tv [untitled] July 27, 2014 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT
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duncan street 25 years and strongly object the project is in no way comparable that the existing sfamz on the block nor the exist listens regardless of set back it is shocking to me that such a big building would be allowed as stewards of the city i hope you'll protect the city and hope that's what we'll do today and i'm concerned with the penthouse noise we're a unique geography spot and on a huge steep hill so any noise you heard before it amplified. in order to fit the four stories they have to dig do you think
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there's an underground stream that runs through duncan they're to have to dig down that is of concern. this project is from a dispensary that will be getting out of the project as soon as possible it's a dispensary locking to maximize his profit i hope you'll remove the penthouse and deck >> commissioners i don't think i've tried or introduced myself i'll not be addressing at this point thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker. hi, i'm meredith thank you for taking the time i live on duncan street directly across marcus book store folks have been
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reiterating our concerns i want to life with one thought we're a community we care about what happens to our environment. part of that has to do with the beautiful victorians and the development of the new properties coming in and making sure that they do come into alignment this is not something we want in our community pause it's a community. i love my neighbors but not looking into my windows and backyard and don't want to hear their cell phone conversations. i'm unique i'm probably the only one here that lives on the bottom floor i want to express my opposition this to this construction we live there and our new neighborhoods will be part of our community don't you
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want them to start open a good foot please, please consider our dr and remove that top deck and penthouse >> thank you. >> hi, i'm cynthia i live on duncan across the street from the development. i moved there in the 84 i was a c w a union member and could afford to buy a home in san francisco it's a great cul-de-sack and i want to say i've never bonding been to a planning commission meeting it's been a real education it was fascinating to hear how people have solicited input and quite surprising of the experience working with those people. again my feeling is that what
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we're opening our door is to a motor vehicle mcmanntion its way too big to open the door to one after another it sets a precedent for all neighborhoods >> thank you. >> good evening, members of the commission i'm is there any public comment? i little on duncan i want to say i oppose the proposed plan it's a shocking mismatch the existing scale and stepping of the homes and the aggressive scale of the structure i want to say there's
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no 3 existing offer garage structures. for those reasons i plead that the planning commission will have the top structure of the building removed >> thank you. next speake >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening. i'm christopher baker. i live at 356, 28 street i've been in real estate development for 25 years but very if i experience in front of of the planning commission. in reading did project analysis
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i was struck that it is compatible with the health and depth of the buildings in the surrounding area how could that be when any finance background forced me into a walk around the neighborhood where i looked at 35 single-family homes and said how many of those stories are they over garage how many square root it the lot for public record how many secret is the building for public record i came up with comparing 35 homes the proposed project is 2 1/2 size larger than the average home on the street the proposed project as 1.7 average levels it
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is twice as many levels as the average single-family home the living space is 4 times the average as is the square footage of the building this analysis didn't include the homes on the street that render those numbers relative to what exists. commissioners, i don't oppose the building of a new home but the 39 hundred square feet home one that is clearly not comparable with the surrounding neighborhood. thank you for your time >> thank you is there any further public comment in support of the dr. >> hi, i'm georgia i'm here about the may or may not dr i'm concerned about the demolition
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it is primarily about the demolition section in all the things that triggers i'm concerned about a project a building that is now countered affordable being replied by a building that's not favorable despite what is said in documents and papers i think when i laid out projector in my 6 page document it kind of says it all you need to please use your discretion to deal with the tripod of relative affordability with this project it's kind of like a fact we know what is affordable but we know what is out there it relative affordability this project is huge the guest bedroom and the
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bonus room and the enormous size i've heard you say a 3 bedroom house will make a good family housing as chris laid out those numbers it's very true so when you use this you have to think what have we dialed down to make it more relatively affordable like a diagramer on a volume control i think because it's a demolition i hope you'll consider it and have a conversation what means relatively affordable is all that stuff in the 317 i've cited in my paper i think that is really critical to this project and i'm very concerned particularly with the immediate
