tv [untitled] July 25, 2014 10:30pm-11:01pm PDT
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a fenced-in dog area and adult equipment at the park we've worked closely with rec and park and the major contribution they've made is this very innovative idea of contributing through are their hoa for having a dedicated park funds that will be tremendous in terms of the upkeep so again we've fully support of the true mark at 346 katrero after the developer has been helpful and in addition to having additional neighbors in this building we'll have people invested in the park if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> thank you.
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>> hi good afternoon. i'm here on behalf of the myself i've a business in the mission creek katrero area and on behalf of the northern business association and the northern creek association we've been that presented to the planned and both boards unanimously voted in support of the development since we've started mission creek true mark has been involvement in the community with franklin street fair and all the fairs we've had with the mission walk and through my own work in community telling them in the neighborhoods they've been instrumental and i urge you to support in development thank you very much. >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners i'm speaking on behalf of the hayward wong he owns the property across the street and has provided a letter of support for the proposed development he's looking forward to having the project greatly enhance the area and is happy to support this exciting new development. >> thank you. as the next speaker comes up i'll (calling names) >> i'm with local one hundred 4 i want to 1956 in support of the residential act on katrero its a good thing we're talking about 70 units with affordable housing and a ground floor retail space which is the city needs that the
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project is being enhancing the area by adding trees and landscaping for folks. this development will insure the creation of jobs that will put san franciscans to work the state approved apprentices insure that san francisco youths can learn their trade and work hard and contribute to san francisco's economy and enjoy the with work the sheet workers support this on katrero and urge you to support the development as well. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is dale hernandez i'm from the local 2 61 on behalf of our brothers and sass sisters we would like to voice our strong
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support for the katrero project true mark has worked hard to build a strong relationship with our local and niefltd to us educate and learn more about our union the labors strongly support this on katrero and urgdz you to support it as well >> thank you. next speaker. >> ax 12 of the charter be a ordained by the people of the san francisco chapter two the municipal code is hereby amended by adding the section one is one .1 the implementation the master plan shall be integrated with comparable policies for san francisco.
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the following policies are hereby established the basis upon which the master plan is resolved number 8 that our parks and small business and our access to sell visits is protected if development. everyone is happy to see true mark moving into the neighborhood and their project is going to get built but doesn't need to be as tall as it is. the community planned the c pe is a different project that project is on the community exception we're casting shadows on the soccer field but not on the playground i assume you've seen the shadows study on the playgrounds all the people moving into the neighborhood you know that all the projects with the same expectations small
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business and green space all the things that and were green neighborhoods shadow for each naind neighborhood was concerned they've lowered the height because they didn't want shadows being casted you can't take the eastern neighborhoods or the elements unless you're going to take it all i encourage you there are will that and not throwing that word around lightly they are so, yeah. then the appendix 10 no building permit authorizing the structure that casts shade or shadows under the jurisdiction of designated so far acquisition by the rec and park commission and the rec and park commission said take it up with planning we
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don't have control over those please discuss the height of the building thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm peter garza i'm with the carpenters local 22 they want to voice their strong support for the mixed use project 346 katrero avenue we've happily participated in a project to connect local use inform potential jobs in the area this project is 1 more avenue to fulfillment of the community. you've heard from true mark saying they were looking to bring on one individual into the project into the construction trade the carpenters are
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committed to offer to them the apprentices for opportunity to people within the community those slots so we can reach out to the community to fulfill that we will do an outreach to the community for the right candidate it is a good paying career one with mental and dental opportunity. those are things that trades bring to the table for this project yes, the carpenters union fully supports this and true mark we ask you to support this project. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners tim on behalf of the housing action coalition and on on behalf of our one hundred thirty
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members we support n this the project sponsor presented this and enthusiastically received in some since a it is a pioneer it's tang a stretch that could badly use some activation and bringing people activation of the pedestrian ream and meets our sweet spot nevertheless of the inclusion it's an slept project and love the exemplar community outreach in particular with the franklin playground franklin park. on the issues of the shadows our members look ated the shadows and think it's a great edition to the neighborhood, in fact, we've supported the project in front of the which the rec and
