tv [untitled] August 9, 2014 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT
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insuring of the public housing and 5 review the macarthur housing at an election to be held on november 2nd, 2014, >> supervisor kim. >> thank you we peshtd the additional time we were norwalk down to the last minute of the details of the major aspect of the passage today. it's had a long journey it didn't stop today, this is part of a longer road that i am per diem committed to walking with a broad coalition to help to make san francisco more affordable for residents we came out of the selma plan and the concept is simple we should commit to have affordable housing in our
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neighborhoods the goal was thirty percent was to be built for 60 percent of san franciscans this was what the developers b will commit to the dialog in action that needs to take place neither starts or ends with the compromise i'm announcing with the mayor's office we've done a lot in the past and have more to do. i agree with the mayor who this morning said at the opening of 474 project one the last remnant of the selma plan we must be more aggressive in achieving our vision. over the last week a working group of our office and mayor's office and affordable housing advocates met and agreed on a neighborhood stabilization plan
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that will achieve the housing balance legislation achieving 40 percent of housing affordability we are be implementing this 2015- 2016 and if necessary ballot measures next year we're starting this process by presenting to the voter in 2014 a ballot measure it institutes a statement of the core values and memorialized our agreements. today, i'm asking the city attorney to begin to draft legislation that sets interim see controls for the legislation restricting pdr office use pending the selma plan. i want to emphasize f this was absolutely a compromise we're taking off a ballot measure one i firmly building in that will have a planning review when the
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city need a level of others i'm doing this to work with the mayor's office to reach our collective dowel of 33 percent higher than our goal of housing that's affordable i'm going to ask this is reflecting. this is required by the community in exchange for taking this off the ballot first we've convicting agreed to are there others who wish to speak a minimum of 33 percent of affordable housing of all new developments in the selma plan and also further area plans. interim planning controls in the selma plan to prevent displacement in investment of
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the selma plan we're drafting over recess the creation of the trust to opportunity affordable housing so i guess and rehabilitation program particularly in neighborhoods where we're seeing high numbers of concentration of low income residents this is in order to take the commercial and residential buildings off the 0 market to make sure we're stabilizing our residents and small businesses and nonprofits. we also commit to identifying over the next year before may have 2015 for the affordable housing projects that are in the pipeline and land acquisition strategies. sufficient funding without taping into the trust fund and an legislation pass forward to condition the balance act including the housing. here's a detailed list of the funding strategies we happen we
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will be studying to fund the neighborhood stabilization fund a general obligation bond and tax set aside of the tax values and teetered movements and others things we've talked about the luxury housing on the waterfront will pay the same fee that the buildings in the excelsior has to pay. next a potentially luxury housing fee and increasing the jobs and acknowledging that our commercial office developers should pay more and a number one primarily resident tax fee and another thing to have the trust implementation including a citywide advisory committee with councils underneath it. in addition, we're looking to
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insure that 33 percent affordability in the central selma and all feature plans a housing annual strategy and displacement patrol officers controls in the south of market. finally, we're be looking at the development impact fees for the nonprofits, community benefits fees and allowing second floor nonprofit office in the commercial district and a policy to provide ground floor retail when we public library finance that project. another long term discussion as a shared commitment. as part of the current mayor's office of housing group i'm committed to being the sponsor on this tool the luxury development should pay a higher fee and reconcile the fees according to what they can pay.
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the part of the compromise we didn't come to an affordability issue that is about the affordability to the city not dipping below 33 percent and we're going to hold the city affordable and, of course, our housing developers. i wanted to recognize a number of folks first john the executive director of todd could and others who lead the negotiations and fernando for providing expertise in drafting the housing legislation and finally for the compromised eric and representing the developers to build for affordable housing and ken rich from the mayor's office for their package of
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tools for the ballots measures. and 8, 10 to within one and harvey milk club and supervisor campos and supervisor mar and supervisor campos for their strong co-sponsorsship and others who spent hundreds and hundreds on this starting from this lady's hundreds of days to make that a reality. before us today board is a measure this is a policy statement again memorializing the list of agreements. i said again, we were not able to come to an agreement on everything but that discussion didn't end today that we'll be able to do this dactylothere a ballot so complaegz colleagues,
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i ask for your support and supervisor mar >> i want to first thank supervisor kim for her hard work and staff coming out of the san francisco tenant conferences it was one of the critical measures along with the splatter taxi optional opposes to some but i'll move forward this when the organized with involved if the process i feel that 33 percent goals for affordable housing are way, way too allow given the balance and element even the association of the government recommendations that if we build housing well ero 60 percent should be affordable for the people that live here many organizations are not supportive of this but if the affordable housing community and others are
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supportive but in the interest of moving forward to protect the soul of the city and work together to build the housing i'm going to be supportive but i have hesitation with how the movement and but i know it wasn't easy to come up with a strong policy statement and an effort to pull in different groups i support that effort. >> supervisor breed. >> thank you. i want to thank supervisor kim for her leadership on this issue. i was extremely concerned about the rehabilitation of the affordable housing in my district and the i think ability to allow for development opportunities that would in especially pay for the 0 projects. i know we have a lot of affordable housing to build in this city i also expressed
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serious concerns about who gets the access to that housing that's another issue do moving forward it is a balance it's a first step but definitely more as a city we need to do to insure that people that need those heirs and need their housing units rehabbed and get it take care of and we need to do that more rapidly and looking forward to finding more idea and pitting on and on those on the table so thank you, again supervisor kim for your leadership >> supervisor kim. >> thank you supervisor breed and supervisor mar. i want it emphasis what supervisor mar said this was not easy have mixed feeling i know that not everyone is on the same board but i want to emphasize we have a clear focus on the
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displacement and insuring solid coalition support so this will be on the ballot and important piece to stabilize our residents >> supervisor campos. >> thank you, mr. president thank you supervisor kim and her staff for all the work if the housing balance and all the community folks that have worked on that proposal as well. as i noted during committee i'll be supporting had to be on the ballot. i think voters should have the option with that said, it's a sdroip vote i believe in the housing balance we had what i believe is one of the most effective tools that we could have had to address this crisis.