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neighbors not enough attendance has been paid ideally in you look at the relative affordability shrink the project in matching the prevailing pattern. of duncan street that's exceptionally extraordinary 1 or 2 stories over a garage thank you. is there any further public comment >> my name is cecil i wasn't prepared to speckle but my sister went home with a tooth arc. my parent bought the home next door to the proposed area 60 years ago. we've all been raised in that house and grandchildren and
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great grandchildren we've been used to air and light what they are proposing to do will cut off my mothers window my mother is 85 years old that there cut off the dining room and the bedroom and the living room. we don't know what they're comingful in with we've seen different plans we saw little bathroom windows and now their huge. and in this case, the top area, yes it's a big concern we would like to see it begun but also for us there's a existing problem with those over shadowing my mom's house with a one story over the garage will
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sandwich it that's it for now i wanted to address the issue from our point of view that have lived there for 60 years >> thank you. is there any additional public comment seeping project sponsor your team has 5 minutes. >> sir do i want to speak as part - >> sorry i missed that one. >> i think he was with us (laughter) i guess it's evening now good evening dan with ruben and rose i'm here for a local builder that lives from the site on
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jersey street this the second project he'll build on his own although he's done other projects before launching into the details i apologize for the invention that the commission and community was caused by itself mishap of the notice it was ina.d. tenant we're looking forward at that time, merit to replace a small delipidated shack with a new 4 bedroom residence. more often than not there's a question about the adequacy of outreach was there enough and did the developer engage with the real spirit of compromise i think the answer is unkwvnl yes. there's been a series of meetings with the community at
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large. those have not been meeting for their own sake by meeting where we've heard feedback and made changes to the project some of those are reflected in the plans you've received in your package on the tenth and the rendering which you've received those reflect our intent to change the plans going forward, of course, with our approval in the end none of the changes are satisfactory to others in the community who insist on the removal of top floor and it's entirety i understand the loss of view for the dr requester, however, i think we need to begin with the
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presumption that people will point their homes to a good use this is not the animal how did this is a good space for a home offenders office with a nice outdoor space. i think this is a textbook case that they follow the residential guidelines the guidelines don't say that buildings have to be the same size but the scale should be compatible with the street and specific instructs set back the top floor we've done that and reduce the par fit we've done that. using transparent deck railings we've done that, too. and here i see in the rendering how the building has changed over time we've done everything
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the guidelines have asked and set back and the health reduced it's 36 in total to the top of the penthouse that's well under the 40 foot health limit the rendering show the top is invisible when our close to the building and resides into the background and that's what the design guidelines are intended to accomplish. lastly like to talk about what the building looks like from the rear this is the adjacent building to the north there or excuse me. to the uphill there's a 5 foot health difference not a major health
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difference didn't dwarf the next building inspection there has been effort to talk about talk to the speaker before us those conversations ended awe brussel i'm going to change gears and talk about our design team i'm sure you're aware of there's a couple of architects to date an architect of record and in the interest of the consistency the sponsor will with work greg square foot and the other architecture both of them professors at cca and the architect going forward greg is here to answer questions thank you very much >> thank you now taking public
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comment on those supporting the project. (calling names) if i've called our name to come to the podium >> feel free to come to the podium. >> hello, i'm mr. duncan a lifelong resident i believe that project benefits the neighborhood i've come to know the project sponsor a is a member of the community. i believe that this will add value to the properties around
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and thank you for your time >> thank you. >> hello, i'm elizabeth and i'm here to speak in support of the construction of single-family home on duncan as a member of the family i support the single families homes i've reviewed the proposed plans and the design enhanced the block i support new construction going up and down gone through the rigorous design guidelines. i have sgashgd with the project sponsors and find them easy to work with. i also think it's great one the project sponsors live in our neighborhood and a local project sponsor and will be the one
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building this single-family home >> thank you. next speaker. >> fmg and thank you very much for your time i'm here to speak in support of it i've been a noah resident since 1994 i've watched the neighborhood change and grown up there and as a result of that i think the community of noah valley as improved and the lifestyle because of t because of the developers it is eclectic at best and the duncan home was overgrown and the home abandon and the neighborhood was silent to the deterioration of that property over 10 years 10 years denver has owned that
