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tv   [untitled]    August 9, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT

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including in-law unit unions a units without at large any units to long term tenants it is contiguous shared says that a unit can be providing for housing for family metabolizes who periodically leaf and rupture as circumstances change over time neighborhoods benefit by long term generation and it supports the long term stability for people to be intact and consistent with the cities general plan element. many of the units should be hosted and accepted for the rental days provided that the units are on the same property or occupied by the extended family or the long term tenant vacated on their own.
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>> thank you each speaker. >> like to remind the mustaches please silence our devices or turn them off. >> good afternoon and thank you so much for your time it's very important that we get our stories out to you. i'm a homeowner in katrero hill in 18 and san francisco for 35. i rent out a guest room and bath in my home and work as an freelancer and sometimes there's more free than lance it helps me greatly to pay my mortgage and pay my property taxes and keep the roof over my head. i don't think the flexibility
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that this guest holocaust provides me i have older parent out of state and helping to support them now and it gives me an opportunity to go travel and be with them when needed. i think the neighborhood benefits i host many folks who would love to stay in the neighborhood but there are no hotel. what home sharing provides is a different level of service there an a traditional hotel. it benefits certainly hosts and certainly the community and cr=certainly the family of the people that live in the community. i'm concerned about the limited amount of time that is being property because it is an ongoing kind of thing to go support you, yourself and the privacy of a remedyy and the safety i don't want as a single woman to know what's inside any
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house and know when i'm in and out of town. please support choosing proposal thank you very much >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm christen i'm a homeowner in district 2. and home sharing came into our lives at a critical time. for several years my provided care for our two parents one legally blind must husband went from full-time to permeate that deplete our assets and resulted in the loss of income. in order to keep the home we worked so hard to achieve we begin renting to short term
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guests. in a time when war is going on across the global the philosophy of sharing should be proficient in san francisco we have zip cars and share bicycle and and a with the happening around the world it is great to know that home sharing is bringing 0 people together in you'll my years i've not seen so many happen people and as the fire department program i provide fire extinguishers and i disagree go are public registry it's the invasion of privacy please make it fair to share in san francisco >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm j.j. i'm a homeowner in the
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mission district and a rental property owner and professional i urge you not to support in legislation. as a i've been told the san francisco chronicle have a study 2/3rd's of the peopleizing the property were listing the entire unit i'm sure the stories of the creative sharing and all the opportunities with really wonderful but the fact when we have situations where people are renting out entire unit not necessarily their homes it brings up a number of problems that are not included. first of all, buildings that have multiple units and you have tenants renting out individual units on the internet are not meant for that kind of activity not properly obscured at the
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beginning the comments not having the safety measures and it brings up all kinds of additional issues what happens when many people coming in from all over the world we have bedbug problems in san francisco this helps to promote the problems and it's very ill-advised to lump in that kind of activity of renting out whole units with representing out individual rooms in your home it's not safe and no insurance for it i urge you to take a look at the insurance this kind of activity avoids the insurance for commercial activities outside of their rental practices in their apartment buildings please do to the approve that legislation >> as the next speaker comes up i'll call more names
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(calling names). >> if your name has been called feel free to approach the podium. >> hi i lease in the mission district in san francisco. i fully agree with the previous speaker. because so far i've seen many people who come over here saying how wonderful home sharing is i haven't seen the person like me who lives in a dui perplex with the renters upstairs who rent room by room for rb and b this is not only my story but a couple of friends if the same situation it's kind of scary because as you know tenants sometimes are nice and sometimes not easy people who come over
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here as a tourist we don't know nothing about them so i've seen trash accumulation and i've seen dish washer broke and beer bottles thrown out of the windows there's nothing they can do because the rent owners n is in place when i try to do something you end up spending thousands and thousands i have dollars for lawyers. what's more it's outrage that owners are not even interested in the deal. which means we can't bring lawsuit or do something about when our guests hosted do something wrong we can't relieve them we can spend thousands and enthuses of dollars i'm not in a position to afford this. i'm not against home sharing but
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want to find out if it's possible to do it in a well retiring manner for example, you're saying the home sharing when the tenant want to share their room or agreement >> thank you your time is up. >> thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i'm from mission manner and my partner and i perpetrate the guest quarter in a house as the market decline sharing it on rb and b was the only way to sustain our home in this economy. being semi retired we live on a small income it is difficult to meet our monthly obligation we'll both hiv positive it's imperfect for us to be able to
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stay in san francisco. to get the best care we need. last year i was diagnosed with cancer so whatever little work we had was for most by sharing our guest quarters my partner was able to care for me 24/7 and able to pay our mortgage of how now 16 year home. home sharing allows us to stay in our home in a quiet neighborhood we love. all of our guests were directional people from the entertainment industry and mainly from the tech world. with are remained friends with many of them the whole home sharing make it possible for them to explore san francisco like the locals.
