tv [untitled] August 7, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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neighborhood true mark has been an incredible sponsor. and i volunteered with participant in other neighborhoods to make over on the one hand and improve 0 our crossroads we're grateful for their contributions i encourage i to support this >> thank you. >> hello, again. thanks for having me back again, i'm anthony and i represent the local one hundred 4 we strongly support the true marking at 923 fulsome street we urge you to join us in supporting this that will create new jobs and homes
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by supporting this project you'll guarantee the local employment both directly and indirectly and other projects it will enhance the pedestrians that provides safety and security in the area we support the affordable housing units on site. true mark partnered with the urban players called the salma pathway and we enjoyed the experience we appreciate true mark for their involvement the sheet workers and local one hundred 4 support this at 23 fulsome street and ask you support this for new jobs.
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thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon peter thank you, again i represent the carpenters local 32 actually members in san francisco which 21 hundred are san francisco residents as tony said this offers opportunity for carpenters and apprentices here in san francisco residents it's going to put to work approximately 4 hundred and thirty union construction jobs about a third of that will be carpenters or people i represent most of those will be san francisco recipe. as the developer said earlier the project they're looking to bring on one person the carpenters will make ever effort to offer to a young apprentice
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or young men and women the opportunity to become a young apprentice in the carpenters trade this is a can we path not just a job a job that pays well most of our apprentices if they work 12 hundred and 50 hours they can pull down $45,000 a year along with benefits and it's a great opportunity we're doing this at other true mark projects and we'll talk about this briefly i deal with a lot of developers there's not a better develop today in this city what they do for the exultant goes way beyond what they have to do my membership supports it and the trade unions support it thank you.
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is there any additional public comment >> hi. great grandmother what the secretary to mr. roth i own shipley property since 1987 i reviewed the plans recently the notice they sent out this is the first notice i got the phone number on the applicant information i called no ability to get to the person i talked to doug i called him 3 times and noble to get in touch with him. i reviewed the plan and there were problems. i'll read i appreciate the
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projects and it enhances the neighborhoods i see a fault with the impact of the parking. the parking 80 parent one hundred and 14 parents that designed to have one hundred and 14 bike spaces but all the parking is coming out into shipley 80 cars where we're in the fire area on shipley. the reason why the safety needs enough room to go down the street if you have a car going in and out at 923 fulsome an emergency vehicle needs to come out the solution to the plan would be consider a residence
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easy solution that would consider the residents of shipley street would be relocated the partnering ramp to enter and exit on fulsome street if you look at the outreach they've served they showdown one hundred people signing if you look at there is only one person on shipley street that signed that a new business that just opened up if you talk to the other resident and is there's access to 80 parking spaces an shipley people will be upset there's not been an you outreach what happens after the jobs are gone and you still have to be on shipley. the important thing is that
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parking as a business shouldn't be allowed, you know, they have we're trying to get people out of cars they're going to have 80 parking spaces they're going to represent partially >> thank you, sir our time is up. >> they shouldn't be allowed on shipley street. >> thank you. is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> well, i like this project a lot and it's another project that that is conforming with the eastern neighborhoods most of the reasons a million in fees and 14 b m r over 40 percent two bedroom and did is good job stepping down to shipley they have to do that it makes the
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units on shipley address the smaller street much better with the steps and the way to access i don't like the orange on the balconies but work with the staff to consider the colors. otherwise, it looks very good and they've certainly done a lot of outreach to the community and hear all the speakers in support above and beyond what they needed to do in the community outreach. as far as the any kind of traffic that is generated generally speaking when you go to a residential area and have cars parked there's not a lot of cars coming in and out they talk about the infiniti where there's many, many units 4 hundred units
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i think you have to have someone coming in and out of that garage they go into the garages occasional but not that severe i'm in favor of the project it utilizes underutilized spaces to sever as plastering and in terms of fire issues the fire department is right next door. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you very much i'll keep this brief a lot of my comments refer to the katrero project in recent times to make sure we deep that as part of the use full for recipe i like that and, of course, the one site