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property and never been and not once have the weeds been pulled in support of the way it is to hear the opposition i find amazing. so let me tell you that particular street is far from e semi and has three or four underserved homes so i'd like to see this impact us in a positive manner. i've taken the time to walk the block to ask for people to support the project that adds to the benefit that is enjoyed by thousands of people of the people we didn't go to the people that were non-supporters but people that were in silent support they didn't have the
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will to show up i strongly ask this boyle's to move forward it's been part of the plan since 2011 and every single time we've taking into consideration we've looked at it and changed the development plan in accordance to the rules of the building code i ask you to support n his wife jena and i ask you pass this >> thank you. next speaker. >> i'm evan i've lived in noah and work in real estate i understand the process this has been worked with a fantastic design they've proposed homes it is one of the better looking homes and about benefit the
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neighborhood. i've known this gentleman for many years he's a local guy i worked on the homeowners project with him, please support that >> thank you. good afternoon. i live on 28th street dribble behind the proposed project. i'm new to this i actually met the realtor and i met jena his wife in the neighborhood probably 6 months ago she has a local business so i'm not sgament familiar but their null married and put their honeymoon on hold and representation
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because they've been working on this project i say from my view when i step audit on my deck for one thing i live next door to a huge, huge development a condo and a rooftop deck so we have probably much more than that what's being built next door to us. there's children there and no parties we live in a cannon like effect in delores park if there's a festive you hear it like it's right there. us personally we haven't had a lot of noise even though this thing is probably way higher than i don't know the square
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footage but as the person living next door i didn't get a lot of noise so when i go out on my deck and look behind me to the duncan street we don't is a view and that will definitely not effect us. this morning i took a walk because i saw pictures depicting a slight what goes with the grade it didn't look like what was put emancipation proclamation up here. so when i walked up the street today, i saw several buildings that were not with the peaked roof but square looked like they were built in the 70s and a couple of nice houses and up the street they get nicer in my
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opinion. the house directly across the street is the same way in the back type of design as the one being demolished it looks like a street that could use, you know, a little bit more i don't know tlc. i'm out of time i think this is - >> out of time and the community (inaudible). >> thank you. >> my name is chris i'm a neighbor's on duncan people respect san francisco for its architecture and a nicely designed contemporary home bridges that and takes us into the future and it's a nice compliment to the neighborhood. i think if you walk on that
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section of the block you'll find there is a nice mixture of one and 2 and 3 stories over the garage and a couple of large garages. the architects show that with their plans it's a 4 bedroom home that's a nice size single-family home and that adds to the value of the neighborhood and contribute to the people that will live there >> thank you. next speaker. >> sorry i have here 21 additional letters from neighbors open the surrounding neighborhood in support of the neighbors that were not able to make it this evening thank you very much. >> is there any additional public comment in support of the
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project? okay seeing none, public is closed. dr requester you have a two minute rebuttal >> hello, i'm john pilgrim i'll the dr requester living on duncan street i want to show briefly can i have the projector. >> sfgov b will put it up. >> the present names of the. >> will you please bring the microphone over. >> those are people that have signed the petition opposing the penthouse and the relief deck we've met multiple times with the developers and the changes they've made have been small primarily to comply with the
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front set back and some changes to the windows fundamentally they have not done anything to address - they've moved the penthouse back 5 feet and reduced the light well, from the original one hundred and 20 square feet to 71, 59 percent as they've increased the roof-deck the changes have been self-serving the one thing we met with them back in february or mark of 2012 is to remove the roof-deck the massing is incompatible with the neighborhood. here is what their structure would look like in context so the roof-deck is visible from
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across the street their own renderings show that from the street i think this was taken in my derivative it is visible. so from midway to the street all the way over it's visible that's their rendering here's mine it's visible from down the street including the rendering >> thank you. sir, your time is up. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> project sponsor you have to minutes. >> hi, i'm greg scott with the design architects i want to speak about the context and the miss characterization of the blockbusti
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