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tv   [untitled]    August 4, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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>> a new opportunity. i have done appraisals for people for tax reasons, but it would be nice just to get some familiarity with the tax laws and stuff like that. >> can you repeat that? >> i would like to get familiar with the tax laws and just this part of the assessment field process. >>supervisor norman yee: supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you. can you tell me about your current job? >> i'm a real estate appraiser. >> thank you. any public
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comment on this item? >> seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: again, i want to thank both applicants for their interest in serving. in terms of michael flattery, is that how you pronounce your last name. i understand it's a unique situation that someone lives in los angeles and wants to serve in san francisco in a way. i'm not surprised that once you live in san francisco and it keeps pulling you back like the "the godfather", i guess. i actually don't have a problem with that. i think it's something that it's a unique circumstance. but i think this is a unique individual who can make that
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work. with mr. reynolds, it seems he that is qualifications. not a lot of articulation about the reason for wanting to serve in this role, but i'm certainly open to supporting both. >> so, would you like to make a motion? >>supervisor david campos: i make a motion to move, i just want to make sure what the right phrase -- >> would you like to make a motion to wave the residency requirement. >> i would make a motion to wave the residency. >> let's make the motion to wave the residency. no objection, the motion passes. the second as to move forward the committee report to the
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full board. no objection? the motion passes. okay. madam clerk. item marty no. 5: city clerk: energy fisherty coordinating committee. ordinance amending the administrative code to rename the energy efficiency steering committee as the energy efficiency coordinating committee. >>supervisor norman yee: we are joined by supervisor mar whose item this is. >>supervisor eric mar: thank you. i would like to appreciate that we have give gsh guillermo rodriguez. about five 5 years ago when the federal government had
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stimulus funds going to cities like ours creating green jobs and initiate efficiency and sustainability block grants, we commissioned a study with budget and legislative analyst office with san diego, portland and other cities and how they were ensuring equity and plans for these stimulus funds coming into city. this is an effort in 2014 now to work with our grass roots committees to ensure the city is doing everything possible to improve global warming and working very pro actively to reduce greenhouse gases and increase our efforts to build a sustainable future. and
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building these homes is a critical area and will bring expertise in the seven 7-person task force that will be created also with advisors from the critical departments of our city. the coordinating committee's goals are to comprehensiveively catalog all energy fisherty programs efficient cy and identify new revenue streams to identify work and it's really making sure that there is equity in how the city operates with energy and efficiency. it will focus on green collar jobs. in the earlier hearing we had raquel from sf state and many others that came to testify on the importance of
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having community driven efforts for energy efficiency. this was supported unanimously by the commission that would state that energy efficiency brings much benefit to small business. the environment commission has been very critical in this work. i would like to thank the community and antonio, thank you for taking time out of your schedules for being here in the long rules committee meeting. we've been working with besides, grass roots community coalition that includes the emerald steering committee and joshua and the bright line defense collaborative. i wanted to especially thank emerald city for her leadership and emerald city's leadership in the amount of work she's put into this. with that colleagues, i would like to ask for your
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support and i know we have a number of public speakers. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any questions on this right now? >> why don't we have public comments at this point. c'mon up. >> supervisors guillermo rodriguez. we support this work. there are many other state, femur -- federal and other local efforts in san francisco and many organizations to seek council and that ensure that we are all reaching out into the community. this would be a very valuable resource and we are happy to participate. thank you. >> good afternoon, director
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of city of san francisco. thank you for your comments. we are here to support the coordinating committee. the dialogue between the community and the city departments. we hope to engage in housing advocate, labor apps, housing. we think it would be a really great resource for both. it has a one 1 year turn around. we feel it has a really clear deliverable. we find the energy efficiency program with city departments and municipal utilities. this will get more synchronizations and coordination with all the agencies and program. i'm here to support it. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors. my name is andrew padilla with
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podder. i work with san francisco neighborhoods to create healthy thriving neighborhoods. i'm here in support of the energy efficiency committee. we are here to ensure that san francisco continues to be a leader in terms of being a green city that it's done in a way that all communities benefit and that supervisor mar mentioned the equity is a key consideration in our these efforts are done. the importance of the energy efficiency coordinating committee will encourage energy efficiency projects in low income communities in housing and businesses and disadvantaged communities and in particular the ability for committee to propose policies to promote energy retro fits and other efforts that will
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benefit low income communities and communities here in san francisco. i request your support for this effort and ask for this item to go to the full board and thank supervisor mar for his leadership on this. thank you. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any other public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisors, any comments? supervisor campos? >>supervisor david campos: thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank supervisor mar for his leadership on this item. i think it's an important effort. one that i think makes a great deal of sense. i would like to move this item forward with a positive recommendation as a committee report. >> okay. with no objection, the motion passes. thank you. madam clerk, item no. 6.
