tv [untitled] July 26, 2014 7:00am-7:31am PDT
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institutional uses for preserving the contacter of such neighborhoods. and conditions associated with changes to the balance of residential and institutional uses and to preserve the residential neighborhood character by imposing a temporary moratorium on changes to the institutional use. as it stands, the current zoning for the university mound ladies home, which is a residential care facility to anything other than a residential care facility. because this change would wipe out a legacy and alter the character of this neighborhood, i wanted to take the step to make sure that we as a city have had the opportunity to
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study the effects on the neighborhood and work with the community and understand how the changes like the one of this board of directors is proposing would impact this neighborhood. the purpose is to provide the planning department the opportunity to study this neighborhood and all its institutional uses. in september the planning department will present findings regarding zoning in this neighborhood and propose ideas to address concerns and potential outcomes arising from the potential closure. the controls that are before you extends beyond the site of the lum. university mound ladies home. it is a temporary measure to allow the study of neighborhood to ensure balance of uses. i'd like to address my concern that a for profit entity without substantial plans for affordability would also -- is
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a potential purchaser of this site. i will be asking the planning department to examine ways to designate this site as a local landmark so we limit the ability to make significant changes. it is my hope that as a city we can find the right balance of this neighborhood and i am concerned for this neighborhood but beyond that i am concerneded for san francisco. i think that we are fighting for who we are as a city by trying to protect these women and men who have dedicated their lives to making the city what it is totd if we allow them to be evicted. i have stated on numerous occasions my immediate concern for the 27 remaning residents, as well as those who have already left. i actually have worked with the
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mayor's office, my staff and have even identified $250,000 as part of the budget to see how we can assist the individuals being impacted. i'd like to thank lonnie kent with the mayor's office, colleen and kelly with the department of public health and hidden and [inaudible] with doss, as well as benson, the san francisco long term care [inaudible]. these individuals have worked tirelessly over the last 7 a days to attempt to save this facility. as we examine the zoning control in this neighborhood i'm grateful for the assistance of the planning department. i want to thank the city's attorney's office that has stepped in and acted very quickly to put the controls together. it is with that that i would like to now proceed with the
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hearing and i look forward, especially to hearing from the residents and the community members who are here to speak on this item. >> at this time why don't we open up the hearing. i want to thank the members of the public who have been waiting patiently. if we could, unless there are any speaker cards, i'd like to ask members of the public that wish to speak on this item, please approach the podium. each member of the public will have up to two minutes and please line up on the right hand side of the xam ber. we have a policy that if you are senior disabled we'd like to ask other members of the public to allow them to go earlier if that is something we can do. so with that, let's hear from our first speaker. >> thank you president chiu, i'm patrick here on my own time. i cannot thank supervisor campos enough for his leadership on this issue i've
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been informed that the doss is sitting on over $600,000 in unspent community living fund money that has been sitting there in the fiscal year of 12, 13 account unspent. that money could certainly be placed on reserve and be used to help save university mound ladies home. please do what you can do keep elderly san francisco citizens living in county instead of dumped out of county. thank you. >> next speaker. >> good evening supervisors, i'm the executive director of marry elizabeth. we are a 100-year-old non
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profit organization in san francisco providing nerm innocent housing, comprehensive supportive services and free meals to formerly homeless women who are low income in many who are survivors of domestic violence. we are one of six non profit organizations that partner with the human services agency for the care not cash program. we also partner with provision of designated units for dd survivors exiting dd shelters. i don't think university mound should be anything other than affordable senior housing and with approximately 90 units there, there's room for 70 plus licensed assisted living units as well as additional supportive housing units for seniors. i'm in favor of almost any
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initiative that will proevent the reapproval of these nearly 90 units of affordable housing and the approximate 3 million or so that would be set aside for indirect services will never be effective if there's no fiscal housing opportunities for seniors. seems the best long-term plan is to maintain university mound ladies home for seniors, which is what the original mission is, and what the university board is charged to carry out. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> okay, good afternoon, president chiu and city supervisors. i want to acknowledge
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supervisor campos' work in putting this together. a little bit nervous, my mother's sitting there watching me so i apologize for the nervousness. original mission states university mound ladies home provides affordable care for women -- mostly womening in their 80s and 90s, the residents are treated like people there. they take care of physical emotional needs and they're not just bodies. the purpose of providing compassionate care for seniors cannot be overestimated. you see a large r large mansion from another time in our history to the right of the building is a chapel, stained windows at the front of the chapel. as you enter university mound ladies home you find yourself in a very spacious living room, open area with large windows bathed in natural sunlight. very comfortable room filled with sofas, and a fireplace and
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sometimes they have a [inaudible] performing there. as you move through the living room and towards the left there's aeroopen room called the sun room surrounded in glass with the sun glass ceiling, walls are made of brick, sun raes then you walk into the spacious dining room. i'm not going to finish so i'm cut short. i hate to do that, but no other place like this exists in san francisco lel me say that again. no other police station like this exists in san francisco. other places try to get the sense of community that i've visited and i've visited those places and none of them come to the university mound ladies home. one last thing, with if baby boomers being the largest growing ageing population --
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>> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, i'm here because i'm very concerned about the news of this place closing. as one of the very last affordable assisted living homes, assisted care living homes in our city, we need to do all that we can to ensure that the residents of university mound ladies home remain there. the world war ii sheet metal worker, alice; the other hard working san francisco residents, the veterans, teachers, marian brown of the famous san francisco brown twins who made you smile for decades. we need to stay there. so i beg you -- you have a chance now also to model behavior for children to stand up for our eld rs and treat them with the dignity and respect they di serve.
