tv [untitled] July 31, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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hundred and 14. >> yes. >> so the code requires that you have securities every one hundred patrons when entertainment is present. >> exactly. >> so one security guard won't do it's 2 hundred and 14 if i meet our occupancy you're required to have two. >> we'll welcome that that we have no issue it's the 75 was neither fish for foul we wanted one hundred activity. >> so commissioners any other questions. commissioner lee >> oh. i'm back can you come back up >> as you heard earlier we have sound issues with buildings with live music things like that are you doing any sound proofing at all with the band or sound stage
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is. >> we don't have a stage we double sheet rocked and have sound installation instead of and shawn burke is going to do his sound testing tomorrow we welcome that. so we're perpetrate as was mentioned we're next to the bill of flourns so we don't want to chase out our clients. thank you for asking we're conscious of that we've designed the charles people designed the speakers that's it they're not on the ceiling their 8 feet up, if you will, they're posted - >> bringing up them in is a good thing. >> any other questions. >> commissioner perez. >> thanks for coming in it says in our application you have an outreach for the district of and
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the union square id can youtube at that your presentation. >> mr. nolte is here my egyptian ass ways held up but we're presenting what we're going doing there with the evolution with the bar and ms. black stone has menus so we've presented to the committee sflfs a representative from the central station and the tenderloin station and also the office of economic development on behalf of the mayor ben van hotel even was helpful in putting us in touch with the planning commission. >> very good thank you.
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thank you very much officer torres >> good evening, commissioners i'm officer torres i'm going representing the police station i had an opportunity to visit bartlett hall it's a very nice high-end restaurant pub and it will be a good edition to the union square area. i turned out mr. lighter toured me throughout the restaurant it's very nice high-end top of the like that and looks like it's going to be a good edition to the area we recommended approval to the conditions >> great. just one question while you're up here do you recommend 75 to one in security ratios is there a reason you lowered it
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>> our experience although at times you may need more security guards when you have those event especially in the union square area we'll have issues in some of the other establishment like the one op1 open ellis street i going to think it fusion lounge although they're good restaurants you need more security in that area we feel in that area we need important security like for big event. >> thank you any commissioner questions or comments before we take public comment. >> is there any public comment? go ahead and come up. >> good evening. i'm karen the executive director of the union square business improvement district and we represent the property owners in all around a
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27 block of union square i'm here to speak in support of this to approve the entertainment permit mr. litter has been engaged he's got 3 hotels and attended many of our lunches and more importantly came to our public meeting where we presented his plans for the restaurant and asked for our support i've been there a couple of times a upscale restaurant we presented to other members and they were all there to see the restaurant and what have you through outreach and we're all in support of this item so thank you. i sent over a letter earlier today so it you have not received a copy okay. thank you very much >> thank you.
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is there any additional public comme comment hello, again >> i'm michael nolte curling speak on behalf of district six the bartlett hall didn't two meetings on november 12th as a new restaurant applying for a liquor license and on june 10th when they were talking about a place of entertainment permit and i was not present at the june 10th meeting i was attending a funeral but the organization did support the permit because other people i'm not the only person in the organization sometimes, people think that but that's not the
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way it goes get the smiles on everybody's face that's good. the band i did a site refugee went off site to work at the premise as the permit officer from the tenderloin station mention that's a very upscale and new looking that's good to see it looks new and fresh and you know it looks like, you know, it is nice to look at something brand new and hopefully no one will wreck it. and i did talk to the manager at the time and asked to look at the security measures and stuff i was very thorough when i went there and i did have a
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discussion with the owner at the time also again, our organization is in support of the place of entertainment license it's a good edition to the neighborhood. although we also here they are trying to mitigate 91 any noise on the neighbors so again, we are in support of it thank you >> thank you. is there any additional public comment? seeing none seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioners, if you have a motion to make please make one >> i want to move to approve addressing condition number 3 from the police provide a minimum of one security personnel and i will go with their request per one hundred patrons and also is that after 9
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that into the line and then. >> sorry can you restate that and i mean, i'm wondering. >> it should be when entertainment is present. >> if they have a daytime wedding and a band it's after 9 collection at night. >> great so one squared per one hundred patrons when entertainment is present. condition number 5 security cameras that are arranged for the venue for thirty days. and those are the two i'd like to add >> so just so i get this right you want to your motion is to approve the permit with conditions 3 and 5 and everything not there. >> the good neighbor policy
