tv [untitled] July 27, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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participants and our goal is to continue to help facilitate additional job placement in the industry for fulsome we'll create 34 hundred and thirty construction jobs as well as provide apprenticeship opportunity for the program. through the program we've made connections to other projects like the mission hall and the asian neighborhood design and west by the way, center to help strengthen the program but also serve to bring the community closer together. true mark will help to promote a homework structure once resident are in place ongoing monthly contributions will be made through the hoa dues to meet the organizational needed.
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try mark has been to maintain the long term connection between the project and the neighborhood. in addition to u p we've spoken to one hundred and 50 individuals about the project and have one hundred and 10 signatures and many letters. we've provide many for sale homes including over 40 percent two bedrooms and low market rate we appreciate all the work and input of the staff we believe result in the building before you today. i will to introduce our architect thank you. >> thanks kim and good afternoon, commissioners.
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so the project the 923 fulsome is between fulsome and shipley streets and 5th street as part of the eastern neighborhoods plan, which obviously calls for an industrial use to more mixed uses including housing. the existing conditions talk about the small surfaced parking lots it didn't contribute to good pedestrian experiences there is almost no straight on shillly street it's a chain link fence. in contrast to the existing use the proposed project will utility the lot and provide much needed housing it will make a
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pedestrian experience on both streets. in addition the significant small businesses will be prepared for the recipe an open court yard and open terrace. the ground floor of the project seeks to place actually used on shipley and fulsome a retail space of 3 hundreds 45 square feet on shipley street we've activated the frontage and altered a lot of streetscape and street plans to enhance the pedestrian experience composer the primer entrance is on fulsome street and the other on shipley this allows additional street parking.
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in this section you'll see the property straddles who limits open fulsome 85 feet and shipley to 45 feet due to the right-of-way of shipley it's reduced slithering. this action shows our intention for an architecture element and this is intend to provide a unique signature moment to breaks the plan to provide for variety and also it is consistent with the planning code section. this section also shows the court yard space. this shows the typical floor plan 19 united per floor within the two connected wings and
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above the 45 level the shipley wing becomes assessable to acknowledge residents with a combination of landscape areas that includes raised patches where resident can grow vegetation. we took a lot of our intermission from the contacts in the neighborhood and by and large one house star windows and some earth masonry elements and with the occasional a, b, c sent of color we took inspiration to have a high quality of materials. so i see on the bottom right we have earth town with the because of the building and planter we
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have things and layers cut elements that are fabricated and a modern interpretation of some old industrial processes. we have glasses that match that. as a facade on fulsome street is organized by some larger elements that help to break the facade and the scale of the building it contains a juliette balcony they provide the residents with the access to in door to audit and more appropriate than popping balconies out on fulsome street those elements are picked out in on the accent colors that highlight those colors. at the eastern color you see the architecture quality at the top that breaks the 85 foot zoning
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line. and it is also subtly accented by the color they provide interests by far but as the residents approach the building they can see the detailed as you get closer. here we see the residential inventories that is accented with a canopy to the left a place holder and the pedestrian experience and the landscape and the bicycle parking. the quality of the materials will be evidence at the pedestrian scale. in this view you see the retail component on fulsome street again activate the street frontage. and then on the shipley street
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we really tried to break the massing of the project more appropriate to the scale of shipley street by alternatively the colors and using the balconies to break down those elements. so in comparison we see the existing condition at the top and what we feel is a very active contribution to the architecture character of this area going forward. and finally another detail the shipley facade again, we feel the high quality of the metals and balconies screens. thank you. >> okay opening it open this up for public comment please line up on the screen side of the
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room (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners hi, i'm rob pool i'm speaking on behalf of off one hundred and thirty members commissioner president wu to speaking speak here today. true mark printed 24 project to us almost a year ago and our committee way enthusiastic about the project we think it is going to be a great addition it's a challenging site because of the zoning but the project team has addressed the challenge we love to activate the public realm which the experience was in an unutilized space true mark has great projects and i think you know that goes that's the same case for this project we love the work and have partnership with the opted players and think
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it's a great project and hope you approve without delay. thank you >> hello, again joel electrical workers union 6 we're standing here to voice our strong support for this project i can recall will e about three or four years ago we had let's go work and members out of work for two or three years it's refreshing to be here at times like this today there's enough work so we have freedom to work with the local people building their own projects again, i'd like to voice my strong support.
