tv [untitled] August 8, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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you. >>supervisor norman yee: thank you. any other public comments? >> hello, everybody. my name is brian chiu. i'm a performer district four youth commissioner. i decided to drop by. i think this issue is really relevant. when we talk about policy, i think a fundamental policy is that whatever the policy affects, you really want to have the party that affects, you want that party to have a voice. when it comes to policy, the reason we want youth to have a say in this is because if you look at other things as science policy, i have seen them try to make a comparison here, what if we made a policy for women or a science policy without scientist. that's why
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i support this legislature. thank you. thank you. any others? seeing none, public comment is now closed. supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: >> actually i just wanted to thank wise youth commissioners and former youth commissioner chiu but especially commissioners ger owes andchersky for their work and others. i wanted to thank you while there is youth legislation that is coming forward that she's helped, but it really coming from young people's long efforts of organizing and education of all the board members too. that will be major piece of legislation that we are hoping has strong youth participation. it's about reducing tobacco consumption in our communities. colleagues, i think this is a good first step forward and
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hoping you will support the strong add vocacy and organizing this and especially youth commissioners that have spoken. thank you. >>supervisor katy tang: thank you. i want to thank all the youth commissioners for first of all your interested in serving on the youth commission. when i was in high school, i don't think i even knew the 11 districts. i'm so happy to see that you are all so passionate about policy making and wanting to be involved in that. i want to thank supervisor mar and working with angela. i want to make sure it also works logistically. i know we face a lot of challenges in scheduling a lot of our meetings, we want to make sure it works. in addition to the legislation today i will say that we should think about other ways to incorporate and make sure we listen to youth
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voice. for example i make it a point to sit down and listen with our district for our point -- appointees so they can make they are thoughts on the decisions they are making and i also make it a point to tried memos -- read the memos that the youth commission sends to us and try to find some time where we can ourselves or members of our office can try to maybe participate in some of their youth commission hearings since they are all there already and hopefully that works as well. that might help to supplement the situations if the meetings don't work out. i appreciate you taking so much interest in the work we do because you will potentially be the next supervisor or mayor. thank you for all of your work and
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input. >> likewise, thank you in particular to the youth commission to came out today. this is a logical piece of ordinance that i would like to support. i actually have a daughter that was a youth commissioner when he she was 14 and it was very difficult to try to attend these meetings. and whenever she was able to make comments in this chambers or anywhere else, it was her needed to get an excuse and after a while as a parent i got pretty irritated that she was out of school half the time attending conferences and so forth. so i'm more than happy to support this. and what supervisor tang, her comments around thinking about other ways to
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involve the youth in particular youth commissioners that for instance the commissioners for district 7, i try to incorporate her into activities that i have for the community. she was in my -- participatory council and invited to the mayor's so she can share her voice in the discussion. so i encourage all my colleagues to do that. so there is a motion on the floor, and no objection. then the motion passes. >> you have the amendments first and pass it as a committee record. >> the motion was for the amendments and now i would like to make a motion to move this item as amended forward to the board as a committee
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report. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. seeing no objection, the motion passes. item no. 7. city clerk: item no. 7, the motion submitted by the voters at the november 2014 election administrative code to increase the minimum wage from $12.25 and reaching $15 in 2018. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. i guess there is no presentation. we heard the amendments on this item last week. there has not been any additional changes. so is there any public comments on this item? seeing none. public comment is now closed.
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colleagues, any thoughts? do we have a motion to forward this item as amended and as a committee report to the full board? >> so moved. >> okay. no objection. this motion passes. thank you. >> madam clerk. item no. 8. city clerk: november 2014 election code city housing balance 70 percent to 30 percent between market rate housing and affordable housing. >> we are going to take a little pause here to give supervisor kim an opportunity to get here.
