tv [untitled] August 1, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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thursday, july 24, 2014. i'd like to remind members of the audience that the commission does not permit outbursts of any kind minutes and and when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. i'd like to take roll commissioner president wu. commissioner fong. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioners first on your calendar are items proposed for continuance at 9 west portal affordable housing discretionary review authorization to augu august 7, 2014, there are no speaker cards >> any comments on the items proposed for continuance seeing none, public comment is closed.
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commissioner johns >> move to approve. >> move to continue. >> sorry. on that motion to continue. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes 7 to zero and places you under your consent calendar calendar, are considered to be routine and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests in which event the matter shall be removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 2 case at 19 through 28 clyde street request for condominium conversion and next at 39 alamed billboard and case
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four at 499 laguna street request for kwufrgs third reading >> any public comment on the consent calendar seeing none. commissioner antonini >> move to approve items 2, 3, 4. >> second. >> on that motion to approve ail matters under content. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and placed you under commission matter item 5 for the draft minutes of july 10, 2014, >> any public comment on that item on the draft minutes? public comment is closed. commissioner sugaya >> i'll move probation officer
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to adapt the minutes of june july. >> on that motion to adapt the minutes for july 10th. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson abstention >> even when you're not at a particular hearing you need to render a vote. >> i then. >> commissioner moore. >> commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero. and places you on item 6 commissions comments and questions and commissioner moore >> i'm sure everyone has read that i was upset that the flower mart sold fore $27 million there are one hundred and 4 businesses that didn't have any idea i
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regret that and hope the department will closely monitored what the next steps are. commissioner antonini >> yeah. i have a couple of items i agree with commissioner moore and heard of that and very involved with the last time and was helping to keep it but certainly are there accommodations made for the relocation of that facility and i'll encourage it to be used for other assets a lot of the businesses are doing extremely well and it's historical we'll work on that. first of all, a couple of matters stu thank you to commissioner sugaya for many years of service this could be
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his last meeting i want to acknowledge it's service to the city and sitting next to him >> thank you (clapping.) my final is an unfortunate incident but the public should know last tuesday and i were meeting a couple of people on a street and we took transportation on mission she didn't want to get off on that station i said okay pick me up i'll take mini to my office we found a place on geary restraining order and we get between guerrero and valencia a packageer gets in our path of where we were walking and, you
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know, was asking for things and not moving he didn't move finally, i yelled at him and yelled forcefully enough and then a woman popped up in my face don't yell at my people we don't want you here that was disrupting i think their misguided and encourage the mission district to look at the community benefits to take some control of the streets i know your optional a block from mission station but the officers are busy with more serious offenses but i feel sorry for someone not from san francisco in some of our tourists and have that kind of thing happen they wouldn't come back and you read
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it all the time people are accosted by packageers and we lose our reputation and this kind of thing has to be controlled. >> snaring. >> yes. thank you. to start on the flower mart the commission went through a lot of hearings last time the flower mart was up for sale and being purchased and got feedback but the complicating factor the flower mart is not one place there's a japanese american ownership the last time they are not involved in the academy of art situation i don't know what
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the situation is but it's probably more complicated then we think this is my last meeting probably i've severed as a planning commissioner for 8 years and tried to bring some objectivity to my decision making there were a few indiscretions along the way you can google it and find out (laughter) made better forensics with supervisor kim and other in the process anyway, that's water under the bridge. i think objective activity wise is one it is one that i kind of like to characterize it as an unbalanced advocacy here and
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there i think the staff can bring us things that is a unbalanced but they're kind of forced into doing that one way or another as commissioners we should look at interests that we have passions for that we believe in strongly. i know certain commissioners like commissioner low is strong on urban design and others on housing etc. i don't have a lot to say other than to leave comments about things i've gone through the commission still probably should consider giving us attention to one is discretionary review authorization reform we went through that i believe at that time, i was a strong anti doctor person i've come around thinking that it's something that the
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city has this unique state maybe in the nation but i think the planning commission is the wrong place to have this done. i advocated at this time for a hearing officer sort of like the zoning administrator who i believe does a good job and has over the years or a smaller committee maybe a 3 person panel. i also think we need to expand and continue to be vigilant about the loss of pdr spaces in the city that goes along with trying to protect the western selma plan and balanced against the central corridor plan and lastly my plan for the culture presentation slightly different word but we went through many, many years of hearings on the
