tv [untitled] August 3, 2014 8:00pm-8:31pm PDT
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places to its great to have the heat. i have a quick question i know i've put a number of trees own harrison street i know that harrison has a narrow sidewalk maybe it's not a question for you but i'm curious about the sidewalk and are we going something >> we're expanding the sidewalk. >> is that part of your work. >> and harrison going both get extended. >> that's great to hear. thank you >> okay public comment at this point or is there more presentations. >> no more presentations. >> we'll open up public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor kim i'd like to forward this with positive recommendation to the full board
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i apologize we didn't push this forward that will be voted on accepted 2. >> and a second reading on september 2nd so the motion to support in with recommendation we'll take that without objection. and madam clerk, any other business before this committee? >> there's no further business. . then we are adjourned. good aft gentlemen, welcome to the special meeting of the san francisco municipal transportation agency and
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parking horticulture commission. >> director brinkman. director lee. director nolan and chair we have quorum. item 3 announcement of prohibition of sound like pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a. item 34 >> we wanted to congratulate director borden congratulations we're delighted you're here this is the first time we've had a full house arrest communications. >> mr. chair you want me to call. >> on the special calendar
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approving this transport operations to june 30th and item 6 is the collective bargaining union local 258 with respect to the extension of the term june 30th, 2017. >> any public comment on that item? >> yes. one member of the public has so indicated. >> good afternoon. good afternoon director nolan and director reiskin i'm a muni coach operator i still get nervous when i come here i'm in support of contracted and a lot of the members want this they were in in favor of this they voted for it is a way of moving forward and as far as the economics we're changed but the original contract is not changed
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we have a strong spirited leader we could have gotten more done as far as the whole contract and i'm in support of this but i want to see a little bit more with the contract done with the work conditions and new equipment and so and about the new operators coming in and gain top pay in the fifth year after 4 years after 2 years of working in the city here and, you know, they deserve top pay we want to keep them if another public transit agency is going to match our top pay then they might go somewhere else anyway, we have a good group of people i want to
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see the transit operators we deal with the people all the time we've got a lot of residential buildings and sales force and officers could have important people coming in and we need more operator thank you very much i support this contract >> is there another motion open the contract. >> i move the contracts if i may take 30 seconds. >> a second first. >> second. >> go ahead. >> i want to thank our staff from the director reiskin all the way down to our negotiating teams and everyone that worked to really thread an appropriate battle to act as management to get a good deal for the citizens of this city but at the same time to recognize the value of our employees to be positive and to promote them and not undermine the respect we have
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for the work and you ed. >> your staff did it and i congratulate you for that. >> director reiskin you wish to say anything. >> i'd echo the accomodation if the staff as well the city attorney's office and mayors lee and brown for the completion those agreements respecter good agreements for the agency and with very strongly recommend our approval. is there a motion and second all in favor, say i. opposed? so anything else >> that concludes the business before you. >> it is the new record isn't it. >> the last one was 12 minutes. >> 3 minutes. >> wow, it certainly wasn't
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>> good morning, everyone. welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors budget and finance subcommittee meeting for wednesday, july 23rd, 2014. my name is mark farrell. i will be chairing this committee. i am joined by supervisor eric mar. want to thank the clerk of the committee ms. linda wong as well the members of sfgtv covering this meeting jonathan gomwalk and jennifer low. madam clerk, do we have any announcements? >> yes,. [speaker not understood] be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the july 29th board
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of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. >> okay, thank you, madam clerk. can you call item number 1? >> item number 1 is a resolution approving a contract with brookville equipment corporation for the rehabilitation of 16 president's conference committee historic streetcars and related tools, training, and spare parts in an amount not to exceed $34,482,428 and for a term not to exceed six years, to commence following board approval. ~ 34.5 million and for a term not to exceed six-year. >> thanks. do we have anyone from sfmta to speak on this item? >> good morning. i'm louis [speaker not understood], senior light rail engineer for muni. thank you, supervisor mar and chair farrell for allowing us to present this project to overhaul 16 of the muni historic [speaker not understood] streetcars. [speaker not understood] and they've been in regular service since then. just due to normal wear and tear, they need to be overhauled again.
