tv [untitled] July 27, 2014 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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water. this is san francisco man. he's getting it out of the tap. now every couldn't can't say that about their water but once again that's why we're a unique place to live and he says oh, that's pretty good and it's cold too. >> any other thoughts or ideas are questions. you, you know, i'm trying to think back to the conversations with commissioner stephenson she's passionate about i'm trying to think off the top of my head she wasn't at the policy committee meeting shiites sheets into getting into the new purchasing is there anything new on that front
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>> no. nothing new that's the case i met with different department head and naomi kelly and jackie fong who ahead of prurn in both cases we've talked about the huge list for city government i hope they prioritize it. >> one other question is there has there been movement on the key member in terms of adaptation or percentage of products purchased that quality do we see an upward trend. >> i'm going to have to get to you. >> so colleagues the item before us is approval of the reports. >> i'll make a motion to
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approve. >> i'll second. >> second. i think it's folks i want to reserve the opportunity for commissioner stephenson she'll have questions she became ill at the last second maybe we can find time to hear it but name in support of it and public comment on item 7 draufl of the bio green staff reports seeing none, public comment is closed. all in favor, say i. to approve. opposed? no. the i's have it the report is approved arrest next item >> approval the directors restoration for commending a personnel for the vial approval and this is the sponsor and
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speaker it's a discussion and action item. >> all right. thank you monica. i am glad we're doing this and got to spend time with commissioner when when he was open the commission i know that commissioner king spent time and maybe can speak to some of the reasons to honor commissioner mock together >> definitely before i became in operations committee chair commissioner mock was always ran a tight meeting and additional information brought it very thoughtful but it seems like he was thinking about what belonged in that committee and so you know when i took over the committee i thought about it in
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the same thing i wanted to be thoughtful of things that needed to be discussed here at the commission. mr. mock was not only a great commissioner in terms of the value that he added, you know, in the discourse we are we were having here but a community leader we would go out and have lunch in his community he was a well retained man in his community and a family man and an honor to have him on the commission. he thought my wingman for a a long time it was him and i he was here when i got here. so a great commissioner very stand up community guy and, you know, just what you would look
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for in terms of a perspective you wanted up on the board. i miss him and hearing from him and hanging out with him after the community meetings he was a fantastic commissioner and brought a lot to this board. >> thank you commissioner king. commissioner gravanis >> well, he was quiet at the full board meetings but i have an opportunity to have lunch and find out all the incredible outreach efforts he was making through media and different because of approaching the community and instrumental in getting information out to the community i don't think we would have been able to reach like chinatown and his appreciation of the needs to passage our messages in ways to reach people we hadn't reached before i'm
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sorry he's not here to give our xhooktsz to him in person. >> that's one of the themes we want to honor it talks about specifically commissioner mocks inside assistance in the outreach efforts in the community. i know he couldn't be here tonight but with us in spirit as we commend him with the resolution and take the comments from the public. yes mr. backroom head >> yes. i wanted to add that allen commissioner mock was responsible for a success of a event we did an incongruous dent hour lamps he got our message out i believe on chinese radio
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and television two nights before we had 15 hundred people to get in front ones in the rain on saturday it was overly successful events. >> thank you any other comments. seeing none. colleagues can i get a motion to approve the accomodation resolution >> i move with you approve the recommendation for commissioner mock. >> all in favor, say i. opposed say no. i's have it thank you, commissioner mock for all your service and we'll be thinking of you when we look at our outreach efforts. monica i want to get a motion to continue item 9 until after we
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hear number ten can i get a motion to delay item 9 and hear it after 10. deputy city attorney owen colleagues if there's no objection i want to move it i feel that our commissioner might be on his way to call item 10 because we have our own ann kelly >> approval of the meeting minutes for the conception of ann department of the dynamic for her service on the environment in our packet is a copy of the draft resolution speakers raphael discussion and action item. >> director raphael do you want to talk about our ann kelly. i'd like ann to come up, please. and i'll try not to get
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emotional i miss you already. so ann kelly think what i'd like to do is read this so you know what you're getting. from us. and then see what's left. whereas ann kelly was instrumental in developing and implementing san francisco energy program tennis 2001 and whereas ann kelly chamd the occupying program design for the powers savors program and the peak program and the energy watch program and whereas ann effort were instrumental in achieving million dollars dollars paid out for 15 thousand energy effective projects in buildings whereas antonio's experience and invaluable education contributed to
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reducing many, many tons of cookers in san francisco and the haven't which roving several cars from the road eave whereas ann promotes height community and including the hunters point power point in health department neighborhoods and she's been a tireless also new yorker and overcome obstacles implemented programs by local government and ann kelly has managed the private-public partnership san francisco energy watch program and advanced it to a new level far exceeding programs statewide and ann kelly has nourished a dedicated team to excel highly she's championed women working in environmental fields and
