tv [untitled] August 7, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PDT
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item 10 is amending the same contract schindler elevator corporation for the negotiated amount as listed for contract escalators thereby increasing the direct costs by that same amount and the construction fees by amount listed and no members of the public have addressed you on those items. >> that was a lot of word. thank you very much. director harper. >> madam chair i just have a comment on item 7 of a policy that we have. when we do get competitive responses bidding and there is an evaluation on different factors they show the board the score because what the board appreciates is seeing the relative levels of weight because sometimes they will well
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only 20% was weighted on cost and 80% on more fermorral things and technical merit things. i find that interesting just to get an idea how staff is weighing these things before they say here's the award and i think that would be a good policy for us to have when we have the evaluation and everything let's see the scores because that will tell us the weighting and give us an idea how staff is thinking when they do have competitive bids. >> okay. >> we can include that. >> director reiskin. >> just one question on the temporary facilities which doesn't seem like it's necessarily that unique of scope of work. why do we think we only had one bidder? >> it's actually about three reasons that we thought we would have more. we did have 100% f.t.e. on it so that was one
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component. also the fact thattan vil was on site already. the fact they were there and a known entity to other bidders. the temporary facilities which is a wide range -- because you can imagine it's logistical. with a very hot market a lot of the small businesses are going to the other projects, our neighbors, our competition. >> why did we need do this as 100% sbe. >> it was felt it was a good opportunity for small business. it's not a low bid so it gives the opportunity -- a small business to shrink and swell based on that. he doesn't have a full staff and we can modify that time and material based to work with a small business. they figured this was a good one to utilize for that.
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>> okay. and just to director harper's point i think it would be interesting to see what is underlying. if we see it as the award is recommended it's purely informational because i don't think it would be appropriate or timely for us to say well we want you to change the weighting and recalculate because that weighting is how they're advertising as well, so unless we were going to get notification with the advertisement happening which is a time to weigh in i'm not sure if it would make a lot of difference. i think most of this is low bid so it doesn't matter a lot. >> it indicates to the staff and the board's idea and versus cost and other factors and after a while staff gets an idea where the board is at how to weight a service versus materials, that sort of thing. >> director sartipi. >> so it's just time and material what is the actual bid item?
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>> they're bidding on labor. the bid is more of qualifications so they're based on what they have done in the past, what they can bond for, based on safety records, based on various components and when we receive a proposal and go into it they have a negotiation for the rates, the overhead, the various components of it and not to exceed value was assigned to it for that amount and facilities that webcor envisions for a building as large as this is and it's based more on qualifications. >> thank you. >> any other questions or comments? >> i move approval. >> so there's a motion. >> second. >> and a second. is there any
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public comment on item 7-10? seeing none roll call on this item -- items. >> director nuru. >> aye. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> vice chair harper. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is four aye's and those items are approved. we am go ahead and call item 11 which sarks proving an amendment to contract authorizing webcor/obayashi to award a contract to otis elevator as the sole bidder for amount listed for lel vaitors and authorizing drengt costs in that amount and the construction and as listed and no members of the public
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have indicated they wish to speak. >> thank you can we have a motion to recuse director reiskin? we have a motion and a second. we can take that. so are there any questions or comments on this item? seeing none. is there any public comment on this item? seeing no public comment -- >> i do have one. >> director harper. >> i am glad to see we're looking at the maintenance contracts afterwardses and evaluating those but we have to keep in mind when we do that the relationship with warranty and maintenance and also for the deliverables they're not maintaining afdz that should change in terms of the information and what comes when from when they provide a completed contract and at least as far as the bus business goes one of the reasons that you get
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a maintenance contract in addition to just the bus buy is because the feds will treat that as capital allowance for a few years. okay. you get a maintenance contract or something. i don't know if that applies to things that we're doing so even when we're doing that what we're doing is essentially foregoing something that wasn't allowable capital expense and shifting it to an operating expense which you know if that is the case there's a trade off for doing this, so i just -- i don't know how we balance all those things but they all need to be balanced in terms of the long-term picture because operating money will be as scarce five years from now if not more scarce than capital money is today and we want to
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make sure we're not really selling our seat corn or -- eating our seat corn. >> yeah. that is an important point that merits a response. >> actually director harper the maintenance budget -- costs coming out of the operation budget and not the capital budget. >> and it always was because it didn't qualify for capital expense? >> we never budgeted the maintenance portion as part of the budget. >> sometimes with capital federal things sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. i don't know. >> sara [inaudible] from tjpa. we're not receiving those funds to use them for that. >> all right. that answers that concern. >> thank you for your question. do we have a motion on this item? >> so moved. >> second. >> we have a motion and a seconds. can we take a roll call?
