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tv   [untitled]    August 7, 2014 2:00pm-2:31pm PDT

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we have no emphasis on winning we only have an emphasis on learning and trying as hard as they can that's it and the chips fall where they may. when students leave our program whether or not adults or kids they'll have a mechanical understanding of what they have. you don't have to be 7 feet tall or be super faster but you do need skwil. once you teach kids how to have control over the tennis courts they'll master. please invest >> thank you for gathering
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here today for this wonderful event. looks like the rain is going to hold off hopefully prayerfully. i am robert cowan and a pastor and we're here and we are blessed to have many of our city officials including the mayor who is going to come and speak in a few moments as soon as everyone is gathered. it's great to see everybody. what a great compilation of folks. the children aren't paying attention as it should be. how is the food? >> great. [applause] >> sip did a wonderful job with the barbecue. let's give them a hand. [applause] . a street violence intervention program. they did a wonderful job with the barbecue and the hamburgers and hot dogs and if you go away
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hungry you must be on a diet so water further delay let's welcome our mayor, mayor lee. [applause] >> thank you. thank you reverend. thanks for being here as well and blessing us. good evening everyone. welcome to herst play ground in sunnydale. i am grateful to the chief and supervisor cohen and park and rec and juvenile justice here. we have so many departments that worked together to make sure that this place is safe and we welcome everybody back here. i know that everybody feels the tragedies of things that happened a few weeks ago, but this community is strong because of its people, but saying we want to bring people back to
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our own park. this is the people's park right here at herst play ground and we want to make sure on this national night out not only do we celebrate across the city but we bring people out to their parks, to our parks, to our neighborhood to celebrate to reclaim the areas we want to be safe and collaborate with our youth and employment organizations, our education institutions to work together with seniors and families to make sure that there is no place in the city that is unsafe and particularly here, so i want to say thank you to everybody for coming out tonight, and that this should be yet another beginning, not just this one night. this is everybody's park. this is where the kids can feel safe to play where the parents can bring them out and
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watch over them where all the different agencies can have and create programs that support them. where our seniors can have a walk and feel the vibrancy of the city and invest in play grounds like this. you like this new play ground? yeah. [applause] and soon we will get the sand out of that play area and replace it with some good things that don't have the sand in them. we're going to continue investing in this neighborhood and in the people especially but i want to say again thank you to supervisor cohen. your wonderful leadership out here working with us. thank you to tamika moss and the program working with the residents of sunnydale and the community. thank you to all of the different agencies. i know public works is out here doing the fiscal things with rec and park but we're all here to invest in the people that live out here and i want to say
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thank you again to the police department. you are -- all of you are on the front lines helping us not just with your service but also making sure that community policing leads our effort here, and how about creating more jobs for our youth making sure we do the right thing because it's not just about police services. it's about youth services. making sure our public health is supported out here. give people the recovery that they need. helping with services -- our youth organizations, our health and human services program, our jobs program working together to make our community strong. this is for everyone. it's not just prevent crime. it's about encouraging people to fulfill their whole lives richly. this is what this play ground means to me and i plan to be out here often and embrace our kids and
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grow up freely strongly safely in our neighborhood. thank you everybody for being out here tonight. [applause] >> thank you sir. all right. you know advisory board for the police is the one that organized this. we really want to thank the mayor and the police chief for bringing all these resources together so that all that you can see came together. we are also blessed to sur police chief here so let's welcome our police chief suhr. >> thanks reverend. [applause] >> i got to thank the ingleside sea path as well and acknowledge the captain over there for coordinating with park and rec. how about the rides and jumping things? this is exactly how national night out is supposed to be. this is a national
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event. it's all across the country and it's just great that this year again after having such a sad event that occurred up the block just last month this year -- this is bigger than last year. we were here last year and i don't think there is anyway it was bigger than this so it's great to see everyone came back to the play ground where kids and community should always be able to go and we and the mayor and the rest of the city agencies here are committed to this neighborhood and this park should be for the kids and the community, not just on national night out but any night of the work to come and enjoy so there will be cops here regularly. soon enough they will be using this clubhouse as a place they use as the base of operations and there's not -- i can't say enough how much time we want to spend with the young people in san francisco and for
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all of the people that contributed tonight and for the mayor and his leadership supervisor cohen, the district attorney, and others and i think you jinxed us with saying the rain isn't coming and have a good time and next year will be even better. >> thank you sir. we are blessed to have the supervisor for district 10 so let's welcome supervisor cohen. >> hello family. hello. what a beautiful day. my god we couldn't have prayed for something better than this. thank you for everyone for coming out. thank you. because you know what national night out is about? it's very simple. it's one night when cities all around the country come together to say we're taking back our parks, taking back our streets, taking back our cities, taking
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it back from the violent crime element and reclaiming it as a safe haven for the community. there are people here that deserve some recognition. i want to recognize the community partners and specifically list up ms. ruth jackson sitting here in the green. this woman deserves serious recognition and love. i want to recognize the fact that we have a true community. you look around here we've got sano ans, asian pacific islander community, the chinese community, african-americans, caucasians. we have literally the physical man festation of what makes san francisco biewsm. we have the latino community. this is incredible. we have young people. we have seniors this. is exactly what this is about and what visitation valley is about and i want to thank all of the sponsors and partners who made this possible and all of
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my friends out there in the back serving and grilling and packaging food and giving from their hearts and that's what this is about. this is a labor of love so remember that as we continue to have a good time tonight. i am malia cohen. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much and we have -- blessed to have our district attorney here, district attorney gas con. >> thank you reverend and mayor and malia. the essence of community is the ability to come together and have good people use the open space, and today not only are we celebrating people coming together and using this park, but also we're celebrating the fact that as a community we refuse to allow violence to define us. we as a
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community are coming together, neighbors, police officers, supervisors, the district attorney's office, our probation because we refuse to allow our community to be defined by the worse moment -- by a bad moment of violence, so i am very proud of being here today. this park is a wonderful place. it's a place that we want to want to make sure the community uses and we are committed to ensuring this is a safe place for all to play. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. i also want to recognize rec and park for really providing so much of what you see here, the table and the chairs and the bouncy houses and that thing, whatever it is.
