tv [untitled] August 3, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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future. and i'm happy to answer any questions about these. >> thank you very much. no comments or questions. mr. rose, why don't we go to your report on both items, please. >> yes, mr. chairman. supervisor mar. on page 23, we note that the total project budget for the lower cherry aqueduct project is 18,$100,000 and that includes 14 million for the contract ~ and 4.1 million for the associated project costs and that's shown in table 4 on page 23. and then regarding the sunol valley water treatment plant, the total project budget is 8,5 13,000. and that's shown on page 24 which includes the not to exceed 5,137 contract and 3 million 376,000 for the associated project costs ~. and again, that's in table 6 on page 24 of our report.
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~ 137,000 we do have a number of recommendations, supervisors, on page 25. we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution that is file 1405 86 to reduce the ton exceed contract amount by 2 million from 16 million to 14 million. we recommend you amend the proposed resolution 5 14 08 71 to specify the public work contract being approved is emergency contract, is a contract between the puc and monterey mechanical for construction management general contractor services for the subv water valley treatment plant project in the amount not to exceed 5,137,000. ~ sunol water valley lines 3 through 7 on page 1, it should be revise today state, quote, resolution approving emergency public work contract between the san francisco public utilities commission and monthery mechanical under the san francisco administrative code section 6.60 to perform immediate work to repair sunol valley water treatment plant,
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san antonio pump station and infrastructure in an amount not to exceed 5,137,000. on liedxctionv 3 through 5 on page 4, that should be revised to state, whereas repairs to sunol valley water facility is to extend sfpuc water supplies estimated project costs of 8.5 million, and then on lines 16 through 18 on page 4, that should be revise today state, resolve that the board of supervisors approves the emergency contract between the pu crushtion and monterey mechanical under administrative code section 6.60 for the amount not to exceed 5,137,000 dollars and we recommend you approve the proposed legislation as amended. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. seeing no questions, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on items 5 or 6? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> just sticking with the puc, are you aware of these recommendations? are you in agreement with those? >> yes, we are in agreement with the recommendations. >> okay, thank you very much.
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so, supervisor mar, can we have a motion to accept the budget analyst recommendations on items 5 and 6? >> so moved. >> take that without objection. and approve the underlying items [speaker not understood]. [gavel] >> excuse me, mr. chair. [speaker not understood] amend the legislation before 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning? thank you. >> okay, thanks. got that done. [gavel] >> call item 7, please. >> item number 7, resolution authorizing a no-cost neutral host license agreement for the public safety building premises located at 1351 third street with new cingular wireless pcs, llc, for a ten-year term, to commence following board approval. ~ 10 year term. >> all right, welcome back, mr. updike. >> thank you, chair. john updike, director real estate. this item is regarding a distributed antenna system which will be placed into the public safety building now under construction in mission bay. that facility will house our police department administration moving from the hall of justice along with a
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new fire and relocated police station, southern station moving from the hall of justice and a new location for the arson task force along with a very large community meeting room which will be a rehabilitated fire station 30. that complex has needs for cellular and emergency communications and this item is to facilitate that through installation of what i'll call the brains of a cellular and emergency communication network. it's really on a localized basis. it serves the complex or two buildings at this location at third and mission rock. it is a license agreement. it's a ten-year license agreement. it allows sublicensing. that is intended -- it has tight controls on sublicensing, but this works quite nicely for the city and that is a capital investment by the licensee of over 1-1/2 million dollars to install this capital. they recoup those costs
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primarily through sublicensing of other cellular vendors. there are no costs to the city associated with this. that's why we don't have a budget analyst report. it enables not only critical cellular communications within the building given we have public safety officials, that's crucial, but also it enables further emergency communications. and other point to point connections that we are creating with the public safety building. as i mention it's a ten-year license agreement. there are two five-year renewals. there are no costs to the city with respect to the installation or the ongoing license. happy to answer any questions. i also have an at&t representative here as well if you have any detailed questions. >> okay, thank you, mr. updike. seeing no questions, there is no budget analyst report, so, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item number 7? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> motion to send this item forward? >> so moved. >> we can take that without
