tv [untitled] July 24, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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don't come here, because they have cameras all the way around there. and i am not having it. and my main lace, you all. and i am on this case. >> thank you, mr. washington. >> you forgot your phone. >> are there any other members of the public that would like to speak on this item at this time? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> colleagues, i just want to make a few comments, thank you, mayor for not only addressing this issue, of the commissary but also addressing the issue around reducing the phone rates, and i would like to see those in the jails and be free. and completely, and hopefully we can continue to move in the positive direction and reduce these cost but this is in the right direction and these are some major reforms that need to be done. and we appreciate your leadership on this. so with that, colleagues, is
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there a motion to send this to the full board of the committee report, with positive recommendation? >> yes. i just want to say that it is a no-brainer for us to be cutting the cost permits for the families and bringing the money to the family and so i want to make a motion to move forward with the recommendation to the board. >> thank you. >> without objection, and this item proved to the full board as the committee report as a positive recommendation. >> thank you. >> madam clerk, could you call the next item? >>mayorresolution retroactively authorizing the department of emergency management, on behalf of the city and county san francisco, as the fiscal agent for the bay area urban areas security initiative (uasi), to accept and expend an increase to fy2013 uasi grant funds in the amount of $1,012,873 for a total of $23,632,173 from the u.s. department of homeland security through the california office of emergency services for the period september 1,
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2013, through may 31, 2015. >> okay. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you very much. and supervisors, i am with the department of emergency management, and so the item before you is an expense for 1 million dollars from the u.s. department of homeland security the money is from the urban area, funds planning and training and exercises for emergency management agency and fire departments, and police departments and sheriff departments and other public agencies around the region and san francisco, is the chair of the regional organization, that distributes this money. and in the bay area, and the city is also the fiscal agent and that is why it is in front of you, and dhs, the department of homeland security awarded this grant, to the bay area. and about a year ago, as a 22 million dollar grant and back in may, the department funded additional one million dollars and that is 967,000, is going to go to the northern california, regional intelligence center and it is for cyber security equipment, and maintenance agreements. and then the additional 45,000 is going to go to the california office of emergency
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services, and to coordinate the cyber security around the state on these actually and the no fiscal impact on this grant for our budget, and it creates no new position and no matching grants are required or matching funds are required from the city and i am happy to answer any questions that you may have. >> okay. >> colleagues, are there any questions at this time? >> okay, thank you. >> we will open this item up to public comment. and are there any other members of the public that would like to speak, please come forward you will have two minutes. >> traditional criminal law (inaudible) allowance for the constitution (inaudible). and no gambling, and no
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smoking, (inaudible) >> thank you. >> are there any other members of the public who would like to make public comment at this time? >> please come forward. >> i just have a question for the speaker on item two, what is her definition of cyber security? because cyber security is like a general term, it could be like the fire law and f.b.i. spying on average u.s. citizens and so it would be interesting to find out exactly what the initiatives are that are being implemented in our area and how they are being implemented in our area. >> thank you. >> and so the public comment is usually, a time to comment, and you can maybe, get her card and take that or get the information from her directly, at a different time are there any other members of the public? seeing, none public comment is closed. >> colleagues? >> i am happy to move this
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forward to the recommendation to the full board as a committee report. >> without objection, this item is moved forward with a positive recommendation. >> could you call the next item is >>hearing to receive an update from the city services auditor on the status of audit recommendations. >> okay, director of audits. miss tanya levagu, am i saying that right. >> yes, ma'am. >> and thank you for being here today, again. >> and good morning, the share and supervisors tang and chiu, i am the director of city audits for the controller's office and today kat is with me and she is an associate audit or in my office and i am here today to present our office's first annual report on recommendations that the departments still have not implemented more than two years after they were issued. this is a new step that we have added to our process for following up on the recommendations that we have issued. and as a reminder, the benefit
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from the audit work is not only in its findings and recommendations, but in the actual implementation of the corrective actions, by conducting the follow up it helps us to insure that the departments are implementing change, and it further inchances the accountability of auditties and city agencies and management and also allows us to openly assess the value of our work. >> our office gets two kind of follow up work, regular and follow up and we do regular follow up, for all recommendations for two years, after they are issued. and these follow ups, we periodically, ask the departments, and the departments to report to us on the implementation status. and we may select certain high-risk audits for the field follow up where we go back into the department and gather evidence, and attest to whether each recommendation was implemented and for more details on the audit follow up project, you can refer to the first section of our report.