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goes along what the permit we don't need to add it again, it also talks about noise and cleaning up around and i believe the loitering law any place of entertainment a loitering law within 14th century 15 feet it's part of the law. >> right. >> so i don't want to add the graffiti a they'll remove it within 72 hours. >> right so a second for sxhdz motion. >> i'll second it. >> my discussion before we take it to a vote. on the motion with police conditions 3 adding one security per one hundred patrons when entertainment is present and also 5 including of security
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camera language. commissioner campagnoli. commissioner lee. commissioner joseph. commissioner hyde. commissioner perez. president tan >> all right. the motion passes. move on to our next permit. twitter amendment >> so this is the rob straurs doing business on second street the 21st amendment the brewery cafe and last year they came before you to apply for a loudspeaker permit for a series of afternoon bluegrass event into boom alley they actually have permits to have tables and chairs. mr. assuring at this point did lots of outreach and for the bluegrass band over 8 over 4
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months twice a month approximately and no problems. now that he has had this pilot program asking to amend the place of entertainment for the alley >> is it an l o p pilot. >> so i have a question before you gone. the place of entertainment permit is a permit for a fixed place a building >> that's true up until last year when we had the america's cup and the city attorney has advised us it's permitted you can't go for a live permit if you have a plays of entertainment permit. >> so you extend it to an outside garden. >> we can condition that part of the permit. >> is that an major amendment
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okay. now i understand. >> okay. so let's see we got the police conditions from the southern station and in addition the public works and the mta has asked for the following to be included and i have this in our memo no existing footprint into boom alley without going back to escot and maintain clear assess and the 21st amendment will manage the pedestrian traffic. with that, mr. assuring is here to talk about his plan >> hello sorry hi, i'm rob the general manager of the 21st amendment we occasionally like to have light blew grass music
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that's what the neighborhood has intended to agree with so we aren't expanding the beer garden everything is remaining the same i plan to continue my community outreach before every event we plan it do out there at the end of the day that's not something to do very often i want to do that once a month during the giants off-season and once again when their during the season and out of town. i think that that covers everything please shoot any questions you might have >> have you seen the police conditions a they've list 3. >> and they all sound great to us we're almost yeah. also wrapping up by 4:00 p.m. and do
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this on off days it is done and the conditioned outreach as i previously said. >> great commissioner hyde. >> so i'm on your e-mail list so i was wondering in you could explain about the community outreach is it just e-mail. >> it's mainly the e-mail i also try to get out and visit the neighboring businesses as well. and i did not do that time i knew the community outreach was done but you know obviously a lot of neighbors are regulars so the people that i see when they visit and the e-mails and that's mainly it >> and have i had amplified
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sound there thas this has been the bluegrass amplified. >> yes. it has. usually amplified and every now and then we'll have acoustic has well and houses the amplification set up and run sort of like >> the beer garden is basically in the deboom alley we set up the band has composing close to second street to aim the speakers down the alley usually on the weekend there's no one usually working down the additional on the weekend and trying to keep it going towards a dead end area. so we're very conscious of it we have had failures in the past a rock band i wasn't there and i
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shoven and they played it way too loud we've gone out and tried to regain the trust of the neighbors so on and so forth and they've commented on the volumes some of the comments were it's loud can you dial it down and we did. i'm interested if, you know, becoming an enemy of our neighbors i'll totally willing to work with them we've come to a good understanding of the volume levels they like. i've heard a condition proposed by one of our neighborhood associations we maintain the music style is bluegrass. you know, i think the most important thing is the volume levels and if there's a chance that a certain music style might
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get too loud we'll go with acoustic i'm not obtaining to other sties >> question to boom alley. >> we have a poly called lowered the boom. >> (laughter). >> all right. i don't see any more commissioner questions have a seat. any police comments on this particular - i know we have officer chad is not here is there any public comment on the 21st amendment brewery come on up and say our name into the microphone two minutes >> thank you very much alice roger i live on park across the street i've written to you in
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advance hopefully my memo was sent. i'm here to offer support for the amendment that qualified support i think that rob has been axiliary in terms of his outreach and handling working with the neighbors and everything that's he's said and proposed he's really followed through an and what i'd like to have this really codified with this approval or the restriction if possible. rob may not be in this position forever i want to make sure that his high standards go forward so we'll request i and my association request that the music be restricted to bluegrass
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we had american people unfortunate situation where we could see how bad it was if it didn't work but the current decimal levels rob's been using he's maintained and the open air portion of the permit be reviewed annually, however, if there were fewer than 3 complaints that annual review be waived thank you very much. >> all right. is there any additional public comment? all right. there's one more anyone after this >> all right. >> thanks. steven i'm a permit consultant i listened and want to see if rather than having them having to come back everyday we have a
