tv [untitled] August 11, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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trying to make sure he delivered it the way it is and be able to deliver the product you have today so thank you (clapping.) between you and the fabulous party we're about to hold as mentioned earlier the official unveiling of the mid-market we're a group of small and large and midsize biz businesses to create a vibrant corridor we're starting small and our focus is to help activate the ground floor retail spaces that run the length of market street and hyper hyper phobic we're we want to help the nonprofits and community organizations that are critical to so many in the neighborhood.
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. >> roll call commissioners respond when i call your name. commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. all members of the commission are present. the next is announcements the next meeting will be held on tuesday august 19, 2014, at one p.m. at city hall room 46 b the prohibition of sound producing devices. please be advised the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. please be advised that the chair may order the removal from the meeting room meeting room
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responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices. c announcement of time allocate for. please be advised members of the public may address the commission up to 3 minutes unless the commission adapts a shorter period of times any he members of the public wish to address the commission please symmetric our card to the secretary. item 3 report an actions at it closed session there are no reportable actions the next item 4 matters even if unfinished business none. new business consent and regular agenda first, the consent calendar approval of the minutes of july 1st, 2014. >> thank you. do we have any
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speaker cards for public comment. >> no speaker cards. >> have the commissioners reviewed the minutes of july 1, 2014, any questions. >> i move the minutes. >> thank you commissioner singh has moved and seconded arrest. >> commissioner announce our vote. >> commissioner mondejar. commissioner singh. commissioner rosales. madam chair the vote is 3 i's. please call the next item. the next order of business is regular agenda authorizing the second amendment with over land with cutlery i am going to strengthened the contract terms and to increase the budget by 3 hundred plus for an aggregate
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total not to exceed 76 thousand plus to provide the tenant at the hunters point shipyard in inclines with the disposition for candle stick point and the hunters point shipyard redevelopment project area and resolution number 61, 2014. madam director >> george good afternoon to the members of the public commissioners as you know under the phase two disposition for hunters point shipyard and candle stick there are significant benefits one of the benefits includes the relocation on site of existing arts falls in an inbart kitchen you've approved the design and in order to have the full relocation plan we've hired o pc and sub
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consultants we'll be adding scope and budget and time to begin the implementation phase were with that, i'd like to ask 30th who's the hunters point shipyard manager to walk you through the scope and specification of the item. >> thank you executive director bohe and project manager for the hunters point shipyard. get a little beat. today as you've heard we're requesting a scope budget for the relocation services with o pc. as part of my presentation i'll provide context about the shipyard and the artist replacement building and the relocation contract and amendment and martin mating i didn't will you stand up sees
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the cork and she'll be giving you awning update on the artist activities as well. the shipyards will be developed in two pleas that includes candle stick point and there are two agreement phase one and 2010 phase two. the development program for the shipyard this is the geograph center and it's anchored by building 101 that houses approximately one hundred and 50 artists and two a additional building the general location of those buildings have shown on the map. in order to initiate the artist district the sixth building will be demolished and consolidated
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two buildings one for the kitchen in building 101. under the d b.a. the shipyard will remain that two buildings depicted are the sixth building and the building 101. the existing artist tenants who are entitled to relocation sites such as compensation for reasonable reimbursement to assist us the ocii hired the experts along with the consultant to make sure that all legal requirement are if you would in the process. here you'll see the close up of the artist site in 101 in the middle. and here's a site plan of the
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buildings once they're built 101 the new commercial kitchen 101 is in the center and the label is small but you'll recognize that and parcel b sort of at the top of the slides is the occupied studios from an a v in early 2016 this b has over one hundred thousand square feet of retail and artist studio space. because the artists replacement building that houses the artists will be built in the site where 101 is at and the order of activities are important first is kitchen will be completed in 2015 and building 101 will be demolished and allow the construction and on parcel b
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will vacant and move into the new space once vacated all the structures will facility the development. this is what's happening with the artist but in terms of the o pc they were hired in 2011 in northern california or the n tcs f and could you please stand up kim. and they took on several tasks the contract was broke down into the 3 implementations. since the contract start in 2011 ox o pc has completed the phases that includes accessing the existing status of artist studios and supporting the
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replacement facilities and have a snapshot to mouth u figure out the rent and next is the physical location that was not funded we knew that would be coming back to the commission. laltd in february of this year we extend the ap c contract and i will introduce chad if you could stand. we don't have a representative from l t s f they were unable to attend. now the recognition of the commercial kitchen as anticipated most several in 2015 and the recognition of the artist take place in 2016 we're bringing this amendment forward for your consideration this includes the logically plans and