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and i think that the way in which supervisor kim and her staff framed the housing balance initiative was a very simple and yet creative way of actually doing something that did something in response to this crisis. respectfully even though i support the voters having the choice of voting on had i don't know that this does anything other than to make a statement and i believe that we need to do more than make statements when faced with this affordability crisis. i'm all for finding compromise and finding a mid ground but we gave up putting a housing balance measure on the ballot
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and i don't know if we got any concrete but the exploration down the road i don't think we need exploration but action. and so it's a very unfortunate thing and i think t a sad day. i want to thank the tenants especially and the residents who have been advocating wearing the yellow shirts for the housing balance. and so thank you. >> thank you supervisor campos. president chiu >> thank you. i want to first acknowledge supervisor kim and the stakeholders with worked on this and let me say i know the stakeholder that were involved in this conversation helped e held genuine perspectives i do support the agreement that's been be wretched and acknowledge and appreciate that we are 0 not moving forward with what would
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have been an expensive to this and ultimately unproductive fight this sets us to find adequate financing i've public library called for and many members of the public and colleagues who believe on next year's ballot in 2015 we should put awning affordable housing bond we've lost between 70 and $80,000 a year of state funding due to the elimination of housing authorities and prop one c fund and out of the conversations we've had in recent weeks we'll be able to move forward i'm happy to support this and happy to add myself as a co-sponsor. >> no other comments same house, same call? without objection so this motion is approved.
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madam clerk please call the next item >> item 57 an appointment to two members of the assessment broadly number 3 michael residency waved for a term ending september 7th and james reynolds. >> thank you so seeing no comments colleagues, can we take this motion without objection. >> please call the next item. >> item 58 with a medic to approve the president of the board of supervisors of catherine moore to the planning commission. >> president chiu. >> the next 3 items are nominations i've asked our board to hopefully support to continue the important work on two of our bodies that require and incredible amount of community leadership in time on behalf of
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the volunteers in our community. for this particular item i have recommend that we reappoint catherine more and more someone you know who has served the planning commission and an stewart architect and in urban design someone who's worked with every neighborhood and neighborhood association in the city and has a deep history of san francisco want to thank her for offering to serve for a third term we know the planning commission is the most time consuming and thank you to her and thanks to the rules committee for their unanimous recommendation and ask for your support >> thank you supervisor kim. >> thank you. i also want to thank catherine more and more for being willing to take up a third term on the planning
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commission an incredible amount of work probably the hardest working committee but also the hours they spend reading all the planning files and meeting with county and neighborhood associations to get their feedback. in particular i want to thank the commissioner for spending time with our office to talk about a prospective on district 6 and development and supporting us on oath of our priority and supporting the community. being on the look out when projects are coming that might be of interest to the neighborhood a voice for stabilization and historic preservation and, of course, affordable housing. and most recently for you're really incredible support for the western plan that was driven by the community and the planning department i know there's a lot of different thoughts and perspectives on
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that but commissioner moore was a leading voice on the planning commission. for pushing it it through and give it accolades for the process so thank you guarantee again four r for your past 8 years >> supervisor cohen. >> i want to recognize kaesht more and more for counting on ear to have a critical voice and eye towards detail especially in the southeast part of san francisco thank you and appreciate you. >> thank you. colleagues, can we take that without objection we'll take that without objection.. thank you >> madam clerk please call the next item. >> item 59 a a motion to approve the president of the
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board of supervisors president chiu dennis richard to the planning commission. >> thank you president chiu. >> thank you, madam chair for this second names for the planning commission i wanted to identify someone who had impeccable experience dennis has served for 8 years in the triangle association and through that has worked critically closely with the community and other neighborhood groups we as a body twice approved him on the market octavia and also with the eureka association w and a friend of the market value that secured the harvey milk camera shop and was the treasurer of san francisco heritage and in the community also served on the board of the deploring services
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organization. mr. richard has a tremendous respiration of fighting for the neighborhoods and historic preservation and also is someone who has a long reputation of working well and trying to bring district voices together and with that, ask for your support and want to thank the rules committee for their unanimous recommendation of mr. richard >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. chairman i'm proud to be supporting president chiu nomination i've had the pleasure of working with dennis on many, many issues both before i was on the board of supervisors when i was the president of the castro valley neighborhood association and he was the president of the triangle association we got to work on any issues and since i've been on the board of
