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tv   [untitled]    August 16, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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through friday closed all the holidays and christmas and thanksgiving. >> i mean how long will be there. >> i'm there full-time unless i'm sick. >> i mean you open at 8:00 a.m. >> i open the school everyday for the last 126 years i'll be outside or one of the teachers to help with the child. so 7 clock or 7:30 to open the doors >> 7:30 to when. >> to 67. >> that's when the last person or child leaves so whoever is closing up who will they leave and after the cooking and cleaning and what time. >> 647.
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>> half an hour to an hour after and nothing on the weekends. >> no. we're closed amp all the weekends and holidays. >> okay. i mean i'm supportive of the project if any sort of concern i try to write down the option i hadn't heard that that's my one question you're having residential use you're not going to be living through no activity in the house during the nights and we understand and holidays i don't know if that particular part i'm not sure what the other comments i don't know if that works for a residential neighbor that's my comment and my second question you're looking to convert our garage to extend storage space in the entryway for the school and you indicated that you would
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be able to turn this back into a residential house at the some point in the future whether you do it or sell it my question i don't tell are you going to make structural changes to the home to convert that space there's walls it's not clear you're adding a corridor it's not clear that it would be an easy job to make that booking back into a garage. >> they're going going to remove petition walls and put if structural walls to make more open space so essentially one
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floor that becomes one open area. >> and then the petition walls could be easily pit back. >> okay. i don't know if other commissioners time to comment on that i'm not sure okay. thank you for answering my questions thank you very much. >> commissioner moore. >> since this project will go into or stlo through the state review or any changes where the deficits will be expressed that's a minor observation. i want to - i agree with the commissioner, i want to talk about not the preschools but other schools that are rights
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smack in the mid of other residential neighborhoods and traffic we have two university and cathedral hill for boys on john's street and all of them pretty much have traffic management methods in plasma of this i observe because many of them are close to where i live they work well, a fraction of a moment when people have to wait because one child gets put in the car but overall those are so ready to make it happen i personally don't this this is an impact. i've not seen what the department side a person identified a contact person there's is a phone call with an individual who would be available 2w0u67 whatever the
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operational hours to monitor complaints because in the interest of everybody to have this blend in await disturbing the neighborhood the children will not be running all over the blocks and doing things, i.e., crossing in the middle of the wrong there's an additional danger to expose the children to you building that the organizational structure how i run this is well organized and people are prepared to deal with the increase in children together with the operational hours i'm fully no support and move to approve >> second. >> on the motion to approve it matter councilmember sharp.
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commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. i'm sorry, i didn't hear you >> commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes naming 7 to zero zoning administrator what say you >> close the public hearing i'll take it under as time the possibility of placing bicycle parking to reduce the needs for any parking and note condition 5 of the motion requires a liaison be identified by the sponsor. >> that places you on our discretionary review calendar one remaining item for case and
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2013 d and v. may or may not discretionary review authorization and the request for the zoning will consider >> good afternoon jessica the planning staff ms. a questioning for the it demolition of a self-same the department is recommending not to take dr and approve that as proposed as mentioned this has had a recent situation that the existing property is not affordable and meaning that the property and land value is greater than 80 percent of the combined land of the single-family homes in san francisco our code will exempt rh1 requirements and could be approved administratively but
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this is located in an rh2 zoning district it is here before you today. the current strutting structure is a one story basement single-family dwelling unit it's not been previously occupied it will be a 3 story house with floor plans. the departments residential design team found the massing appropriate given the block pattern as the majority of buildings are two to three stories team high the department likes the project the project is seeking a variance from the planning section as the subject property as an exaggerated set back requirement because the property to the east is 70 feet
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from the property line it increases the regulatey and will make for a gradual stepping and it is built out to a major set back the department has not received any additional comments except the supportive letter we recommend you not take dr and the basis is the project is not considered an affordable unit or acceptable housing. the project will not result in my reduction even if houfrgz in the stock and create one single-family home and meets our residential design guidelines. that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for questions >> thank you project sponsor.
