tv [untitled] August 2, 2014 3:30am-4:01am PDT
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>>supervisor katy tang: thank you, i too had a great time chatting with mr. richards. i'm looking forward to seeing you working on the planning commission. what impressed me not only the organizations that you have been involved in , but the amount of time and that shows true commitment to your neighborhood and that brings a lot of experience to the commission. as a new incoming member potentially of this planning commission. i have one question for you: are you ready for this? worried but i'm also happy, still able to support campos' motion. >> he took boxing classes for christ sake. we have a motion to amend line 3 and line 13 from the motion to approve
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this nomination. >> so moved. >> okay. with no objection, the amendment passes. there is a motion on the floor with no objection to, and it goes as a committee report with no objection. then the motion passes. congratulations. [ applause ] madam clerk. item no. 3. city clerk: item no. 3 has already been called, mr. chair. >>supervisor norman yee: so, could i have bobbie wilson. maybe give him a few seconds to leave the room.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. i am privileged and honored with the opportunity to speak with you today. thank you. i started my legal career in san francisco as a legal aid society employment law center in the mission where i focused on high impact employment cases representing farm workers and black firefighters, lesbian police officer whose fellow officers put a rat in her locker because she dared to complain about sexual orientation discrimination. as part of the employment, i also staffed the workers rights clinics. those would be clinics that we would have at different locations and would have people come in who couldn't afford lawyers and talk about their employment problems and they
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had many many types of employment problems. i tell you that because it goes to the diversity of my legal experience. after the employment law center i went to a private practice to a firm that is no longer around but a great firm, howard rice. they had a commitment to excellent lawyering and also a deep commitment to pro bono. they did everything to make you a very good, very successful, very sharp, very good lawyer to understand the issues and legal analysis and many of the cases they handled were quite complex. the best thing about being there, was the opportunity to have a case which for me was the brown versusboard of education at that time was the assess or
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in the marriage cases and that lasted 4 years. all of that experience i want to bring to the board of appeals. people have asked me, why do you want to serve on the board when i spend all my days working in law? to me it's simple. i believe in service. i have sat on not-for-profit boards, communities, pro bono work. it gives me a chance to give something back. i also have become concerned that there seems to be tools to manage me to be a limitation on the access to justice. for example, our state courts don't have any money which makes cases go later and there is lots of delays. federal courts, as justice kennedy
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reminded us, congress has advocated their responsibility and the judges have not had a raise in 20 years. forcing talented judges to leave public service and go into private mediation which is a loss to all of the system. even a quasi i judicial body like the board of appeals, it's an important body in people's lives to come somewhere they maybe able to have an opportunity to have their cases heard, an opportunity to have their day in court and an opportunity to change a view where they have been wronged. it's important that when people come in, they come in as equals. so the gentleman who has the architect and the lawyer in my eyes is the same as the young lady where english is not her first language and she gets
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the same attention, same respect and same opportunity. the one thing i can guarantee is that not everybody will like my decisions. but, the good side of that is that i will always be prepared, i will be knowledgeable about the law, i will be compassionate, i will be impartial, i will be intellectually curious so that if someone is having a difficult time telling their story, i can help them bring out that story. i'm excited for the opportunity, and i want to bring all of my intellect, my compassion, my energy, my drive, my courage and my sense of fairness to the role. thank you for the opportunity to talk to you. i ask for your support and i want to thank the people who sent letters in for me and a few that are going to speak
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for me today. thank you. do you have any questions? >>supervisor norman yee: thank you, supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you very much again. i have to begin by acknowledging that i have known bobbie wilson for a very long time. as a baby lawyer starting at howard rice had the pleasure and honor working for bobby who was then a young partner at howard rice and i will be completely honest, if i were not on the board of supervisors, i would be among the people, some of them, my friends who are in the audience waiting to speak on behalf of bobbie wilson. so i think it's an excellent choice. i just have one question which is something that it's not a question as mainly if you can expand on this because it's something that you said in your statement and i think is very
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much really important thing for something as important as critical as the board of appeals which is what happens when you have a pro per someone who is representing themselves who may not have the skills, the ability as way of getting their story out and making sure there is an equal opportunity given for that side of the case being heard. i really appreciate that point that you made and it very much goes to who you are and if you can expand on that because i think it's very important. >> i think there is a perception that courts and bodies like this are only open to people who can afford them, and that people who bring lawyers and people who have money to take the time to pull
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together maps and all the things to present a very cogent case. when i was an expert, there is a litigant who was a pro per. i watched the judge go out of his way to sort of walk the pro per person through what he needed. so for the judge who knew what he needed, he wasn't going to side with him per say. he wanted to say, do you have this document, yeah, i have this document. okay, bring that up. give it to the bailiff and bring it up. do you have this form? yeah. i have got this form. and then he would ask a question in a very simple way he could understand. when the gentlemen would say, no. he would probe. it didn't prejudice the other side who was well armed with lawyers, but it gave a better sense that there was fairness
