tv [untitled] August 16, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT
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music and so, we were pleased with that, and we have met with supervisor kim's office and we have done the numerous with the ones in the neighborhood >> i was looking it up on the map it seems like a really small block. >> it is about 80 feet long. >> it is a really small block. >> yes. >> and it is only, curb to curb and 16 feet wide. >> it is a really tiny place and so doing the jazz trio and discussions and lunchtime band, and all of the music, and so
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you are doing small compact things. >> and there are a few events that would be able to show at a specific time and participate in the events but in general, the lunchtime events are sort of circle in and out as you have your lunch. >> and is it free. >> open to the public. >> everything that is there, i believe on what i have shown you open to the public. >> the private events would get a different permit and do that on their own. >> and you are not serving anything. >> no. >> no alcohol. >> good for you. >> i mean, i think that this is a really interesting experiment. and i wish you well with it for sure. >> thank you very much. >> and so have you, and i see may and june, is it proposed or already happened. >> there was an updated one and we are actually and i could have a copy here of september and october. >> did anything happen in may
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and june. >> no, so we were basically through what we thought was the entire permitting process and had a little hiccup with the fire department and so we have now received their approval again and changing the design elements to the plaza and hoping to go forward in september. >> do you have any storage facility for seating we have removal table and chairs, and also, the community has community guides and clean and safe and we have a ten b officer ten hours a day and storage for the chairs and stables will be in the spur going out and in every day. and chs is helping us with other aspects of the storage. >> okay, great. >> and i know, that at the hub they have like a shipping containers. >> right. >> any other questions for staff, how are you planning to assess this fee? is it... because i forget how we did it. >> so with mccopen we did do a
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one fee for the things that covered the entire month. >> okay. >> we are doing a similar thing with this one. >> would it be the one p for the offering. >> for this entire program. >> got it. >> and i do plan on serving alcohol at these events? >> no. >> okay. >> and any events that did alcohol, would be on their own and outside of us. i mean it is a community space and we want to make it available to the spur party that does give it out and the california historic society, but they go through their own permitting for that. >> okay. >> does that answer your question. >> yeah. and then also, i know that you said that you had a neighbor who was much happier than you expected to be. does he have a number that he could contact should he... >> i emailed him last week that we will be here and i have not heard back from him. >> okay, great, thank you. >> any other commission comments, if not, why don't you have a seat.
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>> comments or questions, and i know that officer chan said and captain, and they are finding with the ybcd and the alley program. okay and we will go to the public comment then. and i have two people here who would like to speak to this. first i have rick smith, do you want to come up and then second i have... (inaudible). >> and president tan and commissioners, my name is rick smith and i leave next to the alley and i am a resident involved with the alley which is a separate organization from the ced that was built up to engage all of the businesses and residents with the part around the alley to this project to keep the information flowing, for me personally, if there is any sound in the alley i hear t a skateboard i hear it. and a key thing about it, is, that this experiment is done, with the community partner, where it is not like a
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business, seeking a profit and they are there to serve the community and so i trust as we go through the experiment, the whole point is to find out what issues are and what levels are and so i really trust and look forward to the ability to realize and have the good feedback with them to dial it in and create a actual space. thank you. >> could i just ask you one question as a point of information >> who was the alley named after? >> if you go to annie alley and there is a book in the library that talks about all of the naming of the streets. and i copied from the book, i don't recall, i can go and look it up. i was just curious. thank you. >> all right. robin abed? >> commissioners, president, tan, and the appointment process and i am here representing the san francisco department and i am the staffer there that was brought to the
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managers and supporting them in this really framework experiment. and with my endorsement of the outdoor amplified sound permit submitted by the district. and they are a boosting community partner with the long time initiatives for public safety and now, free public programming, in this vibrant neighborhood. and in this in the parks program, it is very effective and the ybcd has been diligent with the neighborhood out reach and i think that it happens and that you have at least 9 letters of support and of course, we are here before you, at the end of a process, you know, this is proceeding by literally a year and a half of community engagement on the part of the cbd and so it is a pleasure for the planning department to partner with such a strong agency. we all know that a public space is our most successful when
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they are active and so, this new experimenting that you are, and this new experiment that you are helping us facilitate will be critical to the success of the new plaza and so thank you for your consideration. >> thank you and i apologize that i should have brought you up beforehand since you are from the city. >> one clarifying question. should we as a commission, be expecting more of these as the program gets up and running. >> thank you for asking, yes. i think that the pavement to parks program which is an interagency program coordinated by planning and in partnership with public works and mta we have created a few other spaces before and i think that we are familiar with the jane warner plaza and the park at the intersection in the mission and these spaces are really embraced in and loved by the community and neighbors and they actually emerge out of the neighborhood initiatives and so, the one big piece that is missing, though and i think
