tv [untitled] July 19, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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person firm or corporation may keep one cow upon any lot within the city and county of san francisco along as they receive a permit from dph. they can technically keep up to two cowses as long a the cows have access to at least one acre of land and/or obtain a second permit. obviously i don't believe there are that many cowses in san francisco. after consulting with department of public health, we found there are no permits for cows in our city and that in the 32 years thatth current manager has been on the program he has never seen a permit issued. given that i have asked the city attorney to strike the section from our health code as outdated and unnecessary. another outdated law during the contest has to do with requirements for gasoline stations in our city. in our health code article 12 section 725, gasoline stations are technically required to have at least two bathrooms, one for males and one for females. i am all for providing bathrooms at gas stations, but requiring at least two separate
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bathrooms, both separate secondes can be costly and unisex has been the trend [speaker not understood] we can be flexible with the city. i have asked the strona mend this code so they are only required to have one bathroom on-site to serve the needs of guests and reduce the cost of doing business in the city. there are a number of other serious issues that were raised. we're doing a lot more research on as staff and my office to see if there are issues we can bring forward to the full board here. but i do want to thank [speaker not understood] from my staff who hoox been running a lot of this open data open gov work. i have to say overall i was really impressed with the participation from our city's youth and college and law students from here in the city. we continue to live in what is becoming the global center of innovation and this is one way to engage our residents what we do in city hall. look forward to continuing to utilize this tool and technologies to modernize what
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we do herein side of city hall including our legislation. and, again, i want to congratulate the scholarship winners. the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. okay. supervisor mar? >> thank you. i have several item. the first addresses san francisco's growth wealth divide between the haves and the have nots. i'd like to thank supervisors campos, cohen, supervisor chiu for joining me in calling for the digital divide in our city. last week the san francisco chronicle came out with an editorial calling the digital divide a disturbing divide, citing a field poll study done saying 25% of californians, about a quarter of everyone living in our state do not have adequate access to high-speed internet. i think it raised some concerns
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for me of one of the wealthiest cities in the world. one of the regions of the world that perhaps is a tech capital of the world and how many children and seniors and others are left outdated without access to the internet. and i'm calling for the hearing and study done by the budget and legislative analyst to look at this issue. from access to public services to helping children accomplish their schoolwork, we all depend on fast and reliable internet access or many of us do. as a single father, i often have to appreciate how easy it is for me to find summer teen programs, learning opportunities, free and low-cost events, but also if i need a health answer when my daughter is sick, i can go into that. i know many people don't have that access. i also wanted to share that i think resources and social capital and resources is something that are available to those of us that know how to go for information. but if we don't have access to
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the internet, it makes it much harder. so, i believe that the 25% of californians, it's probably a similar amount in san francisco, the digital divide. it's not just a digital divide. it's health divide t' a safety divide, a human divide in many ways as well. so along with supervisors cohen, campos, [speaker not understood] and chiu, i'll be asking the budget analyst to help us figure out what the divide is and ask our board of supervisors to figure out how we bridge this divide. and, again, i suspect that it's huge, it's hidden and it really is leaving a lot of people behind, many of them children. i wanted to also acknowledge that the chronicle's editorial board wisely said that some progress had been made in broadband access. if you have a smart phone like many of us do, they cite that higher percentages of noncitizens, latinos, african-americans and low-income households access broadband at home using only a
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smart phone. 8% of california adults have only a smart phone to connect to the internet at home. and the problem is the fields poll, people who have a smart phone to connect to the internet are far less likely to build digital skills and access online banking and parents are likely to use their home computer to help their children with schoolwork. and lastly, the state has set some ambitious goals which i'm somewhat skeptical whether they'll be able to make, but the state has a goal to achieve 80% home broadband adoption by 2017. so, that's about in less than 3-1/2 years, i believe, and it seems really unlikely that they will be able to do it without some serious help. my hope is san francisco, once we identify what the digital divide is, that we have action steps that we as a city move forward with to make sure that nobody is left behind from the booming econ nip and the booming technology that we are seeing in the city. and my other item is a sad in
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memoriam and i'd like to close the meeting with the support of co-sponsor supervisor david campos in honor of an amazing giant for immigrant rights, for senior access, and for for the poor and the vulnerable in our city, vera hale, also known as vera hale dallenburg. she was a leader, colleague, and friend within the senior and disabled community activist -- and i miss her very, very much. commissioner hale, she was an immigrants right commissioner. she passed away peacefully at kaiser in san francisco on the evening of july 9, 2014. while holding the hands of her twin daughters dianne and laura. that's dianne [speaker not understood] and laura [speaker not understood]. commissioner hale was a lifelong advocate who
