tv [untitled] August 8, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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bogging because of the sales tax site this is probable over the next couple of years it will be interesting to see what projects are in that two years. >> sure. >> i don't particularly like the idea of setting them another cap below the cap by year i think it's built cyclely people are not building they're not building office space we see years where there is nothing built so having the allocation in those years didn't seem like that's the right way to go. we'll be artificially allocating in boom years and allowing the allocation and not allowing the years where people are not building but the question is
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important when do you start and stop projects and is we're going to have, you know, you're on hold because we don't want to artifical stop projects to bounce up against the cap did we do it this - >> i don't know when they stopped allowing projects to come forward the review period was in february and march of 1k3wr6789 - i can't remember how quickly they've stopped it but quickly i understand what you're saying and one of the points i've made in the presentation we could have two or three projects that eat two or three million square feet and that's why the sized e size of the pipeline and the size of the projects in the pipeline we want to get anti in
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front of that maybe the commission will decide whatever policy they adapt will be in the future but take huge amounts of the cap we need to plan. >> sure they're the most likely not to happen in the economy changes they're the ones that will fall off the list first. you know, how many of the projects in 2015 are over one million >> that is next year. >> several of next year. >> where are they. >> you mean if you look at the list you have first street and 51th street over one million and 5 m over a million and have transbay block 5, seven hundred thousand square feet those 3 are $3 million square feet that
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could potentially came forward as early as next year not guaranteed because of environmental review but they have the potential to come during the next allocation period. >> right. but take 5 m that's not one office building; right? is that a couple or one? >> it's in a placed project so my understanding it will be part of the agreement and allocated at one time. >> okay. and this as far as the criteria you know, i certainly think location and the proximity of the transit are important whether or not they comply with the plans as well as conversion their converting a current lease to office use and then, you know, also on the flip side are they building uses as
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part of the project that are 0 hard office i mean, the hooper project was mentioned but mixed projects could be important. >> commissioner moore. >> i think it's profitable to say thank you corey for bringing this complicated issue into this room. i believe that all comments commissioners made indicate to me this is the beginning of what i hope is a longer multiple meeting discussion not to even talk about a subcommittee that helps together with the public and everyone involved to kind of shed some light into how to broken down the discussion. i think i want to recognize ms. hester and mr. welch and thank you prom m is an issue talking
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about the balance and liveability of the growing future and jumping forward what makes this an successful city it's not between office space and the ability to get around the less we address that critical issue the less toxic that will be no matter how much we increase the square footage we're getting further behind the eight ball we're not able to create the balances if people have moved out of the suburbia and went back into the city perhaps living in smaller homes and living within reasonable transportation system created the next attractive way of how we do business chicago is completely avoid of any working units while the workforce
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changed over time because their large city they have no more buildings to renovate and a large capacity to move into and become and stay an attractive city i'm not talking about the winter but in this city we have the ability throughout the late 70s and 80s into prop m and all the way to today to create the balance we're the tipping point i think that didn't mean to basically jump to hire johann sebastian bach numbers but find other tools to recapture a proper balance. i want to remind us in the early 90s me over built office by some an step up to the plate we have now office buildings to housing we haven't figured out the
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balance by a residual capacity of downtown buildings in c-3 that have's slipped from previously being class a to b plus or b and the abatement of ability to how to have those buildings to attractivenessness and moving into an a building including looking at how dense those buildings what about populated because we need to look at existing buildings how they're being used and readapted to contemporary office practices as well as the fees as ms. hester and ms. m mr. welch mentioned while adjusting the fees it's shifting the subject matter but i believe this commission will be well-advised to ask for more meetings
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potentially i'm asking the point for a subcommittee to be well prepared and well-informed how we change what we change and with when and i definitely think we should be considering a number of hearings today was a great start continually it was supposed to be an overview and complexity and looked the process going forward. i wanted to comment on something that commissioner hillis said i think we should look at the 2002 and 2009 policy to look at having the allocation being revoked instead of an administrative active reindication that might make the pipeline more clear and i wanted to also lend my voice to the concern around conversion i think that displacement should be one of the major concerns in
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looking at criteria. commissioner antonini >> a couple of interpretative points i think are important the way it is now and talking to mr. t if you have an office building of one hundred thousand square feet and diminish it and building another one your amount of square footage you need to take from the cap is 200 and 50 thousand square feet it didn't makes sense it seems like the capital allotment should be one hundred and 50 square feet that's the delta change i don't know it's being interpreted that way and to the point i made earlier about recapturing space from buildings that have been converted to housing or hotel or other non-office uses has mr. teeing pointed out in the beginning of the prop m situation buildings that have