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deserve. we do not discard, displace our treasured generation. let us do all we can to restore peace and home to these san francisco citizens and work to ensure that the next group of elders will have a home in their city in our city. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is tom queue and i want to thank you for calling this meeting. i wanted to point out that 130 years ago [inaudible] district was a cow pasture. we're looking at only 20 years after the end of the civil war, the university [inaudible] was founded at that time in history. it has survived world war i, world war ii, the great
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depression, and many other recessions, the earthquake of 1906 and other earthquakes. so here we are today, we have a building there, they're doing a good job, taking care of elderly women. this makes no sense to eliminate that site. it should continue as is . so where do i go when i'm old? do i have to go to bakersfield? no, it's too far. do i go to sacramento. that's too far. i want to stay in my neighborhood and live in a house where i'm safe and taken care of and when it's time to die, go to the mounds hospice. we have a hospice there too, you can't forget that. so please consider rezoning this area and keep it as is. thank you. >> thanks, next speaker. >> hello.
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thank you again for having this hearing, this zoning change resolution. i am jacquelyn, i have lived in the port la since birth. the mound has been a part of my life since i was a little girl growing there to sing christmas carols to the ladies that were there. it is an important part of the neighborhood. we do not have any sort of assisted living facility in our area, nor a hospice. when we had a hearing on the 10th we learned that since 1989, i believe a thousand beds have been lost. we cannot afford to huz anymore beds. in fact, this afternoon my husband tom and i just paid our
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premium for our long term disability. we would like to be able to have a facility here in san francisco and as he said, not have to travel far and god knows where in order to live. i just want to say that -- please consider passing this interim zoning to continue the wonderful work of the university mound ladies home. thank you. >> thank you, next speaker. >> good afrng, my name is jon, i'm on the board of trustees for university mound ladies home and i want to speak about this ordinance. what i'd like -- the urgency ordinance is designed to make sure that we don't lose beds for senior citizens here in san francisco and this one in particular.
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what i'd like you to do today is to defer this decision for the immediate, for the near term, and here's why. since we had the hearing on july 10 we've been working in the background on this and we have a firm offer from [inaudible] living who is an experienced provider of senior care living throughout the bay area and they have two facilities here in san francisco and heys valley. they're [inaudible] basically secured private funding to purchase university mound ladies home on the same terms as under a right of first refusal under which we are going to sell the property to alta vista school. what i'd like to do -- ask you to do today is not encumber this property with an ordinance like the one you're considering. the invester is one who's going into this as a partner, but knowing that the property is
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this as a security as well. the deal isn't done yet and what i'd like you to do is to see if you can wait just a couple of weeks for considering this. let me tell you the dates, on july 31 is when we intend to hand over the building and operation, from july 31 to august 1. they have until august 15 in case that date doesn't hold to initiate their rights under the right of first refusal. so i think what i'd like to say is that i believe this particular ordinance, being encumbrance, make the investor a little jittery and since it's not firm, perhaps -- >> just only one speaker at a time. thank you for your comments.
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next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is isaac and i'm with the san francisco long term care program. i'm here to express our support for any zoning changes that would allow for continuing transfer trauma that often accompanies a resident's relocation to a new setting. these moves involves declines in the health of residents. it is our position that the remaining residents must be allowed to stay and every effort must be made to keep university mound ladies home open. in 1989 there were more than 160 residential care facilities in san francisco. now we only have 77. we are in a crisis. there are not enough affordable residential care facilities to meet the needs of city residents. frail and vulnerable elders
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that have lived for all or most of their lives in san francisco are now forced to move outside the county to find placement. we can do better. saving university mound ladies home will go a long way towards preserving residential care beds in san francisco and save the remaining university mound ladies home from the tragic disruption of moving from one facility to another. thank you. >> thank you. next speak. >> good afternoon. my name is peter, thank you president chiu, supervisors. as supervisor campos noted, the concerns that i have are with the lack of transparency of the current board that operates the facility at university mound ladies home. this lack of transparency in their voting, in their movement towards eliminated the facility itself for its current use and the fact that there is a vested
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interest in a lot of the supervisor -- a lot of the board members who have invested money in that mound and i would like to know what it is that they're gaining from the sale. are they incurring some kind of interest? i'm sure that that is what is motivating their interest in decided immediately what needs to happen. one of the board members has invested over 100,000 in it without changing the business model. noting that it is a failed business model and still pursuing with that failed business model instead of changing that model to make it a successful facility. we need the time to vest gats this. investigate this. we need the board to actively look into the actual background of some of these board members to find out what their interest is. thank you.
