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tv   [untitled]    August 17, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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research building which we need and that park not as important as the medical records and if we don't have that we won't have patients and out of business and the joint inspection and the commission inferred to us and we know it already so are we basically saying well that discussion is over and this is what you guys are going to the mayor's office with that's going to be in the bond, or are these place holders and up for discussion in the future? >> they're all place holders. this is more of a high level document. anything that comes subsequently to it will trump it because it's further planning, further analysis and if there are things that don't appear in the plan now or change we have the ability to update this
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again in the next update. >> if i may commissioners. this is a requirement for a city requirement for any -- sorry, hospital so in patient facility or post secondary educational facility so it is a planning department requirement for large facilities and it's required every 10 years and updated every two years or as changes are made to the plan, so it's meant to be a projection of where we're going, but it's not amend to be a commitment that is absolutely the case. >> and it's irrelevant that the jcc hasn't talked about this and looked it over? >> well no. in fact there was a discussion whether it should be brought here or to the jcc. it was thought to be appropriate to bring it here first because it was to be seen within the context of what else was at a health commission level -- with
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similar questions that you are now requesting. i think it's appropriate at this point since we do have the time to actually bring it down to the jcc for further discussion about the questions you have asked, more specific question about any prioritization if it's needed. usually the imp doesn't do that. they list things that people would like to place in different geographic sites on a campus, but it certainly would not be in -- out of order for us to ask the jcc to look at this and give input at the time we then will take this up for a final vote. >> [inaudible] >> no. and as a matter of fact that's where we will remand this to the jcc to report also to us as we prepare to vote and the implications of the master
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plan. would that make sense director? >> i think that would be fine. >> okay. thank you. so we will ask then if there's no further comments on this that this be reviewed by the jcc also as topic prior to us looking at the resolution in the coming next business meeting in the beginning of september. okay. thank you very much. >> next item please. >> next item is the golden gate bridge suicide barrier approval and just to be clear you're not voting on this. this is on the approval approved by other bodies. this is just information report. >> thank you. >> mark, could you put the slides on for me? thank you.
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good afternoon commissioners. jill robinson behavioral health director for the san francisco health network and i have been asked to come this afternoon to give you a briefing on the suicide prevention barrier on the golden gate bridge. it was approved in june of this year. i have with me eve myer who is -- i am sure most of you know and she's the executive director of our suicide prevention and eve has very much been an advocate of the suicide prevention barrier on the bridge and worked very hard to get this approved. just to give you a
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quick overview and background, so our hot line is the oldest suicide prevention hot line in the united states. there are approximately 38,000 suicides in the united states annually and that's compared to 18,000 homicides and 31,000 traffic deaths so that's just to give you some information about how many people do take their own lives each year and what a tragedy it is when on the news we hear about the homicides and we hear about the traffic deaths when more folks choose to take their own lives. in san francisco there is approximately 100 or 110 suicides annually, and about 10% are related to bridge deaths. most suicides are skewed towards older male
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and the bridge although it is a destination place to take one's own life it's also one of the most lethal means to take one's life. the bridge opened in 1937 and somewhere between 1600 and 2,000 people have taken their own lives onlet bridge. 1600 of these bodies were recovered. there are survivors who jump. one of the concerns about putting a barrier was the fact -- or the non fact that people held the belief that if people don't jump from the bridge because there's a barrier that they will find another means to take their own lives and this is not true. there was a study of
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500 individuals that had jumped . >> >> in the 70's that survived and it was determined that the majority were still alive or died of natural causes. in may 2014 our mental health board passed a unanimously a resolution of the barrier and one of the concerns was the cost and we will go to the budget in a bit but millions are spent annually controlling the bridge helping make sure people don't jump so here's the budget of the project total is projected to be around $83 million. you will
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see that the funding came from various sources. $7 million came from california's prop 63. those were state dollars, not dollars designated to san francisco. so some of the opposition -- some people thought it wouldn't be attractive to have a suicide prevention barrier on the bridge. others believed as i said earlier that people that are suicidal will go elsewhere to take their over lives, and studies are showing that indeed is not true. it is also not true that someone who opts jump from a bridge will go to another bridge. a bridge in washington, the duke ellington bridge and a visible bridge and when a suicide prevention barrier was
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placed there there were no transfers of jump to the neighboring bridge, so here's an artist's rendition of what the project will look like when it's completed in 2014. and we're both here to answer any questions. >> commissioners. commissioner singer. >> so congratulations on getting this done. this is 10% of the suicides in san francisco. what's next on your list? >> the two most sail yenlt things you can to do is removing lethal means and educating primary care physicians so we would like to move into linkages with health care and
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institutions and emergency facilities, so that there is an educational cross fertilization there and people can recognize the signs of suicide. of people that tried suicide 75% saw a physician three months prior to their death. >> thank you. >> commissioner sanchez. >> again along with my colleagues i would just like to complement you for your sustained and critical efforts over the years in really addressing and providing a focus on this illness, and your commitment has paid off as you hoped it would and paid off in the context it was approved by the board. they are putting money into the golden gate and we want to commend you on it.