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challenged the city to do its very best for immigrants, seniors and all low-income under served communities. she is also the former director of the north of market senior services and really was a tremendous leader in supporting immigrant communities. she was a native of knoxville, tennessee, the only child of frank and vera hale. she moved to san francisco after graduating from antioch in ohio and earned her masters of social welfare and other social welfare leader from u.c. berkeley. commissioner hale began her long and notable career in special service in san francisco's department of social services. then she went on to an amazing agency self-help for the elderly in san francisco's chinatown, and then served as the executive director of the north of market senior services now the curry senior service center where she helped develop a number of innovative neighborhood based programs. retirement only brought more opportunities for her
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leadership. she served on the aging and adult services commission in our city, the advisory council to the aging and adult services department, the mayor's long-term care coordinating councilmember ~ council and i'd like to thank benson nadal for helping honor her also. [speaker not understood] and a founding board member of the community living campaign. and she's been active with the coalition of agencies serving elders and seniors or case, that's collation of [speaker not understood] serving elders and also senior and disability action formerly the senior action network. she served on the commission for immigrant rights since its beginning so she was a member that we have a lot of consistency in our immigrant services and advocacy for the city. and she provided rich insight on elderly immigrants in our communities. she also served on the immigrants right commission [speaker not understood] for years and was considered to be the commission's oral historian
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and expert. earlier this year mercy housing california -- and i'm so happy, and the saint anthony's foundation broke ground on a building, a home, a place that we now will always know as vera hale elder residents. located at 121 golden gate avenue in san francisco's tenderloin in supervisor jane kim's district. named in honor of vera hale, thes are ~ residence is a 10-story apartment community for low-income senior. the building is also the location of the saint anthony's dining room social work center and the free clothing program. one of commissioner hale's favorite jazz songs and mine, too, was john coultrain and i'll always remember her when i hear the soprano sax in the amazing song. when i think of her and what she's done for the city. some of her favorite things to do included suny days and warm weather in san francisco which
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we know how precious those are. socializing with her friends and family, music, movies, traveling, cruises, yoga, cashmere sweaters, museum, street fairs, dance festivals, thrift store shopping, fragran flowers, her dog, family trees, visiting little towns, listening to jazz at simple mesh you'rex in the richmond district. ~ measures. [speaker not understood] working on her autobiography, spending time at her weekend hooch in sonoma, and of course she was very involved in our politics in san francisco as an activist for many issues that were close to her heart ~. she also enjoyed extra sour, sour dough bread, cheese, fresh fruit, picking blackberries, extra strong coffee, dark chocolate and cheesy grits. memorial will be scheduled for her at a later date which will be announced on her website at
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www.vera that's [speaker not understood], american friends service committee that's afsc, community resources section, church of the savior in knoxville, tennessee, and sda senior and disability action/planning for elders in the central city. i'd like to ask if there are any others of us that would like to close the meeting in vera's honor and also if supervisor campos would like to make some comments. >> thank you, supervisor mar. supervisor campos. >> thank you. i just want to thank supervisor mar for doing this in memoriam. you know t it's really hard to imagine -- it's actually
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impossible to imagine the immigrant rights commission and immigrant rights movement in san francisco without having vera hale involved. she was so many things to the movement, but i think key among which she was, was the conscience. and, you know, at some point later on the agenda i will be talking about the plight of the unaccompanied minors. and you can just picture vera hale speaking out against that injustice [speaker not understood] humanity. i just want to say that for me and my staff, being able to have commissioner hale's voice, being able to talk to her about the various issues that are impacting the immigrant community was something that
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made our jobs possible. i know that i am a better person, i am a better supervisor because i was able to interact and work with vera hale. and i know that of all the things that can be said about someone and what they believe in in this world when they pass is that the world has been a much better place because you are in it, vera hale. you will never be forgotten. you will always be remembered. and as a formerly undocumented kid, thank you for what you have done for so many kids and so many families. god bless you. rest in peace. >> thank you, supervisor campos. supervisor cohen and supervisor avalos will add you to that in memoriam. >> actually i'd like to be added as well. >> president chiu and supervisor breed, okay.
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>> can we do it on behalf of the full board? without objection that shall be the case. [gavel] >> thank you, mr. president. supervisor wiener. >> thank you, madam clerk. today i am introducing a resolution co-sponsored by supervisor campos and supervisor chiu, once again calling on the fta to lift the ban on gay and bisexual men from donating blood. this archaic rule was put into place in the early 1980s when the height of the hiv/aids crisis, when there was just -- we had a really bad situation and we didn't know a lot about the virus and the prevention and treatment protocols are not where they are today.