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system no reason to come back maybe the zoning administrator or something can automatically have it go through that's an administrative active thing >> all right. any other. speak now or forever hold our peace. >> yes michael nolte here. i've attended a lot of meeting and some of the amendments are frustrateless so i don't see how they can be applied you can't have a permit to do certain types of music and can't mention when there's a violation i'm great that someone wants to give input but until they know what the laws are please don't do the job of the commission >> anywhere smiles a couple a few (laughter) all right. any final public
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comment on the 21st amendment. i don't see any the matter is now with the commission >> i want to move to approve. without them having to come back every year for a review and without limiting their first amendment right >> the amendment is to approve with the police companies. >> second. >> i'll second it commissioner campagnoli seconded that any more discussion. >> i want to say that i'm certainly about sound not the stitches music i appreciate you coming out here to express our views and help and make our suggestions and i don't think europe trying to do our job at all but trying to represent yourself and your association so
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thank you very much. >> every ebb members of the public is entitled to their position let's take a vote. actually, one more. >> i want to add it south beach neighbors are very concerned about the neighborhood and i'm happy their supporting mr. charles he's a responsible person and when the neighbors are actually supporting an owner of an establishment is a good thing i applaud that so i fully support this as well. >> let's support it with voting (laughter). >> so on the motion to approve with the police conditions same house, same call? . >> my. >> okeydoke i didn't arrest one more permit it is another treasure island music festival. >> this is going on for several
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years norman we don't bring the loudspeaker this is not a bribe this is a major amendment payment (laughter) okay. >> you have to watch out you're on tv. >> it's handled administrative active last year, we got complaints and met with the treasure island music festival as well as tida to try to determine how and why the sound complaints came through and whether or not it's atmospheric or the residents along the waterfront that have been through the america's cup thing so after we got the complaint we contacted the folks when the treasure island music festival
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came back and we contacted them every single person to let them know this permit police station was coming to us we received one return e-mail and that person said thanks for letting us know i booked is a trip out of town and followed up on friday and contacted them all again and have received no complaints i show you the nature the complaints and we received the 311 complaints through the telephone voicemail reflected the same issues with that, we have another planet and they can talk about that more. >> i forgot mr. navigating than from treasure island association authority. >> sorry.
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>> good evening. i'm jake from the project staff with the project transportation authority. titus permitted another festival to happen on the treasure island and the festivals is going to be one of the most important events on the island every year to minimize the impacts for the tenant proven to be diligently project producers have been responsible. in fact, last year, we had no complaints about noise no negative complaints about noise recorded to us they've done a phenomenal job and we support the treasure island and encourage you to approve the
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request for the permit >> great. thank you very much for coming. all right. you want to come up now? >> hello, i'm mary with another planet entertainment. >> can you speak more into the mike. >> we've been doing this since 2007 we have two stages we work real closely with the city agencies to make sure we don't have issues with traffic coming off the island we bus our patrons over and work with the caltrain with the bridge closer so we're not impacting the city traffic we have 10 b officers that work with us at the event and we work with the fire department has fire watch and tcs with the traffic control and working closely with tida to
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make sure we're working with the residents of the island which we thought would be the main impact of the concern of the outreach on treasure island for those resident we meet with them prior to the event and after the event as jack said we didn't have my sound complaint this last year from treasure island. i was contacted on saturday afternoon by 311 that they were getting calls in that may have been related to our show so at this point we had a live tell in the office and as people called in we had someone go into san francisco into the areas where we were hearing there's some impact. we have a very sophisticated sound system acoustics we can
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turn cabinet off and we had to address the complaints. i do think personally there was some sort of weather anomaly aversion in place we've done the same show in seven years and this is the first time there was an issue. so i'm hoping that we don't have any issues with weather e.r. low cloud coverage and everything about go smoothly hass as planned >> thank you for coming commissioner hyde. >> so i have a friend that going evidence and i've gone evidently years in film school was my favorite band i discovered there i said oh, you've golden gone to treasure
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island and literally the first thing he said it was so loud this year and this was someone that went to enjoy it so i think that was also from cloud cover or do you think - >> well as i said we have a booth where 0 people can go to if we're not getting the feedback i think that - >> this was the fact he kind of put out there this is this year it is really loud it is norman something i doesn't expect to hear ca was is a bigger sound system to make that
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