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whereas a ann kelly is recognized for her commitment to the sfoifs energy efficient program now therefore, be it resolved that the san francisco commission on the environment and the department of the environment with our respect and affection commend and honor and thank ann kelly for her contribution to the movement in san francisco. therefore, be it resolved that the san francisco commission and department of environment wish ann kelly the very best in her future endeavors >> (clapping). >> so i want to say that when many of us end our cease or this phase of our professional lives very few of us what measure it
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in the metrics and it's kind of interesting to measure your career of cars removed and dollars how concrete to look at a career that way i will say that equally is impressive is the number one quantify attribute of your career so we measure your success in tons and dollars but in the quality of professionalism and the nourishing you've given to staff and shown people what they're capable of and helped to grow staff and bloom in ways that are in this case and very appreciated in managers. and that you've done the same for your colleagues people you say potential in and reached out
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day to day when things got stressful full your incredibly unique and thank you for your service and choosing public service we're grateful for that. >> thank you so much commissioners and may i say p a word or two. >> please. i want to say tomorrow is my birthday and that was not on my bucket list of things to disciplinarian but i'm glad i got under the wire and accomplished things i didn't think i would so thank you for the nice wonderful birthday gift. the first part of my career or first half was in international relations and international development it leads our coverage conscious to the
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environmental world. so i went from international focus anticipate to a national focus with nonprofit i've worked with and then to a local focus and when i did was actually lived and experienced that slogan to think locally i did because i was an analyst and act locally when you act individually it's one thing and hard to get the concept across to people but act as a government and a department that's action oriented you can see the difference it makes and that's been gratifying to me to work under the guidance of this commission that they have the strength and encourage to push policies in the department such talented and generous people
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that helped one other and we saw the environmental impact people learn and are nourished in this department but with great talent and wonderful now leadership i am i feel like very privileged to have been part of that and be privileged to be a citizen of the city and watch which the slogan get turn around it has a global impact because we're global leaders i'm grateful for the terrific honor. thank you very much. (clapping.) >> i want to tell a quick ann kelly story when i got into the commission ii was wondering in
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ann recommended me because i was in her office a couple of years prior with as an advocate with a nonprofit trying to download and learn about the efficient programs and the energy watch with it enter plays with other programs i was unclear up and ann spent an hour and gave us documents that created kind of lynn like in the movie the max they plug something into our brain i found might have years looking at the notes he and i hope she never stops explaining because it makes sense i asked a lot of questions i don't know if i was being perfected i didn't and she said i remember when you were in my office i said maybe
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can i get the updated report and she send me all the data and the rebates and all the things i used for the commission trying to understand the energy stuff and talk about the human experience apart from the data like director raphael said she can tell you the outcome and results in realtime but when it comes to people when we were negotiating around terms that would allow and sure the ability of ann and the cal and the energy providers under the watch and sure their ability to make sure we have jobs for people that were formerly incarcerated and were given a job and pornl given access cut off by new
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regulations we were involved with several phone calls several times a day maybe i was the chair at this point trying to use some roll at the commission making sure that you guys playing the kind of trianglelation strategy for people who can excelling have a record and not being a record i remember that ann saying this is what we do with the utility and all the folks that was great because she was just as passionate about that man or woman who could have a record fighting for the environmental impact it was amazing to be part of it i think that that
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experience working with you on that. >> colleagues. >> all right. public comment on our resolution regarding our dear ann kelly. >> cal mr. backroom head. >> well, i still have an e emotional coped with the fact ann maybe on vacation and she'll be sitting in the office sometime. but i've been working with ann just altering less than a year that i've been with the department of the environment so my experience with the department of investment is totally tied to antonio and her management capacity and her strategic planning skills and
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her vision of california and where the energy world should go and the roll of local government in it ann has been really strategic thinker and one of the key players in thinking this issue through and pushing it through the local government sustainable commission we have a lot to owe here local governments are participating in partnerships with their utilities and getting the money directly to start the process of running their own the programs and seeing them grow so it's more than just what happened in our department and city but the citywide impact it's been delightful as a colleague to be working with ann and i'm going
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to miss her very much thank you. >> colleagues can i get a motion to approve our resolution. >> i move to approve. >> second. >> i'll second the motion. all in favor, say i. opposed? thank you, ann for all the things you've done for us >> don't be a stranger. i replacement having this motion for someone up here once upon a time, so don't be a stranger. i hope to see you back sometime >> thank you. >> good. all right. thank you. all right. so let's see
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>> item 11. >> yeah. maybe we can continue item 9 for at least another. >> approval for the resolution filed 2014 in support of san francisco shallow in your packet are the sponsors and for the renewable program manager action stem. >> thank you monica a couple of quick comments as we welcome alison to the podium and colleagues thank you, ann. i thank you. so we just to recap where we or are how we got here.
