tv [untitled] August 15, 2014 12:30am-1:01am PDT
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. progress is not about anything new. progress is something about improving the human condition. that's why we need kathrin moore four more years. regarding appointing dennis richards, i wholeheartedly support him. he's a first neighborhood class activist. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is grace shanahan, from the strong builders association. he's unable to be here to speak in support of commissioner moore's reappointment to the planning commission. kathrin moore's professional background as an architect sphere heads her focus in the decision making process. once she's comfortable with a project she's able to
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convince all of the participants and neighbors that a design height of a particular project is appropriate. commissioner moore has invested thousands of hours in the planning, design and rezoning processes that have played out in these chambers over these years. she can with experienced hand guide especially those that lack professional background. there will be commissioners who support a project's good design, but with commissioner moore's level of skill and expertise she's able to convince the neighbors eloquently that a project is well designed, complies with the guidelines and will incorporate well into neighborhood. from her time in the commission, commissioner moore has always acted with integrity and earned the trust of her neighbors and colleagues. this process could use continuous support, sorry, this process could use a little bit more of this
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trust, supervisors. thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> supervisors, my name is toby beesey and i'm commas a fellow architect and as well as an activist having served in the west soma task force and south park and several cac's. i come to speak about kathrin moore's thoughtful support of the community base planning effort. she lends her guidance and support to the planning of western soma as well as helping guide us in what could be done and what would be done. i'm also having appeared before her and gotten her advice. i think it's always thoughtful, well considered, both in the scale of neighborhood regardless of
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any neighborhood you are going on in terms of urban texture and design. i think she brings a level of professionalism and thoroughness to the commission. thank you. >>supervisor katy tang: thank you. i'm going to ask you to lineup. if you would lineup towards the window. >> supervisors tang, campos, my name is courtney, chair of housing and zoning for the residential community association. for the last 2 decades, over two 2 decades the raca has worked with agencies throughout the city and appeared before the planning commission more times that i would like to mention in a variety of issues. the last decade of what we really appreciated is what kathrin moore brings to the commission. she has the
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ability to explain, she has the ability to understand issues about height, bulk, density and design. more importantly she has an ability in very precise specific language to explain her thinking and her rational in a way that informs her colleagues on the commission and educate the public. this is a unique gift that i think has made considerable difference in the quality of understanding of neighborhood associations in what needs to be brought to the table and commented upon. the russian hill community association without exception support the reappointment of commissioner kathrin moore. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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my name is -- i'm the chair of the san francisco land use and housing committee. i would like to start by saying first of all to thank commissioners sugaya for his number of years serving on the commission. i don't recall many commissioners in the past and i have gone to meetings the last 2 decades. the ones that come to mind in a very neighborhood supportive, kathrin moore and bill sugaya. those are really come to mind. but kathrin moore i think as an exceptional commissioner, very knowledgeable and her comments are very profound and she leads, i think her, she sets an example for the other commissioners. so therefore i'm glad that she's being
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reappointed. the san francisco neighborhood considering the planning commissioners to be extremary --ly important. we are very happy that she's being repointed. unfortunately the other recommendation was not approved. but we have very happy for kathrin moore. thank you for your service. >> good afternoon, supervisors tang, yee and campos. my name is rose wilson a member of the san francisco neighborhoods and historic preservation. i also want to thank kathrin moore for all of her previous decisions, they are very hard to make and take a lot of courage. i hate to say jargon but she's thorough and
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complete and accurate just like ir's. i appreciate her work on every issue. that's what she is. she's a pro. thank you very much. i hope to have you approved today for your appointment. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is john schlessigner. before i came to the meeting, i thought what makes a great planning commissioner. i came up with a fine point. each project has to be considered as part of the whole and that's what keeps the city vibrant and livable. you have to make sure that someone makes sure that those voices that are not heard, are heard publically and somebody who understand the needs of a neighborhood organization that of a project sponsor and how those thoughts come to bear when rendering
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an opinion. someone that understand when there are disputes on both sides with compromise and really strong thoughtful planning. someone who as a keen diane -- design, professional who gives strong credit to someone who is a strong planning commissioner. someone who has the institutional memory as talked about before. in her term of 8 years so far, commissioner moore has that. this is somebody who is a treasure to the planning commission, somebody who instructs others who may not have the expertise that she has and brings them along. thank you very much. >>supervisor katy tang: i'm going to call more people.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors. catherine dooley, north beach association and small business commissioner. i'm not speaking on behalf of the small business today. i just want to say how much the business association appreciates the outreach and understanding of the neighborhood and their voices that need to be heard. i also want to talk about she's one of the commissioners in this city hall that is not influenced by politics or under outside influence. she makes all of her decisions and comments based strictly on her expertise and research and great knowledge and institutional knowledge of what good planning is in this city. we need people like catherine kathrin moore and i