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we're on the outside of the city in the manner so few people come this way but in the quiet neighborhood. home sharing opened the door for guests to explore other parts of our beautiful city we introduce them to the restaurant and go to free sxherts and go to dinner at the west portal >> thank you. sir, your time is up. >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm sarah goldman a resident in the marvin a it's a ding privilege to support home sharing i moved here to par take in the economy but i'm confronted with the ridiculously high prices such prices are a harsh realty but
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the sharing my home will make that bearable it will allow 80 us to build our saving we found a way to show other people san francisco i've personally seen the benefits of being a guest in someone's home. before posting any repeat after me room my roommate sent a warning letter i'm concerned with the planning department recommendation as an encroachment on my rights s i have to express my support for the increased home sharing in san francisco. thank you. >> >> next speaker. >> commissioners i'm an owner in the san francisco richmond
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district. the reason we have our property rb and b is mainly ways because we've experienced a financial fall for a couple of years despite all our cutbacks the one thing we can't cut back is property tax we had to meet our obligation and get the upper unionized as an rb and b to pay our property taxes personally as a property owner i'm against the property without the consent of renting out to other roommates and also the landlord but for the property owners who own property they should have the right the city should stay out of the business of who we rent
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to. >> next speaker >> hello, i moved to san francisco when i was 22 a balk pack and laptop i'm 29 now i've understanding or lived in the city for the past seven years i'm ashley i host on rb and b in the xooerg with one host i've been hosted about 45 guests from all over the world all over. we've not had one incident that's negative or bad or unsafe nothing not to say there isn't sometime we're definitely behind recollecting that's not the - i love the opportunity to share with my neighborhood and experiences i tell them how to get where they need to and not
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make mistakes when moving here we loaf doing that. we bring money to our district and city it stays local the money i make i keep in my neighborhood i buy my car from a local dealership our guests used the property owned kitchen biz businesses we have finally individual in our neighborhood i'm now more than ever we want to celebrate what we have and a live in the humble excelsior part. there not for tourist we help students to take summer interims i hope others like myself like i was 7 years ago have time to look for a place in n this
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competitive mark we're not rolling in the do you get and not against legislation or regulation or paying tax >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm kevin carol the executive director of the hotel couldn't in san francisco thank you for your time and reck supervisor chiu for taking open a complex issue obviously there's a lot of opinions one of the things i want to say is the act it's about creating an equal playing field the recollections must be developed and enforced there's a lot of components but if we're going to have the regulations they'll have to be insured the safety of our visitors and locals. the hotels collected over 3 hundred millions from the visitors and those support city
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services and city projects to the arts programs. short term rentals are a business and should be able to collect the tax those are collecting the tax and remitting them to the city as well visitors whether they're staying in a hotel are usingcy services that are here and should be required to collect the city taxes as well when we look at the way this was set up donates about the equality playing field if you're operating a business you should be include through too thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon john the san francisco travel and san francisco travel we see our roll in the development of public policy as being the voiced of the visitor we know there's a
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sector of the visitor that prefers those types of option in coming to san francisco in order to meet the demand we resist the short-term rentals and instead of advocate for the responsible and enforceable pact to leg stunningtion for the tourist related functions a path that protects our visitors and partners including the visitor industry and the communities and neighborhood we achieve those goals to protect our visitor we believe that steps must be used to require minimum levels of insurance and applicable safety code and protect our partners we believe that there must be a level playing field of collection of taxes and fees and assessment that establishes insurance safety and security
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requirements and that enables enforcing with the licensing and registration to protect our protection of affordable housing we believe that regulations must have a primary residence requirement and establish a citizen complaint process and require a maximum number of days and have rent control sensitive the legislation offered by supervisor chiu was an excellent check in having a path to legalization the proposals go a long way to improving the legislation and lead us towards a path to protect our partners and neighborhood and communities. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> thank you for hearing us i've lived in san francisco for
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15 years. when i came lessor there was a housing crisis i bought a house 12 years ago and there was a housing crisis i got married and my wife moved in and there was a housing crisis go think senior housing sharing has anything to do with home sharing i have a son and it's my personal crisis i'm going to have to leave the city the cost of raising a family it permissible active rb and b let's me stay in the city i work my wife works and her parents live with us but we can't stay without some alternative. i want to say it renters are not perfect we've got neighbors they're not perch some of them