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objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item number 8? >> item number 8, resolution approving an amendment to the agreement between the department of public health and edgewood center for children and families to provide mental health serve is he for children, youth, and families, increasing the total not to exceed contract amount from $29,109,089 by $8,974,194 for a total contract amount of $38,083,283 for a five and one-half year term of july 1, 2010, through december 31, 2015. >> good morning. [speaker not understood], department of public health finance. we have reviewed the budget analyst report and we do concur. we have the director of -- the two directors for our mental health program, the children's director, max roka here if you have questions about the contract. it's for children's services at edgewood center. >> thanks. colleagues or supervisor mar, any questions here? >> we're on item number 9? >> 8 right now. >> excuse me. >> why don't we did to our
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budget analyst report, then, for item 8, please. >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. our recommendation is on page 30 based on the budget submitted by dph. we recommend that you amend this legislation to reduce the contract not to exceed about by 1,124,755. and we requested 38 million [speaker not understood] to 36 million 9 58,528 and we recommend that you approve the pro poed resolution as amended. >> okay, thank you. >> seeing no other questions on item 8, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on item number 8? ~ seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> >> okay, supervisor mar, do you want to make a motion to make the amendment? >> so moved. [gavel] >> so moved. we'll take that without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item number 9? >> item 9, resolution approving amendments to two contracts between the department of public health and richmond area multi services, inc., to provide behavioral health services to: 1) children, youth, and families increasing
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the total contract amount to $20,819,627; and 2) adults, increasing the total contract amount to $23,135,605 for a total value of $43,955,232 for the term of july 1, 2010, through december 31, 2015. >> good morning. department of public health. the rams contract is one of our largest barth health programs for children and adults. and we have the director for both children and adult mental health here if you have question about the contract. we have reviewed the budget analyst report and we concur. >> okay, thank you very much. seeing no questions right here -- supervisor mar? >> actually, i see an amended version of the resolution that [speaker not understood]. i know the great work that richmond area multi-area -- i used to be the receptionist there in '84. but i think this is really important in supporting children, youth and families, but also adults. could you talk about the amendments? >> the amendment basically reflects the budget analyst report which took the prior
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year budget and it reduce it had to the actual expense. we're in agreement because we didn't spend the money in prior years. budget going forward is as we requested so we're in agreement. >> thank you. >> okay. mr. rose, can we go to your report? >> yes, mr. chairman. our recommendation is on page 36 of our report and based on discussions with the department of public health we do have a couple of revisionses to our recommendations which i will enunciate now. again, based on the expenditure data submitted by the department of public health, we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution to amend the not to exceed contract for children youth and families by 915,175 [speaker not understood] to the recommended 19,90 4.52 and adults by 53 3,554 from the requested 23 million 135,605 to the
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recommended 22 million 60 20 62. the total recommended reduction and the not to exceed contract amount is a million 4 48,718. we requested [speaker not understood] to the recommended, and this is the first, supervisor, instead of [speaker not understood] it should state 42,506 instead of 516, 5 14. and then in the second recommendation we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution, page 1 lines 14 through 17 to correctly state that the contract amounts are increasing by instead of 4 million 756 for 54 3, it should state 3 million 840 7 68 ~. for services for children, youth, and family, and instead of 4 million 425,4 36, it should state 3,891,8 93 for
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services for adults respectively. a total value of -- and instead of 863 1 416, it should state 7 million 73 2,66 1 and we recommend that you approve the proposed resolution a amended a. it, mr. row. until dph does the revised numbers you're aware of -- >> yes, we're aware of that. we reviewed it and we're aware of that ~. >> okay, thank you very much, mr. rose. dph. we'll open number 9 up to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on this item? okay, seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> so, if no other questions, supervisor mar, could i have a motion to accept the budget analyst recommendation and accept the underlying item as amended? >> so moved. i just wanted to give a shout out to [speaker not understood] and the whole staff of the richmond area multi-services for really advancing community-based culturally sensitive and relevant mental health services to our communities. and i know that the children youth and families part of the
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contract, really the focus on improving the wellness centers throughout the schools, outpatient services, the [speaker not understood] project which is really an ip credible program to so many other different things in addition to the adult mental health services. so, i'm really proud to have been a former staffer 30 years ago there, but i know they continue this amazing work and great model. based on the richmond district, but serving the whole city. thank you. i'm proud to move this. >> okay. so, we can take that motion without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item number 10? >> item number 10, resolution approving an amendment to the contract between the department of public health and health right 360 to provide outpatient and residential mental health and substance abuse treatment services to the residents of san francisco, increasing the total contract amount of $42,477,760 by $26,974,027 for a total contract amount of $69,451,787 for a five and one-half year term of july 1, 2010, through december 31, 2015. >> okay, thank you. welcome back. >> health right 360 is one of our larger contracts.
