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tv   [untitled]    July 24, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT

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access number one if you can't take a bus to the waterfront >> commissioner moore. >> talking about the larger questions which the enhancement study might bring it is a terrific idea to move forward it has an industry that has two sides while the majority of people congratulate tattoo waterfront side we need to look at how to dmirn congestion by making the west side equally trophy and including the blocks you look at the longer view towards the waterfront and the bay we need to find an equal way not only to treat both sides of the street that will happen but
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to find that landscaping and paving and kind of more sensible approach to make people want to walk open the side that is the issue of connectivity and ultimately in order for the majority of resident to come the waffling we have to cross somewhere like broadway or washington or jack it is extremely painful and frustrating you might stand there before the light chunks in our direction from the train and it's unacceptable when you want to walk to the farmer's market or when you want to meet someone for coffee ultimately at this
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moment the mode of cars and the speed of light signals is ail biased towards the car not anything to do with the boulevard so i strongly encourage we look at embarcadero a oats signage on the roadway are together and like to put a small pitch in to at least conceptual lists the enhancement when we look at pier 70 because the frontier is there we don't want to push what works well into that area because the great possibility a few days ago the design was approved i encourage you to take that into your
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conceptual thinking it has to be a one long experience. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. along those same lines something i think that is not being discussed here but should be looked at the t line extension which is what a lot of people are talking about it makes up because it allows pier 70 and far north to access the yes, ma'am baker by the streetcars and urging the tomb open massachusetts so much and one more source of people getting there without having to use cars or without having to use buses that go through the grid of the city that's important and the other thing we have to look at is we did years
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ago the embarcadero freeway which fortunately is no longer around i remember traffic being stopped open the embarcadero freeway because everyone want to use that rather than other modes of transportation there's heavy traffic but not completely stopped as was the case with the embarcadero we want to take into consideration the traffic flow because the "x" to your memory relies upon people that want to drive because of the educational issues have to drive and other businesses along the embarcadero depends on parking we have a balance things carefully and the use of the western side makes sense because it is
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underutilized we can use some of the pedestrian traffic and although this is water under the bridge the traffic open pacific and jackson didn't happen decided by the voters but would have opened up a couple of streets to embarcadero you can't now. >> commissioner johnson. >> i look at this with my shining hat on but as a mission bay resident and i'm wearing my first day of clothing the embarcadero is how i usually get from the south side of the city to the north side i have a few comments i want to echo commissioner president wu comments on how you engage lower
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to middle-income residents one of the things as part of talking about the schematic design is the street furniture looking at ways to engage the community when the cost of goods is a barrier to people enjoying the embarcadero that's not a lot else to do by walk really far or stand or continue walking, you know, there's not a lot to do but to spend money and buy something so ways people can engage with the embarcadero that aren't involving transmitting yourselves from one place to another than easier ways to walk from the embarcadero to somewhere else i want to talk about the bike way i'm going to
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try to get to the workshops i'll give a couple of ideas and if it's okay to say this. the first one is in terms of bike way design so i know i don't know if this is considered a bike way but in golden gate park there's the protection is parked cars it's scares the jesus out of me every time i've rind that i feel like something is going to happen well, no it's not a common thing and so if we're looking at the western side of the street as a potential option for a one or two bike way we need to continue to have some of the parking issues on the west side of the street yeah. the east side there's not a lot don't do the parked cars as the separation
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item and the second i don't know again how your process is going to work but i think there's ways to have low hanging fruit to increase the comfortable for bikers and pedestrians with the cars that's a separate issue how to moderate that but speaking to cyclists and pedestrians one of the things there are people who are recreational and cyclists maybe going forward and they are trying to get from point a to b-1 of the options is that may be considered is looking at specialized lighting for bikes so for example, on the waterside of the street of ime embarcadero there are multiple places for stltsz and cars this makes sense there are traffic turning left
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but not slowing the class two bike latent print that are there and we end up having people with the traffic flow they keep going and we can talk about this later technically they're running a red light and people don't do it as often or not paying attention or obtaining traffic laws and people answering around them otherwise being in the bike lane so the low hanging fruit to consider the lights for the cyclists along the waterfront and embarcadero. and then the final point that i wanted to make in terms of commissioner moore's comment on sort of having a continuance flow of cyclists down third street is crazy to ride down
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third street i go that sometimes but a lot of times i'll drive it's dangers but i remember open ocii we spent time talking about the green bike way will go from the golden gate bridge to bayshore so i think one way of maybe making that connection is to again with the low hanging fruit look at the low transition areas across the flow and particularly north bay a flash point street and the that might be against low hanging fluting fruit last point on the bike way i would consider if you're going to do a bike way on the
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waterside of embarcadero keep the bike lane that's industry and make it two-way and the other way on the sidewalk and this will have a separation you don't have cyclists up on the street running into pedestrians thank you very much for listening. >> commissioner fong i'll try to not repeat. the embarcadero in the 40s were is a thousand times better than what it was in the 80s when you wanted to get around the city you would take embarcadero and it's a different word and a better world. there are i don't think anyone has talked about the tourists but a maintain bike lanes in san francisco largely out of the union square and fisherman's wharf.