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are in my they stick their cigarette butt in my bushes you can't blame home sharing on o the ills of the world you'll probably find the housing crisis back to 1949 other quality of life issues i'll say i live off embarcadero street when i moved into my home people got shot and killed we had a lot of crime and graffiti was a big problem and unemployment the last few years have been pretty good anymore vibrancy in the city can't say exactly but the city is not suddenly falling apart with 5 hundred listing on the internet thank you >> good afternoon. i live in
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district 7 i'm on warren street. when i moved into my house 24th years ago i lived in a single families neighborhood approximately two years ago the man started the rb and b stuff is changed the face of my block my blackwell plain clothes was peaceful until this came to my block this is worse. i am extremely opposed to rb and b i see nothing positive about what happened to my neighborhood. i see taxis coming earlier in the morning 6 o'clock taxiing people to the airport and taxis bringing up people from the airport. my particular person on my block
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goes to the dp t and with temporary parking i see cars on my block he's changed the face of our block i have nothing pleasant to say about the people that come to the block that includes the experience of being discriminated against a man knows this black face of mine and avoided me it was preurban appreciable i think the whole concept of temporary housing is despicable thank you. >> hello, i'm andrew long i don't know think this legislation is near ready to be finished. i'm a landlord i have considerable problem with the issue of landlord permission i think the landlord should get
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permission and the landlord should have the right to withdraw the permission unilaterally if there's problems we can't currently do i'm migrants the secretary legislation 0 landlord should know about that and tenant long term tenants are going to be using this as a way to prevent off the landlords property by renting out price control units and also possibly nullifying the landlords insurance so if there's a fire the insurance company may not pay out if there's a short term rental being run by a tenant i don't understand why a b and b is getting a tax break part of the amputees the lardz landlords had
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to pay two years back i don't know why rb and b is getting a pass for the back taxes they've national paid the last thing of this calling it shared housing people are anyone tied part of their home it's all about money and i'd really don't care if a homeowner don't it but not a tenant >> as the next speaker comes up i'll call more names (calling names). >> hi, i'm kari davis i work in tourism. i'm very fortunate to be a homeowner. a couple of things i want to share. it's called fair to share and i think share is the operative
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word home sharing is not for everyone but it's fair to let visitors spend their time it's fair how i want to a share my space in san francisco and totally fair it's a level playing field to make that fair to everyone. i'm really proud proud to thinking be in a community that love the city who love sharing the city and making experience for your vufrt visitors a great thing and wanting them to come back again and again we are about creating great experiences. the long term versus short term this didn't seem to be the issue we create wonderful experiences for people whoa whether they stay for 39 days or less or more. the aspect of this i get refused if you do a poor job you get
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reviewed as a guest if you come in and are a nuisance no one wants you. and the problems i see railway happen. i think it should be fair to hear in the future. thank you >> next speaker. >> good afternoon. i'm a resident homeowner and property owner landlord for the last 22 years in the city i own who did you police vehicles is in the valley there are private tenants and innovate duplex in hate ashbury. i have rented my unit to young people for the last 14 years. when my children two of them who
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went to the public schools to the east coast i having had an empty nest to support their tuition and housing and other competitions so rb and b has helped me and my wife. my wife is a take care science at the juvenile court school and i'm a chaplain and to pay our mortgage payments andable or be able to send my children to school and they should be able to come back and practice medicine here they'll be able to come to the city to practice and to live their dream so i support home sharing introduced to their
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local economy to support my family's ability to live comfortably thank you, thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm peter i'm a resident in district 3. i've been a home share for 3 years also a founder of the home sharer with or we have own one hundred and 60 members i wish to speak no falsify of home sharing and the efforts of supervisor chiu i and my metabolizes building that the city should pass fair laws that make it legal to share their homes people argue that it did he grades the quality of our neighborhoods i want to share a
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story that demonstrates the option o opposite. recently a neighbor of mine told me said she was both so go to the hospital she's a single woman they wishes her godfather motto come and look after here surgery. unfortunately, if the neighborhood the hotel are very expensive the best western costs over $300 a night he she wanted to know if i couldn't help. i hear how we help each other out and make our neighborhoods better for each other. finally, i wish to specifically to the recommendations of the staff report and i wish to stress that my organization in home