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this overhaul will be a ground up restoration so the cars will be essentially new when they come back and we expect to get another 20 years out of them. we're only going to be taking four cars out of service at a time, so, service won't be affected during the project. the contract is with brookville equipment, contract value is $34.4 million. and if you have any questions, we'd be glad to answer them. >> okay, thank you. colleagues, no questions? mr. row, can we go to your report, please? >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. on page 4 of our report, a budget for the proposed project costs will be 34.5 million as shown in table 3. and, again, that's on page 4 of our report. and then on page 5 we note that the total project costs including the brookville equipment contract of the 34.5
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million and the associated expenditures of 5.2 million is 39,66 1,708. and that amount of project cost would be funded from three sources ~ including a federal grant bridge total funds and [speaker not understood] sales tax monies and that's detailed in table 6 on page 5 of our report. we recommend that you approve this resolution. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. any questions? seeing none, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item number 1? please step forward. if i'm not mistaken i have something like an automobile, like an overhaul repair. to my definition, it's not the city service [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood].
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>> thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to comment? seeing none public comment is closed. [gavel] >> supervisor mar, before we take action on item number 1, i'd like to entertain a motion to excuse supervisor avalos from today's meeting and we can take that motion without objection. [gavel] >> and then a motion to approve item number 1, send it to the board? we can take that without objection as well. [gavel] >> okay, madam clerk, can you please call item number 2? >> item number 2, resolution retroactively authorizing the extension of the lease between the city and county of san francisco, as tenant, and empress, llc, as landlord, for the empress hotel located at 144 eddy street, consisting of approximately 41,490 square feet, for a ten-year term beginning july 1, 2014, at $60,687.03 monthly in the initial year, for use by the department of public health. ~ eddy street. >> okay, welcome back, mr. updike. >> thank you, chair farrell. [speaker not understood], good morning. so, this item is a master lease of 144 eddy street known as the empress hotel to empress, llc. it is a ten-year lease for the direct access to housing program. this facility has 90 residential units on five
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floors. ground floor includes a significant common area with a kitchen, laundry room and lobby. tide center, delivery innovation [speaker not understood] as we affectionately call it dish man gentlemen the day-to-day operation of the facility. they were selected through a competitive rfp process and will be providing property management services through a board approval that was he secured last year through 2018. the current rent in terms of the transaction is -- was 56,5 79.13 per month. through this renewal the new rent will be 60,6 87.03 per month. that is $674,30 per housing unit per month. we feel that is a very competitive rate. we're pleased with that ~ fairly limited increase. in future years the rent can
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increase back of it by minimum of 2% and maximum of 4%. the budget analyst report outlines the funding sources quite clearly. it's a 62/38 split, 62% from hud, 38% being general fund source. i am joined today by department of public health staff. so, if you have any questions, be happy to answer those. i should also mention this facility is served by one elevator. that elevator has seen a significant capital renewal. we were just on property a couple of weeks ago to check out the improvements there, so, we're very pleased that there's capital investment from ownership on elevator key issues for us in many of these master lease facilities. >> okay, thank you very much, mr. updike. no other questions? mr. rose, we'll go to your report, please. >> mr. chairman, member of the committee, a shown in table 2 on page 8 of our report, dph
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will pay empress between 7 million 9 47 069 dollars to 8 million [speaker not understood]. that's over the course of the first year lease extension. we recommend that you approve the resolution. >> okay, thank you very much ~. no questions, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on aye item number 2? you don't have to raise your hand. please just come on up for public comment. [speaker not understood] public comment. in doing this structure wise, [speaker not understood].