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japantown better neighborhood plan that was moderator into the dhs which is a culture document that document i think forms the basis for other discussions going on in the lgbt word and in the latino community and the filipino community. so i hope those things will continue and the planning commission will continue to support the work of the historic preservation commission. lastly i want to thank the planning staff they do a tremendous amount of work and this commission couldn't well, i think we could get along with all the stuff we're going i want to thank the staff for the support i've received over the
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years >> thank you commissioner sugaya. >> commissioner fong. >> i'd like to offer my thank you and congratulations. i don't think this commission is necessarily supposed to agree the way we're set up we're supposed to offer views i appreciate you and have learned a lot from you i've learned different aspects and comment on your line of questioning sometimes, it's very thorough and unique from a different prospective and our attention to daily it's been great sitting here for 5 years and good luck going forward >> i also want to thank you commissioner sugaya all our service at the planning commission and the landmark and maybe sometimes your comments maybe unfiltered it's a breath
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of fresh air many commissions can be overly careful you believed things and meant them and being thought of so again wish you the best in our future endeavors and maybe see you again. >> commissioner moore. >> having sat next to commissioner sugaya 8 years it's more than having a think a informed voice but a great appreciation for the thoroughness in the profession and before we really had the historic preservation fully established i've learned a lot and will miss you a great deal i refer to you as my comrade in arms. >> commissioner. >> i've learned a lot from bill
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and appreciate you how direct he is maybe those who don't follow planning but baseball derrick jettinger so thank you you've made a great impact bill. >> i may also wish you the best and commissioner johnson welcome. >> commissioners that place you in directors announcements. >> thank you xhishths on behalf of the commissioners thank you for your staff both on the planning commission and the board of appeals it's been educational for me and the staff we've been preshthd your detail and commitment to the work. secondly, with the reporter to the flower market there's 3 ownership groups the announcement in the paper was the purchase of two of those.
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so what is then the third a separate purchase not announced by a different buyer i should say so there's a lot of discussions we're organizing the meetings as well and one of the discussion points all or part of the functions should be there or relocated so we'll looking at issue. the good news that morning the mayor signed the legislation schlage lock to allow that project to move forward. there was a signing ceremony that involved several members of the community that worked on this for 15 years so at long last with the dissolution with the redevelopment agency that threw us for a loop so we're
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pleased hopefully, this will move forward within a year or so that concludes my presentation. thank you >> thank you, commissioners item 8 review of past font no preservation meeting. >> good morning aaron starr this week we've heard the mac open street terminating from the 3 t zoning to the new mac open plaza for the plazas under construction the commission he heard this on june 14th and recommended the approval at the land use commission supervisor kim property two minor amendments one to correct a top to and the intersection of
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highway one 020th century 1 it was moved to the full board of supervisors and seconded by supervisor cohen. this week at the board of supervisors four items received their second reading the organization that removes fees from the planning code the information from the project sponsor regarding their anti discrimination policies and the two items that dealt with the schlage lock it was mentioned that morning by the mayor there was also a hearing open is interim moratorium on change of institutional use in the mount i mountain neighborhood this was introduceed by supervisor campos was heard and not go before the land use committee instead of
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that, they took public comment and placed a moratorium on the institutional in the neighborhood located in the southeast part of the city this resolution will specifically address the closer of the market street ladies home and conversion to a private school 20 people came up to speak and month of the public comment was in favor of the preservation of the ladies home for that protecting seniors. supervisor campos spoke of the need to preserve that and the board voted unanimously to approve that there was no speakers that concludes my presentation. >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. mr. star i have a question on the university mount he and without taking a position i want the home to stay there but it is it within the power of
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the supervisors to keep it open for the folks. >> i don't believe so in the next 45 days we're supposed to look at the area and see what the issue is and propose solutions and report back to the board we have not begun that process. >> just a moratorium but no particular position taken. >> no. >> thank you. >> and the board of appeals met one item that was of interest the public healthy for the ocean avenue this effects the approval process for another mcd 5 hundred feats from this location that's been in front of you on calendar for september 11th last time the item was continued