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supervisors i've had the pleasure to work with him. i cannot think of a more qualified candidate than dennis richard he brings a credible you breath of experience in terms of every imagineal air force issue and historic preservation and formula retail dennis is an amazing hard worker that dives into the details he will be a very, very well prepared commissioner on day one will take the time we know that planning commission is not glaushz he'll learn the facts. i'll also is this dennis and i
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don't ago on every issue but we've worked through them he's a professional person who understands you try to find common ground and times when you can't agree what we had you san diego it's okay it's a democracy so i'm proud to support this nomination >> supervisor yee. >> i share supervisor wiener's statements. i found in dennis richardson an open minded person that has a wealthy of experience that is going to add value to the planning commission, in fact, all 3 of the commitments that president chiu has named are excellent choices. and i'm going to, you know, express my appreciation to
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president chiu for bringing those especially the two new nominees to us for consideration >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> mr. chair my apologies i forgot to mention president chiu thank you for ending the dry spell on the commission in terms of not having an lgbt commissioner he know that there are more than one high profile commissioned that have no lgbt positions. i know that both mayor ed lee and president chiu have been going out ever their way to recruit lgbt candidates to thank you >> supervisor campos. >> i'm happy to port in nomination i know there are a number of people to lobby to get candidates like the one we've seen but that effort paid off and that, you know, we ended up
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with the individuals we have. i think having a member of the lgbt community especially on the planning commission is something that is a long time coming i wish the same thing could be said about the latino community they have not had a representative on the planning commission for a while. i want to thank our new planning commissioner but our continuing planning commissioner who i think will be excellent on the team so look forward to supporting this >> thank you. colleagues, can we take that without objection same house, same call? this motion is approved. madam clerk the next item >> item 60 is recommended with a motive title a motion to approve the president of the board of supervisors president
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chiu nomination to bobby wilson who's term is ending. >> president chiu. >> thank you, colleagues i'm sure you're aware of the board of appeals is a judicial body that provides the bodies with a wide variety of appeals related to many city decisions. we're talking about the granting and denials and revocation of permits and licenses and acknowledge entitlements surveillance and other discretionary review decisions. i wanted to find someone that would quickly grasp a myriad of extremely complicated and detailed administrative law and factual situations. my nominee is a woman by the name of bobby wilson who grew up in public housing and went to columbia law school and fighter for individuals that have obey discriminated against and over a
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number of years she was been named one of the top lawyers in cancel super lawyer a rising star as the first african-american and lesbian partner at two highly recognized laurmdz in california. part of how i learned about here in addition to the community voices she served as the pro bono council working with terry stewart and enjoyed that and decided to seek for service for the city i ended up finding her and decided to name her i want you to move forward >> thank you supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much.
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actually colleagues if we were to pass this motion before us we would absolutely pit hit the jack pot. bobby is a force to be reckoned what i'm one hundred percent in support behind this woman he's an advocate not only in the african-american but on a neighborhood level and within the lgbt community everything she touches she manifests good faith >> supervisor campos. >> i wanted to note that, you know, it's interesting how life works bobby wilson has been a friend and mentor for many years. i started out as a baby lawyer with both bobby and terry and i
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agree that with cohen we're lucky she will serve and thank you for putting her name forward and happy to support any former colleague thank you. >> and constituent. >> and thank you supervisor cohen for that reference for hitting the jack pot. colleagues, can we take that without objection same house, same call? this is approved. >> item 61 and 62 were considered by the land use committee at the regular hearing on monday july 28th and forwarded to the board. item 61 is amended with an ordinance to amend the plodding for the requirements for mechanic amusement devices and
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remove obsolete provisions and supervisor breed thank you. this item can about because are a of a great business that's been an excellent member but found itself in violation of the arcade violation. in 1982 pinball and arcade were popular they are or folks were concerned of the corruption of our youth so the board of supervisors passed extensive regulations where and when and how our arcade games can be placed in san francisco there are arbitrary try decisions if you're restaurant installed one game you'll have to pay over seven hundred fees and
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