tv [untitled] August 11, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT
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it is the responsibility to the manufacturer and you have to get on their case because those disabled seats mean that four less seats for passengers on the bus if anything is disabled it is the policy of the manufacturer and that should have been addressed when the buses were purchased and so do something about it and i really want to see mta get on it and i don't want to see it stand for more trouble, thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> john. >> it is john tosha. >> hi, i own a small business on geary street. and the pet supplies and i got to tell a quick story as everyone knows there are sistering going on all over the city and we are right on geary street and it is going right on
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geary street and which blocked off the entire parking lot and the businesses on geary street, all of a sudden, their customers had nowhere to park and we had 7 parking meters right in front of the businesses, and so, i contacted a small business administration kathleen, and commissioner who then contacted director, and who then contacted and then i told him the problem, and thanks to the director riskin's department, everybody got together, and was able to put 50-minute parking right in front of our store, for all of the businesses there. or so our customer cans come in, can come out, and because they have nowhere else to park and our business would have been in deep, deep trouble. and so, thanks to the sfmta director, and his staff and the small business commission and this is a perfect example of
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the sfmta who does not really involve themselves in the small business but is concerned about the small business, and i was told by the end of the census that because we are doing construction and things are going on does not mean that it should hurt the business owner, and we really appreciate the togetherness that the department came together for to help small business create parking for their customers otherwise, we would have been in a lot of trouble. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next, please? >> howard, straner followed by dave, snider and tone lee, and those are the last people. >> directors, this is howard, and i want to give you another update on driverless cars and so now it seems that google is in sacramento trying to develop the state rules for these cars. and now they have a prediction, perhaps in ten years these cars will be available with no
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driver, no controls, no nothing. and but very good, and this is difficult as all of those algarhythms are and tying all of the camera work and everything into the controls of cart and probably one car talking to another car and one car talking to signals and all of that kind of stuff and when those cars come to san francisco, and they try to run it and someone spends $30 million to provide taxi service because that is what it will be is driverless taxis and you will have to come and say that no one will have to park again, how are you going to make your 200, 300 million dollars a year that you need from parking cars? so i am trying to say to you, start early, this is going to be a more difficult problem than even the gaog the algarhythms and all of the state laws for you to negotiate the drop that has to be a very able drop, i mean, if you want to take your google taxi downtown at 8:00 in the morning
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or 9:00 in the morning that is a major drop, if you want to take it from a bus stop to your home, late at night, there is no drop at all. you know a nickel and a dime for a mile. so start soon, thanks a lot. >> next speaker, please? >> dave, snyder, followed by ton lee who is the last person who has turned in the speaker cards. >> good afternoon. good afternoon commissioners, my name is dave snyder for informational purposes only. i am a co-founder of united taxi cab workers, and practiced law one time. also i have been a reporter with it from time-to-time. and the reason that i am here today, is to verify some information perhaps the staff can get back to me and i think that it is for the safety
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issue, actually there are two reasons. the safety issue, the last time that i spoke to chris hashi the former director of taxes and if i understand it right and i may have made a mistake, i asked her on an update on the panic button for the drivers to be able to call the police in case of an emergency that will be located somewhere in the cab and i have an idea of where it should be, she indicated that the board of directors has rejected that and that may be my misunderstanding but nonetheless, the need for a panic button, still remains. because at some point, despite the presence of the cameras, and their deterrent effect and the usefulness of the cameras. i think that we need to do everything that we can proactively to protect the lives of the cab drivers, and the next thing that i would like to say is something regarding the googlization of
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the world. and that is cab drivers drive an average of 30 full time drivers, 36,000 miles a year. between 6 and 9,000 passenger and they have what, the london cab drivers call is the feel. and or the knowledge, and yet, with these new pcns or dncs, the transportation companies, they don't take any risk, they just pass it off to labor and throw their money bags around. from silicon valley. >> thank you. >> and they effect real workers who have contributed to the welfare of san francisco over the years. >> next speaker. >> lee, is the last speaker with a speaker card. >> okay. >> good afternoon, mr. lee. >> thank you, mr. chairman. and i hope that i am talking to
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the people not the... and put the bicycle really soon, and i think that we don't need anybody listening to us and just we put some bicycle. but i still hope that you are listening to me. >> and we had a big crisis very soon come by the taxi and i will be in this business for 25 years. and we are not going to make enough money to pay a payment, very soon by this wintertime and even though, it is summer time is very struggle for actually business. and so, you have to reset your taxi policy quickly, asap otherwise, the wintertime, the effect is coming and your driver return the medallion and the second one and then you will have 100 going back to the office and can't afford to make the payment because we are losing half of our business to the google or any other as google and they don't pay you zero, they don't pay you any money and they are making money on your own street that you put
