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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT

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that we're going to have enough to that, for example, workers from good will would be able to afford to live in the building they used to work in. >> supervisors, olson lee, director of mayor's office of housing. as director updike mentioned we're very early in the process, and the level of affordability specified in these agreements are related to the use of taxes and bonds for the financing of this development. so, these units will be affordable. at no greater than 50% of median income. so, they're going to be relatively affordable. and i presume that the workers of good will would be income eligible for those, those particular units. one of the questions is, you know, are they, in fact, low
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enough to actually serve those employees. but the base obligation for any new multi-family development based upon prop c is 12%. and, so, this is an increase in that air of affordability by 8 percentage points. so, there are going to be over 130 units of affordable housing here at 50% of income for which the mayor's office of housing community development is not subsidizing it. and we will actually be the other party responsible for issuing the bonds and monitoring the ongoing affordability and ensuring that the owner is indeed serving, you know, folks at 50%, the median income and below. the mayor's office of housing sees this apart of a larger strategy as we create market
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rate housing, we are creating indeed affordable housing and this is a classic example of that. is it enough affordable housing? it's never enough, and we agree he with the board on that. we are also looking at other ways of trying to create affordable housing in other particular sites. as you may know, we have spent a lot of time this summer with the housing working group trying to look at the question of middle income housing and what some of the tools might be and where it would be most suitable to do t. we haven't found that magic program at this point and the source in which to do it, ~ but we are currently looking at a variety of ways to encourage and produce and ensure that there will be a band of affordable housing serving that particular middle. this may or may not be the site
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for it, but clearly the initial allocation of affordable units, the 20% is a significant increase over the baseline requirement for a building of this size. >> thank you. >> okay. seeing no other questions, mr. rose, can we get your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman and supervisor mar. a budget for the city's total estimated cost to purchase and develop the property and that budget is 253,285,0 80 dollars and that is shown in table 3 on page 78 of our report ~. on page 78 we also note, a mr. updike ha already stated, that this legislation would authorize nonrefundable payment of the city $1 million toward land acquisition costs and up
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to 250,000 for initial schematic design costs. on page 81, we have our recommendations. we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution [speaker not understood] prior to the date the board of supervisors must endorse the purchase and sale agreement on october 31st, 2014. and that report should provide details on the space requirements of the city debtsv and the proposed uses such as training board room, space for occupying the new office building, including long term staffing [speaker not understood], also explain the option for big filling [speaker not understood] allowing them to relocate to the new office building and provide details on
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the space requirements and recommend poe tension project alternative if the increase in space is not required by dpw, dbi, city planning or other city departments slated to occupy the new office building and describe the real estate [speaker not understood] to be a policy matter for the board of supervisors. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. mr. updike, is your department okay with these proposed recommendations? >> yes, we are. >> okay. if no other questions at this time, we'll open this up to public comment. if anybody wishes to comment on item number 26? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> supervisor mar, we have our budget analyst recommendation. he >> so move the recommendations by the budget analyst. >> take the underlying objection. ~ gov. >> thank you very much. madam clerk, can you call our 10:30 special meeting? >> item number 1, resolution did he nating central city
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extra to be the neighborhood outreach newspaper of the city and county for the central city neighborhood; northside publications/marina times to be the neighborhood outreach knew paper of the city and county for the northern san francisco neighborhood; west portal monthly to be the neighborhood outreach newspaper of the city and county for the west portal neighborhood; and potrero view to be the neighborhood outreach knew paper of the city and county for the potrero hill, dogpatch, bayview, soma, mission bay neighborhoods to provide outreach advertising for fiscal year 2014-2015. >> okay, thanks. we have our office of contract administration here. thank you. >> good afternoon, chairman farrell and supervisor mar. thank you for hearing me. my name is deirdre darling. i'm representing the office of contract administration and i'm here requesting your recommendation and approval for a resolution designating certain periodicals of the city's outreach periodical for the upcoming fiscal year. outreach advertising is intended to meet the public information needs of those communities and neighborhoods which may not be adequately served by the official newspapers. the contract term would start august 1 and go through june 30
