals and getting lucky with the president cup but now it reflects the dedication here i know the staff at rec and park are very happy they know now they are on a day to day basis working on a world-class venue that the best players in the world obey happy to be playing on. thank you, everybody
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(clapping.) >> well done ♪ >> welcome to hamilton recreation and aquatics center. it is the only facility that has an integrated swimming pool and recreation center combined. we have to pools, the city's water slide, for little kids and those of you that are more daring and want to try the rockslide, we have a drop slide. >> exercises for everybody.
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hi have a great time. the ladies and guys that come, it is for the community and we really make it fun. people think it is only for those that play basketball or swim. >> i have been coming to the pool for a long time now. it is nice, they are sweet. >> in the aquatics center, they are very committed to combining for people in san francisco. and also ensuring that they have public safety. >> there are a lot of different personalities that come through here and it makes it very exciting all the time. they, their family or teach their kids have a swim.
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>> of the gem is fantastic, there is an incredible program going on there, both of my girls have learned to swim there. it is a fantastic place, check it out. it is an incredible indication of what bonn dollars can do with our hearts and facilities. it is as good as anything you will find out why mca. parents come from all over. >> there are not too many pools that are still around, and this is one-stop shopping for kids. you can bring your kid here and have a cool summer. >> if you want to see some of the youth and young men throughout san francisco play
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