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affordable housing housing because they have two bedrooms he want to make a comment on traffic this city is going it make fulsome is two-way but having the furniture and trees kaumgz traffic it is sort of a four way radio radio roadway and the matt so principal is going up but not a lot happening around hope street until 2 or third street it is great this kaumgz the traffic and brings for flow to the ground floor. the only comment i want to echo commissioner sugaya's comment been the hoa this is something the developer choose to integrate the community into their hoa. with the katrero project it was connected to the park and the
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small business that's clear and the resident will continue to support that. with this one i think it is fantastic it's a fantastic organization i love what they're doing and they have great programs you're looking at how to structure our hoa just make sure that it's something that the residents will support the perpetuity and god for bid in the resident in the future that there's not a clear way to continue that in the future that's my one comment >> commissioner sugaya. yeah, that's good >> it is a public park and not a nonprofit but i wasn't going to make a comment i read the spur letter we just got and on building and landscape design
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they have a concern about access to the four story on shipley not having elevators could you comment the only elevators those are really far apart so i think i want to bring that up it's nothing i thought of before but it is in their letter perhaps comment open that. i know elevators are expenditure >> we thought it was important that the single elevators warlike one community there's a combrarps to shipley a staircase and a walk up on shipley. >> the only comment i understand that the only comment
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is if resident on the shipley side are going to be i suspect you using the stairway more especially, if their parking spaces are towards the shipley side of the this i urge you to look at the interior design of the stairways in my condo building those stairways are perfect concrete and metal raildz and they don't clean them half the time it's not a nice thing. i'm in 0 the fourth floor i'd walk up and down more if this experience were nicer picture not architecture wise but you you know what i mean >> commissioner moore. >> quick the architect comment
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i believe this is the fire exit and they're not adorned for the obvious reason there's existing stairs and they are used for internal circulation is the second choice but not adorn them in any way is if a correct assessment? >> we'll focus on that element and make sure they do that for the main circulation on that connection. >> i think that would definitely help by color or internal graphics for the fighters standards. >> i understand. >> commissioner antonini.
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>> yeah. follow-up one point for commissioner sugaya assuming that the elevators surface the building going to each the floors so someone open the shipley side will be going to the fulsome side and not having additional steps if you've got a load of groceries it makes it difficult 0 if tests itself case if they have to walk a little bit that's not the worse thing not to go up and down the stairs so make sure people can access their units to whatever floor the elevator gets off of for purposes of accessibility i assume that's part of the design. >> yes. >> eject this answers my question i'm going to move to approve. >> second. >> commissioners moved and
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seconded to approve this with conditions. councilmember sharp. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. and commissioners - take a 5 minute break. >> audience to silence any mobile devises state your name. commissioners we left off or completed our regular changed and on items 17 abc for cases and 2012.00775 those are may or may not discretionary review authorization and a may or may
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not discretionary review. >> good afternoon. commissioner president wu and commissioners doug the items before you are may or may not discretionary review for demolition and new construction. and a request are for discretionary review for the remnant structure on duncan street those were continued made known to the department it was not properly post. the project is to demolish a single-family dwelling it was looked not noah valley neighborhood and a 40 foot height district. the subject property is on the south side of duncan street that is a sleeping slope the property
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has 25 feet even if frontage and is depraved with the covered carport at the front of the property and an 7 and hundred and detached property it didn't embody any sty bus us is a cottage that was overwhelming constructed in 111 the block is defined by self-same dwelling in a mix of architecture style o are generally 20th century - one to two stories in height it has a two family dwelling while the property down slope has a single-family dwelling it will
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be a single-family dwelling 36 and a half feet in height that includes a bonus room and garage and living room and kitchen and dining area and 3 businessmen's and two bats on the second and third story. the project proposes a radish of 514 inches that exceeded the 9 inches the overall scale and materials of the proposed replacement structure are complimenty with the residential neighborhood character. the materials for the front facade are contemporary in style with sustained neutral revised windows. prior to and during and after the public notification the
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department received letters expressing concerns about the comparability of the project with the neighborhood character. prior to the original hearing on july temple a 15 letters were received you stating opposition and one letter of support was included in the oriental packet. a separate request for discretionary review was filed and since this project was continued additional letters and materials that have been included in the supplemental packet the dr requester is concerned with the proposition sale and for its sites and not comparable with the surround buildings. the dr requester is concerned that the proposed project will