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[speaker not understood]. historical tradition of [speaker not understood] city beautiful forever for you. >> thank you. anybody else wish to speak in public comment on item number 2? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> motion to send this item forward? >> yes, i recommend we move approval for the extension of the lease for the empress hotel. >> thank you. we can take that motion without objection. [gavel] >> okay, madam clerks, can you call 3, 4 and 19 together? >> item 3, resolution retroactively authorizing the recreation and park department to accept and expend a grant of $249,835 from the california department of parks and recreation's land and water conservation fund to support the development of phase 1 of the mclaren bike park project for the period of october 1, 2013, through june 30, 2016. item number 4 is a resolution authorizing the recreation and park department to accept and expend a grant of $100,000 from yellow pages, made possible by a partnership with ecomedia, to support the construction of the vertical garden component of the golden gate park community garden, for the period of august 1, 2013, through
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november 30, 2013. item number 19 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the san francisco recreation and park department to accept and expend a grant of $158,101 from the san francisco parks alliance to support various recreation and park department operationses for fiscal year 2012-2013. ~ >> okay, thank you. we have rec and park to present on this item -- on all of these items, i should say. >> good morning, i'm [speaker not understood] with the recreation and parks department. for item 3, the land and water conservation fund was established in 1964 and is a funding source for state and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. the future site of the mclaren bike park is located at the southern entrance of mclaren park. it is currently used as an illegal dumping site for trash
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and unwanted furniture. the improvement supported by the land and water conservation fund include constructing new bmx and mountain bike trail for beginning and intermediate riders and installing amenities such as picnic areas and signage. by implementing the mclaren bike park project or city and its partners, san francisco urban riders, will reate a vibrant community recreation facility that is welcoming to youth and families. excuse me, families. that conqueuedx my remarks for item 3. should i -- >> please, why don't you keep going. >> okay. is, for item 4, the community garden. ~ so so meet the need for community garden resource he in san francisco and to advance the mayor's executive directive on healthy and sustainable food, the recreation and park department has constructed a new community garden in golden gate park based on a conceptual plan approved by our commission in december of 2010.
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the .66 acre site is situated at the northeast corner of frederic and arguello streets. and includes 67 new garden plots, gardening material supply bins, a demonstration garden, an outdoor classroom and tool lending library. in addition, thanks to this contribution from yellow pages rpd was able to include a vertical garden at the site. it spans 130 linear feet against an existing metal fence on the north perimeter of the site. this living wall stands 10 feet high and is wholly comprised of decorative and edible plants including grasses, leafy vegetables, herbses and flowers. this grant from the yellow pages were procured in partnership with ecomedia, which is a company that develops partnerships with cities across america ~ that have environmental projects in need of funding. and for item 19, since 1971 the
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san francisco parks alliance, a nonprofit organization, has been a partner of [speaker not understood] and philanthropic benefactor of the parks department. the parks alliance acts as the fiscal agent for the recreation and park department managing approximately 50 small gift funds on the department's behalf. in fiscal year 2012-13 the parks alliance contributed $158,101 to help sustain a wide variety of activities including the commemorative park bench program, recreation program, and improvements [speaker not understood] and adaptive [speaker not understood]. with that i'm happy to answer any questions. >> thank you very much. supervisor mar? >> not a question, but just a thank you, and to the parks alliance, especially matthew o'grady [speaker not understood].