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park commission this is compliant and it's time to get it going and this part of the town going i hope you won't delay this >> is there any additional public comment. >> hi i never understood why we shouldn't be allowed to build buildings that cast shadows on park. i come from philadelphia - can you put it down. i'm in philadelphia this is surround on all four sides i can kind of see this picture is better. all the buildings are 16 to 25
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stories all four sides if a 9 story building is going to do make the park worse maybe all the stories will make the park totally unusable. i don't know. pretty nice. people love that park (laughter) this is like one of our most this is easily philadelphia's most successful place. and, you know, well known as a successful park so i don't think the shadows are going to hurt this park or any park. thanks >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, commissioners joel electrical workers local 6 i want to strongly voice our support for the project thank you to true mark in helping with the
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community outreach until about a couple weeks ago i was working with the katrero park with the new trauma center and realized that corridor from about 24 it to 16 street is a absolute ghost town there's needs to be residential and restaurants and entertainment so we're happy to see this as a beginning to helping the corridor. thank you >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm will i'm here as a nearby resident i live on 20th and bryant. >> thank you an opportunity to speak and i'm here in support of true marks project. as a local residential eir
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resident with a family of two kids i use the park i think the project will enhance the park and specifically from a safety perspective working in the area i walk by the site almost everyday i'm ready for the day when we see the project fulfilled i urge you to support it i spoke in front of the of the rec and park and have no concerns over the shadow issue and again, i use the park weekly with my two daughters so i think it's a great project and urge you to approve that thank you >> thank you is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini. >> thank you. i'm supportive of this project it's hearted living to see a number of those projects come before us to see what's been done with the
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eastern neighborhood and have others in the weeks to come but it referenced a lot of the same things. this one specifically the design is well done i love the juliette blanlz that allows everyone to have a balcony they're basically intermittently listed you have your space each unit or many of the units have space space and, you know, you can also have shield from the wind that's occasionally blows in san francisco without being stuck in the middle of the wind and also the roof-decks. a couple of other things they've certainly done a lot of wonderful things because taste eastern neighborhoods this as
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tier b they're going on site units based on what the previous zoning and what's being allowed to be built there so the tiers are various levels this is in conformity with the 60 percent on site. contributing a million dollars in fees particularly interesting their outreach to $40,000 towards franklin square but more important the ongoing flow from the hoa fund towards the park those are things that are good. and the shadow issue that was brought up by one speaker there is a memoranda prop k that was passed in 1989 applicable here what happens if a park has a total cumulative shadow under 20 percent and a project only increases the shadow by less
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than one percent this is .2 percent it's allowable as a non-significant and that's what the rec and park commission said i agree with them and any shadow impacts are limited to the time between 815 and nouksz to earlier in the morning and fleet and only certain times of the year i'm in favor of the project we'll see what the other commissioners said >> commissioner hillis. >> we're starting to see a lot of that kind of 15 story residential projects i feel like ground hog day they're starting to look more and more alike but? the best projects i've seen from
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the design standpoint i don't think it start like that we have pictures in our packet that were not great i congratulate the staff and project sponsor for coming up with a design it's modern it fits spot context even in the ground floor there's attention paid to the ground floor so i hope they're more projects like this from and commissioner sugaya. >> we're rapidly losing all our car washes in this city (laughter) >> i have a car and live in a condo i can't wash it there. nice project i do have a detailed question for the architect. it's not anything that is a big deal on the ground floor you have a transformer room facing the street next to the garage
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entrance and in your rernldz a kind of artsy kind of treatment could you describe what that is and the intention there we basically are venting perpendicular to that wall so we came up with the idea of those two sort of o pack areas at the ground floor one behind or in front of of the transformser we're looking at the local artists to do work but the venting is to the side >> okay. thank you. to reiterate commissioner johncks observation about 2 or 4 or 5 or 6 maybe 7 story buildings are looking the same with the balconies and all that stuff it's refreshing to see something to take a different
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turn architecturally >> commissioner moore. >> i like to support the comments that were made. this is venturing in a whole new architecture area and the flexibility shown by looking at the building including the sides in the future will be complimented by some other projects overall will remain strong recognizable to add variety and i do think the this indeed shows a friendly resident face to the park which in the reiterations didn't do i'm glad the department took on the discussion and move to approve >> second. >> commissioner moore with all respect with unless you're in the back reviewing the