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>> good afternoon. i'm rudy the executive order of the national filipino-american professional association. and i'm a native san franciscan and in 1960 when the consensus came out there were 2 hundred and 60 filipino-american in american in 2006, we had over 40 thousand filipino-american but the filipino community was december matted we lost 40 percent of our population of filipinos so any help to provide to the filipinos we can stop the hooernl of the filipinos the fact that true mark is a great community partner it beside i hope you'll approve that without
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delay thank you very much. >> good afternoon, commissioners with labors local 2 61 i'm here on behalf of 4 of hundred members to support in and ask the commission to approve that today, i'm here to testify how thought of true mark has been to the types of project. there's 46 cranes up around the city and the construction city is grateful to see this much economic activity bus the developer understands that some of the projects and developers don't is we are simulating and creating new jobs it's important the jobs offer a living wage and
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job to their workers we're happy to be here supporting in project because of it. thank you >> thank you before the next speaker let me call more names (calling names). >> good afternoon. commissioners i'm vivian i'm did executive order at the filipino center located in the south of market near the proposed development i'm here to tell you why i think true mark, your honor, is a good partner they came over and met with our children in our free after school program and expressed support for our programs and other programs at the center we believe that true mark urban will continue to be great
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neighbors and friends to the filipino community south of market this is why i ask you to support them as well. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. . >> good afternoon. i'm e.r. ucla one the case managers at united players i'll be speaking on behalf of the united workers we have our chief that can't be here he would have loved to be here so i'm here. so united players we strongly support true mark urban in their outstanding and genuine commitment to the community we're grateful for providing for our team at united players earlier they spoke on our selma
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pathway program it was a huge success launched in 2013 my brother was part of this and he's on his way to getting his stiff toy and on behalf of our local we support this to the community and proposed project. thank you >> thank you. >> hi. i am - i live and participated in the 2013 selma pathways program i can personally is it created career opportunities after the pathway session i contacted mike who presented from the electrician union.
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to get more information on the apprentice program i was employed open a multiplied family project in san francisco as part of the helper preamble in the process of applying for the inside wiring apprenticeship program with the kablths i've gotten i'll have an extent chance of having a great career. true mark europeans community involvement is admired as a recipient not area i request that i approve the development at 923 fulsome as proposed to provide more housing and jobs to the neighborhood. thank you >> thank you call a cough more names (calling names). >> good afternoon. i'm justin i'm here with city crossroads
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our community center is in the neighborhood true mark has been an incredible sponsor. and i volunteered with participant in other neighborhoods to make over on the one hand and improve 0 our crossroads we're grateful for their contributions i encourage i to support this >> thank you. >> hello, again. thanks for having me back again, i'm anthony and i represent the local one hundred 4 we strongly support the true marking at 923 fulsome street we urge you to
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join us in supporting this that will create new jobs and homes by supporting this project you'll guarantee the local employment both directly and indirectly and other projects it will enhance the pedestrians that provides safety and security in the area we support the affordable housing units on site. true mark partnered with the urban players called the salma pathway and we enjoyed the experience we appreciate true mark for their involvement the sheet workers and local one hundred 4 support this at 23 fulsome street and ask you
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support this for new jobs. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon peter thank you, again i represent the carpenters local 32 actually members in san francisco which 21 hundred are san francisco residents as tony said this offers opportunity for carpenters and apprentices here in san francisco residents it's going to put to work approximately 4 hundred and thirty union construction jobs about a third of that will be carpenters or people i represent most of those will be san francisco recipe. as the developer said earlier the project they're looking to bring on one person the
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carpenters will make ever effort to offer to a young apprentice or young men and women the opportunity to become a young apprentice in the carpenters trade this is a can we path not just a job a job that pays well most of our apprentices if they work 12 hundred and 50 hours they can pull down $45,000 a year along with benefits and it's a great opportunity we're doing this at other true mark projects and we'll talk about this briefly i deal with a lot of developers there's not a better develop today in this city what they do for the exultant goes way beyond what they have to do my membership