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here. the judge didn't end upsiding with the pro per person, but he walked out of there thinking he had a fair shake. >> i can a test the fact that you have the ability to do that and you helped me as a young lawyer who didn't know what i was doing. i think that's a very important skill. thank you. >> you are welcome. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you very much. for public testimony i have paul henderson, david shay, dan call, >> good afternoon. nice to
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see everyone. paul henderson. i'm here today. i'm a friend of bobby. i have known her for many years in my role at the san francisco attorneys office. one of my duties in management was monitoring and evaluating lawyers that came in to the firm to be prosecutors for a period of time. this is a big program that had hundreds of people a year that was very rarely that i saw talent and ability like bobby's that would stand out, that would cross the years where i would say personally engaged with specific individuals like bobby based on those experiences, but that's exactly who she was. i saw her in the courtrooms, i saw her interacting with the public, i saw her engaged with the legal community, as an
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advocate, working with the bench and a wide number of related agencies and remained impressed with her, not just with the work she did with me and through that agency at the time but over the years with her intellect and her dedication to not just community but to community service. you know, obviously i don't need to go over her resume. you have seen all of that and know what her commitment has been to the community of san francisco. i can't say enough in terms of how impressed i am with her and what an honor to have someone like her representing us and working with us in partnership. i'm available to answer any questions. but there is not enough that i can begin to say in these two 2 minutes to say that i will give her my unkwifkable
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support. >> good afternoon, supervisor tang, yee, campos. i'm a ten 10-year resident of district 8. i'm speaking on behalf of bobbie wilson who i have also run into at the farmers market. bobby wills and i work together now but i have known her for a long time. i have worked with her and tang in the same sex marriage cases and that really impactful case nationwide that led to what we see today in terms of equality for the lgbt community.
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bobbie wilson comes from a very humble beginning. she grew up in new york projects and a top student at columbia and her career skyrocketed. when i had the opportunity to meet bobby ie wilson i was super excited to work with her and we got to work together the last few years in very complex trials and very complex issues. it's her type of acumen that you need on the board to help understand issues and for someone like bobby wills ie wilson to understand issues and working not only on lgbt issues, african americans and other minority groups. thank you very much for your time.
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>> thank you. joshua red in. c'mon up. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is dan coal. resident of san francisco since 1995. i have known bobby since 1993. i'm proud and honored to speak on bobby's behalf. i think you know of her background. the diversity that she brings and the sensitivity to the diversity of our great city. she has an incredible mind. but some of the comments that have come up in the earlier discussions around the notions of integrity, independence and fairness. those might be bobbie wilson's middle names. she has an incredible sense of fairness, incredible integrity and is very very independent.
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i can't think of anybody better to serve this role. she will bring fairness and hear both sides of the issues and i think the city has done a great job of nominating her and will serve the city well. i'm happy to support and speak on bobbie wilson's behalf today and welcome your support. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is john buchannon and very happy to support bobbie wilson. i have worked with bobby at two different law firms. she's a great person to work with. as a boss which she effect il ively is because she's a partner and i'm just a staff person. beyond bobby's
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professional excellence i have been impressed with her work with the lgbt community and as a gay man with two small children i was moved and profoundly impressed of her work with the san francisco same sex cases and bobbie wilson's stance for the rights of gay marriage which led to decisions. our country is a be the place because of bobbie wilson's place. i'm keenly aware of the importance and fairness in city government. if bobbie wilson would have the opportunity to serve on the board of appeals, she would bring professionalism and common sense, street as smart as and passion for fairness and justice and a great dose of good humor. if there is anything else i can do, i would. thank you very
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much. i would hope you would consider her for the board. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is joshua right on. i'm a lawyer practicing in san francisco. i have practiced with bobbie wilson for over ten 10 years now. i want to echo a few statements that we've already heard. i was raised like supervisor campos by bobby as a lawyer and very grateful for her guidance. over the last ten years 10 years i have gotten a unique opportunity to observe the kind of lawyer that she is, the kind of professional that she is and the kind of person that bobby is. she's a host of qualifications, a host of strength and in each of the role, lawyer, professional and person, she really, i think
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demonstrates what a remarkable leader she is as well. she's a generous machine -- mentor and i know that personally and seen it with others as well. she's a passionate advocate not only for her clients but for important and worthy causes, some of which you have heard of already. she's also a trusted and trustworthy colleague. she is incredibly hardworking and tremendously wise. she is really a quite impressive advisor. what stands out to me about the person she is is her i mpeccable judgment. i think bobby wills bring so much heartfelt passion to her work and more thoughtful and i
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cannot think of a more qualified person for this position and i urge you to lend your support as well. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you, mr. chairman. it's great to see how life works and to see people who came to speak and people who on their own have impressive careers and people that have this caliber to come and support bobbie wilson. it's my honor to approve the nomination of bobby wills ie wilson and to move that forward to the board of supervisors. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: thank