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>> is there a separate time for a dr or a separate variance. >> it's wrapped up into the 5 minutes. >> thank you good afternoon, commissioners i'm david armor the architect for the project. the owner is kate and kate is here with me today. kate grew up in noah valley a few blocks away in a victorian farmhouse she grew up in the neighborhood and the lifelong history in the neighborhood led kate and her husband to purchase the property and hired my firm to; right work with them on the improvements they weren't sure it could be reasonably expanded renovated or you can tearing
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down the house was the most common sense way of building a long term family home we analyzed the property it was a small cottage and probably a third of the rear building is in the back that is built we are going do bring up the rh2 factors and i guess to wrap up a few things the design of the home was, you know, informed by the kind of the victorian homes in the neighborhood by we've
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specifically sought to not to create a 19th century victorian but to have more - to, you know, kind of relate to the neighborhood but do something fittings that's a little bit more time less in character and use the materials that match the neighborhood in a way remind kate of the how's that they grew up in and particularly the house up the street. the properties in a lot the second floor walks out to the garden the kitchen opens up into the backyard pay there's no
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outdoor space it's open an elevated roof-deck they've been working with the neighborhood on a landscape design with no fences between them and the house to the west and the west beyond that so the kids flow from one yard to other wrarptd to the variance we looked at the property in the current house where it's located the set back is very much impacted by the fact that the neighbor to the east set way back creating a set back requirement for the property we're asking for a set back variance to merely align with the adjacent property and the proposed location is 18 inches back from the structure and will look nicely reforced
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the block pattern and this line is a future development occurred at some point will set that the massing of the adjacent properties no one's is here in opposition clearly so we're here to ask for your support for the project. thank you >> thank you just foyer formality is there any public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini and it's a very well done project it's been mentioned already it is not affordable it will be exempt basically, we're placing a single-family home that's adequate with another single-family home that's much more adequate for the family
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needs and conceptual but the size is much better i'm impress that the architecture, in fact, i've picked up the case report and said i can't believe someone is doing a great job of something that belongs to a neighborhood we see contemporary architectures that sometimes, it's well but sometimes like sorry thumbs and a lot of the principles we historically did between the usuartificial light will the it's a well done project i'm holding into people's 3 this one to point to
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that i was happy to approve in the future >> commissioner fong. >> i too am in support i want to thank you for rebuilding this and i think it's pretty bold and not inexpensive to create san francisco's historic architecture pattern but thank you and i'm sure in the details and the tichz materials to determine the type of project is what you want it to be i'm in support and will make a motion to not take dr and approve the demolition and construction of the new proposed. >> second and commissioner moore. >> i want to say this is for contemporary architecture i want to commend the department to taking a bold stand and developing a project dial by which this is skillfully kin to
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pull the project up rather than dealing with the set backs i want to comment on that and just acknowledge that. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yes. to staff. did you take a look at on the block face and streets with respect to how many two unit buildings there are? >> no, i did not. >> okay. and to the project sponsor did i give consideration to building two units? >> we did look at one of the things that precludes i guess how we normally will approach this type of things the project is built into a lot the rear portion of the ground floor is uninhabitable and didn't allow for a garden apartment we probably will propose in a
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project like this. but no >> i thought about it. >> but it's i am practical. >> i had to ask it says rh2 we're trying to address a housing issue in the city i want every opportunity to get even though quarry whether or not its possible to flairs what the zoning will allow i'm in favor the project. >> commissioners there's a motion and second not to take the dr as proposed councilmember sharp. >> commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes zoning administrator what say you >> close the public hearing and in this case, the lot with the adjacent u just a minute property as well as the project
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sponsor has alcohol to maximize the project they could expand but not choose to do so, so i'm in support of the project. >> oh, excuse me. commissioners that leaves us to public comment there are no speaker cards. >> general public comment general public comment is closed. i want to thank again commissioner sugaya this is his last hearing maybe you can come back and sub. >> we can do that lair. >> and close the hearing in horn of doug wright. meeting adjourned >> thank you very much.
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