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city clerk: item no. 6. a motion to the board by adding rules of order by adding rule 3.43. >> would you like to make comments? >>supervisor david campos: i'm proud to bring this legislation to bring young people's voice in policy making in san francisco board of supervisors and our city. i would like to thank our cosponsor david campos for the empowerment of young people and having them heard at the board of supervisors. the youth commission asked for myself in achieving a mandate of promoting a stronger youth voice in our city's policy making. with so much business of our board of supervisors happening in the middle of the day, at times when young people are in school, young
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people who are mandated to be in school are barred from regularly participating. i know a number of speakers will give some examples on how that's negatively impacted the youth voice in the past. what we are sponsoring is a practical motion to change the board rules, in a very straight forward way. we worked very closely with angela and rick card era to make sure it's going to be done to achieve our goals. the motion simply allows the youth commission to submit a formal request for a hearing on an item referred to them at a youth friendly time. this is an item that is impacting youth on muni and fares, for example. this is an opportunity to work with the commission to find and appropriate time. the simple
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measure and motion would formalize a process that has been an occasional challenge in the past. while most work well with scheduling youth friendly times for our hearings which hasn't always been the case. in the youth commission nearly two 2 decades of operation, i would like to thank the youth commission staff for being here today. in the 20 years of operation, hearing about the city's budget, juvenile hall rebuilds and free muni for low income and youth and muni fares have all occurred with hardly any youth in attendance. i think we want to increase the amount of youth voice for the future. unlike most commissions they exist with the board of supervisors with explicitly involving our work and unlike san francisco residents young people are the ones to be mandated to be in school during certain hours and they have no other means
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of advocating for their work where for example workers have might others speak on their behalf. but youth don't have any other means of advocacy. i think this is a simple admonition to -- motion to honor young people and help us as supervisors to help them in a meaningful way. i encourage you to pass this in a positive way and urge you to help these young folks in our commission. and as for angela akkad i -- it will allow the committee adopting -- i would appreciate adopting these amendments to the full board if it's your pleasure. i would like to thank nick per slooe for his
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commitment and i would like to thank you for your work as a leader and seg serving in our commission. with that, i would like to ask if supervisor campos wanted to give his remarks. >>supervisor david campos: thank you supervisor mar for your leadership in this. we are glad to be sponsors of this. i think it makes sense. nick, thanks for everything you have done and we will continue to hear amazing thing about you and i'm excited to see what is next for you once you are done in school. i think this makes a lot of sense that we as members of the committee and chairs of the committee would consider finding a time when appropriate that is adequate, that will ensure there is adequate representation from youth. i want to thank
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angela, the clerk of the board for working with us to make the amendment. with that in mind, i will make a motion. i know that we'll have public comment before we act, but i make a motion to amend the board of supervisors rules of order id in -- identified in the document that you received. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any public comments on this item? c'mon up. >> thank you, chair yee, members of the committee. i want to thank supervisor march for striking a compromise here but without asking to compromise the principles. i do support this motion. i'm happy to codify the communication between the youth commission and the supervisors into the legislative file for you and
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have enjoyed working with a much respected outgoing youth director jimmy tell me if i'm wrong to help strengthen the infrastructure in the clerk and the boards office in their endeavor to realize the charter to advise the board and the mayor. thank you very much to the supervisor mar and the committee. >> thank you. through chair, yee, i should have asked the chair of the youth commission to come up. he has a short presentation. i would like to thank lisa for being here. >> if sf gov. tv. san francisco television can change to the computer. thank you for hearing me. my name is nick -- this is something that the commission has been working on all year long. i'm excited to have it before the board of supervisors today.
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part one is basically why the youth commission wants this to be passed. i'm sure you are familiar with the brown act which is a legislation that was passed in 53. that allows people to attend the public meetings and provide public comment at those meetings. the main issue identified is that it did not apply to young people. moe -- most of the hearings are at 10 a.m. :00 a.m. and the youth are in school and not able to provide input. the board of supervisors has stated in its commitment to hearing public testimony before it takes action on any issues and we hope you will do the same for young people as well. also, we have heard very troubling youth vote data from the
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youth is survey. for example 43 percent of sf sfusd students don't care at all about public service and the significant majority don't care at all and not interested in government policy. this would allow students to become more civically engaged in city hall. this is a graph, regardless of what your opinions are for the youth program, something amazing about it was the number of youth that came out to participate and the civic engagement that we really inspired. this is an example. we were really shocked by the data here. a cumulative frequency draft. as you see as time reached 3:30, 4:00 p.m.. this was an hours long
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hearing. this proves the point we are trying to make. if the hearings are held later in the day, the youth will be able to come and provide their input. the last thing i will say is the brown act has a section 54953.7. which allowed greater access to their meetings. so we believe this is a very appropriate example of how the board of supervisors, as a legislative body could impose a favorable requirement and policy to further assist young people. this is briefly the last part two, the how of how we are going to do this. we are going to establish a new board rule hopefully. the youth commission will be monitoring the legislation and making the request to the relevant committee chair and then the
