tv [untitled] August 4, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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retail dictated office building small business assessable to the public and an integral alley system that expends the neighborhoods alley system. we went through a hundred and 20 to 50 community meetings as part of the task force development so this project before you is to a large extent e stent the brainchild of the task force itself and the task force tried to resolve conflicts between the developers needs to actually have a profitable project and the neighborhoods need this important site to reflect the priority to have the people in the area. so those are the 7 different
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buildings i don't think - there it is that. up top is ring gold and eight stwrts gordon alley on the left and the distinct buildings there was at things in the project and ring gold the loop road is open to pedestrians and bicyclists and automobiles. we have all the parking for the project underground next is the rendering of eight and harrison streets from san francisco from the ethnic street exit. one of the key elements of the project >> would you say what the direction the car driving down.
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>> it's driving down harrison. >> towards the stud bar. >> yes. >> okay. this is just this isn't coming up but this is the project from the eight street have you to e midnight time it shows you get a good since of how the buildings are spaced-out and get into the community at large. one of the ms. interesting elements we have assessable small business in the form of a park at the corner of eight and ring gold that's why the community is in support of the in kind to mob improvements
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because that a integral to our project and the parish we're building on the two footages of the park. one will have a cafe and the other a restaurant and provide heating so in the colder most of the year people can come in and hack out and enjoy their time. i included one picture of wrinkle as it exists today to get a sense of the over lying lines and a priority from the community standpoint and frankly from ours to move forward. i'll leave with the schematic that was drawn up by the magnifying in 2011. as part of their community outreach process and their some basic elements in the scheme
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that will be inherited or executed on our part increase a lot of community meetings left to be had to get more and more components the arts commentating contestant, etc. if you have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. thank you >> thank you. i want to thank you for your work i really peculiarity the amount of time over the years for outreach with the community in the south of market it's generally, the roll market for the school and i love the idea of the heat street but one of the major barriers this prevents people from enjoying places to its great to have the heat. i have a quick question i know i've put a number of trees own
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harrison street i know that harrison has a narrow sidewalk maybe it's not a question for you but i'm curious about the sidewalk and are we going something >> we're expanding the sidewalk. >> is that part of your work. >> and harrison going both get extended. >> that's great to hear. thank you >> okay public comment at this point or is there more presentations. >> no more presentations. >> we'll open up public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> supervisor kim i'd like to forward this with positive recommendation to the full board i apologize we didn't push this forward that will be voted on
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parks department offers classes for the whole family. rec and parks has a class for everyone. discover what is available now and get ready to get out and play. henri matisse. frida kahlo. andy warhol. discover the next great artist. get out and play and get inspired with toddler classes. experience art where making a mess is part of the process. classes and the size the artistic process rather than the product. children have the freedom to explore materials at their own pace and in their own way. talks love art, especially when
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they died into the creative process -- dive into the creative process. at the end of the classes, they have cleaned and washup. great way to get out and play. for more information, visit that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and western. it is a great way to exercise
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>> good afternoon, everybody, i would like to call this meeting of the san francisco public utility's commission, to order at 1:38, would you call the roll. >> president courtney n >> here. >> vietor. >> here. >> and moran. >> here. >> torres. >> here. >> and commissioner caen is excused. >> we would like to approve. >> moved. >> any public comment? >> seeing no public comment, i will call a roll, signify by
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saying aye. if there is no objections from the colleagues, i will call item number eight out of order and i am going to hang it over to the general manager, kelley. >> and thank you very much. and and i just wanted to provide this afternoon to talk to you about proposed legislation, that supervisor weiner is presenting. from the conversations that we have been having about the financial situation, and we have been as we presented to the commission and the mayor's office and to the board, at that time, we had some consider concerns about our financial situation, and a couple of things that we were highlighting was that one, we
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were concerned about general fund departments and raising the general fund rates, and two we were talking about, mount tunnel and that was a major concern, that impacted our ability, or our financial situation. and we rec, which is a regulatory issues and then, the other final one is looking for new customer and also, maximizing and so we talked about those challenge and we wanted to have supervisor weiner come up to talk about the legislation, that he is currently proposing. thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioners for giving me the brief opportunity to talk about this today and this legislation, and i want to thank general manager, and puc