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been approved but not built until after prop m we were subscribing sub distracting they're square footage this is not a sacrificed line and certainly a building this is in the morning office and have converted to something else is less which a demand for other infrastructure situations when it's no longer in office use so this is those are a couple of things would be final point we say should have a great proximate cause to others cities in the united states who would love to have a situation for a demand for office space in the heart of our downtown many cities in the united states have dealt with the economically unfriendly urban office space
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we're not only dealing with that but having businesses that want to come back to the heart of city is an important thing not to discourage we can have a win-win situation. >> commissioner sugaya. >> under the competitive pool slide we've seen the suitability of the location i've never been participating in that excellent system but the suitability of location seems like it is needing to be further defined it's been mentioned up here you, you know, approximately to transit and other types of facilities should be defined more closely rather than the reference to its location. seems like most of the pipeline activity is clumd in would particular area of the city so
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location may not be as critical a factor as we all think it might be. and i also think you should move forward the commission should move forward not as quickly as possible but i think you will run into the cap situation here either a year or two years from now if the direction of the committee continues to move forward. i think in order to get on on top of that you're going to have a series of hearings i urge you to contact the public and i know what the developers are going to tell you we also have a fairly open process for those things so that should remain a priority. and i think that take a look at the other two legs of the stool
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in creating whatever policies that should be take into consideration and i think commissioner antonini raised an important point it's the dechristmasing of office space important non-commercial uses even though their not part of prop m locations would seem like something the commission should think about and his example i don't know of good many situations where there's is demolitions and the replacement office would not be that much space but we might want to think that about that. i'm not sure going to be around but i may come in and testify anyway to make sure that everybody is doing the right
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work (laughter) >> thank you commissioner moore. >> i've taken my name off. >> we're getting to the end of the discussion i want to say i think it would be great for fire chief hearings to have a con glomgs of other policies to have something to look at we can have a discussion that means i don't know through the chair staff putting together the ideas or having a subcommittee whatever will be helpful. >> director ram. >> yeah. thank you. just a couple of interesting points that were raised. one is the decent issue and density of some of the contemporary office space is greater we used to consider the number of 2 hundred and 50 feet
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per person now many are bigger that's the recent trend up to the into custody it was in the other direction when we difficult downtown plan in 2011 there were 27 thousand fewer jobs in the financial district nen then in 1985 i kept wondering why we kept looking at that primarily ways job decent was less in those areas because much of the large corporate office space moved out of the city so many firms conference rooms more of that space and the result is that the city has not seen a net new job growth between the early 80s and about
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2007 or 8 the city's job growths has been flat for over thirty years until or 7 or 8 years ago the amount of housing is different and those are factors i think would be helpful to have as part of our deliberations over the next several months >> commissioner sugaya. i was going to to add director ram not a question but to ask staff to look at the density issue that may appear more people in the tech industry but i've seen the opposite direction a lot of people there and space devoted to not conference rooms but those kinds of collaborative
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space that are vacant unless a couple of people exit from their work session. and they may be different i don't know if sales force allotment the same as twitter or not >> commissioner moore. >> if you look at that i want to simultaneously look at the housing density because the increased costs in housing had many people basically shack up in a dense form i know that people are living in small golden gate apartments it used to be a single room studio so it cuts across in many ways. >> commissioners that concludes item 14. item 15 will be quick on golf
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street known as turk street requests for conditional use authorization >> mar woods of department staff the skwifgs so to convert two buildings to elementary school for the chinese-american international school the school as a 15 year lease with the property owner they'll relocate about one hundred and 20 of the middle school students from its main campus to the project site. there's no opposition to the project and the departments recommendation is for approval with standard conditions this concludes my summer and if you have questions i'll be happy to answer >> thank you project sponsor. >> make it quick.
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>> hi good afternoon. my name is is jeff i'm did head of the chinese-american international school i understand that time is an issue we've brought with us a large member from the project team who possess a lot of expertise and if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them. >> thank you. okay. then we'll open for public comment any public comment on that item? seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner sugaya i think it's a fine project and move with approval with conditions >> second. commissions on that motion. commissioner antonini >> - i'm sorry commissioner johnson and okay real quick i flossing notice there improvements with the
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streetscape i don't see it were there are bicycle facilities provided. >> yes. from class one bicycle parking spaces are provided as well as class two spaces. >> i meant on the actual streetscape. >> yes. it's yes. okay >> and the second yes question why there is no cafe in the school. >> i think since this is kind of like a satellite school they're offering most of the services at the main campus. >> okay. >> commissioner antonini. >> mary one other kwesz question this is fairly small is there a plan to make this a main campus because they share with the french american.
