tv [untitled] July 27, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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the crosswalk side in the middle and the widower part between third i fourth makes sense and i'll speak in favor of the not to the center to fund the widening of sidewalks towards market but collective through the plan and central corridor we have to find the funding to make the sidewalks easy to get to. without a convention their narrow and oftentimes hard to get through the areas we're moving in the right direction and i'm supportive. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. commissioner antonini asked some questions i had you already answered and i'm going to say i thought that size wasn't completely driving engine you have different types of
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conventions we can caterer to. i don't know for a fact do the types of conventions, conferences that we caterer to produce more revenue for the other types of things the spending is higher and i have a question about moscone west it isn't part of this particular design at the moment but some point i assume we're going to have to talk about better connections and expansion in this direction that brought up another question does the city have control over the parking garage on third is it possible to expand in that direction if it's needed we'll getting him or
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her get to in another 5 or 10 years >> thailts. >> commissioner moore. >> i appreciated the presentation particularly your presentation i've not heard one like that but since the issues surrounding the issues are so complex i'm 3re6b9 that the department talked about the drirmdz that are the doctors are vague and many used before and the details responder out it will help to understand the challenges of the eir proposed having said that, this is an unusual project the convention filled never met challenges it was creating an island and what we're doing is not a subtle way of enlarging the building and
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retrofitting it and creating a mini district which the department presented a while back it's a wonderful step in the right direction this will hepatitis things tucked in and the massiveness of the building creates a subscription and it helps so i'm happy with the transform. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much. and thank you for the presentation. i have a couple of quick questions a little bit unfair advantage having been the successor of the other commission they control the land so when the moscone captains was beginning that was one of the public forums for presentation on the project so the first thing i'm glad to see a number
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of positive changes in the design and in the pedestrian and street close from the first review there's community input and that's great. a couple of quick things i know you know, i feel like i'm going to be the bicycle person when i had the presentation on embarcadero one of the questions on the successor agency the bicycle situation on howard street given the set aside bus stop for the buses to drop folks off that interfered with the current placements of bike los angeles along howard street but vuchl in howard street is two ways i support that but it shows up in the eir and the symmetric's that the planning
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commission sees it's an important part of the pedestrian circulation as well as accommodating for bicycles and the second thing i was looking for one of the major pieces of the public comment we got a successor agency was about business access on the north side of moscone center along yerba buena gardens so those businesses on the second floor above the yerba buena gardens there was a number of people who came and were concerned about access through the businesses not only during the construction but actually post construction when you have the bridge because the egresses i need from the moscone north and south bypasses some of the businesses above yerba buena gardens so i was looking for the sxheemz are
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there concessions made and maybe a staff member can answer my last comment you know the successor agency staff is looking at the beyond all doubt plan there are a number of models and different ways of managing the garden in the future but seems like with the moscone expansion it is putting pressure on the garden to accommodate for people to have the moscone center that hopefully, will be built to 3 hundred nights a year and have a lot of days being used so i want hope that the planning department staff is also working closely with successor agencies with the plan and if possible it would be great to get a presentation on how this is coming along so that concludes my report. and i have the question about
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the access along yerba buena gardens for someone to answer >> thank you commissioner johnson just to answer our question about the connections i have an overview. >> it addresses that? >> so you can see this is the pedestrian bridge it is the enclosed condition space and this is the public terrace at the second floor level this is the direct public seas to the pedestrians so one can be in the businesses and come back to moscone. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner hillis. >> thank you for your presentation. i appreciate that they fixed the
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public realm in the block to the north the buildings were constructed kind of not facing the street but the garden this is once in a generation opportunity to fix that. i wish you and you do a good job along fourth and even on fulsome there's if there's not a staircase on fulsome at this point i think it's closed easement i don't know why don't anyone know about the staircase it's a grand - do you know why it's - >> (inaudible). >> okay. i wish this could go favorite because those two blocks are kind of bait
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improvements that is the next step but, you know, if you look at third and fourth and along fulsome i get into the convention center it's not the most forward kind of use. i like the design and the elements of that but that, too is kind of inward are we making the same kind of mistakes we've made but i think that retail that's beyond the garden in the interior inside that block is hard to use is there a way to make a better connection along third with that space people use the children's playground it's active but not as active as 3 or fourth street. that's the most public non-convention active use here