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i will provide an update for what we previously discussed before this committee and discuss the nature of this new annual report, and then i will give an overview of the department's progress in implementing our recommendations and finally i will summarize the recommendations that departments still have not implemented more than 2 years after csa issued them. and as you requested supervisor, breed, i would like to provide you an update on some issues that we have discussed at prior gal meetings related to audit recommendations. and in april, i presented two contested recommendations from our audit of the puc's job order contract, program which asked the department to have personnel, outside of the program, review invoices and maintain the proper segregation of duties nancy from the sfpuc indicated that she will work closely with the program staff and cfa to insure that the puc implements an acceptable
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solution. since then, puc and cfa, reached an agreement, and we now consider the two recommendations closed. and so we are pleased with but what they have brought forward and in february, i presented two contestant recommendations from the audit of the department of public health and the administration of the 2.2 million dollar, contract with kci, usa incorporated and those recommendations asked dph to implement an over all contract monitoring system which they have reported that they did not have adequate resource to do. and (inaudible) from dph, indicated at the meeting that the department was in the process of a major restructuring and we are in the process of making resources available, to implement the recommendations. and since then, he reports that dph is continuing its planning and implementation of the central business office that will be charged with among other things, the department
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wide contract monitoring procedures. and after they implement that process, and have and it hasen up and in operations, we will go back in and do a follow up audit. >> great, thank you. >> so, as i mentioned earlier, cfa audits have implemented a new step in our follow up process and that is our two year report and these are recommendations that have not been implemented within the two year period and then our two year period, once we issue an audit, we have a 6-month, a 12, and a 18 and a 24-month and our hope is that all recommendations are implemented. and again, during that process, we do indepth follow up on some high risk recommendations and most recommendations receive most other follow up after the two year cycle and to continue, to hold the departments accountable for implementing the recommendations beyond the two-year, period and we have
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now implemented the two year process and also a way of bringing it to you, to understand what is outstanding. and so, this year's report, summarizes the status of all of the recommendations cfa audits issued over the two year period of the fiscal years, 10, 11, 11, 12, and gives the details of those recommendations the table shows that the department's progress in implementing the 689 recommendations issued, and in the fiscal years, 10/11 and 11/12 across the departments, in a few instances they recommended before they issued them in a report or a memo that was 6 percent of the departments and 48 percent within six months and 67 percent within one year and 83 percent before the end of csa's two year follow up cycle. after our two year cycle, cfa will solicit updates from the
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departments but all recommendations that have not been closed will again, appear on the annual report to the gao. and 88 of the recommendations 13 percent were closed after cfa's two year, cycle completed and in total, the departments implemented 96 percent of the narrowly, 700 recommendations. out of the 698 recommendations, cfa issued in these two fiscal years, 10/11 and 11/12, 28 remain open across several departments in the next few slides i will give a high level summary of those recommendations and the last report status. the arts commission has one pending recommendation from cfa's audit of the street artist program and the recommendation asks the department to accept the credit card transactions from the street artist program to pay their license fees. arts commission reports that this is not technically possible, with their current website and that it has
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included this recommendation as part of the budget request, to be designed its website and it has not been granted. and but it is currently exploring other alternatives until they are able to fully implement a system on-line, so it sets a payment, and the police department has one recommendation from the cfa audit of the over time and premium pay related to a policy requiring anticipated voluntary and over time schedules of the 90 day period for the officers who have received, the over time limits and the department has determined that the policy as written is not practical and it is updating its policies and procedures with the more effective and realistic controls to monitor over time work by the officers. and who exceed over time limits and again, once that policy is implemented and at a certain time period has passed we will go back in and reduce the patients >> so it has been two years, and when can we expect it to
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actually there, and they informed you that it would be implemented? and it has not yet, been implemented, what is the delay? >> the change in policy has. >> can you introduce yourself? >> my name is cats and i am the associate audit tore in the office. >> my understanding is that the department has in practice, implemented the change in the procedures and what they are doing and they have drafted the policies and the procedures as they should be revised. they just have to go through the formal review process in order to be finalized. and they are in the process of that now and expect that to happen by the end of the year. >> okay. but it has been two years since the recommendation was made >> yes. >> what has been the delay for the last two years to get to this point and now it is going to take you know, a little bit more time as well? >> in the interim responses there was an attempt to try to
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enforce the policy as it was written, and in the course of that they were finding that it was just impractical to do because even when they were getting these 90 day volunteer schedules, and the volunteer over time schedules, but they were not really adhered to because it is very difficult for an officer to predict, what their volunteer over time is going to be for a three-month period. and so, part of the delay was that they were trying to enforce the policy as it was written and came to the conclusion that it was not a practical solution and that they needed a more effective control over this. >> okay, thank you. >> if you like we could bring that back before you. >> yes, please. >> so dph has one outstanding recommendation to implement a department wide contract system as spoke to before and this recommendation is similar to one made in the audit of the kci contract earlier.