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that it has been missing, allowing for the stewards like the ybcbd to do programming, and to you know put the musicians out there during the lunch hour to have the evening talks or the art classes or activities for children, and so, we had a wonderful time working with the staff to provide the guidance to the planning department and the district about how we could try to make this work and so we are really encouraged about the future, and if this project but the pavement to the parks in general and the way that we can hold it and create better spaces for san franciscos and native and tourist and other folks, so thank you. >> great. >> appreciate that, look forward to more applicants coming in. is there any other public comment on this? >> i don't see any. so we will move on to commissioner? >> i would like to make a motion on this, i just want to
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say that i am totally for activating it for the city, and as a venue, for music and art. and i think to make a city vibrant you have to have the people working on the streets and you have to have the people utilizing the city, and you know, being really, really quiet all of the time, and if that is why they call them bedroom communities and they are in the suburbs. but urban communities should be alive. and this program, and the other programs not long ago, and in the hob, and the san jose, and the little parklet is not activated, or not that i have ever seen, other than the people, you know, going from the ice cream shop over there to hang out. but, i mean, i would just love to see more of it. i would love for you to come here with a lots of permit applications for this stuff and
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having said that i would like to move to approve. >> second. >> same house same call. >> yes. >> the motion passes. >> okay. >> we are going to move on to agenda item number 6, and our second to last item, commissioner comments and questions? commissioners any and >> i want to say that i went to the campos office and they will be coming here to present something about 10 b that the office is working on to the commission. and for the community, and
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housing partnership. >> any other commissioner comments and questions? >> is there public comment to commissioner hyde's comments? >> in pennsylvania, and yeah, >> and in california, and there is. but, no, and so she came to us through the shadow and we had some and a cool meeting up in my district and it was, for them, and the folks from all over the country, and so she is here today and she will be down in santa cruise tomorrow and
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she was observing and hopefully it was ininstructive, i don't know we will see. welcome. >> how is the nighttime economy in pittsburgh? >> any other public comments? >> i don't see any. public comment is closed. the final item is the new items for the agenda, and for the next meeting? >> you can ask for that. >> i have a couple. >> yes. >> go for it. >> so, i believe that club malibu, i would like to have them come in and meet, us, when possible, there is continuing noise complaints over there. and i had a thought about the police comments and questions portion of our thing and i think that one of the things that we were hearing is a lot about one area, and i was wondering if we could not do something like out reach to see if we could not get different
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types of officers to come in such as like permit officers, to come in and meet, us, or and so the people that get to know us and we can hear what they are doing and so it might be a good way to mix up the police and comments and questions and if it is what the knowledge has been. >> so. and then, i would like to see, if maybe i would just like to put this out there and maybe form the neighborhood meeting, and i would like to kind of form a small working group and just put it out there in case any commissioners were to do so or join us so that we could kind of maybe approach the neighborhood groups that the supervisors would recommend to us to hear what they would like to hear as well and sort of put the word out there that we are going to be doing this in like february, i think.
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>> so, you are not... >> and you would like, a commission... >> oh, for the meeting. >> no a working group to kind of get everything together and do the out reach and figure it out. >> and do we need to formalize that in like a... in... >> is there... e >> if there is the intention to have commissioners come together, in a group that requires like,... and you have to form a subcommittee. if that is not the case, and then you don't, and so it just depends on what the commissioners... >> i mean, it will be interested in doing this with me and then i would just do it on my own and so we would not have to have a group. but i just thought that if there were. >> and let me check in with you and sort of take a poll of the commissioners, since they are not all here. >> all right. >> all right. any public comment to the additional items? and public comment is close and
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milestone in the progress of connecting the great city of san francisco from one end to another about economics development and about clean environment, pittsburgh that's about building consensus i'm sure the mayor will agree he served as the che administration officer it to took years to get this to a third street rail of central subway thousands even if hours of volunteers coming together to make their point of view known. we've been here 5 wants on the total of this project but making progress again and every step of the way all along i'll say whoever we were appealing to our hopes are riding on the third street rail and our hopes on the
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street subway for all to be a model to the country of economic development while we improve the quality of life and sflrs customers and create good paying jobs that's today is a sad day because of the loss of robin williams i was oncoming over mayor we were together in 2012 with another phase we are that altogether with ray la hood the secretary of transportation and while we were listening to each other's speeches we were on our i preponderance watching the last of the games to dorm who would be in the playoffs and while we were celebrating the; correct construction we were cheering the victory of the giants that day to go on to the world series and robin williams was a great giant fan my
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daughter christine right-minded me in after 2001 that was by and large the first time god bless america took place some may have done is but a tradition across our country and robin williams was a great giants fan but in 2004 he sank god bless america urging the 7th ending stretch we've lost a genius and san francisco has lost a great friend we made contributions to life. two weeks ago on the steps of the k358 the democrats launched the jump start to create good paying jobs in our country a
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rock the entrepreneurship begins in the classroom to make college affordable and early child onsite hood evaluation affordable and in some ways when with yes, ma'am succeeds america succeeds a version of growing the economy by this each week this week is make that on america where we say we want american made companies invest in good paying jobs here in america by removing tax credits to send jobs overseas what is what the law is now, it's ridiculous we want to over turn that with the savings we want to invest in building america and building the infrastructure and that means roads and brigades