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so on commissioner jomgz thoughts on bike lanes we need to keep the bike lanes consistent i get existed about the situations. but this is great i think it's a long time coming i spent a number of years with the port commission and let's get this done >> thank you. >> commissioners that place you on item 8. on the 325 fremont street request for a downtown authorization and variance >> good afternoon rich department staff this is a downtown authorization on fremont street f that includes
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new construction of 0 residential tower up to one hundred and 18 dwelling unit and parking garages. under the downtown authorization it is seeking the planning project authorization and the proposed project is seeking variances to address the requirement for open space and permit obstructs from the street and overall the proposed project will construct one hundred and 2 thousand square feet up to one hundred and 18 dwement the project includes the volume mix of 4 of one bedroom unit as he studio units it includes 4 thousand 86 secret of open space and the improvements and the
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roof-deck and private open deck space to the balconies they're related to there. the planning commission approved two things but the project is a new project plan on the site. since the publication of the packet the department has two letters of support for the proposed project that have been provided there is no support or opposition. the project is elected to provide the affordable housing fee i've submitted a revised motion it's bans 17 percent of the total number of dwelling units in the section. this revised motion provides information on the stabilization fee. after analyzing all the aspects
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the department asks for the general policies of the general plan and the project is located in a zoning district where new residential is permit. the project proposed a new demonstrate that has a significant improvement including trees and sidewalk lighting and other landscape features it has a hiring program and adds one hundred and 18 new dwelling units and proposes a parking zoning for 41 off-street parking for the 59 off-street parking parking spaces and will pay the zoning fees are the project sponsor is present and that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for any questions >> thank you project sponsor.
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>> hi, i'm adam and i'm here with my colleagues. i want to welcome commissioner johnson and this is my first hearing addressing the commission. crescent heights is a long-term believer in san francisco and we had the mid-market and rincon point is having a renaissance we did the metropolitan there we continue to be in the present of 45 lansing and hope to be in the future with 25 fremont that has a friendly character of the neighborhood. with that, i'm going to turn it over to glen to talk about the
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design. >> hello commissioners. thank you for having us we're excited to present this project to you today 325 fremont is a unique it's one of the last remaining sits in the hill sites it's a 25 story tower 25 stoirts with one hundred and 18 units as you see from the site plan it's located on fremont street very close to fulsome street and it's central located it's a centrally oriented project due to its distance from the transbay terminal and market street. again, it's centrally located with high-rises surrounding it
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from the siert plan more closely you see that two projects in yellow are 399 froement and the project across on the next side are two towers gouging the red site is our project that will complete the entire length of fremont from harrison to fulsome as a residential community. this is two existing photographs the first one is looking at the corner of fremont and fulsome. 333 to the right of the site was just completed and then the photo op you're right is zoo no alley it's 17 feet wide is a vehicular entrance and the
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pedestrian path of travel we're going to enhance this. as upper noted earlier the plan has basically two parking stalls in terms of the ratio and those are car stagers the site is 55 hundred square feet a very tight site we're you're going escalator lifts to take the cars down on the ground floor we have bike parking one hundred and 5 spaces by parking on the lobby leveling and at the top we have our common roof garden that's a open space requirement for the residents. a view of the building the inspiration so far the architect of the building was basically inspired by the architecture and
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the imagery of the bay bridge and the silvery tones. the material for the building is a metal panel a perforated metal panel that surround the elms of the building and simply carved out with window walls that create shade and shadow and take down the heat gain of the building tremendously had happens on both sides on the east and west side. this is the ground floor plain iowa's one of the things we're trying to had had greenery up in front by cigarette butt the industry and making that pedestrian friendly we're widening the sidewalks as well as down to the corner where that meets fulsome. we're also enhancing the backside of the alley we're enhancing that only our portion of the building to the extent
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extending it up 0333 that has a enhance down to fulsome street this is part of the development package in kind for providing the greenery we want to finish the entire block and make it a better place for the neighborhood and even though neighboring buildings. as well as you can see the bike storage a off the main lobby. this is a view of the elevation looking at 33 to the right and fulsome to the left. those are images of what we anticipate for that alley the fact that is alley is that narrow we're looking at vertical planning department and some latin-american features above so we address the alley as a more
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pedestrian friendly experience. a typical plan you see the wall that allows us to create some techniques spaces within the unit and creates nice visuals looking at out it's no a flat wall another typical floor with balconies it's interesting the balconies shift from one side to the other along the facades that allows the idea to create shade and shadow. this is a close-up view of that some of the materials is the perforated the handrails done b with cable rail trying to bring the inspiration of the bay bridge and how to meets the water it's a silvery effect we're trying to effect go the silvery blue with the place.