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and as i discussed in the reference to the kci reference contract audit, dph is in the process of implementing this contract wide procedure and we will go back and follow up. and we have done quite a bit of work at dph and as a result of that work and as well as, the director garcia realizing that there were a lot of desegregated activities there, now formulating a much better organizational structure around these types of processes. and human resources have two outstanding recommendations related to negotiating specific issues of compensation, with the firefighters, labor union. and these recommendations come from cfa's audit of the fire department's payroll, processes. and however, they were directed to dhr because dhr initiates and confer with the unions, are the labor unions. and dhr, just closed their
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process of negotiating 29 labor agreements and now that task is completed they will set up a meeting this month for a meet and confer with the appropriate labor union on this issue. >> and how long is that going to take? because it has been a few years, and the concern that i have is that the city is always, and is already issued out millions of dollars for an official pay outs, and i am really concerned, about allowing this practice to continue in the audit took place several years ago. >> yes. >> and it was supposed to be a change and so how is this even possible legally to pay out these unofficial amounts during retirement? >> so, from the legal perspective, i can't answer. and i know when we brought this forward to dhr part of it was the need for the labor contract to be open and at that time it was not opened and they were waiting to reopen it and so i will check back with dhr on their time line with regards to
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the meet and confer and moving for ward. >> so just for clarity, because it was not my understanding that this was spelled out in the labor contract, and it is not necessarily appropriate city policy, so i am just confused by how it is able to happen in the first place. >> so what i will do is i will, when we go back and talk with our fire department, and dhr. >> okay. >> and refresh my memory on this particular audit, because there is a reason why the finding is there and it probably is directly, what, the labor contract is saying, and policy. >> yes. >> and i will get back with you. >> and the thing that i know that, there have been a lot of recommendations and there have been a lot of changes, and we will continue to have problems and we will continue as we audit the different departments to have specific requests that we have, but, there should not be a case, where they are
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allowed to not resolve a particular issue for more than two years. and so, i think that at this point, my goal is to try and close these out, or bring those particular departments before this committee, and hold them accountable, and potentially withhold their ability to actually, you know, pay out in some of these instances, so that this practice, of being able to circumvent the system that the money that we are issuing to the departments is not abused because that is pretty much what is happening. >> i fully understand. >> okay. >> thank you. >> in 2012, cfa audited human service agencies and the vehicle fleet management and there were four recommendations which remain open. and the recommendation asked hsa to take advantage of the data from its gps system to better monitor compliance with the vehicle usage policies on a
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regular basis, and hsa reports having developed a continual monitoring system with weekly and monthly monitoring procedures, that went into effect july first, and is in the process of fully implementing the procedures. and csa will consider these recommendations open until hsa, demonstrates its performing the monitoring procedures. >> and, the sfmta has five open recommendations from cfa's audit of this sustain able street division and two recommendations asked mta to develop, the standard job description and compensation divisions for management parking facilities, reports being in the process of finalizing the job description can the non-profits that manage the parking facility and the other three recommendations asked mta to develop the traffic sign inspections and procedures, and maintain the asset listing of the traffic signs and mta reports that it has implemented a new
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enterprise, asset management system which is customizing each unit in the department and anticipates rolling out this system to the units responsibility for the traffic signs by the end of 2015. and we were quite aware that the system is being implemented and it is taking some time to procure. and again, once they have implemented the system in a year out we will go back and do auditing and so it is on the audit plan to go back to this particular project. >> okay. >> and of the 152 recommendations cfa made to the sfpuc in the physical year, 2011 and, 1112, the 14 from the audit reports are unresolved and the open recommendations from the cfa's 2010, audit of the waste management, asked the department to develop procedures to report, inventory discrepancies organizize tools and identify ordering points for tools. and puc reports that it is
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contracted a consultant to update its written policies and procedures, and it is incorporating important effectiveness and safety parameters into the tool selection criteria, three of the open recommendations of the audit of the crystal springs, golf partners, limited partners and lease the agreement with the puc, asked the department to connect the late fees and the interest due from the tenant, and some of which he disputes and the three, asked them to improve the disclosure of the water weight changes and puc reports that it is negotiating a full or partial payment of the funds due, during the lease modifications proceedings and it also, intends to have full implementation of the recommendations related to water, rate, completed by the end of the month. so, the puc has made significant systemic changes to the operations and organization
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of the real estate section to improve the over all lease management and the over all recommendations from the 2011 audit of the puc water enterprise, inventory management asked that the department update and improves the tool inventory management through the technology and solutions and best praks. puc acknowledges that the issues identified in the audit are the department wide, and is implementing the department wide solutions with broader scope than the reports warehouse specific recommendation and this concludes our presentation, and thank you very much. >> okay. thank you. >> colleagues, are there any questions? >> okay. thank you. and we are going to open this item up for public comment, are there any members of the public that would like to make public comment on this item? please come forward. >> you will have two. >> sir. excuse me. miss jackson could you come