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urge you to support her today. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is ted ole's on. i speak for myself and kathrin moore and dennis richards. i have been here speaking before the planning commission and i know her period tinent questions and her service speaks fore itself. i would like to confine the rest of my remarks for dennis. dennis and i have served on the market octavia cac. he's a great colleague, always collegial and looking for the best answers for the entire community. while he was president of the triangle association and i was president and continue to be
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a member of the mission dolores neighborhood association. once again it was a pleasure to work with him even when we held differing views. he was always attentive and listened carefully. i think it's very important his experience, intelligence and judgment that he asks period tinent questions and tradeoffs and compare sons and creative in finding innovative solutions. as the new chairman of the new transbay cac, i look forward to coming to him for guidance. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is dawn tren oris, the neighborhood association and member of the neighborhood network. i'm thrilled to be here to speak and support kathrin moore. i
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have that had pleasure of working with the commissioner for many years now and so much has been said about her qualifications and about her experience in urban design and qualification as an urban architect. i second all of that. may i also add that i have learned so much from kathrin moore in listening to her. she has made me a better neighborhood leader by educating me. i thank her for that and urge your support. thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners, my name is rob levity from the valley association and transcommittee valley and the market octavia cac. i'm pleased to be here today to speak in support of
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kathrin moore's reappointment to the planning commission. it's already been said and i want to second what everybody else has said. every time i think of kathrin moore on the planning commission, i think of someone who is very thoughtful and fair and who has a lot of integrity and really cares for her decisions and is very knowledgeable. i'm pleased to be here to urge you to support her reappointment. thank you. >>supervisor katy tang: thank you. i'm going to call up a couple more names. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm diane matsuda with the prehistoric preservation. i'm here to support kathrin moore to the planning commission. i have had the pleasure of working with her with the
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subcommittee schs out of her area of her expertise but she was able to provide very knowledgeable information and had the opportunity to work with her to make sure that policies passed by one commission have the effect and benefit to help the city as a whole. and third, as a resident of japan town, one of the three last remaining japan towns in the united states, i appreciate commissioner moore's suggestion and expertise in helping us preserve and retain the historical resources that we have. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is angelica cabante. i'm in support of planning commissioner moore. for us commissioner moore is definitely just beyond looking
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at planning as a building building or area plans. she is really thoughtful in terms of the socioeconomic impact that those things will have in the neighborhoods, for example, she was very critical and key supporter of our youth and family special youth district, making sure that our youth are going to be able to get into jobs in the neighborhoods when there is hotels and other things that are going to be created in our neighborhood. we need someone like that, that goes beyond just buildings and looking at environmental impact reports. we need someone that actually looks at the impact on the neighborhood. we hope you will consider reappointing her. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors, i'm aaron highland in san francisco live in the castro
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and on the historic preservation. i'm here to support kathrin moore's reappointment. i had great pleasure of working with kathrin moore over 15 years ago on the master planning of san francisco valley and it's always been a great pleasure working with her. kathrin moore has been a great ally to making sure the commissions work well together. >> good afternoon, supervisors, brian abeyance of the executive director of the housing alliance. i urge you to reappoint commissioner moore and bill sugaya. to thank them for the first lgbt shelter.
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and the first lgbtq ordinance and applicants across the nation. i would like to congratulate dennis richards on his nomination. i have worked with dennis for years and i appreciate his openness and thoughtfulness. i look forward to working with him in the future. i would like to take a moment to talk about good government and some perception that i'm having that i would like you guys to think about it. has to do with the last three rounds of commissioner appointments. i'm getting confused. commissioner chan was removed from her position even though she was highly qualified and interested in retaining that public service with the desire for new blood whatever the rational was. then, demetria
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moeshs, highly interested in it, was not chosen to replace somebody and now we are on the other side of it again where we are replacing a dedicated highly qualified commissioner. i'm getting confused about where we should stand. i think it diminishes our sense of meritocracies in government on people who are highly qualified and do a great job, do they maintain their position or who doesn't. i don't know what to think about it. as leaders in this community, i want to give you that feedback that it looks a little political. >>supervisor katy tang: thank you. i would like to call up a few cards. thank you. >> good afternoon commissioners, mike bueller director of the san francisco heritage. i'm here to speak
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in strong support of kathrin moore's appointment. there are a few soup uper -- that i can add. i would like to thank her for her years on the commission and i appreciate her words and remarks regarding social and cultural equity and that is increasingly important as we grapple with issues of displacement and lack of community character in san francisco and we look forward to continuing to working together with commissioner moore after this reappointment. thank you. >> good afternoon supervisors, dean press on, executive director of staying together of california association for renters right andal mow square neighborhood and been part of the planning commission wearing both hats onto it
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the -- impact on neighborhoods and residents. i'm very excited for this reappointment. we are very fortunate to have a dedicated public servant of this caliber of kathrin moore on the planning commission and someone of such high integrity, independence and intelligence. i think it would be the three things i would highlight and particularly the complete independence as someone said not driven by the politics. i would adjust completely independent of the business interest that often have a disproportionate voice in what gets approved and what not gets approved in this town. on the intelligence, i want to highlight a speaker before me, a point of her ability of her not able to master the topics. it took me a decade to master case law and hopkins and what you can do to new developments. i was