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a lot of money on the street and they don't pay you anything, we pay the fee and everything, and because of you, and i don't think that you can effect the governor or district, and we went to sacramento the last two weeks ago. and back in china it has happened before, two years ago but the china government gets involved quickly and they can see that this cab and organized one guy and managed and correcting all of the and steering all of the business for the individual and a small little guy and a big society effect and you know that they get in more quickly and not in america, and in america, is playing is the ball and you put the ball in another state and another state put it back and nobody risk vonnerbility for our business and the same thing for they take back the operator permit and because of the process and it is a big time and we don't have no more big time in san francisco and second, 8,000, take it back and don't greety, you lost one hand and it is better than you lost the whole bolts. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. >> anyone else care to address the board in public comment. >> seeing none, members of the board i think that mr. snieer raised a good point and i don't remember, voting against a panic button, but it seems like for safety sake, i like to see where we are with that. if we could get the consent, we could get for a report on that. >> mr. miller. >> director, you are now at your consent calendar and these are routine and voted on a single vote unless you wish to have an item severed and considered separately. the public have suffered 10.6 and 10.9. and 10.4. and all right, so the directors, let me just, go over the consent calendar, what remains, because i have just been informed by the staff there are several other items that have been pulled.
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and so, with regard 10.4 that was severed by rubke, and 10.4 f, the bus has already been removed from the agenda. and at the request of staff. and with regard to 10.4 j. the part time bus zone on haze street is off the agenda, what remains as j, is establishing the bus zone on vaness. and 10.6 has been severed from the agenda, by the public, however, staff has requested that 7 items be removed, those are item g, and h, and that have or that are fillmore street, and it is fillmore street between beach and bay and item j, pierce street, on
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union at union and item l is scott street, at beach, double o, i should say, page street. at pierce. double q. pierce street. and at haight and double u, webster street at page and as i said, item 10.9 has also been severed. >> the staff is asking all of those, just in the agenda today. >> removed. >> yes. >> so ghj, ooqqand uu,? yes. >> and then on the remaining, is there anything else? >> i hope not. >> okay. >> and okay, so then what remains on the calendar is there a motion? >> motion to approve. >> second. >> second. >> further discussion in >> all in favor say aye. >> aye. >> okay, so we will go back to
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item... >> 10.4, as severed by director rubke, no members of the public have asked that this item be severed. >> dr. rubke? >> i am just asking that the board allow me to recuse myself from the item as well as 10.9. >> we need a motion for the director to recuse., hereself? >> motion? >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> and okay. >> since we do have this severed, this is approving the following parking lot modifications for the shuttle pilot program, is this an appropriate place or not an appropriate place to bring up concerns that have been raised by community members around the locations of the shuttles of the commuter shuttle stops or not? is that sort of an ongoing work in progress? >> well, this item are the recommended changes some of which have been deferred but this is what we are
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recommending it terms of changes to existing bus stops or other additions to accommodate the shuttle so that is the specific of what you are voting on here. >> okay. >> or what is proposed here. if there are more general issues, with regard to shuttle stops, i guess that i will i don't think that will be a problem with raising those. >> okay. >> so i do just want to bring up the issue that was raised to me about putting commuter shuttle stops on routes that are currently identified as bicycle routes. and i know that valencia street is one that i am hearing concerns about, since the bus was removed, to now, add commuter shuttles, and makes it a little challenging because they are going to be going to the curb and so, some awareness which i am sure staff has because you know, i believe that it is all under sustain able streets and so i am sure that there is discussion around this but i am hesitant to add
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buses particularly in areas where there is not yet a bus stop. and but also, slightly hesitant to add more buses to a route that is a bicycle route and i know that we are trying to keep the rapid networks and the bicycle network from overlapping and so, and again, i know that this is a pilot project and so things can be changed and moved, but i would just, thank you for suffering this director, rubke because i had not addressed that yet. and so some awareness around that, i would really hate to impact the cyclists, with the commuter shuttle stops. and they are big buses and i know that our muni bus drivers are appropriately trained in dealing with cyclists and there is a movement to train the commuter shuttle bus drivers as well and which i hope will be ongoing and i am totally in favor of the shuttle pilot program and i just want to make sure that i am sure, that miss pain is addressing as she works through all of this that is the
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issue ss just another one that you have on your plate. >> and so what we do have that training as a permit condition. and if you want carly pain, or transportation manager to speak to a specific issue of the coincidence of the bike lanes and bus stops. >> and developing the pilot network has been a tremendous challenge and off of, and and the pilot is,... and and it is curb use and already and exist and it is muni and and it is the rotation and the priority
