tv [untitled] August 10, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT
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there is an overflow room set up in the light court origin the first floor. commissioner president wu. commissioner fong. commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner hillis. commissioner moore. and commissioner sugaya human resources commissioners first on your agenda is items proposed for continuance d d and d at 2853 broad restrict street discretionary review and individual request for discretionary review are proposed to september 18, 2014. item two case at 333 pennsylvania avenue is proposed for continuance until october 9th commissioners your agenda says september 18th there
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has been changes and the proposed continuous cat is october 9th. commissioners, i do have one speaker card. >> irene dick. >> good afternoon. commissioner president wu and members i'm on behalf of the project sponsor i want to ask you to continue this is this and we're pleased with the six weeks data. is there additional public comment on items one or two? >> good afternoon, everyone.
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commissioners. i'm irving i'm the owner of 284547 broadly restrict street the building next door. there are two requests for discretionary review in this case i filed one and yesterday another neighbor mr. tim filed another request for discretionary review. i believe that many of our community members have written to commissioner president wu to request a pony time i wrote to the two commissioners that we requested a 45 day continuous from august 7th which is today to september 22nd and you do not
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have a meeting that of cancelled on september 25th we request that the tubs be to the october 2nd date. i originally mentioned to you i was not going to be available at that time, because of the holy jewish days but i'll make myself available on the october's second date. the point is there are a great many people in the community that want to attend those hearings and one of the dr requesters tim can't make it on the 18 therefore we request that you continue it to october 2nd. let me just mention to you that while the 311 discretionary review was owed to the community now for two years we were in no
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position to request that but we had to wait until the project sponsor handled in her plans to which we can respond therefore we've been waiting for two years since is last time the issue was addressed on september 4, '12. therefrom with all due respect please postpone it we polled everybody from the community and we all agree it 80 could be done on october 2nd >> thank you is there any additional public comment okay. seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner fong >> i realized i need to it ask for recusal due to ownership on a property nearby. >> commissioner sugaya. >> well, i move to rouse
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commissioner fong. >> second. >> on that motion commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong. and commissioner president wu. emancipation proclamation so moved, commissioners, that motion passes commissioner fong your recused from item one. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. thank you. i know we can't take this item up because we don't have anyone in front of us why are we continuing it from today in the first place. >> the discretionary review was filed so the reason it's on the calendar to begin with that item was before is a discretionary review more than two years ago and sequa appeal at the board of supervisors and also appeal to the board of appeals and then the project was constructed there was some sdrirpz in the
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plan and given this was before you before we had this as staff initiate the discretionary review to be heard by the commission so to bring the discrepancys back went out for neighborhood and the discretions were filed by the community and the dr on staff. >> commissioner sugaya. >> mr. sanchez when were those drs filed by community. >> one was filed yesterday the notice was issued in early july and expired yesterday one was filed yesterday and one a if you weeks ago in july but an ongoing project for years the neighborhood has been concerned about it and complaints on the property that led to this
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matter. >> in view of the fact this project has been around i'll move to continue to the 18 for items one and two. >> item 2 is a different date and item 2 is october 9th. >> oh, october 9th i'm sorry. my motion to continue item one until september 18th and two to october 7, 8, 9 >> you commissioner sugaya because commissioner fong has been recused can we have two months ago. >> let's do item one my proposal to september 18th. >> second. >> on that motion to continue item 1 to september 18th. councilmember sharp. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to
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zero if we could have a motion for item 2. commissioner antonini >> yeah. i'll propose item 2 to october 9th any public comment? 2014 >> second. >> on that motion to continue testimony two arrest commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and and places you under your consent calendar may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the commission, the public, or staff so requests removed from the consent calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing. item 3 case c at 9 one west
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portal discretionary review authorization and 487 c request for discretionary review authorization and item 5 at 401 jennifer avenue discretionary review authorization and at 6566 discretionary review authorization and item 7 at 3731 fillmore request for condominium conversion subsection i have two speaker cards for item 4 on hyde street. and i have spoken to the speakers they do wish to pull it off of consent so at the beginning of regular calendar >> yes. please. i having there are no speaker
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cards. >> is there any public comment on the consent calendar. >> sir, you have to come up to the podium to speak. >> hello commissioner. i'm coming up here to request that item number 4 be heard? >> what was that. >> for item 4 to be heard and yes. we've pulled it off of consent. >> all right. that's all i want to say. >> is there any additional public comment on the consent calendar. >> good afternoon dr. espanola jackson i'm not sure about item number 6 what do that entail please. if you want it to be heard we can here it. >> thank you. >> at the beginning of the
