tv [untitled] July 19, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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there's always the group thing it's more expensive and in this case it's reasonable to have a joint independent audit. >> do we have a motion and a second. >> please announces your vote. >> commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. commissioner johnson. madam chair the vote is four i's >> please call the next one. >> public comment on non-agenda items. >> that i any public comment on that item? there are no speaker cards. >> is there this anyone i came back pick on. >> the next order of business report of the chair. >> thank you very much no report of the chair just reiterating this will be my last
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>> everyone to the tuesday, july 15, 2014, meeting of entertainment commission i'm bryan tilly chang please turn off our cell phones if you're here speak on an item agenda hand your speaker card to our staff we'll let that speak at the appropriate time thank you to sfgovtv for airing this to the public.
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>> commissioner campagnoli. commissioner lee. commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde. president tan. we have quorum i have note from commissioner perez that he's on his way and commissioner akers will be absent tonight >> all right. so our first item of business is public comment this is for any public item that permanence to the matters of the entertainment commission anyone want to speak on anything not it on the agenda but we should know about. come on up and state your name >> hi, i'm michael i want to congratulate steven lee for being reappoint i wanted to it wake him up over there but thanks. >> great. any other public comment?
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if not i'm going to close it seeing none, public comment is closed. move on to item two approval the minutes of march 29 our commission retreat. i move to approve >> there's a motion is there a second. >> second. >> great any public comment on our minutes? i don't think so any take a vote. commissioner hyde. commissioner joseph. commissioner lee. commissioner campagnoli. president tan. >> and then we also have the minutes of june 17, 2014, any idiots or comments on those? if not happy to make a motion >> i move to approve moved and seconded seeing none. same house, same call?
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>> sounds good item 3 is our report if executive director cain. >> good afternoon, commissioners support and sweet it's been a while since we've been together but things we've recorded on continue to move along i don't intend to repeat anything but update on the late night task force on late invite transit hopefully in your packet i included something that ben has put on the night life sf website you guys see this? it's basically a package where sorry technical problems is a page we'll keep update you'll check in on the task force all
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the agenda will be there and anything relevant to anything basically over 5 months in addition to whatever reports come out from the consultant that we've got working so again encourage everybody here and maintain listening to use sf and it's great to have this up there this is a way to take a look at it. and then i included a wedge digest for a piece of legislation that was introduced i think a week ago by supervisor breed regarding changes to the police and planning code on medicare announcement devices and arcades you'll call the gold
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watch that may have come before you needed a change to allow them to have the number of machines as well as other places in the market to supervisor breed and there might be some co-sponsors putting forth the legislation changing the zoning for the arcades in the locations but to more than news the section of the code we use pretty much machineal things most people think it's a weird name we're talking about games it take coins to operate so there was a lot of language in there that hark end back to the days when kids played hookie in video arcades and the supervisors office is to bring
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this legislation to current standards, if you will, and then what this will do it unregulates things we've overregulating in their view so, anyway it's going before i'm not sure which committee do we know yet maybe land use because it's changing a planning code but in my event it will impact it commission i'll bring i up to date the numbers open the digest will give you the legislation so it's 18 pages making small changes takes a lot of paper. so this man sitting beside me is mr. jordan paul i didn't he started with the commission a week ago as our new executive
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we're at full staffing finally so jordan has been out on the street one weekend and we've been in the office a few days and shawn burke is his immediate supervisor and trainer and i just want to welcome him and if - he'll speak about the activities on the weekend but you want to say anything? you need to do that into the microphone and hello, i'm glad to be part of the team >> welcome broad. >> that was a long time in coming i'm sure you're aware of so then lastly just relate to the public comment commissioner lee did get approved from the rules committee on thursday but he has to pass the phone bill as
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well as leon frost is he here oh, there he is i don't remember is it lieutenant it was okay. i'm bad at ranks but lieutenant ross retired will be joining us after commissioner campagnoli last meeting this evening he has to go in addition through the board the 30th of july is the date that the mayor's office will be swearing if all goes well at the board of supervisors he'll be sitting at our august meeting. i think that's going to do it for me unless you have any questions >> no. >> for the record commissioner perez is now present. >> i wanted to say on the record it's expressive the
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latest transportation i think seeing the cross section of people that are there not only the entertainment folks but the hotel and restaurant industry shows a testimony to the kind of board cross of people that we're trying to impact with this i'm excited to see what will come over the next 6 months and everyone out there please come by and give us your genocides so welcome broad. any questions or comments oh, pass on to shawn >> good evening, commissioners and staff. many, many weeks has passed and many, many events two outdoor events one was pink saturday and the fillmore jazz festival we
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had one constraint west of fillmore street we'll address that in the following year and in planning when we do inspections for are next years festival i spent a total of 2 hours towards the exit of the event in the earlier hour there was inconsistent in security i talked to some security officers and a couple of sisters about being more consistent and making sure to check everyone out. there's been an ongoing issue with dim rum and 16 the street in general with the bars and entertainment around there over
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the past month or so the alley situation has improved quite significantly i went by jordan and i spoke to the security at the delirium they've added new security and a lot of it falls on them they're the ball sort of at the intersection of 16 we're going to continue to keep on eye and we're looking good if not it maybe good to involve for bars in this area along the 16th corridor it continues to fill in and get everyone on board to keep the street unsuccessful a couple of certifications we had
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a good run we came to realize that one of the policies that they seven hundred they'll enforce at our last meeting was to put restrictions on sound systems in the contract was not done and due to a complaint their contracts didn't state decimal limit or providing sound systems for their clients we issued a certification and the cafe had conditions the police and the club owner and in the after receiving the complaint i went by to see number one, the companies were upheld so a citation was issued and this past weekend we see the side
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door was open on one place after two verbal violations we'll follow-up with a citation if we see that again, it's interesting to say we after all this time and the recent complaints we have a residential sound test and a quick updated from the red deflg 65 polk we've agreed to keep the side door closed after 9 o'clock and we're working with the management to try to quill some neighborhood concerns club malibu and the chapel have been issued new things to their proprieties they've going up and
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down gone through training with their staff urging the decimal meters we'll be endorsing that and last bit - the piece was a meeting with staff and sfpd on july 9th this meeting was called after an original incident on june 8th and one incident that was fairly publicized in the media online and a photocopy incident i witnessed on june 22nd some concerns over security and those were addressed within the first meeting on july 9th. any questions for me?