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staff for, having been really helpful in making sure that we, know the facts and we are appreciative to that. and so, to briefly discuss with you the legislation, and that i, or that i along with supervisor breed that we together, are sponsoring at the board of supervisors, to help the puc address, its lack of retail customers. and resulting lack of efficient resources to maintain the infrastructure of the power of enterprise including the street lights and as i know, kelley you have been discussing this quite a bit in terms of these massive unmet, capitol needs and since i have been on the board, we have done a lot of hammering around it. and i thought that it was important to finally take a step to give this agency to give you, the ability to
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actually starts addressing that and so that is what this legislation is about. and as you know, commissioners for nearly a century, the puc has provided clean, hydroelectric power to the city departments from the airport to the muni and the san francisco general hospital and the other very critical agencies, in our city. and the energy is 100 percent greenhouse gas, free, and it is clean energy. and there are many benefits to having this public power clean hydroelectric, enterprise. and including local control, and lower rates, transparency, etc.. the power enterprise as you know has massive unmet capitol needs. we know there has been a lot of pressed around the mountain tunnel and there are other infrastructure needs as well and i know
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discretion and i know that there is a lot of discussion about what projects that they may believe or appropriate or less appropriate, and our less beneficial to be the provider for and the puc will set up the standards and make those determinations. but with this legislation, will provide the agency with the space, and with the ability to decide which projects warrant the agency stepping in, as the power provider. and i know that particularly, some of the larger development projects, could easily fall, into that category, or it would make a lot of sense. the currently, as you know, excess hydroelectric power, generated at hetch, hetchy gets sold on the wholesale market at one quarter of the price that would be charged to a retail
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customer. so if we give the agency the ability to have more retail customer and there will be more revenue from the power and that can be reenvested in the agency's infrastructure including street lights. we are continuing the discussion with the staff with the particular of the language in the legislation and we have an open dialogue, and we want to make sure that the legislation is passed in the right form. and i know that the staff has proposed a few amendments, some of which were open to and others were not quite there and i am sure that we will continue to talk and so with that, i am happy to answer any questions. and i appreciate the time. >> commissioners? >> yes, mr. torres? >> i just want to say thank you for your leadership and you are my supervisor, and i am your boss and so i vote for you. >> thank you. >> and you have been doing an incredible job and i think that this effort that you are trying to incorporate, i am grateful
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that you have come to the commission to share your thoughts, because i think that input is always so good for building con census around an important issue. >> thank you. >> vietor. >> thank you, for helping to address the shortfalls that we have been struggling for a long time and it is a long way. and i just have a couple of smallish questions. and the development would it be maybe it is sort of the staff, but also what you envisioned, you said any and all development or do you have a certain size and scale is it first right of refusal for anything that comes on-line. >> i can that ultimately it will be a decision for the agency and you will be able to set the standards and in the legislation we talk about any project that is ten units or greater. and i understand from the staff that the agency is probably a lot less interested in the
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small projects, which have, you know, in terms of the cost benefit, of what you have to do to become the power, but it may not be worth it, but we know that the agency will, it appears be the power provider for hunter's point, and candle stick and for treasure island, and you know, i think that pier 70 coming on-line from the mission bay development and there are other developments that use the large projects and as i understand it, from the staff, is what would be probably the most, interesting, to the agency, and i would love to see the agency be the power provider for the cathedral hill hospital for the park merced and i don't know if it is too late for that, but as the larger projects are probably the ones that make the most sense, but i will let him address that. >> so one of the things that i have been in conversations with supervisor weiner's office, is that we wanted to make sure that we based on our strategic
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plan identifying customers we feel best suit our needs. we want to maximize our hetchy power, because we have excess hetchy power that we are actually selling into the grid, which if we have customers for, and so we have been very successful in pursuing the customers that we have been pursuing and i think that we need to be a little more active in pursuing those customer and so i just wanted to make sure that the legislation is clear that we want to pursue the customers that we feel are appropriate for us to pursue, and not to require us to pursue every little customer and that is the dialogue that we are having. so, we are going to propose, some changes to the legislation, to kind of hopefully be consistent to the direction ha we would like to go as a power provider. and so, those are the comments
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that we are probably going to move, and give you some copies. we are working on it internally right now. >> and yeah, from, and to be clear, in terms of it, and it does not and we will have a conversation about this, in terms of what the threshold is emphasized and it does not necessarily need to be in the legislation because the agency has the discretion. and one thing that i want to point out is also, this is just, as you know this, but for the benefit of the members of the public is that sometimes, whenever we are talking about any version of public power, we get a response from some saying, oh, you know, this is the government and you know, that can't, and you know, muni is not doing what it needs to do and you know this and that and the other thing are not happening and so why would we want you to be the power provider and what i try to remind people is that this is the same agency that for many, many, many years, has provided services, to the entire city,
