tv [untitled] August 4, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PDT
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i've seen the pictures of block 51 rising up out of the dust it's so great 8 years ago i want to a meeting and nothing out there >> madam chair there's no dust. >> i meant ground. >> i know what you meant. >> dirt you can what i mean very water down dust. >> (laughter). >> i wanted to keep the number 7 item moving by it's great to see the buildings coming up. i want to say a few things about the design and go to the d b.a. on the design itself i love purple but a real question as it relates to the color scheme what's our strategy for a color
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scheme for the entire hilltop in the hillside area i say that because i notice we're getting a lot of public input for the base north and south people wanted to see the variations in the mapping and in the color and not having just gray blocks of concrete and one of the ways the architects probability ms. hendricks another architect got around that by adding correspond to the typography to address their concerns but i notice the color schemes they kind of work in the same areas it wasn't a big deal but purple chairs and purple concrete and purple table i love it but i want to make sure that the building next to it isn't orange then it would be
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like, you know, the pop sills you get in the stores >> have you been to the mission lastly. >> thank you chairperson johnson i'll tell you that kevin and other folks from the lanar have been thinking about how to promote and market the shipyard you've seen the san francisco shipyard established in 1870 we've done a really good job of the marketing for the shipyard i'm sure you're aware of their shown here their subject to the change and not employed to the final architecture finish i wouldn't be surprised if they're thinking about the color esteems
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e schemes but syncing them. i'll let verp can talk about the design concept and danny lanar would like to speak >> your comment is appropriate we've got the same concerns first of all, when we talked to the architect we wanted them to look at the composite not to have conflict and veronica will speak to that as your heard her speak previously there was a desire for them to not conflict against the other architecture of the buildings and that's one of their sensitivities in trying to make this a bold statement but not incorporating a lot of what i call few few but from
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lanars prospective we've recommissioned the overall master plan architect to actually walk through the whole hilltop and look at it as a composite overview and sent it back to the architects so it's been a consideration. >> he pretty much said it we looked at the architecture style and the colors surrounding and made sure there was no conflicts it's a subtle sort of teal color. >> i was making a point orange would be bold. >> and one more question again
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another thing the commission has asked about for a lot of projects particularly in mission bay south and candle stick and hunters point shipyard what do you do with the rooftop spaces anything i we considered it we judiciously realigned our blanks in order to avoid the deck over living situation because those are condos for sale units but we have a couple of locates over the garage at the townhomes we have raised decks we're looking at potentially incorporating solar at the rooftops you'll see in your packet we're looking that now. >> okay. i have a couple of other questions thank you very
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much. i love the purple. question i saw on the infrastructure schematic that we have we're claimed water as one of the underground utilities are we going the gray thing for the building is that happening. >> we're going installing all the infrastructure for it eventual the city has to bring the water source to the project we're preparing it and just like 90 in mission bay the pipes have been installed for over a decade the city is going through the reviews for the sources for the reclaimed water it's a requirement of hilltops and the city through self-puc will provide the resource. >> okay. and i just want to finish up i
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question on the parking list i don't know if this is an architecture question. we had there was an idea a simple idea for parking lists on parking bay south it got eliminated for costs yes is it final that's the providing for the building or is that going to get austin cut out >> it's our understanding this is the final cut we're not going to excavate much to incorporate it. >> excellent that building provides a 2 to 1 parking spaces for the units that's a little bit higher for a transit ordinary but it works for this
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election it's a little bit off to the side and the street parking is like in mission bay they're very visible then quickly dwindling to no access if you have a car. so i think it works for the development i wanted to make that point i've often made the point about less parking in general but it works here. and then i have a question on the d da. so one of the changes that i truly appreciate is giving the agency a head set the record straight on marketing to the preference of ticketholders there's a lottery and getting it out early i truly appreciate that i hope that has benefits for by the way, those are family
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sized units and middle-class middle-income what are we going to do with the extra 60 days going to give us >> 16 months. >> what - i'm sorry, i he was thinking of the appraisal sorry 16 months arrest. >> i'm going to bring up my colleagues i'll give you a highlight they've been discussions how to go forward the first step was to, you know, sort integrate the d da what was going on citywide the certificate of preference holders to make sure we're doing everything in our agreement to get the head start we're finding not enough time to work with the