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>> director nuru aye with director reiskin abstaining. director harper. >> aye. >> and chair kim. >> aye. >> that is three aye's and item 11 is approved. >> thank you. can we call the next item. >> item 12 is authorizing the executive director to authorize amendments for state advocacy services for mercury and [inaudible] >> and hello directors. the item seeks to extend for one year the contracts in place with mercury townsend affairs and -- if this item is approves we have the option to extend for one additional year before they're up for renewal. we work with
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mercury and ton send on you -- townsend on a variety of proposals and grant applications. they attend regular meetings for us in sacramento and report back. they bring key and legislative officials to the site for visits and tjpa events and we have with us paul bower from mercury public affairs and richard from townsend public affairs. >> thank you. is the firm that we work with to do the state legislative advocacy? >> yes, ma'am. >> any other questions or comments on this item? >> move approval. >> we have a motion and a second. is there any public comment on this councilmember? >> no -- >> director.
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>> aye. >> vice chair harper. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is four aye's and item 12 is approved. go ahead and call the next item. 13 is approving local support for filing of application for mpc for the active transportation program for the transit center and transportation and bicycle safety and improvements project. >> and scott will also report. >> directors this is a standard part of the application process to require this type of resolution of local support. we are seeking funds from mtc through the active transportation program, the t a program and we are submitting an application that would seek 2.9
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million in funding for various bicycle and pedestrian related components of the new transit center. >> thank you. any questions or comments on this item? seeing none public comment. >> no members of the public to address you on that item. >> thank you. do we have a motion on this item? >> so moved. >> >> we have a motion and a second. roll call. >> director. >> yes. >> director. >> vice chair. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is approved. next item is item 14 and no members to address you on this item for the board minutes. >> any comments on this item for the minutes? director nuru would you like to abstain? >> yes, i wasn't here. >> we have a motion and a second. >> do we have a second?
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>> second. >> public comment on this item. >> none. >> roll call. >> director nuru abstaining. director reiskin. >> aye. >> vice chair harper. >> aye. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> call the final item. >> next item is memo of appreciation for mike rizzo. >> i have been working on this project and mike worked on the project then i can't tell you how helpful he was work with the project and helping move it along through the various stages working on the financial components. of course you know we have agreements with properties and landfills, putting together the agreements, et cetera and he was an
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invaluable asset i know i'm going to personally miss him as our staff and we wanted to extend our appreciation and best wishes to him as he moves into his next stage so thank you mike for all your support and help and we wish you the very best. >> i see him in the audience so i wanted to give him an opportunity to speak to the board. we have a resolution of appreciation for you. i know that we have also a relationship as well, not just on trans bay but the soma redevelopment area plan as well and it's been incredible to work with you and one thing i can say you are persistent in making sure that the goals of the redevelopment area plans are achieved and i certainly got to experience that on a number of projects throughout district 6, but it was really important i think to have your level of advocacy and lobbying especially with the --
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[inaudible] following the disillusionment of the state agency through state action and one particular item that we worked on was the police sub station and it was quite a bit of advocacy over two years but you were a key piece of that and we worked with the director who made that happen quickly and had a tremendous impact on the neighborhood and every time i am on 6th street residents are thanking our office for the establishment of the sub station or the state hub and you were a leader making sure we were all working to make that project happen so please come up. >> well, thank you board members. this is really much appreciated. like i told people in the office people in public