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have noise to the adjacent prototypes and will not support of the visible character marked by the regular stepping the homes on the block and the flat roofline t is not comparable with the surrounding building. the dr requester requests removal of the decks and the wall wells a 6 in which par fit and more comparable with the neighborhood. the departments residential team look at the discretionary review application and found the overall project to be consistent with the site in terms of neighborhood and character and determined the marge's would be barely visible from the street and the proposed roof-deck will
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not impact privacy due to adjacent properties flo through the rooftops and solid ways walls although the par fit roof they recommended it's removal for a fire roof and south back the roof to thefls this pattern the project sponsor explicit agree it's out of scale and the proposed roofline is comparability, however, the project sponsor will make the modifications removing the wall and to set back it 5 feet. the department recommends the department not take the discretionary review and to taking take the discretionary review with the moefksdz proposed by did department and agreed to buy by the project
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sponsor and it compiles with the planning code and meets the planning code and the project will create a project with had bedrooms and no tenants will be displace given the scale of the project no significant impact on the capacity for muni. the existing building is not an existing landmark and the project will create a new single-family dwelling with the neighborhood character. that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for questions >> thank you dr requester. >> thank you commissioner president wu i'm going to ask the secretary to please pass those out one of those letters is in opposition from a recipe
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directly next door that has lived there 50 years and a letter mistake willingly not pit into the packet and we'll showcase how this project will look. the character of the duncan street neighborhood have remained intact as you see on those images the homelands are generally pretty modest no size they have peak roofs and have one and two story over garage homes no existing 3 story over garage homes on the block there are no 3 story garage homes on this block. i don't know if we can share the slides on the broadcast. thank you. the character of duncan street has remained intact because the
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neighbors receptionist the typography defining can is steep it raise one hundred and 25 feet if you can walk the block you'll understand resident have refrained from building homes that have a billboard effect in the neighborhood. those are the homes uphill and across the street from duncan they're built in scale and have peak roofs and as you can tell they respect typography. the biggest objection on duncan is the top story pebt how is it is 6th higher than the surrounding buildings and in my opinion a huge mismatch in terms of stepping of the roofs as outlined by the residential
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guidelines in recent tale not just a duncan street issue a neighborhood issue that about impact neighbors in every direction because of the unique typography most homes are 15 hundred to $2,000 square feet it is nearly $4,000 square feet but again, our main concern is the penthouse it's not about mother and father density in housing it is a party space and destined to maximum the selling price. let's look at the purchased structure. this will be the per phonetic looking uphill the proposed structure drafrdz the house. another view from across the street. again, you can easily tell the structure is much taller than the adjacent property.
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another view looking at down open duncan street from this vantage point it viable you have to consider the proposed structure from all points uphill i downhill and neighboring blokes and the mo p dr to remove the penalty how did but the project sponsors didn't want to lose the penthouse so the set back is not going to solve the problem. as a community we ask please require the removal of penthouse and roof-deck audience if you were here to protest this size please stand up >> this is who we are commissioners. this is from duncan street the
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27 and 28 to noah and sanchez this is our neighborhood and we're united open this request and have been for two years we've had numerous letters and signed petitions in your packet there are more 80 signatures we've gathered in the last two actresses opposing to project we've met at my house to figure out the best thing fore the neighborhood we don't want to stop the project only a reasonable sized home we are concerned with the future projects so commissioners for years to come people will ask how did that project ever get approved. thank you >> thank you. we'll take
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public comment on those supporting the dr. >> (calling names) >> i'm mr. herman i want to thank the commission for voicing my concerns. i live on 448 duncan street right across in the proposed project i will there with my wife and daughter we've been living in this neighborhood for over 18 years now and really like the character of the neighborhood it has a small hometown feeling a lot of the simple homes not two big and older so we want to preserve the character of the neighborhood the way it is and that's why we're quite concerned about the
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proposed structure of the new building. i agree it is too big i think that this fourth level penthouse with the roof-deck will also have a negative impact the noise and the privacy of our neighborhood. i live about two houses uphill from the proposed site and people are on the roof-deck a they'll directly see into my living room and one of my bedroom windows where my little daughter is sleeping i'm concerned that is an impact on our privacy and also concerned about the potential noise so in enclosure i'd like to ask you, please request the removal of
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