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certificate of preference holders they may need to step to the hoops for the first time homeownership or the purchases no general. so i'll bring up my colleague to talk about the workshops and the housing development corporation and maria can jump in >> good afternoon, commissioners thank you for having us. we've tried to do this by having two mails first, the 60 days after the d d b.a. to give a heads up to the preference holders as was indicated what we've done we'll have the first marital and the second with the marketing information including the pricing we've tied them to a workshop and during the workshop we go through the programs the specific programs for the
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project and we go through the steps that the preference holders have to go through to get a mortgage arrest we're going to follow the steps so the preference holder are getting the support and we're also doing having applications with different cb o across district 10 scott wiener they can be dropped off at our downtown sites and anyone who is dropping off a application they'll be able to have support and we'll follow-up with my preference he holders so we tried to increase the lead time to give you 0 people enough time to get into
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those homes and give the support right away. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> yes and then city. >> maria from the mayor's office of housing of development i'm pleased about the extend time as well one of the things that homeownership sf agencies do including the h f c we're getting down and dirty and working on the issues that are keeping our folks from purchasing and those issues take months and at the first workshop the most recent there were several holders that came from the mailings that we did and are working for the opportunity. and then when we get down closer
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to, you know, right ready to move in they'll have the specification of the unit and be able to see them and get the dream and the bite it's hard to have even though bite without seeing the buildings so it's great that we're doing it in the phases so all the hard work to prepare them it pays off when you get to see the results >> okay. i think the key thing we're trying to achieve a pool of ready certificate preference holders to 60 to one hundred and 80 days folks have been through the classes that they're interested some folks are not but they have the barriers we get a pool of ready certificate
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holders that can choose and get them into a lottery so that's the point to create that right pool of folks that are ready >> i'm sorry we're also seeing an increase or may not be an increase but a sustained new amount of certificate requests we think this is part of the excitement of the opportunities opening up so by word of mouth, you know, you really should go and apply for your certificate you should get the opportunities this is an exciting time. >> thank you commissioner rosales did you have - >> yes. i was going to ask the question you asked chairperson johnson i speak frankly you've golden got it we've been saying this on the market if there's
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barriers on marketing how do you tangible it. >> a related question if the d b and i apologize if it's in there but what are the criteria for rental units converting to owner like for sale units there's a form a document for residents to be able to purchase their units how does it work. >> so i'm sorry. could you restate. >> i i guess what's the how do the unit convert from rental to for sale. >> thank you, madam chair. this is a for sale development and the developer has the right
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and i can't recall the exact agreeing integral but the d b.a. must happen within 12 months but it will expire prior to the execution the developer has to decide the unit are for sale or rental and it will be locked in or we'll have to amend the d b.a. >> i apologize maybe i misread that but if it was going to be rental there would be an option to buy. >> right if they convert after the hearing we can have a discussion that will be more appropriate for the market if everything is for sale for example, we'll invite the commission and they'll market them as rental unit and not for sale at this point bus it is a rental project it will be an amendment to the d b.a. if they
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want to sell certain units. >> got it. and then good job on the s b e i think we would clap but i don't think we do that at commission meetings. and then is latins last thing one of the conditions as approval i didn't see any doors i thought people would have to tell port themselves into the building but i look at that how was the egress option for people i know that is something we'll read later >> yeah. >> certainly egress and ingress it wasn't highlighted has much because this the the
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egress and ingress might change i've seen it i've been into inside the virtual road. >> thank you. great projects. commissioner singh >> for the architect. yeah. >> i heard that. >> have you moved open any other job for the city and i side octavia court with the hud section 811 prong that was on one of the parcels and mission block 2 and 5 i was the architect. >> you said it has a view front podium. >> oh, yeah, we opened it up and aligned that with a park i can see from the town homes into
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the podium. >> you don't love it. >> i love the whole thing. >> my certain is about the parking it's not enough. >> it's not enough. >> i don't think anybody is without a car in the city. >> commissioner singh i think some developers want to do lots of parking because you can charge for it but phase one limits it 2 to 20th century 4 we've achieved the most we could. >> how can we increase more parking is it possible. >> certainly where the city is going they're looking at reducing parking there are more people who want more and others