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forward, please? >> thank you very much. >> dr. jackson again. and you know i came before you, two years ago, and i think that the problems that you all are having, with the different departments is because of the fact that i mentioned to you san francisco is the only city that did not have a state, federal certificated compliance officer. no one in this city is complying to anything. and that needs to be checked out. why is it, that the city has been getting away with this, for quite some time, so you are not going to get no answers, they are going to come with the excuses and they are still going to be spending money that you don't need to be spending because you don't know where it went, and so i would just like somebody, to find out why is it that this is continued to be happening in this city, without a city certificated compliance
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officer? and there is not, none, and that is certificated, they got compliance officers. but they are not certificated. and they cannot be certificated. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please? >> i do appreciate supervisor london breed for you calling about these audits and your question is of two years and how they have not done it before you got in the office. but let me say to you perfectly clear. that this has been going on for years. and the corruption, and that has been going on here, in the city hall and you need the papers today, and this is the headlines, and the f.b.i. is here, and they have been checking on the mayor, and those are the city hall has been going on for a number of years, corruption. and because of some of the supervisors here, asking that the lobbyist and the king pin and willie brown helps to show the faith, that means that
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everybody got to come forth, to show their face. what they are doing. now, the rest of the people that you are in the department head supervisor london breed, is other interesting and although the planning commission, oewd and the redevelopment agency and the housing authority, and to name a few. i i think that the f.b.i. needs to come and knock on this and the list of all of the departments. and particularly we deal with the african american, black negro and how he want to categorize us, and we are in a state of emergency, and if you study to see what happened throughout history, it will be more mystery. so, i am happy that you are there supervisors and i hope that you will continue to and we are here to support you because you know that you are alone, and (inaudible) and we know that you are representing us. and i would never get up here and try to say that we are doing anything, i am supporting you, continue on. but in fact, we need to add
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some more names to that list, seeing if they... not just two years ago, just go ten years and 20 years, and you will see what i see, it is corruption. from the head to the toe. continue your good work, supervisors queen bee. >> thank you. mr. washington. >> (inaudible) city hall and the government agent and (inaudible) totally harmless in this (inaudible) >> public comment is the time for... >> to comment and not ask questions. >> all right. >> all right. >> we can get you an
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explanation. >> thank you. >> okay >> any members of the public, would like to make comment at this time? >> yeah. >> under the member of the san francisco coalition, and it was a agency that was due to the compliance from the center when they were building, the center, and we made sure that all of the different nationalities who worked on that building, you know it was. and i worked there and i am with the san francisco correlation and the executive director and on this construction going on in the city to date, you don't see no i mean that the people are coming into the city from out of the city, getting the jobs from the residence here and i don't think that there is a
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compliance officer, looking at the employment of how you assign the people to work on these jobs. i know that is not concerning this matter but i wish that you would look like that too. >> are there any other members that would like to make public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. >> okay. >> colleagues, any other questions? >> all right. so, can i have a motion to continue this to the call of the chair? >> so moved. >> okay. >> without objection? this item is continued to the call of the chair. >> madam clerk, could you call the next item please? >>hearing on equity and inclusion in the hospitality and travel related industries including the recent report released by the working group on african american inclusion and diversity in travel and hospitality. >> >> okay, before i turn this over to supervisor cohen i just want to make it clear could you silence your cell phones and could you please cut down on the talking in the background. because we can hear it and we
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are trying to listen, to the folks who are speaking before us. and if you have a conversation that you need to have, could you take it outside? and this is when we open it up for public comment, public comment is the time to comment, and unfortunately we may not be able to answer your questions, right away but we want to be sure that everybody has the opportunity to make public comment on this next item. thank you all so much for being here and with that i am going to turn it over to supervisor cohen. >> thank you. >> good morning, everyone and having for coming out today. and so i just want to by way of background, just introduce why we are here today. the hospitality and travel industries are some of the largest industries in our city. just last year, in 2013, san francisco benefited from a record of 16.9 million visitors who spent over $9.4 billion dollars in our city on tourism-related activity and we only expect that number to continue to grow in the coming
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years. hotel tax revenue is up, 8.1 percent, to 607 million dollars and tourism jobs have increased to 3.8 which is a total of 76,834 jobs. and hotel room rates have also risen, 12.8 percent to an average of $207 per night. and even though we see all of this growth in the millions of dollars, being spent right here in our city. some groups are not seeing, or reaping the benefits overwhelmingly these groups have included specifically the african american community. and earlier this year, a coalition of leaders and businesses, governments and industry, and education, all convened, and lodged the city's first initiative on equity and inclusion in san francisco, tourism and hospitality industry and in this working
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