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really astonished for example working on the park merced project how quickly commissioner moore became an expert on that topic. that's something i hear again and again from activist on this topic. i appreciate you moving her appointment forward. thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors, my name is karen kai. i have been working on the japan town community on their process for many many years. i went from that state of newby, never been before the planning commission to a pretty good expert on it now for all the hearings wei had. kathrin moore has always been one of the those outstanding people when you come into room, she's critical in the most constructive way. she's open to hearing, to listening
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and to truly giving feedback that helps people. and this is where government really works for a community and we really were inspired by the planning people we work with by bringing the community to the planning commission. we knew that when we did. they would hear a commission that was interested in what our concerns were. and how we needed to save our community and keep it going. and kathrin moore was always within of those commissioners who had good questions, strong questions and ones that made our work better. she's definitely the kind of person you want on this commission. we are sad that commissioner sugaya and borden will not be reappointed, but we do know that the commissioners who succeed them will benefit
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greatly from being on the same body with kathrin moore. we thank them and we her very much. good afternoon. my name is allen martinez. as has been said, kathrin moore brings an invaluable expertise about planning. a very deep knowledge of how san francisco planning works and knowledge of the history of it. but that alone to me, what makes catherine special is that she's also totally aware of what's at stake with these. that planning is not an abstract exercise, not about making the statutes run smoothly. that it affects people's lively hoods and
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people's families and community and knows what's at stake as far as planning. i support her for that reason. she knows what san francisco is. she's a member of the community. she appreciates what's valuable in france and what's so easily lost. >> good afternoon. supervisors tang, campos and yee. my name is john o'connel with the residential builders. it seems a short time ago back in june 2010 when kathrin moore came to you for her reappointment. the committee then was supervisor campos, mar and peer. they made a very wise decision back then and i hope you do the same today. to be a planning commissioner is a lot of hard work and dedication.
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from the time you get your planning package on the friday to the planning commission hearing on the following thursday, fielding telephone calls, e-mails, understanding the issues and concerns are. i would say it's the most time consuming and difficult job of any commission in the city and county of san francisco. commissioner moore is now needed more than ever in san francisco. her expertise and knowledge and skill and her balance with all of the stakeholders makes for better projects. her commitment to reach out, her technical ability, her big vision for the city. commissioner moore is a forward thinker looking at the whole city. with commissioners moore's urban design skill, she has raised the bar so high to a level that is unparalleled. so i
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ask you to move commissioner moore's appointment forward with a recommendation to the full board. >> last, don't keep her here too long. she has a planning commission hearing to attend. and also support dennis richards to the other commission. we worked back in 2011 and found him to be very honorable. thank you for your time. >> good afternoon, supervisors, rich haas, resident and business commission and support kathrin moore and mr. richards. the planning commission is by far the most time consuming commission in the city. it's not just the thursday
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hearing. it could have 10 items, 14. any amount of items. on friday you get your brief for each item. that's a lot of reading, a lot of research, site visits, locations, visiting with neighbors. catherine has done this for eight years and shhh e wants to do this for another term. kudos to kathrin moore. it's a lot of work here. kathrin moore as an architect brings a fairness to this commission. we've worked with her for many years. whether it's neighborhood issues, citywide planning, she's excellent in these neighborhoods and understanding the planning codes with all the new amendments, that takes a huge amount of time and understanding. her urban planning. as talked about earlier she was in treasure island, all of this stuff. it's easy to be a paid person to get a salary, but when you
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volunteer and spend the time, to any commissioner, i say well done. her knowledge on neighborhood issues, dealing with neighbors. let's move ahead and bring her upstairs back to the hearing. supervisors, thank you very much. >> sue. i'm one of the people that needs to go back to the planning commission as well. i heard from people from wide perspectives saying what they see in kathrin moore. what i see is two enormous skills. one is a professional skill that many are absent. we haven't gone to planning school, to architect school. she has those skills and she
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brings them to the commission and educates her fellow commissioners as well as the public. the second big skill is something that you can't get in school. you have to live in the city and try and understand how the city really works for all kinds of people, poor people, middle income people, upper income people who get a lot out of the city and how transportation works, how walking around the city appears to people. catherine is always coming up with things that she says to her commission that really shows she knows the city. that is an unusual skill. and it is a skill that we don't have in spades rights now on commissions. it's a lot of work to be on the planning commission. those of us from
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the public really appreciate someone who will listen to us. who will listen to the public as well as to the developers and to the planning staff. that's something that is worthy of reappointment. thank you. >> thank you very much. anyone else for item no. 1, public comment? >> supervisors, thank you. as to item no. 1, reappointment of kathrin moore, planning commissioner. please do so. thank you. [ laughter ] >>supervisor katy tang: any other member of the public wishing to speak on item no. 1. seeing none, public comment is close. supervisor campos? >> >>supervisor david campos:
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