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i'm worried it gets some of the issues along the gasped >> yes. commissioner hillis that that is an issue we've focused on with the input eave received from some of the public it is a internal alleyway, in fact, it's where it was drawn from the president of the let's open kind of smaller walkways throughout the city our intention is to build on that scale to make it a rich place in terms of the program and including we hope was we move forward with the arts commission about potential involvement with the art spaces as well as the light and referenced some in the presentation and finally as it meets third street our intention
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so to take advantage of the widower pedestrian spaces moving the ramp to make the introduction of that space actually at the street i don't know if it shows in the images but to bring the seating and tables at that corner cafe there in the moscone center to the street it's prepares is brought back into the street it would be great if alleyway would be the same but a pleasant educate and used as the public space for moving in and out it is actively used. >> i don't know if we could move up third street but again that corner of third and fulsome i mean third and howard is active but i people are on the
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corner draw them down into the space i agree every alley even though we don't want them to be like a dog alley they've got to go somewhere. >> the other question i like the design the bridge it's being rebuilt why we build. we don't necessarily like bridges and kind of - it elevates it the area around the metro rinses are people are using the street to get up to the carrousel and other spaces more so than in the past >> yes. it's a good point. first of all, the reason to remove the current one it's not fundamental it didn't follow rule one of the transportation and move it making it
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intuitively clear where it goes the bridge goes over adjacent to the carrousel and the land is on the conduit, if you will, one level above the playground so you've gotten there i can figure out how to get to the playground if you're there for the first time it's to the incident how you get to yerba buena gardens for example and everyone crows under the sort of viaduct it's not a pleasant part of the park in of the issue one and the second he in terms of absolutely. i agree the point of keeping people on the street has been an issue several times this is a unique part of the city because of the incredible amounts of crowds so the connection between the two
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important public spaces the playground and he did yerba buena gardens and those two businesses above are really enhanced by having a park like extension between the two spaces. so i think a that's very unusual situation in san francisco and unique in this case it's appropriate because the two gardens are elevated so to get to them you'll have to go upstairs if i have a stroller or wheelchair and other issues that new brim will provide a real important connection between the two public spaces and done in a way that continues the language of the landscape as opposed to being a sidewalk across the street >> thank you. i appreciate that and i agree the design is great it just kind of adding another bridge to this space is a southern so thank you.
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>> commissioner fong. >> well, i had the privilege of being a long term supporter those projects don't happen without dollars and there's one person in the audience that repeating really helps with the sf form and the tourists that's itself aid for this particular project we're looking at which is wonderful and thanks linda congratulations. as one speaker said every time a version is getting better and better we're in the spot it's significantly better and thank you, john for bringing to the attention of the public this is a good time to bring it up and appreciate that and for some people that come to san francisco for a convention this is the only part of town they see but for some maybe here for
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a longer time it's important for san francisco and i think we've created a nice community for our visitors so look forward to seeing you again and congratulations open this project >> thank you. i want to thank the project team and public there's been a lot of work and look forward to your continued work together >> commissioners, if there's nothing further we'll move on to item 10 intention to initiate the planning code amendments related to consolidating and other subsequential changes to simplify code language. the matter before you is to nirnt the amendments and schedule a public hearing not before september 4, 2014. those persons existing the
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chafrmdz if you can do to quietly we'll appreciate that >> good afternoon aaron starr planning staff. the item bruce before you is a department supported ordinance to amend the sections of the planning code to restraining order reorganize time tables to update and semiimply code language i presented that on june 20, 2013, and looked at it october i was overlook optimistic other than the timing but the year it took to bring this forward was good we hosted two meeting and drafted the 4 hundred and 60 page odd ordinance and have the city attorney reviewed the ordinance and signed it which took 5
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months. today, we're asking toy initiate in orients and set the september 4th as the deposition date the organization of article 2 has been around since 1980 but until now monopoly massachusetts has been crazy enough to organize it and they have also their own set of articles they have the zoning control tables that lists standards and controls in one table and providing the reader one single source for every zoning district article two on the other hand, only lists the use and the distinction of the table that makes tables long and lengthy. the department buildings that the zoning tables are a way to convey information in the
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planning code and one of the main components of this ordinance is remove the article two and roman numeral them with the articles in articles 7 and 8 and to consolidate all the use dngsz as well as other definitions few and far between ideas in the code the goal is to have all the zoning districts a in the planning code reference one definition. the phase one in the 3 phase process if approved by the board of supervisors it will amend articles 7 and 8 and consolidated the definitions. let me stress our intention to make a few subsequential changes as less as possible and there are also two subsequential changes from the northeast ordinances have been reviewed