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with the very old sewer system that works. and the agency delivers the services beautifully, and that is the water provider for all of san francisco, and other parts of northern california. and it works and it is the best water in the world and to suggest that the puc is somehow not cap able of providing great customer service, in my view does not have any merit, the puc will need to develop more of a customer service component and right now it is mostly municipal and we know that they are capable of doing that and so i am not concerned about. nae. that is the second question and the final question, which is a perfect segway from what you just said is that i know that there is some board director to really, look at the choose ago aggregate and that i would love to hear your thinking on how this legislation might fit into
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that or what you are thinking is around that. >> sure, this is not mutually exclusive from the cca. as you know i was one of the eight votes that the board of supervisors that passed the choice aggregate and i also have been support of exploring ing collaboration or joining the power, and so i am support of the cca and this does not, impact that. they are not mutually exclusive. and in fact, from the pg&e perspective this is a different thing, because these are new customer and a new development, i and understand that it is the existing customer and so it was not surprising that the private utility might have the concerns about that and a push back, but this is not that, it is that new development, and the new customers and so it is a different animal and two our not mutually exclusive. >> thank you. >> did you very much, supervisor weiner, for being
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here, thanks for all of your work, city wide and thank you for your remarks to the staff here at the puc. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, commissioners. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> general manager kelley, i am inclined to move through the agenda and then come back to the general manager's report and i am also inclined to take the public comment on this occasion, and then again on that occasion, if there is no objection, from my colleagues, i will go ahead and do that. if you see that is? >> sure, that is fine. >> then i am going to go ahead and i am call for public comment on this item and i do have a speaker card, fransico, ducasta? >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i thought that the puc was an enterprise department. and i have a pretty good understanding of the general
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fund. and before any legislation is passed, i think that it needs assessment. and now, we had conversations before and the financial fer and your consultant. and then, they just projected that we could get hetchy power to the transbay and so on and so forth. and but just for the financial office has said, that one of the factors that we have to factor in is the amount of water that is there, for example, in our drought. what guarantee do i have that you are going to have this water for three or four years, and i mean undocument in terms of continuity. so, what makes assessment, and so this is listening to the supervisor, and maybe, he means well, but he has no clue as to who repairs our pipes, it is not sfpuc, he has no clue as to
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what is involved when it comes to the main nens of the high infrastructure it is a different department. and they used to make for it, and but there is no guarantee that if you control the power, and some needs the things to be done with the maintenance of the power, that you are invest in having workers or a maintenance crew to maintain the standard. so, are you saying now, sfpuc is going to compete with pg&e, not that i like them. many times the legislator can write whatever he wants in the legislation. but, how many legislators when it comes to this type of infrastructure understand the practicalty of maintaining it? >> when i looked at the procidio for the infrastructure department, i have been
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understanding about that and standards and i have an understanding about the maintenance and i have a understanding of how you supply something, in demand and supply. and then i have an understanding about standards. and so, in 1996, many created the sfpuc and i had to go over there and read the chapter, and say exactly what it means to be an enterprise department, and ask yourselves, whether you all want to get bothered in this type of legislation, without a needs assessment, without any power tout and the work, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you for being here and so as discussed we will go ahead with and suspend item number 8 and also suspend that corresponding public comment, and madam secretary, would you call the next item? >> item 4 is general public
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checklist and without it, million and millions of gallons of water are leaking because it just, a litter or one of the workers decided not to be cautious and created a mess. so, other san franciscans are monitoring these things and i take notes. and i also figured a lot of photographs just in case you have some promises that doubt about it. now, i have come here many times, much before, the governor has come up and said, do this and do that and do something else. but, we, sfpuc, we have not been very cautious to inform those entities, huge, and entities that use huge amounts of water for cooling, use water
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for the swimming pools. we need to caution them that this is a real drought, even though we had some rain today in july. so, i have also been watching conferences on water, put on by the state. and gathered a lot of information. some of you are not watch those, but i request you all to ask the state government or the state of california to provide that with the videos and so that you can watch those videos, and see what the experts are saying. water is becoming a very, very, very precious commodity, and it not only involves california, it involves the neighboring states. we used to be the fifth largest economy in the world. we are now the 8th largest economy in the world. one of the things that makes us what we are is the
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