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until october 29th we'll discuss further items with staff. other items president chiu nominated bobby wilson to the board of supervisors it's been vacant by wang and it was her last meeting and we appreciated her leadership on the board of appeals and she was a great voice and will be missed and add my sentiments to commissioner sugaya leaving he be you're great voice on the commission appreciated serving with you and also the experience you bring with the past experience with the landmarks so thank you. >> commissioners, if there's nothing further move ton opi
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address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda. members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes i do have one speaker card. >> steven henry. >> i'm steven henry a property owner on el gunmen park not far from where the supervisor mentioned he had dinner i won't be here on august 7th to give my support. i bought a building 10 years ago and did the condominium conversion i know you know the procedure of the paperwork i started it to help with competitions and bills i wanted
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to give my support into that and speak to the matter in that area when i bought the freeway was coming down hyperdermic needles and the area changes i meet my folks to walk them to the condo so i encourage the supervisors to spend evenings in that area i believe city hall if it were located there it would change i know august you'll be caring that i'm not a purchasing so i understand the topics are sensitive >> thank you. >> good afternoon, members the
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commissioned since the flower mart came up i thought it was direct to put my cards on the table for us and the selma plan process displaying and killing the flower mart and dismr. makras r placing the job is just for the sake of another office building is completely unacceptable rebuilding a mart in place in some manner that would be a something we'd support by kill the no more mart and pushed to some kind of town where it can't survive will result ultimately in litigation and essentially on the ballot measure so i certainly hope the staff can find a solution for this benefit of all concerned
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thank you. >> thank you. >> sue hester following up on john's statement about the flower market. i was the attorney for this landmark the last time this was before the commission when the university had the project. planning department really deals optional with property owners. if they deal with anyone they don't deal with tenant i've talked to tenant they didn't know about it. they're to be blind sided by this and if the planning department is digging in to evict all the small businesses you owe to the small businesses not only to the property owners. and, secondly, you have on your calendar for october 7th - will
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august 7th a report on prop m and the staff has written editorials and the mayor taken a position i have found for my quest through this records no one has any records i've found under recent almost no information in the department of the relationship between the office and the housing in relation and the transfer fee no one understands three years of community work that went into housing fees, transit fees in the late 60s and 70s and early 80s in addition to report from the plaintiff which didn't know anything at all about the
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history you ask the people to make reports to the commission. so we don't have to use other comment periods on august 7th which we will do it's important you understand the original origin of laws that are monthlyal policies they came from this side of the ailing so prop m didn't move out of the air on the ballot of november of 86 there has been years of struggle to get a housing fee and transportations fee the fact they're not being impolsz bugs me the most thank you >> is there any additional public comment.
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>> good afternoon henry with john the staff of market association and echoing what the other speakers have said we're concerned we're going to be using a place that provides work and it adds to the community to have a diversity not only in housing in the mart but it's historical for us to try to maintain it and not lose that whole flower mart so if we have a deep thought i hope we won't lose it. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment. okay seeing none, public comment is closed >> commissioners that places you under our regular calendar item 9 at 747 howard street as long as the moscone project this
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is a presentation. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu i others i'm the director of planning this is a project on the moscone in this afternoon's presentation we'll talk about the moscone center this is the meeting facility is located on howard street on the south of market in the yerba buena neighborhood it increases the moscone center by 20 percent the upgrade will be on the moscone north and south and at the ballroom. additional space will be created by expanding the blow grade that connections moscone north and soviet to create 87 thousand square feet the project will reconfigure the bus street and
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reconstruct the pedestrian bridge and construct a new bridge to connect moscone north and south and make the public realm open in the site. in more details we will have more information proposed for the project. in terms of the planning the eir is scheduled for august 17th if after the presentation from the sponsor today you very specific questions please let me us know and with that, i'll turn it over to the detective director with the department of public works for introductory remarks thank you. >> good evening edgar lopez good afternoon director ram i will
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give you a short introduction of the project and this is to your planning department and the office of economic workforce development and the bureau and our great partner santa fe san francisco travel. before i want to provide a high-level summary of the project. it will encompass 4 hundred and 757 thousand square feet and talk about the connection between the south and north and the expanded lobbies and a new canopy and the new bridge with a new bridge is improves the pedestrian circulation to make it more usable. we have
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