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and voted on as follows: non-conforming surface parking lots built before 1985 are not grandfathered and xherthd and the new used for the unknown conforming use will require conditional use approval it is principally permitted even if the use established an industrial use those are left out of your case report and this commission has weighed in on those to recap those are extremely large over 4 hundred and 60 pages not to make land use controls that are not voted on by the commission the goals are to reorganize article 2
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aren't lists the dings and that all districts reference one set of use dings. over the next month and a half the department will look at the provisions and the public will look at those and weigh in and we'll welcome their feedback this only initiate our opinion and didn't vote on this but merely begins the 20 day noticing period that concludes my racks thank you very much for your time and attention >> opening up for public comment
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(calling names) sir. >> thank you. bernard i represent san francisco tomorrow. those facts finding presumably by the court of appeals this violates prop mrgs the consistency with the general plan. and that increases the disabilities and it can't be decide by itself various entities in the court of appeals. customarily such impact effects forces impacts for the purchase of land the increased density
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for the construction or occupancy there's no mitigation with regard foshgs for example, the thirty thousand appropriate unit that go on the market every year and terms of the affordable housing regarding earthquake city no mitigation this - excuse me. this sun staff edition is preceding in bad faith thank you for your attention >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. >> partner. >> i'm asking if there's is there any additional public comment. >> from me. >> no members of the public. >> bay you have submissions prior to this.
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>> seeing no further public comment oh, i'm sorry. come forward and >> good afternoon in regards to the resolution to initiate article 2 i have a few reasons i don't think the clock should start the item description says article it most people don't know what article 2 is it should say something like the general opening provisions to say this is what article 23 is is about and in addition there is no real outreach or planning process that was meaningful to the public yes two meetings helped in 2013 i went to the second one
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there were only 3 people there and and at the june coalition meeting last week, i ask do organizations first of all, they didn't know what article 2 was and no one raised their hands there's not a lot of noticing and this thing in superior court on the overhead the city has this thing with superiority they're not relying on the housing a lot of things maybe have passed but a lot of it is new and it's not really exactly with the current ordinance say is when you start looking at the tables each box changes the
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nuance what da can be allowed and some things not there's conditional use so it's not clear and some of the things that are in regards to small business parking there's a gamete of things in the article 1 that's not mentioned the title or article 1 there's many things the public wouldn't be knowing of we shouldn't start the process today. >> good afternoon commissioner first of all, i want to thank commissioner sugaya for his service in the past. and your comment you're an intellectual and insightful person i hope the other
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commissioners will take up the task and the commission will provide protection for the quality of life in regards to item 2 it's the same as linda explained very well. no one knows about the things night life you're in the planning department. i learned at the meeting back in august of 2013 was a while back i think we need another series of outreach community meetings and i'm concerned that without those owners that are being passed the holding capacity of the city the infrastructure, the water, small business and transit those issues are not seriously being considered i've said any time in the past while
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we're building our infrastructure especially the transit has not kept up, in fact, it's degrading so the planning commission has done a great job but let transit catch otherwise our quality of life and service is more negative. so i hope in the future we give serious consideration especially to issues like water. right away we're in a tremendous water issue problem and now it has a double edge sword our needs and population is increasing and our resources are diminishing. sfafts article 2 we need outreach and some more meetings. thank you. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none,
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public comment is closed director ram. >> commissioners first of all, i want to thank aaron starr for a year and a half worth of work something that planning people can only enjoy which is reorganizing the chart of the code that doesn't change the code but makes it easier and clarify for the members of the public who testified this is there's nothing in this proposal that increases densities or changes something that's a conditional use if the idea is to make this chapter that is very complicated inconsistent with other parts the code there was nothing in here that will change the approval process. >> thank you commissioner
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antonini. >> yeah. mr. star i have a question thank you yourself your work and obviously have to go over this in more detail before we get to the approval stage you mentioned surfaces parking lot this is to condition their operation if they get conditional use but not parking garages. >> no, this is for parking lots and this is part of the owners that the commissioners reviewed a couple of years ago and it's been lagging but still moving forward albeit it slowly and i'll have to look at it closely i want to make sure there's nothing in here that is subsequential most of it is reorganization but wead
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