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locations and so on the vanelcia street and there is a pair of that do exist and the and we have designated and i am in conversations with the bike coalition, and and we will talk about what the options are but it definitely highlights one of the challenges, and in the use, and definitely we are working with our partners colleagues, in the livable streets to be aware as director riskin mentioned we have included in the permit requirements that
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once the sfmta large vehicle safe driving around bicyclists and pedestrians curriculum is adopted, that the commuter shuttle operators have a window of time within which they must deliver that curriculum to all of their drivers and so, that is how we are addressing it. >> thank you. >> i appreciate all of the work that you have done on this and i understand the challenge, you are right it is a massive chess game going on in the city and so i am very sensitive to having to do parking removal where there was not any and you are righting using existing muni stops makes more sense and so i am happy with that statement that we are going to continue to work with the community members around all of those concerns and parking and biking, and i have every confidence that you will sort it out. >> thank you. >> you have a question? >> this does not constitute all of the changes and it is a subset of changes and so, what
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is before you today, on your agenda is a set of existing muni red zone extensions most of which are during the pique hours only and the handful of white zones and what is not in front of you today is a much larger lift of existing muni zones to be starred with commuter shuttles. those fall under the authority of the public hearing officer at which, we had we have a public engineering hearing and he was able to act on those and these actions that have parking impact have come to you. and so, that is what you are seeing today. and a little additional bit of information and we are proposing the extensions of the muni zones. and to benefit muni and some of these, and many of these zones,
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and many of these and to allow for the sharing, and and the locations where muni frequency is very high and there is also a lot of shuttles demand and we propose not sharing and separating the activity and the commuter activity and we are proposing for those communications separate white zones for peak hours only and that is warranted for the locations that you are seeing and there will be a few more locations that are going to upcoming engineering hearing, and assuming that he passes them on and will come to you. and it is fewer than the next couple of board meetings. >> i will make a motion to approve. >> second. >> anyone in the public on this one? >> no member of the public asked to speak on that. >> and yeah, i was going to reiterate my concerns, that
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director brinkman brought up, there is communication to me as well, as putting in the tech shuttles or these large buses or shuttles on the same routes as bicyclists, and popular bicycling routes and it is a little different because you know they are private shuttles and not public, and there is a little bit of concern and i feel it personally, and when i get passed by these big lumbering buss on my bike. and i think that the concern is warranted, and i hope that we will be putting extra attention to the issue develops and we don't have the time to dig into this issue just yet but i do hope that we will be open to accommodating things and changing things as they come up and really entertaining whoever might be advocating to keeping the modes of travel as separate
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as possible and also, protecting where we can't have that overlap to go for like the protective bike lanes and what have you. >> and so it is super important that people feel that they can ride a bicycle and their children or the people of limited mobility can get on a bicycle when and where they want to and this will be a step in that direction. >> do you make a motion? >> so approved. >> second. >> any further discussion? >> all if favor. >> aye. >> the record will show that director rubke was recused. >> 10.6, minus the 7 locations that i previously read would you like to have me call 10.6 and 10.9 actually probably not because she is recused from 10.9. >> and so minus ghj, l, oo, qq, u u. >> yes. members of the public. >> yes, mr. chairman, bill bowen.
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brent obrain. and hailly orner will be the first three speakers. >> okay. >> good afternoon. good afternoon. >> and chairman nolan and members of the board and director thank you for letting us speak today. and i am with the initiative transportation balance, which will be on the agenda or on the election for november. and we were certificated last week, with 17,000 plus signatures. over 100 volunteers, and the endorsement of the coalition for san francisco, neighborhoods, and with the endorsement of western twin peaks council and several, many of the other people but those two are kind of the grassroots of it and so that is who we are. and the premise of our initiative, is the transportation policies, for the city. and it need to represent the needs of all of the people of san francisco and they should
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include the majority of san franciscans who find it necessary to use a car for one purpose or another. and also, the merchants that are depending on having the parking available for the business and we have no objection to the car share proposition. and in fact, the city needs and all of the above policy, on transportation. and there are two concerns that we have about it. and one is obviously losing another 450 spaces with no thought about though to add that back anywhere. and it has been a long, long time since there has been any thought about adding space back when you take space away and the other is that many of our members feel that it is inappropriate for the city to rent public space, which is much in demand and much needed to private companies, when there are alternatives and you could add more space, off street. and you could have them use, private space.