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of 2015. the estimated contract value is $18,000 to be divided between the awarded periodicals. the admin code requires the purchaser each year to invite bids for outreach advertising for the next fiscal year. the code specifies certain minimum requirement periodical must meet in the environment [speaker not understood]. the purchaser performs the valuation and reports the point totals to the board and makes recommendations. historically [speaker not understood] and made its recommendation to the board based on the response of bidder with the highest point total for the outreach communities. the admin code also states, there upon, the board of supervisors shall by resolution choose and designate periodicals as the outreach periodicalses of the city and
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county for the ensuing fiscal year. the board of supervisors in past years had decided to designate more than one periodical per outreach community in certain neighborhoods in san francisco and have split the contracts between most, if not all bidders who responded whether or not they were responsive to meeting all the requirements. oca sent bids to approximately 50 newspapers and received 11 responseses. of those 11 responses, six were responsive. the six newspapers are marina time, central city extra, west portal monthly, potrero view, small business exchange, and bay area reporter. we also received five bids from periodicals that were nonresponsive because they were
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either printed outside of san francisco or were not printed frequently enough. ~ to meet the admin code requirements. those newspapers are the san francisco bayview, [speaker not understood] daily, world journal, and [speaker not understood], also the western he edition. in conclusion, the purchaser has drafted the resolutions for outreach periodicalses based on the past practice of recommending the bidders who are responsive with the highest point score. ~ the board of supervisors has the option to exercise its discretion to designate the recommended periodicals or if the board so chooses, to follow past practice to split the contract between most, if not all of the periodicals who
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submitted bids. last year [speaker not understood] were awarded to all who submitted bids. are there any questions? >> okay, thanks very much. >> a real quick question. >> sure, supervisor mar. >> are there any requirements from language access ordinance on how notice needs to be in languages by language minority populations? i'm just wondering because i know the small business exchange being designated for the latino or chinese or immigrant communities, i'm just wondering if they have the abilities to communicate in languageses other than english. so, i'm just asking what are the requirements under our language access ordinance or even just that we follow so that populations that might not be proficient in english would still have adequate notice from our city. >> well, i'm not familiar with the language ordinance.
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the admin code 2.8 does not require that the notices be published in any particular language. however, the outreach newspapers that represent the chinese community and hispanic community tend to be published in that language. the small business exchange is a little different. they represent minority small business owners. we do have non-responsive bid submissions from foreign language newspapers [speaker not understood], publishes in spanish. cinta daily and world journal publish in chinese. >> thank you. >> mr. rose, do we have a report from you on this item? >> no, there is no report, supervisor. >> okay, thanks. so, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item number 1 hereof our special 10:30? seeing none public comment is closed. [gavel]
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>> so, supervisor mar, we have options here, either to accept all the responsive bids or do what we have in past practice, broaden it to all the nonresponsive bids as well. i would say that would be my preference, better to be inclusive. [speaker not understood]. that would be my recommendation. >> i would support that. >> okay. so, we have a motion, then, to amend this item to accept both -- to split this contract up between all the responsive bids and the nonresponsive bids submitted. >> so move. >> thank you. >> that work? we can take that amendment without objection. [gavel] >> and the underlying item as amended we can also take that without objection. [gavel] >> thank you very much. madam clerk, do we have any other business in front of us? >> no, mr. chair. >> thanks, everyone. we are adjourned. [gavel]you.
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>> well, everyone today is july 15th this is the commission on let me starter again, this is the san francisco community investment & infrastructure commission i'd like to call this to item one roll call please respond. commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh.
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commissioner rosales. commissioner johnson all members of the commission are present next order of ambition is announcement next schedule meeting will be held at city hall b announcement of prohibition of sounding sdpiz please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. announcement of time allotment please be advised members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes unless the commission adapts a short period it is strongly dies people fill out a spshd and
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submittal it to the secretary. the next order of ambition e business action any no reportable action and we have no items the next order of business matters of new business for consent and regular agenda. item 5 a minutes of june 17, 2014, and item 5 b continually with the municipal transportation and bicycle share for o a bike share yerba buena gardens discussion and resolution number 51 madam chair >> thank you very much just a couple of things the think the 5