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supports it and the trade unions support it thank you. is there any additional public comment >> hi. great grandmother what the secretary to mr. roth i own shipley property since 1987 i reviewed the plans recently the notice they sent out this is the first notice i got the phone number on the applicant information i called no ability to get to the person i talked to doug i called him 3 times and noble to get in touch with him. i reviewed the plan and there
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were problems. i'll read i appreciate the projects and it enhances the neighborhoods i see a fault with the impact of the parking. the parking 80 parent one hundred and 14 parents that designed to have one hundred and 14 bike spaces but all the parking is coming out into shipley 80 cars where we're in the fire area on shipley. the reason why the safety needs enough room to go down the street if you have a car going in and out at 923 fulsome an emergency vehicle needs to come out the solution to the plan
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would be consider a residence easy solution that would consider the residents of shipley street would be relocated the partnering ramp to enter and exit on fulsome street if you look at the outreach they've served they showdown one hundred people signing if you look at there is only one person on shipley street that signed that a new business that just opened up if you talk to the other resident and is there's access to 80 parking spaces an shipley people will be upset there's not been an you outreach what happens after the jobs are gone and you still have to be on
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shipley. the important thing is that parking as a business shouldn't be allowed, you know, they have we're trying to get people out of cars they're going to have 80 parking spaces they're going to represent partially >> thank you, sir our time is up. >> they shouldn't be allowed on shipley street. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> well, i like this project a lot and it's another project that that is conforming with the eastern neighborhoods most of the reasons a million in fees and 14 b m r over 40 percent two bedroom and did is good job stepping down to shipley they
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have to do that it makes the units on shipley address the smaller street much better with the steps and the way to access i don't like the orange on the balconies but work with the staff to consider the colors. otherwise, it looks very good and they've certainly done a lot of outreach to the community and hear all the speakers in support above and beyond what they needed to do in the community outreach. as far as the any kind of traffic that is generated generally speaking when you go to a residential area and have cars parked there's not a lot of cars coming in and out they talk
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about the infiniti where there's many, many units 4 hundred units i think you have to have someone coming in and out of that garage they go into the garages occasional but not that severe i'm in favor of the project it utilizes underutilized spaces to sever as plastering and in terms of fire issues the fire department is right next door. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i'll keep this brief a lot of my comments refer to the katrero project in recent times to make sure we deep that as part of the use full for recipe i like that
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and, of course, the one site affordable housing housing because they have two bedrooms he want to make a comment on traffic this city is going it make fulsome is two-way but having the furniture and trees kaumgz traffic it is sort of a four way radio radio roadway and the matt so principal is going up but not a lot happening around hope street until 2 or third street it is great this kaumgz the traffic and brings for flow to the ground floor. the only comment i want to echo commissioner sugaya's comment been the hoa this is something the developer choose to integrate the community into their hoa.
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with the katrero project it was connected to the park and the small business that's clear and the resident will continue to support that. with this one i think it is fantastic it's a fantastic organization i love what they're doing and they have great programs you're looking at how to structure our hoa just make sure that it's something that the residents will support the perpetuity and god for bid in the resident in the future that there's not a clear way to continue that in the future that's my one comment >> commissioner sugaya. yeah, that's good >> it is a public park and not a nonprofit but i wasn't going to make a comment i read the spur letter we just got and on
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building and landscape design they have a concern about access to the four story on shipley not having elevators could you comment the only elevators those are really far apart so i think i want to bring that up it's nothing i thought of before but it is in their letter perhaps comment open that. i know elevators are expenditure >> we thought it was important that the single elevators warlike one community there's a combrarps to shipley a staircase and a walk up on shipley.
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>> the only comment i understand that the only comment is if resident on the shipley side are going to be i suspect you using the stairway more especially, if their parking spaces are towards the shipley side of the this i urge you to look at the interior design of the stairways in my condo building those stairways are perfect concrete and metal raildz and they don't clean them half the time it's not a nice thing. i'm in 0 the fourth floor i'd walk up and down more if this experience were nicer picture not architecture wise b
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