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the oversight including a complete inventory of the are personal proposed and providing artists with ongoing advisory consultants. is star has been added to the sub consultant team they've been involved in the process and spent time assisting the artists so we wanted to make sure they were able to assist the outreach for the information and sure the artists have information updates and provided by someone they trust. so we'll also assist with the process of signing studios to individual artists and act as a point of contract and significantly lc s f will be
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evaluating all the artist buildings for the buildings long term management lc s f will consultation a framework for star to have a protecting subsidy fund. the new budget is distributed among the consultants as follows: we have a budget which 11 thousand plus and 11 hundred thousand plus has been spent today on the first few phases approximately, six 1 thousand an additional 4 hundred plus thousand and that will take it is it is projected for the 15 percent communitycy it is 6 hundred and 45 thousand plus dollars this is not to exceed
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and is reimbursable and the cost to have the services is one hundred percent reimbursable to the d b.a. that slide shows the budget broke down down by the consultant of 3 hundred and 95 thousand and cf s has a budget and ventura has a budget. as far as our progress to date in april and may have 2014 we bracketing brought the schematic designs for the kitchen and those building designs are in the development design stage we're trying to get the permit. at the may 21st commission staff performed 7 to 10 artists have challenges moving into the
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studios with $11 plus per square foot the staff has a solution it's a condition of approval to further adjust the floor plans for the affordable ability and star has commented to try to raise fund for the artists. since then we've worked with the lenar the architecture design firm to have a main goal to have them foofbl and some of the concerns are mitigated with you some artists have affordability concerns. for those 5 artists the difference between what they pay and their estimated rent adds up to full subsidy less than
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$19,000. so while we have no operating subsidy to assist with that star has committed to precise try to raise the funds to support of the artists. the fund star raises will help that will be for the solar panels to assist with the affordability of the building and i'm going to turn it over to star representative to talk about this >> good afternoon. my name is is marty i'm the president of the shipyard we call ourselves star. star does not have a fundraising history we're an advocate organization so we're embarking on a new venture we've supported ourselves and get one contribution through the tidas
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foundation so we're on new ground here but our goal is to make sure none of the artists get left behind we have a board that supports this endeavor so the solar is the biggest monetary component. the solar is projected depends upon the system and use to save this is based on two quotes from solar installation companies both in the city and both in the district 10. the solar savings is projected between 18 and $28,000 a year. the way the solar saves will work there's a monitor on the system so we'll knows at the end of every cycle we wish to identify the electricity that is generated i'm insured that it is easy to translate that into a
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conflict of interests savings we've not accounted the accounting we know how to assess the funds and get a vail on savings. so at this projection between 28 and $18,000 we feel the artist we've been able to identify that are going to need subsidy we feel we can help them all the details has not been accounted yet but just there are no public speakers on this item the solar didn't work we're working on a fundraising movement to try to get feed money for the fund so our annual presentation we expect you to come to we're magnifying that event and hope to generate between 10 and
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$15,000 in funds we're geology to have extra seed money we feel that roadway as we know the issue to be we're going to be able to manage it we have some savings we've been able to stay within our operating budget every year so we have a savings in seizing every $20,000 if we need that before the solar money kicks in we feel like the money part is covered. the problem is those 5 artists have been identified based on the survey that ocii and star conducted at the beginning of the year and follow-up telephone conversations fill they're signed the lease we don't know exactly who will say oh, guess
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what i can't afford it or i can. so we're trying to plan a larger margin of dollars in the event that there are unexpected you know situations that arises. we've done i think with the support of ocii we've done a commendable job in getting people to put in writing their intent but we have no way of requiring them to sign a biden document that's what they told us in the moment and a lot of people change their mind we're appreciative that the architect has reconfigured we had over 1/3rd of the artists asking for smaller spaces about a third of
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the arts are fine able to afford the size that is comparable to their current space about a third of the artists wanted more rent the rent is amazing rent in san francisco for the artist space that's the lowest that anyone has heard about. it worked out more people wanted more space and lessee people wanted less space it worked within the configuration of the building we're within the 28 thousand feet of studio space we're there right now and again also something changes at the point people are presented with the requirement to sign a lease we believe that we will be able to cover any subsidy that people need so they're not displaced.