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>>supervisor norman yee: i guess we are coming off recess. we are going to resume to the last item in which we already called, right? so we are joined by supervisor jane kim. she will introduce the item. >>supervisor jane kim: thank you chair yee. i just want to thank and acknowledge the rules committee. we've hat a tough session. we made it finally in time. we were just negotiating literally words
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to make sure that we came forward to the rules committee with the right amendments and changes that we would not have to make later. i'm really happy to announce that today we have agreed upon a set of core terms between the mayor's office for housing and neighborhood stabilization plan to achieve our goal of balance of achieving 30 percent of housing. this plan of 2014-2015 via legislation and if necessary ballot measures in the future. we are starting this process today by presenting to voters on november 2014 a ballot measure with core values which memorialize the agreement. this is a compromise but under we share the same goal. we are taking off a ballot
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legislation that would enable conditional use authorization more than 30 percent providing accountability to work collaboratively with a work of stakeholders to reach a goal of 33 percent. higher balance legislative goal of 30 percent. housing that is affordable to 60 percent of our residents. so i will be presenting an amendment, striking the original ballot legislation and inserting this declaration of policy, affordable housing goals. i also wanted to present the list of solutions that we have agreed on to pursue collectively. one, we are going to look at potential affordable housing revenue sources. we know impact achieve 30 percent
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without revenue. one is to examine and look at the geo bond. a potential set aside from property tax increment value and a new development exact for a new fee and transfer tax charge. we've always agreed on the potential uses of this revenue fund. one is to create a stabilization trust, two, housing catalyst fund for new and low income housing and three mayor's office of housing pipeline and fourth, to jump start the housing rehab and finally we have agreed to examine and pursue and introduce a set of stabilization policies. the first of which we will introduce in september. so
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much as adopt the plan. and control showplace square to prohibit displacement of pdr non-profit arts and small business. we'll be looking at policy to loosen restrictions on commercial districts and limit the second floor to non-profit office use to pursue additional square footage that non-profits can compete for that would potentially be a lower cost and a policy to provide affordable ground floor space in finance projects such as affordable housing. establishing a citywide neighborhood advisory body with neighborhood base subgroups to help identify sites for acquisition for the stabilization fund and the soma area plan will enable 43
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percent of new housing will be affordable which might include an isd to help meet that goal. finally we'll be looking to perform an economic placement study for redevelopment and recommend practical solutions to move forward. i'm looking at development in sensitive areas, these ground floor space to community non-profits, looking handout you to require new developments to provide low cost space to pdr, non-profits and arts and finally looking to require new development for stabilization fees to address the impact and non-profit displacement. it's an exciting list of ideas to picture -- pursue collectively to achieve the goal of 43 percent of affordable housing to the vast majority of our residents in san francisco and look
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forward to this work in the next year 1/2. >> okay. any comments or questions? supervisor campos in >>supervisor david campos: you know, i'm still trying to understand the revisions and i certainly think it's a good thing that we can find compromise. i have to say though, that i don't know that a policy statement is really what is needed right now. i certainly am open to learning more, but, you know i think that policy statements are made all the time at city hall. i'm still trying to understand, you know, where is the beef, i guess. the saying. >> supervisor tang? >>supervisor katy tang: thank you supervisor kim for explaining some of the changes. for me, i did have concern with the original measure introduced. i
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understand with all compromises not everything is perfect and what everybody wants. i certainly appreciate no you what we have before us and would feel more comfortable supporting this measure. >> okay. supervisor kim? >>supervisor jane kim: thank you. i want to respond to the initial concern. i want to make it clear that this policy statement is a very small piece of the entire compromise package. this was a way to memorialize that we would go to the ballot together with the dual measures. the actual substance of what we dwreed upon is a stabilization trust. the neighborhood stabilization plan and of course revenue to ensure that we can hit 33 percent affordable housing. so, that is what we are really excited to work on. it's something that we could have worked on with the housing balance measure and in my belief. but, when there is disagreement about the
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tactics and strategy by which achieving affordable housing, we in good fartsdz faith are pulling this measure in both revenue solution and housing solution to ensure that we hit that goal. it's not the end of the discussion, but we have a commitment that all sides will be working on this together in the next few years and we look forward to working on the substance of this over the in -- next 2 years. i think that will continue on as we continue to move forward. i want to recognize moss who is here on behalf of mayor's office to speak on this measure as well. >> okay. would you like to come up? >> good evening, supervisors, tam ka moss with the may or's office. as supervisor kim
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acknowledged we at the mayor's and board of supervisors recognize we have an affordable housing affordability crisis and we have a policy recognizing the mayor's goals around 30,000 units and producing affordable housing moving foefrmentd -- forward. we want to support the measure you have been you as a joint compromise. recognizing the board of supervisors is committed to this as is the mayor's office. and to the point that the supervisor made in terms of this really being the beginning, we agree with that. we this i that the work of really defining how we in fact build additional affordable housing and stabilize our
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community is a priority for our office as well. we commit absolutely to exploring these options with the supervisor and looking forward to put forth something that the mayor and board of supervisors can be proud of. we look forward to working together to find solutions to respond to the housing needs of all city of san franciscans. thank you. >> any other? is there any public comment on this item? seeing none? yes, i see somebody. c'mon up. >> thank you, supervisors. my name fernando with the community of housing organizations. it's very nice to be here and after a lot of sleep less nights. i think
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what's really encouraging is that supervisor kim stepped up to really try to see how we would accomplish a goal of one thirds of all new housing to be affordable for people of low and motion tion to -- moderate income. as is titled in the pipeline report only 16 percent is only going to be affordable to moderate income folks. we need to understanding what is happening and begin to correct that to get back to a point. clearly it's going to be difficult. we no longer have redevelopment agency money coming in. if you look at currently before you pfw planning to build 30 percent affordable housing. we know