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committee chair would be strongly urged to respond to that request and hopefully make that hearing at a time that would be appropriate for young people, probably around 4 :00 p.m. or after and last thing is outreach. the youth commission has stated resolution that youth commission will be held accountable for outreach coming out to the hearings. we don't want the commission having to wait for after school hearings. now that we have adopted specifically at the youth commission, we feel that will be easier to do. with that, i would like to thank you for your time and thank supervisors mar and campos for your support and angela carve i and would like to thank rodriguez from david campos office. he was one of the first to think of this idea and did a lot of the
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research when he was on the commission last year. again, thank you so much. if you have any questions, i would be happy to answer them. >> thank you so much. i turn it back over to you. >> thank you for your presentation. okay. continuing with public comments. any other public comments on this item? >> hello supervisors. as you saw as my colleague, i was going to call him supervisor, but that's not the title. as commissioner kersey has presented it's important to have the youth voice president. as a youth i have been participating in a lot of public comments since high school. however it was very difficult for me to leave school early in order to attend. sometimes i got some excuse letters to let me go from school early, but really i wish that wouldn't be the case because i want to stay in school and pay attention and
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later in the afternoon come and do some public comment. i think that's really for every young person out there. they all want to be speaking on issues that are going to affect them. it's not fair for them if you are the ones making decisions for them and they are not providing necessity feedback or comments for what they want to see this city to affect them. also it's not only important for youth in high school but youth in college because it might be more flexible to be in college, but it's so hard to get out of those classes because you can only miss three times and third strike you are out. it's really important for this to be passed and i'm in support for this because i want the youth voice to be present. the youth are our future and i want to make sure we an abiding by them. thank you. >> good afternoon,
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supervisors. i'm a program coordinator in the adult ally at youth leadership institute. she's been amazing for a number of years now. my first job out of school, i learned about the different fears of influence that we have when it comes to be agents of change in the community. we can do one work individualized with policy work which affected entire communities. one thing that is missing in the policy sphere influence of san francisco we don't have the ability to incorporate young people's voices and young people are such a huge part of the community here. so having the ability to keep youth oriented visions at youth friendly times is crucial to ensure that we have this very large important population is heard when it comes to decisions that are made that change their lives. thank
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you. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any other public comments? >> hello, everybody. my name is brian chiu. i'm a performer district four youth commissioner. i decided to drop by. i think this issue is really relevant. when we talk about policy, i think a fundamental policy is that whatever the policy affects, you really want to have the party that affects, you want that party to have a voice. when it comes to policy, the reason we want youth to have a say in this is because if you look at other things as science policy, i have seen them try to make a comparison here, what if we made a policy for women or a science policy without scientist. that's why
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i support this legislature. thank you. thank you. any others? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: >> actually i just wanted to thank wise youth commissioners and former youth commissioner chiu but especially commissioners ger owes andchersky for their work and others. i wanted to thank you while there is youth legislation that is coming forward that she's helped, but it really coming from young people's long efforts of organizing and education of all the board members too. that will be major piece of legislation that we are hoping has strong youth participation. it's about reducing tobacco consumption in our communities. colleagues, i think this is a good first step forward and
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hoping you will support the strong add vocacy and organizing this and especially youth commissioners that have spoken. thank you. >>supervisor katy tang: thank you. i want to thank all the youth commissioners for first of all your interested in serving on the youth commission. when i was in high school, i don't think i even knew the 11 districts. i'm so happy to see that you are all so passionate about policy making and wanting to be involved in that. i want to thank supervisor mar and working with angela. i want to make sure it also works logistically. i know we face a lot of challenges in scheduling a lot of our meetings, we want to make sure it works. in addition to the legislation today i will say that we should think about other ways to incorporate and make sure we listen to youth
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voice. for example i make it a point to sit down and listen with our district for our point -- appointees so they can make they are thoughts on the decisions they are making and i also make it a point to tried memos -- read the memos that the youth commission sends to us and try to find some time where we can ourselves or members of our office can try to maybe participate in some of their youth commission hearings since they are all there already and hopefully that works as well. that might help to supplement the situations if the meetings don't work out. i appreciate you taking so much interest in the work we do because you will potentially be the next supervisor or mayor. thank you for all of your work and
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input. >> likewise, thank you in particular to the youth commission to came out today. this is a logical piece of ordinance that i would like to support. i actually have a daughter that was a youth commissioner when he she was 14 and it was very difficult to try to attend these meetings. and whenever she was able to make comments in this chambers or anywhere else, it was her needed to get an excuse and after a while as a parent i got pretty irritated that she was out of school half the time attending conferences and so forth. so i'm more than happy to support this. and what supervisor tang, her comments around thinking about other ways to involve the youth in
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particular youth commissioners that for instance the commissioners for district 7, i try to incorporate her into activities that i have for the community. she was in my -- participatory council and invited to the mayor's so she can share her voice in the discussion. so i encourage all my colleagues to do that. so there is a motion on the floor, and no objection. then the motion passes. >> you have the amendments first and pass it as a committee record. >> the motion was for the amendments and now i would like to make a motion to move this item as amended forward to the board as