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they merged initially [speaker not understood] haight/ashbury free clinic, then haight/ashbury free clinic changedv their name to health right 360. so, this contract was a little bit confusing because it traveled through two different combined contracts. but our director of both the adult and children's program are here if you have any questions on the program they provide. we have reviewed the budget analyst report and we do concur. >> okay, thank you very much. seeing no questions, mr. row, can we go to your report, lao? >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. on page 39, our recommendation based on the budget submitted by dph, we recommend that you ~ amend the proposed legislation to reduce the contract not to exceed amount by 4 million 8 89,334 from the requested 69 million 451,787 to [speaker not understood] and we recommend that you approve the proposed
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resolution as amended. >> okay, thank you very much. why don't we open this item up to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on item number 10? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> so move approval of the amendment. >> approval of the amendments -- >> public comment? >> we just did public comment. no one is here to speak in public comment. so, we have it a motion to approve the amendments. excuse me, dph, did you have something to say? >> no, sorry. >> all right. we'll move approval thev amendments. we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> and the underlying item is amended, we can also take that without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item number 11? >> item number 11, resolution approving an amendment to the contract between the department of public health and the medimpact healthcare systems, inc., to provide third-party pharmacy administration services and extend the contract term through december 31, 2015, for an amount not to exceed $23,455,376. ~ exceed approximately 23.5 million. >> we have our pharmacy director here, david woods.
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he'll give you a very brief explanation what this contract is. we did review the budget analyst report and we do concur with the report. >> good morning, i'm dave woods, chief pharmacy officer with department of public health. net impact is the pharmacy benefits manager which allows us to provide pharmacy services and processing for our uninsured patient population who are part of the healthy san francisco program as well as for healthy workers. and this allows them to have prescriptions filled in the community closer to where they get services. there are over 40,000 patients who are able to access this wonderful benefit. >> thank you. okay. seeing no questions, mr. rose, can we go to your report for item 11, please? >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. on page 43, our recommendation,
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based on the budget submitted by dph, we recommend that you amend the contract not to exceed amount by 1,320,751 from the requested 23,455,0 76, [speaker not understood], and we recommend that you approve this resolution a amended. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item 11? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> could i have a motion -- >> so move the recommendation. >> motion to accept the recommendations. [gavel] >> and the underlying item as amended. we can take those without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you please call item number 12? >> item 12, resolution approving an amendment to the contract between the department of public health and health right 360 for fiscal intermediary services for behavioral health services and primary care programs, extending the term by four years, from january 1, 2014, through december 31, 2014, to january 1, 2014, through december 31, 2018, and increasing the total contract amount of $9,700,495 by $61,560,418 for a total contract amount of $71,260,913. ~ to approximately 71 million. >> through health brie 360 this contract provides physics example and intermediary
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services for behavioral health program. if you have any questions on the contract, we have staff here available. we did review the budget analyst report and we do concur. >> okay, thank you very much. seeing no questions, mr. rose, we'll go to your report, please. >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. on page 46 is our recommendation based on the budget submitted by dph. we recommend that you amend the proposed resolution to reduce the contract ton exceed amount by 8 million 4 63,117 from the requested 71,269,013, to [speaker not understood] and we recommend that you approve this resolution as amended. >> thank you, mr. rose. seeing no questions or comments, we'll open item number 12 up to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> so move approval of the amendment. >> we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> and then the underlying item as a midved -- >> so moved. >> we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call