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>> very have a 15 year lease they have to negotiate with the archdiocese of san francisco who is the landowner perhaps the school can provide information. >> that's fine i am curious i can find out that on my own you it's a great project. >> the folks think it's a good one. >> commissioners on that motion. >> commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. sfoemdz unanimously 6 to zero >> commissioners we'll talk up the motivator of 16 at 2233ics request for a conditional use authorization. >> good afternoon sharon with the department staff this is a
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conditional use authorization to convert a residential unit into a professional service use located on the third floor. the proposed use as an appointment only styling service with functions as around office for ingredient and isabel the subject use ways heard in 2009 with the temporary use conversion approved with the conditions to revert back to a dwelling unit. the previously existing family sized dwelling unit was 15 hundred square foot and the minor restorations or reservations where the kitchen was remained the department asks
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for a nationalityly finding to be consistent to preserve the city's housing supply they don't find the request to be desirableable so there are available ground floor vacancies along the commercial corridor we recommend the disapproval of this request we've received one additional letter of support that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for questions and answers >> thank you. >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon, commissioners linda running benefit and rose i'm here on behalf of the owner who rents those to her tenants isabel is a design company it creates a high successful line of maternity
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clothing. while we understand the current policy to recommend disapproval we believe this unique proposal should be supported because of city's consistency with the intent of the codes. first, this application is really a conversion in name only inlick most applications that involve the merger of units there will be no changes to the existing units this is the first ever it's kind that's been before in commission before the conversion control makes the most sense it will convert the unit to something else and that will be difficult to reverse later on they've occupied this unit since 2009, however, the order didn't intend to convert the space they anticipates this
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business will out grow it the space could be easily rented in the future. secondly, the application is consistent with the code there have been no residential tenants in the third floor before the current was purchased the property is owned by the proper and the two existing unions on the second floor will be the effected so no tenant will be displaced and the practical effect to condition the conditions on the site. also approving that site will not effect the affordable units. it's tomato not defined in the code ingrid estimates it will rent up to $7,000 a month times an inclusionary unit will rent for.
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it's not affordable to the majority of san franciscans. the housing unit encourages the preservation of other units, however, that policy describes it as smaller units that are prices is sybil lower than the housing stock. given the size and the rental it should be considered naturally affordable under the codes. in addition the code specifically allows for the conversion to provide a deserveable non-use this is a local and woman owned business that employees 9 individuals. ingredient and isabel has been well received by the community with 18 letters of support they want to see them sustain at the
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site. i want to an opportunity that the supporters for isabel to stand so the commission can see you folks. finally allowing ingrid and isabella to continue to operate that will help with the general plan it is a lack of need for the ground floor disapproval, however, that policy also states that conversion of upper story unions should be accommodated not to upset the residential or commercial business image that's the case with the application. further the needs of small business and professional services likeing e ingrid and isabella are not the same as those that occupy the residents along unity street they have
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been unable to find a comparable place it will allow ingrid and isabel to include the common goals to remain san francisco jobs that are held by san francisco citizens and promote economically vitality commercial districts that fosters small businesses. so at this point, i want to ingrid to come up and speak about here business and interests in the application. >> good afternoon. i just got braces so if i stumble offer my reads would forgive me, i'm a wife to george carney and have two daughters and the founder of my company ingrid and isabel that operates
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on union street i'm the owner of this property as my attorney stayed a 3 unit building that the top flat is my business we're a small business i started out my of my home right next to my husband that works out of the house we've grown and it became time to get an office and operate like a real company. what's amazing is that we were founded with the help of san francisco mothers i was an actual member of the golden gate mothers and it helped me to understand the pregnant mom and validate my product idea and we hold 4 patents helping women are smart apparel and assessors that
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help them being on union street makes the running of my company easy we see pregnant woman and developing for them so my company may continue to be successful from clokt and mums the words an sacramento street to the full chance of target and amazon and nordstrom that makes recruiting employees easy the access is everything i think i would struggle to make my business works it is as far to the lafayette so mill valley and everywhere in between we're a 4 day workweek so in addition to offering a
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