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service they don't want to watch or a lot of money but we do it because we believe it and what the board and the redevelopment agency is doing and i am fortunate to have worked on this project. it's been an honor. i wish you the best of luck going forward. i know there are a lot of challenges as there are with projects like this but with the team in place and your leadership you can overcome them so thank you again. >> thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the other side when you start to bid on projects in the transit center plan. we will give you a hard time don't worry. >> and next time you were give us an enforceable obligation for 10 or $20 million. >> and other comments directors? thank you again and good luck in your next phase of
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your career and next challenges. >> i move approval of the resolution. >> we have a motion to approve and a second. >> is there any public comment on this item? >> (inaudible). >> seeing none. >> director nuru. >> aye. >> director reiskin. >> aye. >> director harper. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is four ayes and that item is approved. >> thank you and congratulations so seeing no further items or announcements the calendar i want to thank derek fernandez for sfgtv for recording each of our meetings and seeing no other items the meeting is adjourned.
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>> thank you for gathering here today for this wonderful event. looks like the rain is going to hold off hopefully prayerfully. i am robert cowan and a pastor and we're here and we are blessed to have many of our city officials including the mayor who is going to come and speak in a few moments as soon as everyone is gathered. it's great to see everybody. what a great compilation of folks. the children aren't paying attention as it should be. how is the food? >> great. [applause] >> sip did a wonderful job
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with the barbecue. let's give them a hand. [applause] . a street violence intervention program. they did a wonderful job with the barbecue and the hamburgers and hot dogs and if you go away hungry you must be on a diet so water further delay let's welcome our mayor, mayor lee. [applause] >> thank you. thank you reverend. thanks for being here as well and blessing us. good evening everyone. welcome to herst play ground in sunnydale. i am grateful to the chief and supervisor cohen and park and rec and juvenile justice here. we have so many departments that worked together to make sure that this place is safe and we
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welcome everybody back here. i know that everybody feels the tragedies of things that happened a few weeks ago, but this community is strong because of its people, but saying we want to bring people back to our own park. this is the people's park right here at herst play ground and we want to make sure on this national night out not only do we celebrate across the city but we bring people out to their parks, to our parks, to our neighborhood to celebrate to reclaim the areas we want to be safe and collaborate with our youth and employment organizations, our education institutions to work together with seniors and families to make sure that there is no place in the city that is unsafe and particularly here, so i want to say thank you to everybody for
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coming out tonight, and that this should be yet another beginning, not just this one night. this is everybody's park. this is where the kids can feel safe to play where the parents can bring them out and watch over them where all the different agencies can have and create programs that support them. where our seniors can have a walk and feel the vibrancy of the city and invest in play grounds like this. you like this new play ground? yeah. [applause] and soon we will get the sand out of that play area and replace it with some good things that don't have the sand in them. we're going to continue investing in this neighborhood and in the people especially but i want to say again thank you to supervisor cohen. your wonderful leadership out here working with us. thank you to
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tamika moss and the program working with the residents of sunnydale and the community. thank you to all of the different agencies. i know public works is out here doing the fiscal things with rec and park but we're all here to invest in the people that live out here and i want to say thank you again to the police department. you are -- all of you are on the front lines helping us not just with your service but also making sure that community policing leads our effort here, and how about creating more jobs for our youth making sure we do the right thing because it's not just about police services. it's about youth services. making sure our public health is supported out here. give people the recovery that they need. helping with services -- our youth organizations, our health and human services program, our jobs program working together to make our community strong.