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proceedings. >> i feel comfortable. >> then go ahead. >> what? >> commissioner sugaya. >> i want to be clear. >> we want to adapt the m m rp finding as well as part of the motion. >> thank you. then on - >> hold on commissioner antonini. >> combining both of them are one. >> both the operation and the shadows as and the m rp and that's going to be added to the proposition. >> commissioner sugaya. >> i have one question for the project sponsor sorry i shove included that i forget about that. both our supporters from the park mentioned contributions going to the park that will be
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then part of the homeowners association when we get formed. how is legally what i make that permanent, permanent and can't the homework just renege and take the closing clause out of their whatever legal documents >> it's definitely our intention through a contribution through the homeowners association dues go to park maintenance and written as part of the cc&rs we don't anticipate that will change in the future but there's that chance i supposed e suppose that could happen we hope the homeowners buying into the concept are supportive of the park and true mark actually connecting to the park and okay. thank you. >> commissioner moore. >> there's actually plenty of
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evidence in other san francisco neighborhood where neighborhoods contributes contribute and they're like christmas decorations this is not out of the blue as time goes bay by it's not neighborhoods benefit to keep up that. >> commissioner antonini. >> commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson arrest commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. director vice president blalock and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. commissioners that places you on item 13 at 1257 gerrero street request for conditional use
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authorization >> good afternoon e.r. ray can jack with the plaintiff having you have a conditional use authorization for a bed-and-breakfast for 5 rooms within a single-family homes the single-family home is not - the commission must consider 3 planning conditions as outlined on page 4 those criteria pertain to the employees place on housing public transit and social services as well as market demand fore the proposed use it applies one person and naeld the bed-and-breakfast has had continues demanded from the neighborhood. the department has received no
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opposition and received over one hundred letters of support the project meets all the remit and is a locally owned business therefore given the finding the staff recommends the approval of the bed-and-breakfast use. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and commissioners. i'm david silverman i'm working with shell and this application the one hundred letters that were received by i staff is a pretty fair indicator of this modified 5 bedroom bed-and-breakfast in the neighborhood we've not heard from anyone that is opposed. as the planning staff noted this use provides much needed service for the out of towners and many
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in the neighborhood enjoy having their folks stay nearby the 3 story buildings was owned by the governor of california in the 1930s and occupied by a single person sheila it is located in an rfp 3 as well as also allows the limited 5 bedroom bed-and-breakfast with the authorization it's been located here since 2006 and is highly valued by the community no protons in connection with the use. in the absence of poor council that was received by itself person from a former lawyer the
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conditional use would have been filed at the outset the owner seeks to rectify the situation we appear before you to have the conditional use we acknowledge this should have been done at the outset it is a 3 story queen ann constructed in 1890 it was a resource by the planning staff and eligible for the national register of historic landmarks it could be continually operated in its excellent condition if you have not had an opportunity to visit the site please do so it's been beautifully dock rated with antique furniture there is no other place like ♪
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the city it's an important historic and culture resource as well as a small business that provides business for the community as evidenced by the letters of support. an opportunity to address the commission if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them >> thank you. let's open for. i have a number of speaker card if you find user repeating what others have said maybe some editing would be appreciated (calling names) if your name has been called please come to the podium.
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>> good afternoon. i'm nick as some of you know i'm the vp of the planning, zoning for the richmond one of the many things we do in the richmond we try to get tourism out to our district i know this is coming to the myths i see this as a hub to have some of the tourism dollars that our city gets it's nice to have that. i know in my district we want those kinds of things to happen. but having this business in this mission is great for the mission district and noah valencia to have a hub and wonder about the streets that are wonderful the mission streets are a culture educate this city has we're lucky to have to so i support having this bed-and-breakfast
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there we've all been to bed-and-breakfast they get you to walk around and experience that city and area. i strongly support of the conditional use for this thank you guys >> thank you. >> good afternoon director heinecke necessary i just want to say that knowing as a community treasure we need to keep this in our community i was not a community but i see worthy causes we need to keep this treasure in our community. thank you >> thank you. >> dear member of the commission i'm john claude and
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today i'd like to to say that san francisco is a world-class city that deserves a world-class bed-and-breakfast. the noah's nest is a world-class bed-and-breakfast that meets all the requirements of commission i urge the commission to grant this to the nest >> (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm bill hoover. i'm a small business in noah valley and i've known sheila well over 10 years we're members of the noah valley merchant association i've worked closely with her over the years and i'd like to suggest that
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