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item number 13? ~ >> item number 13, resolution approving amendment no. 4 to airport contract 8974.9, construction management for terminal 3, boarding area e refurbishment project between pgh wong engineering, inc., and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 to commence following board approval for term ending june 30, 2015, pursuant to charter, section 9.118(b); and authorizing the airport director to negotiate and execute, with airport commission approval, further amendments not to exceed $13,700,000 for a term end date no later than february 1, 2017. >> thank you. welcome, ms. wagoner. >> thank you. good morning, chair farrell, supervisor mar. cathy farrell [speaker not understood]. the airport is seeking your approval to the fourth amendment to an existing contract with [speaker not understood]. the proposed amendment would increase the not to exceed amount by 2.83 million dollars. future amendments to the
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contract would increase the not to exceed amount by another $1.7 million for a new total contract amount of $13.7 million. the program includes the refurbishment of the two piers that makeup the airport to terminal 3, which is the united terminal. originally these two projects remained separately, but as work progressed and the scope of the renovations increased, the airport reorganized the projects under one oversight construction management contract with pgh wong. previous amendments were not subject to board of supervisors approval as they did not meet 9.1 88 threshold amount. this amendment and future amendments would bring it over the $10 million amount requiring board approval. the scope of work for this contract includes project controls and reporting document control, scheduling serve sate and general coordination of the
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two terminal 3 projects that are physically a jaytionthv hethv to each other with integrate and had inter dependent building system. the airport's contract with pgh wong is the result of a request -- competitive request proposal process and the contract is paid for with the proceeds of airport revenue bonds. so, budget analyst ha recommended approval of the mod if i kayxtion. i would be happy to answer any questions you might v. >> thank you, ms. wagoner. no questions, we'll move on to our budget analyst report, mr. rose. >> mr. chairman, supervisor mar, on page 50 of our report drab~ we state that a budget for the requested fourth amendment for the contract of $2,835,000 is shown in table 4 and that's on page 51 of our report. and then also on page 51 we note table 5 which shows the proposed budget for the two future amendments of the contract management services between the airport and pgh wong are anticipate today increase the total not to exceed amount of the contract
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by up to 1,700,000 dollars, we recommend you approve this resolution. >> thank you very much, mr. rose. no comments or questions, we'll move to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item 13? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> i move approval. >> we can take that without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item 14? >> item 14 is resolution approving modification no. 3 to airport contract 9230.9, construction management support serve is he for the runway safety area program between parsons brinckerhoff, inc., and the city and county of san francisco, acting by and through its airport commission, in an amount not to exceed $14,700,000 to commence following board approval with a contract end date of no later than june 30, 2015, pursuant to charter, section 9.118(b). ~ 2015. >> okay, thank you. ms. wagoner? >> cathy wagoner, [speaker not understood]. [speaker not understood] with parsons brinckerhoff for management services related to our airport runway safety area project. the proposed amendment would increase the contract amount by
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$4.82 million and extend the contract term by 11 months for a new termination date of june 30th, 2015. the board has previously approved various item related to the runway safety area project, including a fiscal feasibility report, the contract with the vendor for the rest of the material lock that are being placed at the end of the two runways, shit issuance of the airport revenue bond used to pay for the airport portion of this project. as you know, two runways at sfo are currently closed in order to finish the federally mandated rsa work. construction is about halfway complete and we believe that the runway will be reopened next month. the further work for the project includes the coordination to [speaker not understood] working collaboratively towards the operation of the two runways. the contract provides departure management services that allow for the efficient control of
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departure traffic on the two runways that are open during the construction period. the airport's contract with parsons brinckerhoff is the result of a request -- a competitive credit for proposals process and has been previously amended by the airport commission to increase both the costs and to extend the turn to the existing contract will bring the total contract amount above the $10 million level requiring board approval for a new total contract amount of $13.7 million. the budget analyst recommend approval of this mod if i and ation and i'd be happy to answer any questions. >> okay, thank you, ms. wagoner. mr. rose, why don't we jump right to your report. >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. on page 55, table 3 shows the expenditures to date and the budget with parsons total project budget as ms. wagoner just stated is $14,700,000. we recommend that you approve the resolution. >> thank you, mr. rose.