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>> thank you. >> thank you marty. so in the up come on months star will focus on awe signing studios to artists the first tenants will be eclectic cookery they have 60 or 70 clients they'll move into a kitchen facility and prior to that any relocations plans will be presented to the commission in december this year and according to the schedule the replacement kitchen will start for planned kitchen replacement in june 2015 and prior to the artist relocation will be presented in
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2016 and as early as october. that concludes my presentation. we're all here in you have additional questions >> thank you. madam secretary any speaker cards >> yes. we have two speaker cards the first is dr. espanola jackson and ace washington. >> good afternoon dr. espanola jackson. i'm not here to speak against the audit i'd like to give a history i know i don't have that long to give it because of the 3 minutes but when the artists came to the shipyard at this point there was no, we didn't know in the community that the shipyard was a super funds site number one we didn't learn that
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null afterward that was a super site i still is i'd like to say i'm called the ambassador for solar and i think you need to be in contact with the staff there because the mayor of the city just okayed a $5 million for this year this coming year so we need to be, you know, working together and making sure that solar is there because i have to show them my pg&e and my pg&e was $4.15 i'm in a house a big house. so the thing of it is - oh, i'd like to say that when the navy came about there was a administration boards set up
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because of the shipyard being a stirrup fund sites but what happened was the rap members didn't support of the d b.a. at that time, because we knew the area was not clean enough to residential standard as the voters voted 87 percent that no man be transported from the shipyard until it was claendz. i know you're going to vote yes. because of the fact that your appoint by mayor and i know that willie brown this is his baby and even though the area is not clean i feel sorry i really feel sorry for the people that goes on that site to that shipyard. the people are dying. people is still getting sick because of the work that is going on presently that shouldn't be going on because
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which the judge's ruling back in july 11, 2011. i want you all to be able to sleep at night knowing what is happening in my community and i had the young lady to pass out the secretary of state to pass out a statement i put together and gave to the board of supervisors and every committee. dealing with the justification of my community and the toxins that are there they before they vote yes on anything that deals with lamar. thank you >> thank you, dr. jack. >> next speaker >> good afternoon, commissioners and linking aid
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audience. the last time i came here the commission slung but realistically i'm not up here to say yay or nay but making statements on on the historical value and history because we're dealing with history as momma dr. jackson indicated it's no mystery as you check the history if you look at were about is black african-american history that we are at the bottom of this some kind of disconnect but i'm happy about now that willie brown has decided by force has to disclosure the things he's been involved with its going to show who's in control in san francisco we have a brand new
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concept a brand new landscape. i'm concerned as an african-american black man even if even though we talk about the projects it's no mystery if you check the history the african-americans won't be involved with none of the benefits we won't be around now this agency i'm not faulting but it's one of the ones that's been there from the inception of the declining african-american and all the artists i'm not sure of their reasons but ladies and gentlemen, i'm not going to be here like go 10 or 20 years ago i can't make an the amendment that yours truly in washington is consolidating all my efforts as well as the media into one
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thing called the washington post in california we say the washington post in california i'm connecting california to washington. ladies and gentlemen, all of those things i've been working on in the cases i've produced something historical to show the next generation who's involved with all the things that's going to effect them. i'm clearly here to say make an the amendment to all of the politicians policymakers and say that ace has been on the case i'm going to deliver something to indicate that shows what's going on in the city which they say we're the leading city in the country but under the surface this is the city from the urban removal to this high tech they all come from the city
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and if you checkout the city they are around >> now at the top of happy somethings going on and it don't look sweet. >> thank you, mr. washington. any more speakers. okay. i'll close public comment any commissioners have any questions that will ask about the amendment >> first i'd like to thank you dr. espanola jackson for educating us and a couple of questions for the star. how many people are working in our your organization and in lamar our nonprofit organization we have 8 board members and an
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