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it's been fantastic and a blessing with being accommodating and with this we have a closing prayer. this will go on to 8:00 o'clock but we want god's blessing on this park and now to forever only things happen to you. we ask you for your spirit here and god rebuke all violence and evil from this area. we pray in the name jesus. we know you can do it. have grace and amen. thank you very much. [applause] i'm nicole and lindsey, i
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like the fresh air. when we sign up, it's always so gratifying. we want to be here. so i'm very excite ied to be here today. >> your volunteerism is appreciated most definitely. >> last year we were able to do 6,000 hours volunteering. without that we can't survive. volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of
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learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160 acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is nice. no rain. beautiful san
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francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling. for more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. get in touch with the parks and recreation center so come >> [gavel] the commission will please come to order and the second will
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call the roll. >> commissioner singer. >> present. >> commissioner taylor-mcghee. >> present. >> commissioner chow. >> present. >> commissioner sanchez. >> present. >> car da. commissioner karshmer. >> applicant. >> the -- present. >> the second item and i was on vacation and the minutes are an earlier version of the resolution you passed. the updated version should be in your pile so the minutes should reflect the final resolution. >> commissioners we're prepared for a motion to accept the minutes and with the fact that the final version of the resolution will be in the minutes. motion please. >> i move. >> there is a motion and a
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second already. are there any corrections to the minutes? >> i had a question. >> sure. >> on the request for follow up from human resources about progress on streamlining and making more effective hiring which seems to be a drag on progress in many of the departments in terms of meeting their objectives. when can we get that update? >> i believe the hr director will speak to you. >> director. >> good afternoon. we have a event in the last week of august and mapping it out and making improvements and i believe i asked to come back in september to give an update and i will check with mark to make sure i'm on the agenda. >> perfect. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> okay. any other comments or questions on the corrections? if not all in favor say aye.
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the minutes are approved. next item please. >> the next item is the director's report. >> good afternoon. i am sitting in for director garcia who is on a well deserved vacation in hawaii right now and the first is the launch of the san francisco health network, the sign is behind you and launched on july 30. simultaneous events took place at 28 sites around the city and staff celebrated the creation of the network and each other's contributions. i know rol an pickins is here and can talk about the launch last week. >> good afternoon commissioners. i am the director of the network. thank you. you will remember when i came to you in february and gave an overview of the development
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of the network i had slides on marketing and branding so this network launch was the fulfillment of the first part of the marketing and branding campaign which was an internal focus. we described we needed to do internal markets and branding before we went out to the public so this launch event was a culmination of the last months of an internal marketing and branding committee and chaired and co-chaired by staff and our chief communications officer so they had 30 staff throughout the department from community programs, laguna honda, san francisco general and actually did a great job developing the launch activity itself, a description of what the network is. there is information on all the different sites that the network consists
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of throughout the city, the various clinics so this was our internal launch and we will come back as we get ready for open enrollment in the fall for covered california and other health plans to do an external marketing communications program, but this was part one, and you will be be hearing more about part 2. i will be coming to the commission in september on an update on the network and we will talk more about communications and marketing. >> thank you. i am sure the commissioners would be happy to help also with our external approach to the public. >> okay. we will get your picture on the muni bus going by. okay. >> just a couple other items in the director's report related to open enrollment which mr. pickins referenced last thursday covered california and
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announced the rate for the exchange and the cost will go up by a weighted percentage of 4.2% and covered california region four which comprises the city and county of san francisco saw the largest weighted increase of 6.6%. the other changes in the regions were a reduction of 1% and those areas and increase of 6.3% in orange county. among the five health plans that will be available in san francisco and some blue cross has the largest weighted increase and those that stay with blue cross will have an increase of 10 to 14%. kaiser has the lowest weighted increase at one point 6% and those consumers will have
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a change of a reduction or a increase of 4% and blue child and health net and chinese community health plan also. finally the environmental -- supervisor cohen has introduced two measures at the board of supervisors to improve air quality in san francisco. one enhanced ventilation for sensitive use development is consistent with a resolution passed in 2013 by this commission commission and require ventilations for certain developments and multi-housing and others. clean construction is a companion measure to improve ventilation at sites to improve enhanced ventilation at construction sites that. concludes the director's report for today. >> commissioners any questions on the director's report? yes?