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calendar. >> very good commissioners. we will pull item 4 and 6 off of consent. okay is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini >> i'll move to approve items 3 and 57 and 7. >> sorry and 7. >> second. >> on that motions to approve - and oh, sorry. >> commissioner johnson and i want to request to pull item 45 on 401 geneva avenue. >> i can modify my motion to move to approve item 3 and 7. >> on items 3 and 7 commissioners you may given the number of items being pulled off consent hearing them for the 3 o'clock we have an item at
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3 o'clock i believe we should hear them before the discretionary review calendar. >> so at the end of the regular calendar. >> so for those people to speak those items about not be considered until after 3 o'clock and an hour or two after 2 o'clock so commissioners there is a motion and a second to approve item 3 with conditions and trough item 7. on that motion >> commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and under consideration of draft minutes of july 24, 2014,
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>> any public comment on the draft minutes. seeing none. commissioner sugaya >> yes. move to approve the minutes of july 17th and 24th. >> second. >> on that motion to adapt the minutes commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 7 to zero and places you on item 9 commissioners questions or comments >> commissioner antonini. >> i was interested in seeing an article in willie brown's column had to be an interest by a group to build a facility he sdrabd it as a soccer stadium but payroll $600,000 for this
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construction it maybe something in the city of brisbane we might want to look at this with the demolition of candle stick had he host olympics and others fence it must have open ceremonies very close to the city it's something to look to find out what's happening go obviously a great site served and caltrain and mini light rail a short distance from the site and not too far from bart so one of many uses and since the site is so big so certainly worthy looking at. commissioner johnson >> thank you very much just a quick question we had a
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confirmation as part of of our consent agenda we have a 10 year moratorium i want to get a list of grandfather conversions before the moratorium. thank you. >> commissioners there if commissioners, if there's nothing further item 10 directors announcements. >> good afternoon one announcement we're now including the quarterly housing report in the written director's report you receive every two weeks that quarterly report is updated quarterly but updates the status of the housing development projects with respect to the affordability now it available to you in the written director's report that concludes my report. >> thank you. item 11 review of past events at the board of supervisors the
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board of appeals and the preservation commission >> hi good afternoon aaron starr department staff you're aware they didn't meet last time and at land use committee the clarification of the business sign support by supervisor wiener and supervisor chiu that clarifies the distinction of a business sign at the land use hearing this change was needed to close loopholes that are being take advantage and supervisor kim had some questions about the sign and the store front transparency the committee unanimously forwarded this what positive recommendation also at the land use hearing was the ring gold alley was supported by supervisor kim has part of an in kind agreement on eight street
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for the straight e streetscape improvement as ring 0 street before within the western neighborhood transportation plan part of concept designs include the floundering overview utilities. this commission heard the proposal for the in kind agreement on the 22nd that of those approved and recommended to the full board of land use. at the full board of supervisors the street vacation plaza was approved. await comment and an initiative ordinance for to place a housing balance requirement on the november ballot was also heard this motion places on the november ballot a policy declaration defining goals and talking about policies that
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affirm the housing affordability crisis the support of thirty thousand units of new housing including 1/3rd affordable to low income and moderate income households by 2020 and create a neighborhood stabilization plan including the strategies insuring the financial support and including the market rate housing at an election on november 4th it replies supervisor kim's original ballet it asked for additional kwefks the bona fide board approved the are ordinance also heard by the board is interim controls clarifying the business sign mentioned at land use that pass about o with no comment there were 4 introductions one for the
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planning code that amends the special district regarding fees what sponsored by supervisor kim the ordinance amends the downtown special use district to authorize the monetary contribution for small business requirements. another ordinance on office conversion in landmark buildings was introduced to replace vertical controls on the conversion of designated land use building for p dr one districts another amendment to the planning code would amend the liquor code on the streets to allow a brewery to open on the third within the thirsted street district the commission heard a similar ordinance for a beer tasting breweries was included in the case report this stem does not need to come back
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to the committee unless you wanted it. the vice president for the formula retail was introduced the commissioner heard this on july 17th and will be heard by the land use in september that concludes my report. >> the poirlz did not meet but will meet on august 20th. >> good afternoon tim fry the commissioner approved the certificate for 201 champion the night in gale to a non-viable historic division and a construction of a new stair for