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>> next speaker. >> good afternoon city supervisors. my name is patricia, my mother is university mound ladies home. much has been spoken here about university mound ladies home and the impact the closure will have on the residents, but the impact can be life threatening. my mother's at the mound, 83 and suffering of dementia. she's here with my dad and this picture was taken just a few weeks ago. this is the face of those being displaced. this is the face of ageing san francisco citizens. this is the face of someone that's spent their life at saint mary's park in san francisco. the move to impact my mother, this could be life or death for her. her husband of nearly 67 years who is still a san francisco residents, he visits her everyday and currently our only ogss are moving her out of the
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city. supervisors, these are those affected by what seems to be a morally reprehensible act, the closing of university mound ladies home. my parents have been san francisco residents for over 60 years, they've own add home for nearly 60 of those years. they've owned a business in this city for nearly 30 of those years. they love this city. we look to you to make the correct decision and now support the sale of university mound ladies home and not rezoning the area for anything other than a senior housing facility. decisions that is in the best of interest of the ageing san francisco citizens. thank you. >> next speaker. >> supervisors, my name is tony robles, i'm representing senior and disable action. i'd like to thank supervisor campos for bringing this issue
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before the board today. as the housing advocate for sda, seniors are living in a lot of fear right now and quite frankly i'm disgusting, and that's to say the very least as to the state of affairs for seniors right now going through ellis act evictions, being intimidate and now we're seeing 37 years we're coming on the anniversary of the evictions of the i hotel tenants in 1977, coming on the anniversary of that, we're seeing that we still are having this issue in keeping seniors housed and from what i understand in the bylaws of university mound, this this mission statement that they're
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mission was to remain an assisted care facility in perpetuity. seeing the dire need for housing and the conditions right now, the state of affairs with senior housing, how the eviction notices were even issueed is of great disgust. i'm norly disgusting with the situation, being a fifth generation san francisco citizen and someone who sees evictions on a daily basis, see what's going on with the senior citizens, it's a shame of the city and i would urge you to -- >> thank you. >> thank you for giving us time
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for this hearing. my name is betty trainer and i'm the president of the board of senior disability action and of course we support the maintaining of this facility , university mound ladies home as a senior facility with all the services they have been providing. i know personally from helping two of my friends who are seniors older than myself who are looking for assisted living in the city and it was very difficult for them to find a place of modest means for them. they did not have a lot of wealth and assisted living places, as you probably know, can be very expensive. for me, i heard some new information today from mr. sedlender, so i will leave it to the wiz domg of the board to decide what's best. from what he's just told us and what's best for our seniors, at least the minimum this facility
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remain as a senior place for compassion and care, which it has always been. thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. >> how do you do? my name is deborah, i'm a tenant in the housing advocate. i'm also a nurse and sociologyist and since i've gonen involved in this issue i've been trying to find the back story, how did this happen. well, you go to the articles of incorporation you'll find that in 2009 some board members changed one of the articles so that they previously were forbidden from ever taking a lien on this property, but was amended to say they shall have the power to execute any intruments of any kind which
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will purport to create a lien on any real property of the corporation unless approved by 2/3 majority of the voting members of the board of trustees. this decision was maipt made, not 2/3 because they only had a five person board and i think it was three votes, but nonetheless, i would call for an investigation of both financial audit and administrative audit of what went down in the last five to seven years with this board. they have insisted on closed door meetings, the day before supervisor campos' meeting there was a residents meeting, they would not allow any community advocates into that meeting. there's incredible cover ups, mystification and in fact, i would hope that this board of
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trustees gets dissolved after an investigation and another board be appointed to investigate and to oversee because if this deal went through they would -- [applause] >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm here to discuss the need for public comment during these meetings. the public pays your salaries and yet when you don't set a fixed time for public comment we don't know if public comment will be at 2:30 -- >> excuse me this is actually specific public comment on the university mound ladies home but we will have general public comment to make your point. >> you need to set time for public comment. thank you. >> thank you.
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any other members of the public who would like to speak. my name's -- sorry sir. >> it sounds like we have a gem, historically, architecturally, people wise, san francisco needs to protect its gems. thank you. >> thank you. >> i'll give you the balance of your time for this item. >> i wish to support keeping this senior place open. i'm very concerned as someone who is 55 years old that i may need such a facility in this town. i don't think that we have given enough attention or money to taking care of our seniors who have contributed so much to society, so much to san francisco in ways that we can never measure i'm asking that
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