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you for serving in this capacity. i think i was one of the individuals to ask her during your current capacity with your work lights and all the wonderful skills that you bring, why would you want to serve on this board and i appreciate that you want to give back to the community and use your skill set to help the community antd folks that do have to appear before the board of appeals which is often the last stop that people have and their last hope. i appreciate that and look forward to working with you in this capacity and support supervisor's ability to amend this and with full support to the board of supervisors with recommendation of full support. >>supervisor norman yee: ms. wilson, it's really nice and refreshing to have somebody not only well qualified professionally for this
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position, but when you say you want to give back, a lot of people say that. but when you listen to them you wonder what they really mean when they give back, but eye a -- i have a strong sense that it's not only this time, but you've always given back. the other thing i really appreciate about you that you will bring to this board is your very strong strong sense of social justice. i appreciate your view on this and how you see things. if everybody in the world were like you, it would be perfect. so there is a motion on the floor and i think everything has been said for the motion, amendments and all. there is no objection. the motion passes. congratulations. [ applause ]
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>> we are joined by supervisor mar. madam clerk. item 4. city clerk: item 4: [appointments, assessment appeals board no. 3]1408394.hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending september 5, 2015, and one member, term ending september 5, 2016, to the assessment appeals board no. 3. clerk of the boarddvacant seat 5, new appointment, must have a minimum of five years professional experience in the state of california as one of the following: certified public accountant or public accountant; licensed real estate broker; attorney; or a property appraiser accredited by a nationally recognized professional organization, certified by the office of real estate appraisers, or certified by the state board of equalization, for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending september 5, 2015.vacant seat 6 alternate memberr, new appointment, must have a minimum of five years professional experience in the state of california as one of the following: certified public accountant or public accountant; licensed real estate broker; attorney; or a property appraiser accredited by a nationally recognized professional organization, certified by the office of real estate appraisers, or certified by the state board of equalization, for the unexpired portion of a three-year term ending september 5, 2016.7/11/14; received and assigned to the rules committee. city clerk: sf 41234 there are two seats and two applicants. >> okay. please come to the microphone. >> good afternoon. thank you for inviting me. my qualifications for the job. i'm an attorney. a great deal
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of my works, many years, almost all of my work is in the area of property tax. through 2002 and 2009 i was deputy city attorney and my responsibility was representing the assess or in appeals. i retired from the county in 2009. i now live in riverside county where my pension dollars go more than they did in san francisco. but i have a lot of ties remaining in san francisco, a lot of friends up here and a lot of activities. my personal interest in a seat on the board. one of them is that it will give me a reason and opportunity to come up here often. the other reason that i have applied and echo what i
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have heard and most supervisors campos asked. i think my business, the legal process has become far too complicated and far to expensive. people i think cannot exercise legitimate rights for that reason. i'm a strong believer in the assessment of appeals process especially the the process which gives people the relative inexpensive -- ability to exercise their rights. i work part-time now for two law firms in the los angeles area. one of the two firms i do worm representing
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taxpayers and property assessments. the counties i work for are orange and los angeles and san diego. i don't have any cases, haven't had, would not take any cases representing taxpayers in this jurisdiction. so those are my background qualifications and interest in the job. thank you for inviting me and i'm pleased and honored. >> supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: thank you. i appreciate your interest. i don't question your background. my question is your living in southern california, your ability to attend the hearings and i
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just wanted to confirm that you are able to attend all the meetings. >> i anticipate the jobs at the hearing office would require, 5 or 6 days a month in san francisco and i can certainly do that. >> i guess continuing that line of thought in terms of questions, why would you want to come up here and do this rather than trying to do that in los angeles? >> why would i? >> yeah. >> i have a connection to the city that i don't have. i'm a native anger -- angelino and have a connection to here than in los angeles. it's a fair question. maybe some day i will investigate los angeles too, but this opportunity
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seemed more pealing to me because i have worked up here but i'm a retiree of the city and i have friends and ties in the area. i assume the other thing i would add is that when i worked here, i was active in a county lawyers group through the county counsel's association. the association has an association and raise information and ask questions on a shared website. i was active in that association. i made a couple of presentations to the group on property tax topics and property tax
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administration. >> okay. thank you. >> thank you. next up is james reynolds. >> hi. my name is jim. real estate -- >> raise the microphone. >> i'm a real estate appraiser license with the real estate appraisers. i have 14 years appraising residential properties. 12 in san francisco. i have about a year of commercial to two 2 years of commercial off and on. >>supervisor norman yee:
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supervisor tang? tang >>supervisor katy tang: can you talk about your interest on the board? >> a new opportunity. i have done appraisals for people for tax reasons, but it would be nice just to get some familiarity with the tax laws and stuff like that. >> can you repeat that? >> i would like to get familiar with the tax laws and just this part of the assessment field process. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you. can you tell me about your current
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