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it's not an impossible goal. what supervisor kim has laid out is a wide men u of items which i think will be a real game changer moving forward in the ability to move all area plans including plans will achieve 43 percent going forward. i think the other piece that is also a game changer is for new development to pay fees that reflect the reality of the affordability gap and what it takes for high rises if they were to build units to help build that difference. again, thank you very much and looking foerld to seeing this in november more so the work that has to be done between now and then. thank you. >> supervisor, with the economic and workforce development. i just wanted to mention as somebody who has
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been working and trying to corral the members and working with many of the people in the room to create and brainstorm other strategies that we can do to address the crisis before us, i do want to commend supervisor kim for paving the way to allow us to do this work. that is the most important thing and working together is a way to get that to happen. i also want to thank supervisor breed who has been instrumental in making that happen what the priorities are. i think all of the supervisors here we look forward to working with you as we get the piece of the package developed and instituted. i think we can get that done with some of those pieces in place even before the measure reaches the public. i think it's a wonderful solution. thank you. >> good evening, supervisors, sarah carlos skooe with
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spur. i would like to thank the board of supervisors for working so diligently and for the mayor's office. i had the pleasurech working on prop c, the trust fund several years ago. i think that was one of the most successful affordable housing measures that this city has seen. the reason it was so successful is we that had opportunity to work across the aisle, collectively and everybody putting together their passion and skills to deal with this problem. this is the first step towards what's coming next to help us address this issue. i want to thank you for your work. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is malcolm young with the childhood development community center. i want to urge the board to support this joint measure. i want to thank supervisor kim for the
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hundreds of hours for bringing this to resolution and the mayor's office and their staff for their dedication to this. when you read that list, i realized you were reading my work plan for the year. we will dedicate ourselves to that work plan. let me just say for me the most exciting component is the opportunity to create a neighborhood stabilization fund. this is something that san francisco has needed for years. during the recession, my greatest regret was whenever and no disrespect but when the lend beportfolio and the city was able to come in pavend -- purchase those and those living in affordable housing could stay there and be for low income class and
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households. we now have an opportunity to hit that dream shot. i'm really looking forward to working on it over the next year. thank you. >> my name is erickson. i have been working on this with supervisor kim and the mayor. i'm so pleased that the supervisor has proposed this legislation. while this legislation is brief and doesn't contain all the details, just a little point on this thing. we have analyzed for example the fought -- future sources of revenue. there is $22 billion of construction coming online. that alone provides $200 million a year on tax revenues. a small portion of that could easily go a long way towards a $350 million bond for affordable housing. the use of infrastructure
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financing district is a terrific idea. we worked very hard on the erin rincon hill. the legislation has lots of underlying elements to it that have been explored in some detail. i would strongly urge you to pass approval. thank you. >> hi, supervisors, i'm alice, director of community at -- i would like to thank you for all the work you put into this. i know it came down to the wire. i have a little bit of concern that we lost the clear mechanism to provide more affordable housing, but it looks like there will be work in the future to have both sides of the table and find the solution. and i'm
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really happy to see the work towards other issues of generality fiction -- general trifks jennifer that will have a big impact. so there are direct projects that we will see impacted by this. i'm very happy that there will still be a ballot. there are a lot of voters and a lot of people who care right now. they care about the city. we have polls that show that there is a lot of concern. so i think it's very important to keep this an issue that people are involved in and can speak about it. so thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, tim can ullen on behalf of action coalition. i would like to express our
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gratitude to supervisor kim. i think it's a terrific step forward and it allows us to get to work on issues on which there is enormous common ground and finding solutions to the affordability crisis that faces us. thanks to the mayor's office on this and as others have said before, the prop c coalition provides a wonderful model for how we can work together in collaboration for the ends on which we all agree. i think as was said, there are some tools that we have in place to leverage an enormous amount of leverage we have now. this is a great solution. you deserve credit for the hard work you have done. thanks. >>supervisor norman yee: okay. any other public comments on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. i want to thank you, thank the public for coming and this
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last minute thing. i just want to make a quick comment, supervisor kim before i turn it over. i'm happy that we are able to come up with a compromise. i know it is a compromise. i personally would have supported stronger language, but i know this seems to what i'm seeing in this legislation it looks like a foupgs -- foundation to move us a little further, a little quicker. to me it's basically saying take a step back so we can move quicker in the future to do the housing crisis that we are dealing with right now. again, i'm happy to support this amendment. supervisor kim? >>supervisor jane kim: i
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would like to ask the committee to make a motion to amend for the language that is before you today. is it okay if i don't read the entire resolution into record, but i stated the desired the goal of declaration of policy. again, us taking away this ballot measure is opening up the opportunity for us to attempt to work together on this goal over the next 2 years. i look forward to placing revenue measure potentially next year and look for other revenue options in order to fund the work we want to do whether it's permanent acquisition of housing to be affordable or to build new construction affordable housing. i do want to recognize of course from the mayor's office, jeff buckly and tam ka moss and on the community oeb -- and
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grace martinez and erickson and of course i do want to thank my cosponsors of housing balance, avalos, campos and mar and yee. this is something that we all believe in but for the sake of figuring out a way if we as a collective can move forward in addressing the goals over the neck he d next two two 22 years that we would refrain from this. i would entertain a motion. >> i would like to make a motion entertaining the amendments to have this be a motion for order to policy declaration. >>supervisor norman yee: is there any objection? seeing none. the amendment passes. >> can i just, i forgot the most important for me to thank at least folks in public
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