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most people don't realize that 30 years later, if you are a gay or bisexual man, you are categorically prohibited from donating blood. it's discriminatory. it has no basis whatsoever in public health, and it dee ~ dee ~ deprives the united states of critically needed blood for people who need a blood transfusion in order to survive. on friday was the national gay blood donor day, for people who are gay men or bisexual men to go to -- not to dee nate blood, but have a friend donate on their behalf or write out a note to the fda asking for a rule change. it's really awful this rule was in existence since 2010. [speaker not understood] and supervisor dufty offered a resolution putting the board on record in opposition. it's a shame that four years later the policy is still in
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place. so, we can keep working and hope that this outdated rule will be repealed and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor wiener. supervisor kim, you wanted to say a few words about commissioner hale. >> thank you. my apologies. i also wanted to add in my thoughts on commissioner vera hale and wanted to thank supervisor mar for putting forward such a lovely summary of the accomplishments of vera. she was a tremendous, tremendous force here in city hall and throughout the city. as an advocate for our low-income residents, our seniors, our disabled. and as a woman elected, it was really amazing to see the sheer force and strength of this woman who had been doing this work for decades. and i just really want to honor her life and i'm excited about the opening of affordable senior housing in the tenderloin in her name. it's not always that you get to
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see your own naming before you pass, and i'm really glad that her and her family got to see how important her life and achievements have been before she left us. i think it was a huge shock for so many of us to know we won't be seeing her any more, or i won't be seeing her in her office, as she holds me accountable and she always, always held me accountable to the needs of our constituents. so, rest in peace, rest in power, vera. much honor to you and your family. >> thank you, supervisor kim. supervisor yee. >> i submit. >> supervisor avalos. okay. supervisor campos? >> thank you. thank you very much. and i want to thank supervisor mar again, and also want to thank supervisor wiener for introducing the item on the prohibition on gay men and sort of the donation of blood, getting blood from members of the gay community doesn't make
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you gay, it doesn't make you dress better or anything else. it's just -- it makes no sense that this policy remains in place after so many years. i have a number of item today and i'd like to begin by going back to an item that was previously mentioned in the context of our budget, and that's specifically the issue of what's happening with our nonprofit workers. we are in the middle of an affordability crisis. and as we have seen in the last few years, between fiscal years 2008, 2009, and 2011, 2012, nonprofit agencies have not received a cost of doing business increase from the city and that's the fact. even though we have seen rise in costs in san francisco to the point that san francisco right now has the fastest
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growing inequality of any city in this country. and we are asking [speaker not understood] of our nonprofit workers, you know, they are in the trenches doing a lot of important work and i think that it is only fair a we ask so much of them that we also help them to be able to at least make the city that they're working every day to make a better city, at least somewhat affordable to them and their families. so, i am introducing today a resolution, and i want to thank my -- the following colleagues who are co-sponsoring. supervisors mar, supervisor yee, supervisor avalos, and supervisor cohen, that essentially says that the board of supervisors shall prioritize approval of a supplemental appropriation of up to $3.4 million during fiscal years 2014-15 which is actually the
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estimated cost of .75, cot of doing business increase for these agencies. the funding allocation for these purposes would come in the event that we have higher revenues than are currently projected for fiscal year 2013-2014. and i think this is a very fiscal response way of addressing an issue of providing a cost of living adjustment for these workers. if revenues are high, then we project why not commit those funds to help people who need the help, especially in the mid of an affordability crisis. so, i look forward to this item going forward and look forward, colleague, to having your support. and, again, i want to thank my colleagues, and i especially want to thank the workers who i think have been quite patient as we are finalizing our budget, and i think this is an opportunity to close that gap that i think needs to be
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closed. the next item that i have is a resolution that calls upon the city and county of san francisco to renew our commitment to women's reproductive rights and women's reproductive freedom. as we know, there have been a number of rulings by the united states supreme court that essentially favor the rights of for-profit companies and religious organizations over the individual rights of women, not only in this city, but in this country. this recent war on women, in my view, is unacceptable. women without adequate access to contraception and basic reproductive health care face countless challenges. and here in san francisco, fortunately we have a long history of supporting women and their reproductive rights. in 2013 i sponsored legislation to create a buffer zone around
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women's health clinics to [speaker not understood] we saw against those women. currently i'm working with women health advocates, our city attorney's office, and other community members to determine the status of a buffer zone ordinance in light of the recent decision by the u.s. supreme court. they have been in the last ten years more than 140 recorded instances of clinic blockades and close to 5,000 recorded incidents of violence against a abortion providers here in the united states and in canada. and in san francisco, where we have always stood up for the rights of individuals, i know that notwithstanding what the u.s. supreme court has done, that we will continue to work tirelessly to protect a woman's right to choose, to decide for themselves what to do with their bodies. so, i'm very proud to be introducing this resolution.