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the ground floor tenant just to remind you the knitting gale has a contract on file with the department i'm sure you're aware of was the single most important incentive for historic property owners to reinvest and preserve their landmark properties. the only other item the commission unanimously approved a certificate for 901 grove street. the proposal is to construct and edition at the rear of the property and a rear conversion while the commission discussed the project at length there were a couple of members of the public primarily adjacent persons that raised concerns about light and air from the construction. it appears that the project
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sponsor and the neighbors are at an impasse and a dr will be filed by reviewed by the commission. the historic preservation commission unanimously approved the commission saying the light and air concerns raised by the public were not under their purview that concludes my report. . thank you >> thank you, commissioners that will place us in general public comment not to exceed 15 minutes. please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices. to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission except agenda items. with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the commission up to three minutes. i have two speaker cards
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>> (calling names) my name is francisco and before i say anything i'd like to thank commissioner sugaya for your service. and i wish you all the best but do keep in touch we need you on other levels as the years go by. having said that, i represent the first people of san francisco called the walk mellone and your director here had the privilege to meet our chairperson right in this chamber when she came to listen to some of the deliberations i heard one of you commissioners say when you tear down commissioner park we want this and that but i'd like to bring
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to your attention when candle stick was built and part of the bayview hill was taken away as land filed human remains from the bayview were taken from the bayview hill and used as in fill as candle stick park. i say this because i want to speak about your planners is true and some of you are architect and some of you are very well versed with land use you have to pay attention to the history of the san francisco. this land belongs to the mellone your director gets you the information and you have to read it 18 treat i didn't see we are signed by california tribes and the united states government all
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of the 18 treat i didn't see were not ratified so it goes like this if you don't pay attention to the indigenous people all that we built now in this country jungle is for nothing. so i'm making that statement. now having said that, i pay attention to the ethnics commission i'm sure you're aware of there were some deliberations so when the constituents of san francisco asked for information or your notification were done and some of you commissioners have deliberated on the notifications those are important things for the constituents of san francisco. so i don't want to blame the director i've been in touch with him from time to time, i know he means well, i don't want to advise him but we need to do the
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right thing when it comes to our ethics commission and the documents required thank you very much. >> good afternoon dr. espanola jackson. i i would like to state that number 6 that i asked to come off the calendar do not need to come off we've alleged on that because of the fact i was part of the group that okayed and we had open house i didn't remember the address to back to this. i'm here representing the black human right of san francisco i put together 17 and say this body used to be the most elicit body over 50 years ago and the following agencies because of
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their power and authority for the gent fashion and the board of supervisors and the administrator and the housing authority and public health department and the unified school district and the city planning and human right and public works and san francisco hope and mayor's office of housing and epa that concludes my report. the tab analytical of 8. in closing it's important to note with the approval the so-called affordable housing projects and other things being built only toxic sites without proper environmental impact report i was amazed when i saw one of the newer commissioner on the 15th i was given a certificate of the work she had
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done on the extra committee on the next day on the 17th i said oh, my god that is nothing but railroading again and being rushd stamps i talked with the young lady and invited here to my month to month home and the politics is the developers developing not all development is good especially in the southeast sector there is no such thing in san francisco saying brownville sites every area in the southeast area is as people are dying they're dying everyday. my daughter passed away last year, i have not a report on the toxins she inhailed but guess what when i get that information i'm going to file a $50 million
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lawsuit owe those will be the commissioners you all going to be paying this is for you all to be looking at you've been told thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners steve on behalf of the mercy housing and in light of dr. jackson statement i hope you will reopen item 6 i know you have a long calendar this afternoon and want to get this resolved hope you can do that this is a hundred affordable housing project that is built and occupied by homeless families and want to resolve this quickly thank you very much. >> is there any additional public comment seeing none, public comment is closed.
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commissioner - commissioner sugaya >> in light of that can't be consider it at the beginning of the regular calendar and vote on it. >> thank you that is the appropriate. >> commissioners commissioners, if there's nothing further we can move on to the regular calendar. and in light of what we've heard ton item 6 we'll take that up at 6600 third street request for conditional use authorization there are no speaker cards >> any public comment seeing none, public comment is closed. >> commissioner moore. >> i move to approve. on that motion to approve item 6. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimou
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