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who want less so public transportation is relied upon. >> in this city almost everybody has more than one car. >> if you get the purple unit in block 52. >> if someone else didn't have a spot you can take their spot. >> if you don't have a car there will be excess parking spots. >> is there street side opportunity. >> there's off-street parking and as part of the conditions of approval we'll do a study so we'll, looking at as well but only the exception of the driveways otherwise there's
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parking everything else. >> just a quick question on the parking then i said something that was wrong in a lot of the buildings i've seen whatever the ratio is to parks spots to units there's some plays in the garages for visitor parking is that not happening here? so excuse me. i can't recall where visitor parking as general used for any visitor was sort of shown - >> not general use but visitors for people who live in the building. >> if you have two parking spots you can let the visitor use it but the on street parking is ample so parking inside but
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using one the homeowners parking spaces over and over outside the building but no not a visitor designated you have two parking spaces. >> all right. great decision and project thank you unless there's a question i'd like to approve if this application. >> i move. >> second. >> second and madam secretary please call the roll. >> commissioner ellington. commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. chairperson johnson. madam chair the vote is 5 i's >> thank you all for coming today call the next item. >> the next order of business is item 5 e and it will be called
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together. 5 e authorizing a personal contract with the jones a professional last night for the services in an amount not to exceed $122,000 related to the issuance of sfoifg finance authority revenue bonds and taxable allocation refunding bond. discussion and action resolution number 49, 2014 and item 5 f authorizing a personal contract for the bartley a professional law firm for the consulting in an amount not to exceed 15 thousand for the revenue bonds series 20 12k4 will 14 b and the
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bond series discussion and action resolution number 5014. madam director >> thank you. this is the refunding of bonds we have an opportunity to refund bonds given the current market that refunding will save us monies our debt portfolio will taper down those are professional services contract that is enable us to refund and with that, i'd like to ask our senior financial analysis to talk about those. >> good afternoon. i'm john
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senior financial analysis items 5 e and f the authorization of the personal services contract for the bond council for the bond issues for the city and county of san francisco finance authority revenue refunding revenue bonds serious 2014 b and c on may 1, '89 this year, the staff issued an rfp for the city's bond approval on may '86 firms respond and 3 proposed a bond council for the disclosure council a panel compromises of deputy and others evaluated the proposals.
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our primary consideration was to have the successor agency 3 of the firms have subsequential qualifications and one has a lower fee and was selected by the panel i'll like to introduce the partner at jones hall in fefrps of the policies providing opportunities for the s b e the panel talked about the disclosure to the two certified sbe respondents and only one had successor bond experience the panel considered that a vital concern as well as specific rating agency concerns about the
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pledged funds. the panel selected curtis ba barting i'd like to introduce the principle. thank you. item 5 d talked about the contract with jones hall for the issuance of the refunding bonds the maximum payment is $10,022,500 the total amount maybe lower depending on the total amount of the traction that can change according to bond issuance in the order of 8 bond but several of those bonds maybe dropping out so we structured the request for pricing to allows to reduce the
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fees if the transaction goes down. that's spelled out in detail of the exhibit and outlined in the memo. item 5 f authorized the special contract with curtis barting for the services for the funding bonds that have $60,000 including expenses as pointed out by the dissolution gives the authority subject to the transaction and approval by the oversight board enter into contracts that have the refunding bonds. briefly for context to date we've retained financial advisor
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we can begin on the key documents and our fee one way or another for the underwriter we expect the review to be complete by the third week of july and our fiscal consulate will complete the team we plan to come back to the committee to the august meeting. next we'll go to the oversight board and the department of finance for approval. avenue ever a receiving the approval we'll come back to the commission for the key document as with the shipyard transaction and expecting the transaction to price in september and close in october but this depends on market rate >> that concludes my presentation.
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>> thank you any any public comment on that item? >> there are no speaker cards. >> we'll take the items together and vote separately. >> it's good to save money. >> it is fantastic so we'll have a straightforward method we'll start with the first item. personal service contract can i taken a motion >> second. >> madam secretary call the roll. >> please announce our vote. >> commissioner ellington. commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. commissioner johnson the vote is 5 i's >> i'd like to entertain the
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