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why don't we open this item up to public comment. anybody wishing to comment on item 14? [gavel] he >> move approval. >> so moved. [gavel] >> madam clerk, would you call item 15? >> item 15, resolution retroactively approving a lease agreement with san francisco unified school district of real property at 1235 mission street for the human services agency, at an initial rate of $216,014.33 per month for a term of 11 years and 10 months from july 1, 2014, through april 30, 2026. >> great. welcome back, mr. updike. >> thank you, chair farrell. director updike, director of real estate. this particular project was in city scape by john king this spring and i thought i'd take the opportunity to use that visual for you. it's a very cool building. and the architecture has been described by mr. king as
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moorish make believe. so, i figured how many times will i get the opportunity to say that at this committee? so i had to bring that to your attention. [laughter] >> we're very excited to bring you what really is a partnership agreement between the city and the san francisco unified school district. this is actually the largest single leased premises by the city as tenant in the general fund family. county adult assistance program and the cal fresh food stamps is located here. we've been in this location since 1993. it was a creative financing agreement between a third-party ownership, a lease to sfusd and a sublease to the city. then in the end of august 2013, after the dee feesance of the debt, the school district became the owner of the property ~. so, now we are here for a direct lease between the school district, its owner and the city as tenant. and the terms i think work very well for both organizations.
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so, let me outline those briefly for you. this is an 11-year 10-month term taking us to april 30th, 2026. the lease rate starts at $22 per square foot. it rises to 28.50 per square foot in the last two years of the term. the city will provide a capital infusion of approximately $2.5 million. that will be matched by a capital infusion from the school district of $3.5 million, used to refresh this now 20 some year old asset in terms of our occupancy in the building. much of the school district's contribution goes toward energy efficiency and sustainability of the asset. that's going to lower operating and utility costs, and the structure of the lease has the city responsible for those costs. so, that's why we see this as really a partnership agreement, each benefiting from the improvements made to the facility. there are two five-year extensions of term. those would be at 95% of fair
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market rent, which is described in the lease agreement, and there's also an early termination provision. after a period of 10 years six months in occupancy, just in case there is some other opportunity we desire to explore. while we don't suggest this is a class a asset, i do want to note that those rates ranging from $22 a foot to start and 28.50, you've seen me here before. you know what the rate structure is, particularly in the civic center area and the soma area. the cheapest thing we can find tends to be in the high 30s, low 40s, upper 40s, low 50s per square foot. so, we're in the 20s. so, city is certainly happy with this agreement. i want to thank the school district for their efforts. cfo is here. if you have questions from their point of view, they really worked hard with us to put this together. it took a good year to
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negotiate these terms and we're pleased to have a 12-year agreement to bring before you. >> congratulations, mr. updike. okay, no questions for mr. rose, we'll move to your report on item 15. >> yes, mr. chairman, supervisor mar. on page 58 we know the total rent over the ten-year lease term is 35,256,045. that's shown on table 2 of page 59 of our report. we also report, supervisors, on page 60 that in the first three years of the lease the sfusd and hsa will also spend up to $6 million on capital improvements. sfusd will contribute up to 3.5 million and hsa will contribute up to 2.5 million and that's described on page 60 of our report. we recommend that you approve this resolution. >> okay, thank you, mr. rose. no other question, we'll open this up to public comment. anybody wish to comment on item 15? seeing none, public comment is closed. [gavel] >> supervisor mar?
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>> yeah, i just wanted to thank mr. grasielli, the chief operating officer for the school district. i know the ten years i was on the school board, the cleaning up of the fiscal health of the school district really it's like night and day compared to 10, 15 years ago in the school district. but i think this is a great way be -- approving this is a great way to continue that amazing partnership between the city and the school district. >> thank you, supervisor mar. could i have a motion to send this item forward? >> so moved. >> we can take it without objection. [gavel] >> madam clerk, can you call item 16, please? >> item 16, resolution authorizing the department of public health to submit an application to the metropolitan transportation commission for up to $990,000 in the active transportation program. >> good morning, supervisors. patricia irwin with department of public health and as noted, i'm here requesting your approval of a resolution to submit a grant application on behalf of the san francisco safe routes to school program
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to the active transportation program of the metropolitan transportation committee -- commission. as you ma recall, this program safe routes to school promotes safer, healthier and more fun ways to get to school such as walking, biking, car pooling, and active transportation. mtc is requiring local agencies to submit a resolution as part of the grant application package. if funded, department of public health will provide leadership and evaluation to implement an innovative pilot proposal for school years 15, 16 and 16-17 for a total of $990,000. the proposal includes partnering with san francisco unified school district, sf environment and sfpd on education, encouragement, enforcement and policy. i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thanks very much. okay, seeing no questions or comments, we don't have a budget analyst report so we'll move on to public comment. anybody wish t
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