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if you. thank you. >> next speaker please? >> brent obrian followed by haily orner and cath raoen rots. >> thank you. >> thank you, chairman nolan and director and the rest of the board i am the director of member experience with city car share and i am here today to ask that all of the remaining on street car share spots be approved today. and the second thing that i would like to do is to thank andy and jessica who have done an outstanding job and worked tirelessly to get this process this far. and city car share as many of you know is the oldest and the non-profit car sharing organization, in the bay area. and we along with the other people who are participating in this, and would like to see these spaces approved. and for the last 13 years, city car share has worked to promote the responsible car sharing solutions and i think that the testament to that is our access
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mobile program for wheelchairs and as well as our low income programs through our community share programs. and so, we take the public right-of-way very seriously and we never do anything that would jeopardize that with either our members or our communities. for the past few months, we have worked tirelessly, with a number of groups, both personally, and with merchant associations in those cases, we have got to talk to a lot of people when there has been objection and we have moved the spaces where we like it and worked best for the neighborhoods and when there are general objectives we are not able to call on some of our own data from the 12, on street, spaces that we had for the last two years and say that on average, those particular spaces in cars, served 20 individual different members each month. and in some cases it is 40
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individual members each month and so what we like to ask the folks who ask about that is what we would they do without reasonable access to car share and the truth is if they would probably find that and buy the cars and so we would like not to have them do that. thanks. >> thanks. >> next speaker, please? >> haily orner, katherine, rots. and tone, and following miss vonrotpaden murphy. >> good afternoon. >> i would just like to say thank you to the board of supervisors for giving me a chance for speak, i work full time with children with autism and i am also a graduate student. and i am also a member of peers, which is the dedicated to supporting and growing the sharing economy worldwide and more than 2500 people from san francisco have signed my petition to make the car sharing program available. and they signed it because they want to help to get proposed parking spots and to make sure that the program is a success.
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and i graduated college during the recession and the job that my parents generation had was not there for me and we are embracing government and initiatives and like the car sharing program and we are also learning to share what we already have. >> i wanted to say thank you for your commitment to making this program a reality. i know that we have many more hearings to approve of the 900 parking spots and i applaud your dedication and hard work and it is greatly appreciated by san franciscans like me that we are supportive of your efforts. >> thank you. >> next speaker >> good afternoon. and good afternoon. to the members of the board. and i want to say that president, to the new member of the board. and my name is... and (inaudible), and i start with the present to say the policies and the asian societies.
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and you know, we are tested with the society that have gone on too many changes and we went from the horse and the buggy to the car and the buses and on and each time that there is always a position. and but, we learned to embrace and work with these new innovations and every time that we have a new innovation, the society will figure out how to use it. and this junction, 21st century, we need to continue to embrace innovation and encourage it and find out to use it to bring in more revenue, and so the every new innovation and every new concept brings the revenue to the city and it makes it more efficient and creates more jobs for the city and which in turns, the revenue for the organization and bottom line and for your bosses and your employees and so, i am here to state in the affirmative that i
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support this car sharing concept and i think that it is a brilliant idea. and i think that it is new and innovative and it will go far away in san francisco, continue to be a leader. and in these new areas, and many of these, will be something in it and already jump in one end and we need to keep these companies here to continue, to make san francisco innovative for the 21st century. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> murphy, followed by tone lee who is the last person who has turned in the speaker card on this item. >> and char man, director, and directors of the board, thank you very much and very briefly i want to introduce myself on behalf of get around. and my name is murphy and i am in support of getting these spots passed and i want to quickly speak to the benefits of getting around specifically, and kind of walk through some of the out reach that we have done in the community and echo,
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the statements where we have kind of moved the spots around, and when there has been real conflict and reasonable opposition. and then finally i want to read a couple of statements of support from folks who could not attend today. and so, some of you are familiar with get around is a peer to peer car sharing platform and so basically our get around connect technology turns any car into a connected car and so that means that an individual can walk outside, and find and rent and unlock a car from their phone or from our web app and it is free to sign up and no membership cost and it is a mission, driven company and the mission is a real alternative to car ownership and much like the city car owns zip car and one of the things that is really important to think about is because we are using real people's cars who live in these neighborhoods we are not injecting any more cars in the neighborhoods the cars are already there and enables them to share the car when they are not usi
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