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>> colleen any -- what happened with covered california in terms of rate increases and where the providers for the city and county of san francisco came out relative to other places? anything remarkable about that or was that in line with what you guys expected? >>i think it's in line with what we expected. i think the overall increase state wide was reigning in costs and it's not seen as a large increase. i think there is a wide variety of costs with the providers in san francisco so there continues to be low cost plans available in san francisco. even though we have the highest rate of increase across all plans most plans ranged within the 4% margin, the next closest county was orange county at 6.3%. i think given our cost of living and other things here it's not unexpected that we landed where we did.
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>> when you cite the averages are they straight averages of bronze, silver and gold plans or averages of bronze? >> they're weighted averages and consider the increases in the plan and the commissioners in the marketplace. >> okay. >> on the exchange programs here in the city part of the real key would be what premium is at and some are very high and some very low. do the premiums come closer together for each of the plans because after all in the first year it was a guess on the part of everybody about where to go, so the real amount is -- of concern is whether the premiums had also come close to each other or are they still at a wide variation? >> i would have to look -- the
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levels vary by age and family size but i think it was expected. chinese community health plan for example came in very . the cost of the premiums were very low in the first year so they were the second highest rate increase among the plans in san francisco which was to be expected to level it out a little bit more. anthem was already a higher cost plan and the increase further -- >> further up, right. okay. and i guess are those now public? >> they are. >> can we have a copy of what you read out because that would be helpful. >> i will send my notes and the increases for the plan. >> okay. that would be very nice. thank you. any other questions? on the director's report though you didn't acknowledge -- in the sense the laguna honda survey came out
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very positively, did it? >> yes. i was just reading and trying to decide because it says that it had identified findings from two surveys, and you're waiting for a cdph so do we know that they did give us a clean bill of health or they didn't? >> through the chair if i might. >> sure. >> as we understood it through the committee it was brief in size but they were not going -- and we weren't going to make any absolute either congratulations or due diligence or shore up until we got the written report because there were a couple of surveys not completed, other dimensions, so that will be forthcoming. that's our understanding and from there we will proceed but at this point
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it looked like we weren't zapped with that and others but we were written for the actual report which will come within i think 45 days. >> okay. all right. if there are no other questions then we're prepared for the next item please. >> item four is the general public comment. i received no requests for general public comment. all right. shall we move on to the next item commissioners? all right. we will go on to the next item then. item five is the update from the finance and planning committee and commissioner singer chairs that today. >> commissioner. >> this was the first opportunity i had to chair anything. feel free to jump in and correct, amend, beat up my remarks here. so we met this afternoon for a few hours, and
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we heard very thoughtful presentation on sexual orientation guidelines and how to capture data, a theme we talked about in the last year, and you get a peek into the extraordinary thought of the staff and the department and how they go about thinking through things, and then we had a discussion about the icb9 contract delays. it's replacing icb10 -- sorry. ten is replacing icb9 and it is a very complicated thing to implement that has been delayed a number of times including recently. nevertheless we will have to -- the bad news we will continue to spend money this year getting ready for it even though it's delayed a year. that's the bad news. the good news if it wasn't delayed it would have been a crunch on the staff and
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there is revenue at risk as a result of that so one year is good for us and the ability to do this in a slightly more thorough pace is going to be beneficial to the city, and then we had the monthly contracts report. nothing remarkable about that, and then we talked about in-depth about three separate contracts, reasonably large, related to it infrastructure at sf general and in the city and i think the way to think about this is -- i am stealing someone's else analogy shamelessly but if you think of state of the art electron medical records and information systems for physicians and patients and nursing staff and everyone else in the ecosystem as cars you need a road to drive
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on before you can have a car so what these contracts related to basically is the infrastructure, the plumbing, if you will, of a network that meets all the codes which we're required to if you're a health institution which is much different than if you're a retail store for the obvious reasons, and so we heard -- we approved those contract and recommended them to be approved here which i guess we need to vote on in a second, but i think what was most encouraging for me was the depth of thought from the team at sfdph regarding how they're going to stage the investments and how to prepare for the future and how they talked about it so that was super encouraging. >> if i may elaborate. briefly the sexual orientation guidelines commissioners will come before you for approval for the second