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we had a conversation at our first community meeting in the bay area in december. - november >> i think november. >> november and we talked about san francisco pornl becoming the third city in california to require solar on new development we put together a resolution the commissioner and i and put that before the commission there was a lot of positive feedback in the bay area community it's a community that adapted solar the go solar 70 program the community that has a legacy of environmental injust because of the dirty pour plants stand out as dr. espanola jackson says are
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real prove that our solar supports the community and makes for healthy community so we said hey why not make solar here and oakland did it so we didn't pass a regulation that invite but we worked the staff at that time, daniel mri did legwork there was communications certainly the stakeholders whether it's community obviously labor or business and some kind of feedback i was excited 0 see we were fortunate to get alison and she picked the ball up and continued the conversation we had a vetting at policy in february to kind of refine the resolution and really there will the resolve to get folks
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together to have this process and taken guidance from the mayor's office from the environmental policy roger kim and heard input from his housing advisors and how we can make that work in a collaborative consensus really great approach to something that could be big. when we had the policy commission 3 organs sometime within the past month we learned of new update that are reflected colleagues in this resolution that's before us a couple of things and i've really kind of learned a lot about it not being at the meeting from director raphael i'll point out a couple of things so we can lead to an adaptation of a final process and get it moving forward we'll learn learn from alison the two
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main changes on page 1 some underlined progresses there's an idea we've heard from the planning department and other the rooftops are actually important environmental comedy but living roofs and ideas around green roofs and thinking through the ideas making sure we mandate solar as we think about other green uses so we don't preclude other means that might accompany solar and a new law that kicked into effective 3 weeks ago and that is a requirement under the state energy code all new development be solar ready here in the state of california so i like the inclusion of this talking about
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with our director and the wish work that alison we've going to make sure we're solar ready and san francisco said let's do one thing more and get it on the roof. those are the two changes maybe alison can talk about this more if i've gotten this correct for the changes and we'll hear from questions from colleagues >> yes. certainly commissioners i think you've got is exactly right. i wanted to add more details this conversation has been rich and deep, of course, i'm learning as i go but there's even better nudes about us being a step ahead in 2016 this is a
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requirement throughout california so all new construction needs solar we're hatred on title 4 but ahead ton 2016 it's coming down the road that's a great reason this is being addressed it's a helpful thing. also i've received information that several of the supervisors are looking for a solar rooftop ordinance we're cognizant of the roofdz and one of the reasons it is taxiing this long we're being careful to vet there through stakeholders groups and reorganize and the direction is right to go and staying in touch with cal and director heinecke are a we've met with boo ma and presented to them and the code advisory group and dbi and
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planning in different formats and about to go back to them after our solar task force meeting this thursday at foufgs because that's the first round and go back to look at cvc and state approval before bringing this before the supervisors >> okay. great. and i see that the co-sponsor has joined us our friend of mine commissioner i'm not going to get use to saying former commissioner josefowitz supported this and mr. rodriguez told me about this important part of the process as we circle back if we make solar mandatory how much are we go back to make
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certainty percentages you know this is where it gets challenging and fun at the same time there's the different choice about lancaster said new development and other commercial development and a by the way, if you do the rehabilitation of the building go we're going to trigger the mandatory solar as well as and the other potential uses it becomes fun. my thought say, i want it everywhere and go solar with mayor ed lee and go solar since 2010 this year and theeshgs this is the right time so these great >> this is another global step we're so much bigger than lancaster we're making a em
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