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i want to thank our department of public health to [speaker not understood] who has assisted us in understanding, fully understanding the impact of the hobby lobby ruling, and is also want to thank adrian [speaker not understood] at planned parenthood for her help in putting together this resolution. and i also want to thank the countless women who not only today but over the years have been fighting for these basic rights and were not going to be silent when the right of women is challenged not only in san francisco, but in other parts of the country. and i look forward, colleagues, to your support of the resolution as it comes forward before the board. the next item, and this is something that we have put together in a very short period of time, and i want to thank laura ling of my office for
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simply going out of her way to put this item together. and i also want to thank our city attorney's office to city attorney dennis herrera, to jon givner, and to mr. malmet for making this a priority. we held a hearing last week at the neighborhood services and public safety committee regarding the proposed closure of the university mound ladies home which is located in the portola district that i represent. the proposal is that this institution that for more than 130 years has been providing compassionate senior care for individuals, mostly women of modest means, there is right now a proposal to close this institution. and, in fact, dozens of women have received a notice of eviction that is supposed to go into effect july 31st.
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the importance of providing affordable and compassionate care for seniors is not something that can be overestimated. it is simply a basic human right that we allow seniors, most of them women, who have dedicated their lives to making san francisco the great city that it is. and as they reach their 80s, and 90s, they want the opportunity to age in place, near their home, near the community that they have lived all of their lives. when we first learned of the financial difficulties of this institution, my office and the mayor's office -- and i want to thank mayor lee and his staff for the leadership that they have shown -- we immediately worked and tried to work with this board of directors and this agency to figure out how this city could keep this institution open. the fact is that if you are a
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90-year old woman who has lived your life in san francisco, who has lived for years in this institution with a community that has been built around you, for you, being told that you're going to be evicted from that institution and that you're going to be moved not only to another location, but to actually be moved out of san francisco to me is more than just a relocation. for many of them it's a death sentence. and the fact that it is happening and that it is happening at this time in some respects is endemic of the larger displacement that is happening in san francisco. and we heard testimony from dozens of individuals, including the daughter of a woman who served her country as a rosie the riveter during world war ii, and who now at the age of 89 is facing eviction.
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we in san francisco are better, we have to be better than that. and, so, we are introducing today a resolution, a piece of legislation actually, that will create interim zoning controls and interim zoning moratorium that will specifically prevent any institution within the geographic boundaries that are outlined in the ordinance, it will prevent any institution within those boundaries from changing the use of that institution during the duration of the interim zoning moratorium. that means that through this piece of legislation we try to strike a balance to protect this neighborhood and to protect the [speaker not understood] that has kept this neighborhood what it is for more than 130 years. because of the urgency and the time sensitive nature of this
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item, it is something that will have to be voted on very quickly in the next week or so, and it is something, because it's so unique and it's not done very often, that it will require a super majority of this board voting to make this happen. between now and the time that this item comes back to the board, i look forward to the opportunity to interact with the rest of the members of the board of supervisors so that you can understand not from me, but from these families why it is so important for us to do everything we can to make sure that this retirement home does not close. it is in many respects a sign of the times if we of san francisco let these dozens of, of ladies and men, because some men are included, be thrown to the street in this city. the next item is a very important item for me on a
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personal level of the lgbt community. and i want to thank supervisor wiener for being a co-sponsor of this, of this hearing request. in 181, just going back to provide some historical context, the center for disease controls reported the first case of hiv in san francisco. in the following years san francisco has become the first city -- became the first city to experience an epidemic around hiv of unprecedented proportions. and because of san francisco's commitment to this lgbtq community, we have become a role model for how to deal with the hiv epidemic. according to the city's department of public health, at the end of 2013 there were 15,8 67 -- 13,000 san franciscans who were living with hiv and
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aids. in 2013, 332 san franciscans were newly diagnosed with hiv and 153 with aids. recently -- this is what this hearing request will focus on -- we are excited to report there is a new prophylactic drug regimen that has been found to drastically reduce hiv contraction rates, period. this regimen, it's called pre-exposure prophylaxis or commonly known as prep, is the use of the antiretroviral medication truvada by those who are hiv negative. when taken on a daily basis, when taken daily, prep reduces the risk of hiv infection by more than 0%. so, this is something that can
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