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at the top of the building our outdoors common space we've created it because the site is 6 thousand square feet not much room for common space but on the top floor to allow people to have the amazing view the bay and the city. as you see on the left-hand side of the detailed photograph the carve out that allows people to have the distance the other thing we've extended the mechanic wall the skin of the building up thirty feet to hide the mechanic equipment and all the fans and allow for wind protection doss because you're at two-hundred and 40 feet that will be a comfortable area for residents enjoy this is from
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rhine come north to the transbay district and the financial district as arithmetic we don't get this challenge but 6 thousand foot of floor play it is a a slefrnd way its unique about the building in the district this other buildings are much bigger and wider this is a slender eloquent light detailed building we think it's going to be pretty exciting especially how the sun plays against that with that, i'll thank you if you have any questions >> first public comment if that's the end of the presentation. okay ac public comment on this item
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(calling names) >> good afternoon, commissioners joel san francisco electrical construction industry. i'm here on behalf of the local 6 and the san francisco electrical contractors association we're really eager to get started on this project we're here in support. thank you. >> commissioners michael with the san francisco building and san francisco trade commission it's been a while thank goodness we've been busy but what's important to speak on behalf of crescent heights they've been a consistent partner and they've supported us in other ways it's been clear our pension has been
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given us good returns that's, of course not a planning decision that's a good project that the modifications and the variances they're seeking are minor. and we applaud the provision of more housing to san francisco generally but also the 17 percent towards affordable housing. so thank you for your time and we support this project >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners aim rob pool the painting at the san francisco housing coalition crescent heights presented this to our committee earlier this year and we enforced the project we think its great they've made use of a small site that maximize missing the site and we're excited about the public
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realm with the sidewalk lynn and the new edition of street trees. overall i think this will be a great edition to rhine con hill i hope you approve that without delay thanks >> thank you. >> sue hester public utilities on the backside of the staff report is a series of questions i've posted you should flip over and go down them. there are questions that need to
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be asked. as we were widening up rincon point what's the mix of housing we're getting this this area and what is the mixed of housing in terms of people that are bona fide occupants and people have that money to have multiple housing units. i'm dealing with this area in various cases a lot of people buy houses and don't live there their various heights of housing. hoa's in general don't have rules against how you use your housing the hoa's are not monitored by planning department. i think the last of the summer
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interims left but an academic study should be done using consequence data of how many places are real primary housing that we're building here. who is being served there's a meeting twoiks of the rules committee between mayor lee's proposal and supervisor kim building the housing construction. most of the housing needs in the city in terms of major numbers i think you probably have that in our packet as well we need 60 percent of the housing needs to be waimd r working class what is being built in rincon point you need to ask those questions if
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not no one will answer them we require answers. i'm also aware that people who have good have parking they figure out a way to have parking no one is required to tell you what deals they have made for providing parking in another location because we as a city told them at the can't have it on spot nice theory i hope it works but if not where are they parking. air quality i didn't have it on this questionnaire near or in their the bay bridge of input air quality. i know you should ask questions >> thank you.