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this is for everyone. it's not just prevent crime. it's about encouraging people to fulfill their whole lives richly. this is what this play ground means to me and i plan to be out here often and embrace our kids and grow up freely strongly safely in our neighborhood. thank you everybody for being out here tonight. [applause] >> thank you sir. all right. you know advisory board for the police is the one that organized this. we really want to thank the mayor and the police chief for bringing all these resources together so that all that you can see came together. we are also blessed to sur police chief here so let's welcome our police chief suhr. >> thanks reverend. [applause] >> i got to thank the ingleside
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sea path as well and acknowledge the captain over there for coordinating with park and rec. how about the rides and jumping things? this is exactly how national night out is supposed to be. this is a national event. it's all across the country and it's just great that this year again after having such a sad event that occurred up the block just last month this year -- this is bigger than last year. we were here last year and i don't think there is anyway it was bigger than this so it's great to see everyone came back to the play ground where kids and community should always be able to go and we and the mayor and the rest of the city agencies here are committed to this neighborhood and this park should be for the kids and the community, not just on national night out but any night of the work to come and enjoy so there will be cops here
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regularly. soon enough they will be using this clubhouse as a place they use as the base of operations and there's not -- i can't say enough how much time we want to spend with the young people in san francisco and for all of the people that contributed tonight and for the mayor and his leadership supervisor cohen, the district attorney, and others and i think you jinxed us with saying the rain isn't coming and have a good time and next year will be even better. >> thank you sir. we are blessed to have the supervisor for district 10 so let's welcome supervisor cohen. >> hello family. hello. what a beautiful day. my god we couldn't have prayed for something better than this. thank you for everyone for
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coming out. thank you. because you know what national night out is about? it's very simple. it's one night when cities all around the country come together to say we're taking back our parks, taking back our streets, taking back our cities, taking it back from the violent crime element and reclaiming it as a safe haven for the community. there are people here that deserve some recognition. i want to recognize the community partners and specifically list up ms. ruth jackson sitting here in the green. this woman deserves serious recognition and love. i want to recognize the fact that we have a true community. you look around here we've got sano ans, asian pacific islander community, the chinese community, african-americans, caucasians. we have literally the physical
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man festation of what makes san francisco biewsm. we have the latino community. this is incredible. we have young people. we have seniors this. is exactly what this is about and what visitation valley is about and i want to thank all of the sponsors and partners who made this possible and all of my friends out there in the back serving and grilling and packaging food and giving from their hearts and that's what this is about. this is a labor of love so remember that as we continue to have a good time tonight. i am malia cohen. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much and we have -- blessed to have our district attorney here, district attorney gas con. >> thank you reverend and mayor and malia. the essence of community is the ability to come together and have good people use the open space, and today
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not only are we celebrating people coming together and using this park, but also we're celebrating the fact that as a community we refuse to allow violence to define us. we as a community are coming together, neighbors, police officers, supervisors, the district attorney's office, our probation because we refuse to allow our community to be defined by the worse moment -- by a bad moment of violence, so i am very proud of being here today. this park is a wonderful place. it's a place that we want to want to make sure the community uses and we are committed to ensuring this is a safe place for all to play. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. i also want to
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recognize rec and park for really providing so much of what you see here, the table and the chairs and the bouncy houses and that thing, whatever it is. it's been fantastic and a blessing with being accommodating and with this we have a closing prayer. this will go on to 8:00 o'clock but we want god's blessing on this park and now to forever only things happen to you. we ask you for your spirit here and god rebuke all violence and evil from this area. we pray in the name jesus. we know you can do it. have grace and amen. thank you very much. [applause]
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test. >> good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco budget & finance sub-committee i'm supervisor wiener to my right is supervisor kim the committee vice chair and supervisor cohen will not be able to join us today, our clerk is awning debris awe bigger and thank you to commissioner honda jennifer lowe and other. madam clerk, any announcements? phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. implemented speaker cards should be submitted to the clerk
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