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and cr=certainly mass transit and water supply and broad band the infrastructure of the future so this the the job the parlor we're sthifls all over the country what better place to start where the innovation has begun it's begun with the consensus over time with the community involvement i've said to the city i want to give you every option but if we allocate the sources we need the dirt to underlie this consensus building over time has been very, very central to our success and, of course, the recovery act that president obama took the lead on made a difference in getting hundreds and hundreds of million dollars nearly a billion dollars for the completion of the project while it started local
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it was local and state funding under the leadership of the leaders today, i'm honored to be here with the mayor how important this jump start for the class is and how important building infrastructure is to the jump start. roadway there's a installing felt be middle-class because of the stalling of those kinds of initiatives h initiates we want it to be non-barn we know the american people overwhelmingly support an nishlt that improves the quality of life and to get the products to and from work and employees to and from home and again to clean and protect the virnlt as we create jobs we have have to build consensus i salute the people in san francisco for the rolls they've
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played over the years really decades to make many of the projects that are emerging now projects so that's consecutively the quail valley and hunters point and the transbay terminal with the enter connections with the parkway and the longtime in the planning and consensus building many of them possible because of president obama recognition this buildings infrastructure of america is essential to growing our economy with that, i'm pleased to give this podium oh, by the way, did i introduce thomas and paling their construction is they're game they know about machinery i don't know about their teaching me and wanted to see how it's going my grandchildren from new york. they've ridden on the subway
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they wanted to see how one is built in california had a they're my special vip pits i've said his role as mayor and the chevy administration officer knows how to get the job done an operational manager it's not mystery i continued the great work of the previous mayors but he was effective working with the mayors before so thank you that mayor for honoring us with your leadership i yield to the that distinguished mayor >> (clapping) >> thank you leader pelosi and it's a delight to have you here also with those young kids michael i think we can get him a
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my own card right-of-way. i'm delighted i know leader pelosi is absolutely right and chosen one of the most exemplar projects certainly our city has seen here today with the san francisco mta xhishsz, the planning commission folks and our sf leader katie is here as well its a milestone after milestone when in the backdrop the central subway project is so important i remember leader pelosi when we began this conversation in the early years really to trying to figure out how we could access those american recovery act to be a dumb u jump start for us in san francisco we needed it at the height felt great recession and it came at the right time with
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the initial investments now over a billion dollars in the project you see what has come about this project has been one of the critical foundation but why today a few years later we'll boast about a 4.5 employment rate i putting americans to work is so important in project is a couple of months ago director reiskin and i looked at the tunnel borrowing machines helping them get out of the ground a huge milestone it's burn a safe project for the men and women they know about safety what their tunneling very deep underground and marcus making sure this station with union square and the scare station and along with the chinatown station we're doing well, that the conversation has literally
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changed they want this done all the way to fisherman's wharf that's why leader pelosi is here today, we need to brag about the success stories those kinds of projects not only the jobs and investments we've made but you look at the 8 hundred and 50 thousand of hours construction hours that are logdz on this project so far look at it's investment in small businesses. over $1275 million has been contracted to the small business expires because of this project it's done well and right (clapping) yourselves local people that have been trained and sits across from the conference center and continues to feed that great, great hospitality industry that is at the head of a lot of industries in san francisco hiring more people in
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the hotel and i'm proud for a multitude of reasons but people took risks for american workers that's why we want to talk about the build american bonds that lorp was talking about we need american to continue building we can build nor roads and bridges we can take this to clean energy and solar raise and other types of buildings that america needs we can take this further that's why the principles that go along with that this frontage exemplifies all of those triblts he at the same time, we can have a national conversation about raising people's minimum wage the lowest wage earners in america we've got that on the
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ballot in which it honors laborers and businesses and people that workout nonprofits we've brought them together and america can did do that request leader pelosi's help and the point they'll have the ability to raise minimum wage inventing here and across the have a r country so build americans bond acts and director reiskin will talk about that but i want to introduce someone i've had the privilege of working with to get things done he's the guy that gets things done despite the challenges a long way but gets to work with an array of agencies that are committed not
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only to build but to do it to get more jobs out there and to help our needy to make sure we raise the minimum wage. i give you and i yield to him the director of our mta director reiskin (clapping) >> thank you mr. mayor and ma'am, leader the central subway was a jump start for san francisco when we started work here it's a great veemgs felt kind of infrastructure environmentalist we're capable of chief of police in the great united states a project like this doesn't just happen the leader said we've been through presidential terms even through many secretaries of transportation many mayors but leader pelosi has from the start been a steadfast champion for this project and it's rea
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