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it's really great to see that moving forward. i can't wait to ride that. and lastly, the golden gate park community gardens, the edible vertical garden is going to be amazing. i was there for the ground braking. ~ groundbreaking. and i wanted to thank all the advocates for urban farms and environmental kids and education and learning with our parks and community gardens, but also urban gardens as well. i think a 10-foot high wall potential food is pretty amazing. that should be a great visual example of what we can do in urban setting to grow more food. so, i wanted to thank yellow pages and ecomedia for that great project, but especially the rec and park staff. thank you. >> thanks, supervisor mar. so, mr. rose, can we go to your report on item number 3, please? >> yes, mr. chairman. on item 3 on page 13 of our report, we report that the budget of 499,670 and that
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includes 249,835 from the national parks federal grant and [speaker not understood] from the community opportunity fund matching allocation will be used for phase 1 construction costs and engineering architectural costs and that's shown in table 1 on page 13 of our report. we do recommend that you approve this resolution. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. no questions. we'll open this up for public comment on items 3, 4 and 19. anybody wish to comment? again, sir, you do not need to raise your hand. please come forward. this lady, [speaker not understood]. we do need [speaker not understood] that parallelses, run major career like for me, [speaker not understood], holy leader, a holy position -- petitioner and holy
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representative of the [speaker not understood] swastika society headquartered in japan and taiwan. [speaker not understood] without some sort of nonprofit organization that support in term of the [speaker not understood], then nothing much can happen. so, [speaker not understood]. we have some sort of functioning like nonprofit organization that we work out to many people, more substantial stuff, yeah. okay, thank you. >> thank you. anybody else wish to comment on items 3, 4 or 19? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> so, we have a recommendation on number 3 from the budget analyst -- motion to approve all three items, we can do that without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please
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call item 5 and 6 together, please? >> item number 5, resolution approving emergency public work contracts of the san francisco public utilities commission related to drought declaration under san francisco administrative code, section 6.60, to perform immediate work to repair lower cherry aqueduct, sunol valley water treatment plant, san antonio pump station, and related infrastructure with contract amounts not to exceed $29,000,000 collectively. item number 6 is a resolution approving an emergency public work contract between the public utilities commission and flatiron, west, inc., under san francisco administrative code, section 6.6, to perform immediate work to repair lower cherry aqueduct in response to an emergency drought declaration with a contract amount not to exceed $16,000,000. >> okay, thank you. we have our puc here to speak on these item? >> yes, good morning, members of the board. steve [speaker not understood], assistant general manager for water. i have a few brief slides to show. as you know, we're deep into a drought and are trying to do
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lots of different thing to make sure that we can stretch the city's water supply as far as possible. so for the hetch hetchy regional water system, we have a couple of drought relief projects that we're working on, primarily revolving around use of water for cherry re or. ~ [speaker not understood] cherry lake not normally used for drinking water supply. they're only there as a stand by supply. we can take water from cherry through a conveyance called the lower cherry aqueduct and bring it into our supply system. that water then has to be filtered at the sunol valley treatment plant unlike hetch hetchy which does not have to be filtered. lower cherry was built in 1914. here is a photo portion of that. it is largely an open channel and what damaged in the rim fire. so, we're engaged in a project to actually rehabilitate the lower cherry acwe edit so we
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can bring water of a good quality down to the system and deliver it to the bay area ~. that back up supply could become valuable a the drought continues on into the future. so, we have one contract with flat iron, west for the rehabilitation project on the lower cherry aqueduct. once we get the water to the bay area we have to do some minor improvements at the san antonio pump station, chemical piping improvements. these projects were on our books going forward to do in the capital program over the next two to three years. but to make sure we can fully reliably filter the water from the lower cherry aqueduct we need to make improvement in each short order as well ~. we have a contract with monterey mechanical to perform those improvements. together these give us access to an extra 200,000 acre feet of supply, which is almost a whole 'nother year of water that we could have to rely on
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if drought continues in the future. and i'm happy to answer any questions about these. >> thank you very much. no comments or questions. mr. rose, why don't we go to your report on both items, please. >> yes, mr. chairman. supervisor mar. on page 23, we note that the total project budget for the lower cherry aqueduct project is 18,$100,000 and that includes 14 million for the contract ~ and 4.1 million for the associated project costs and that's shown in table 4 on page 23. and then regarding the sunol valley water treatment plant, the total project budget is 8,5 13,000. and that's shown on page 24 which includes the not to exceed 5,137 contract and 3 million 376,000 for the associated project costs ~. and again, that's in l
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