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>> go ahead commissioner joseph. >> you can give them decimal level but the problem is the base did you tell him they had to turn off their frequency sisters i understand the neighbors are vibrating it's not the upper decimal level but the base how are you addressing that. >> i work with them closely we're hearing or what i heard with the residential sound tests it was the drums it was tubbing by a it was frequency that they're not amplified through their pa and they've got a couple of options to do this they can modify their booking or try to use a couple of strategies to have people play quieter and really manage their sound checks and booking
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progresses to try to manage the annoying noise that's escaping. i think the dj aspect under control the part through the pa is under control the issue is trying to determine the mreflgz the raw instruments are producing >> they have a whole wall that's just like sheet not sheetrock - help me i don't know the word. >> plywood. >> plywood that's not sufficient are they going to sound prove it. >> they've sound proved accident rear inside walls that go up the alley one time they were thought to be the culprit and i think that the plywood
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wall on the alley is an issue as well as the ventilation system the real issue after going into the residences the real issue is the skylights. >> skylight and the base is shooting through the skylight a block est not just the residents on the alley but one block up is seeing it so in my experience if the building isn't something conceptually with an owner you can modify the modification has to come from the booking and the management of sound check so i think those two circumstances are pretty similar. but when it comes to they are different the chap he and malibu when our allowing alps to be
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turned up and hit a certain level it's harder to manage those raw implementations at malibu. but it's i don't think it's our issue their building is not up to - >> but they can box in the skylight. >> they can but i think at this point the residents shouldn't have to wait for that process to be implemented. >> okay. thank you. >> any other questions for inspector burke. mr. poly i didn't say going to wake up i recorded on friday he's golden going to wrap up on saturday >> can i make one quick comment i know we put dates on the reports but can you put those across the citations thank you.
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>> hello, again i'm going to talk about saturday night it was a little bit more racked than friday it was cold and quiet so basically, we decided to do was follow-up with the night before on rye and made sure they were in compliance to keep the backdoor shut this was the source of sound bothering the neighborhoods they were in compliance i conducted a walk through at club monroe for training purposes the club was added capacity but no problems observed we used the house of security to keep the sidewalks clear for the minor problems the night before. we the two inspectors one at feedbox 314 a basic permit and
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check they were in compliance and the same time at butter they were in compliance that was the only thing notable on saturday >> commissioner hyde. >> i was thinking about malibu i have not gotten a lot of e-mails recently are they doing better or. >> i did not receive any they've got my direct line at work and on my cell phone i've met with all 3 resident personally in their homes. i did not receive a message this past wendy informed them i wanted to hear from them in if
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the sound became too much for them and i didn't receive that. i think they have the conversation the issue is being addressed and this weekend will be the start of pretty hard enforcement about this decimal level or malibu could have a weekend where the band were not allowed but i think over the course of the past two weeks me requiring them to purchase a sound meter they've have harder restrictions inside. i hope maybe that they've made an extra special effort but acknowledgment will tell so i think things have calmed down and things calmed down after i
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visited the residence >> yeah. i was wondering because if it's because if it's not the base it's the bands that's one of the original issues they have to tune down the bands we talked about that. >> right. >> a that's why. >> and they're not booking an array of different acts to cut out a metal band here. >> i know that amplifying the trumpets is that still happening. >> i've yet to witness any brass anything like the keyboards and base guitars but the real source the things i'm hearing that night from the residents homes was definitely a
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kick on the tubbing by a. >> yeah. and i love your anti tub by a. >> their distinct they make a distinct sound i love it, too. there's a comment from commissioner lee >> when you talk to the owners are they planning to update their installation that when you talk about the skylight. >> so the big issue that faces malibu is the inability of the building owner to make upgrades. i wasn't involved that the preliminary discussions as far as trying to enclosure the ventilation or the skylights but the impression i'm under the building ownership will not allow them to install sound
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proofing on the roof and the building person will not pay for sound proofing to be installed they're in a bit of a testimony too here. >> any suggestion of sound curtain maybe behind the band. >> i think i think that's not the source of the issue. and they don't have neighbors that will be disturbed out in front of the building or really on the side of the building >> it helps to absorb some of that. >> yeah. i think the only way to do the booking they're doing now and to have the type of club that they're going for is to make some really.
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>> changes. some improvements that's been not allowed by ownership >> i have a question for staff is that an issue for code enforcement to the building owner? interest does anyone know. >> so in our meetings with the club ownership not the building owner the building owner was told by the city to install the ceiling fan he didn't want anybody touching it it could be but it was required by the city by tut the building department can pose that to the building department to see if they'll pursue it but some point i don't
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think so. >> malibu has investment everything in their power we're going to end up saying they can't have live music for something like that because it leaks out and the building cannot be fixed i mean. >> that could be the case there's evenings they were able to have music and control it we'll have to be strict on what they're putting out there. >> commissioner hyde. no >> one question about malibu when you're at on optimal level when jordan is trained how is it going to be divided only one inspector on duty or two, how is it. >> we've been by that time around
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