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i think you were steadfast here and consistent and focused, and a prime mover and thank you very much. >> thank you commissioner sanchez. i actually cannot take total credit for this. there were a lot of other people involved. starting 50 years ago with our founder bernard mays who founded kqmd and in the 1970's he held a demonstration which reverend jim jones of all people participated on a march on the bridge to get a barrier and those efforts continued over the years. in the last three or four years the dominant force became parents of children who had been lost, mostly teenagers, on the bridge who came before the bridge directors over and over again, and that really
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turned the corner. >> great. thank you. >> thank you. definitely it's nice to hear an important outcome like this after all the discussion about what we can do and our commission congratulates you for your persistence and your success. is there any further comment at this point? thank you very much. and we will move on to the next item. >> yes and i will note that haven't received any public comment for that item. the next item 10 is a resolution honoring sonia melara and commissioners i placed in front of you a slightly revised version. i took out the "e" misspelling of former mayor gavin newsom's name and added words reappointment to give a schedule of the appointment as a health commissioner. >> commissioners we have before
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us a resolution to commend commissioner melara's service here on the commission. is there a motion to accept? >> so moved. >> so moved. >> okay. moved and acceptance. a second already. any further discussion? we definitely will be missing commissioner melara and we are wishing her well of course at the police commission. i look forward to improved relationship with the police commission that serves us so well already so if we're prepared for the vote. all those in favor please say aye. >> aye. >> all those opposed. the resolution is passed and we hope to present it to her at our planting meeting at our next meeting. >> item 11 is other business. >> okay. we're at other
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business, and commissioners i would note though that with commissioner melara leaving the position of vice president is vacant and we will then be entertaining nominations and a vote for that on september 2 our next regular meeting date and we will let the other commissioners who are unable to be here also notified of that. >> yes. we will make sure that happens commissioner. >> thank you. so that is an agenda item on september 2. >> the next item 12 is a report back from the joint conference committee and committees and the only committee that met was laguna honda on july 29. >> okay. i noted the typo here and looks like laguna honda will report on the sfgh. >> yeah, i apologize. >>i was wondering how we're going to do this. okay. yes. >> through the chair. she had
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to leave -- >> yes. >> for the graduation of master students but we had a full committee at laguna honda meeting with our commissioners there and we reviewed the reporting of compliance report. we also heard the quality measures for 2014 and what is reported here is what was the last result of the visits namely five stars for nursing staff, five for quality measure and four overall and two stars for health inspection so we were anticipating hoping this visit this year will result in elevating back to the five stars again across all sectors. we approved the 2014-15 budget and had discussions -- comments and good community input pertaining
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to hospital wide policies and procedures of that. as a follow up from the request of the commission the discharge rate from 2013 to 2014 was 10%. the total discharges were 292 and again the chart shows we're in fact -- in county, out county, et cetera. it was actually stated in our full board meeting there and committed to the laguna honda joint conference committee. we had a closed session pertaining to medical approvals and credentials and a vote taken, and closed after a two hour session. >> i guess we have to approve the credential report. >> no -- [inaudible] >> okay. >> all right. >> okay. questions to
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commissioner sanchez? we should note here i think also that san francisco general did undergo its cal survey process with the joint commission and we were informed that the hospital will remain fully accredited and a number of items recorded for corrective action like normally there is, but the surveyor at the conference did announce we will have full accreditation so congratulations to sf general for that work. do we have -- oh next item. >> yes. item 13 is the committee agenda setting. >> okay. any further items for this except to remind you the next meeting is the planning meeting and we have a number of items we hope that will be worth while for discussion. that will
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be at -- mark, do you want to announce where it is. >> 25 van ness, the third floor conference room. i will email that out. >> i think we were there last year. >> same location as last year. >> and begin at 2:00 o'clock. >> 2:00 o'clock. i will send out a suggestion about menus and i will do that again so i accommodate your needs. >> question. do we still park here and it's a block down? >> yeah, you can park here and walk down. okay. any other items for committee agenda setting? if not then we're prepared for the next item which say motion for adjournment is in order. >> so moved. >> i will second. >> okay. no further discussion. all those in favor please say aye. all right. opposed. this meeting is adjourned. [gavel] . thank you.
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>> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here. >> we are about to take a bike ride. we have 30 cyclist. i'm
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really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store. >> i definitely recommend it to people. it's a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. >> this is so much fun. i go to parts of the city that i don't come to. this will make the city a more susta
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>> she is here, right? >> but she is coming. >>
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>> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, let me please call this meeting of the san francisco public utilities commission to order at 1:35 p.m. will you please read the roll. >>ny here. >> caen. >> here. >> and moran is excused and torres is expected shortly. >> the first item is approval of the meeting minutes of july, 22, 2014, is there a motion. >> move to approved. >> it has been moved. >> can i second to be at the meeting. >> i will second. >> and it has been seconded, is there any further discussion, commissioners? is there any public comment on the meeting minutes of july 22, 2014? seeing none, public comment is now closed, i will call for a vote, all of those in favor,
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signify by saying aye. >> aye. >> and opposed the ayes have it and the motion carries, next item. >> no cards. >> item 4, is general public comment. >> members of the public can address the commission on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction, and are not on today's agenda, is there any public comment? >> seeing none, public comment is now closed. item five, is communications. >> commissioners? >> i have no comment >> no comment on communications from vice president caen. >> seeing none, is there any public comment on any communications in the formal record, before this body? >> seeing none, public comment is now closed. madam secretary, next item. >> other commission business? >> commissioners? none. >> no commission business,
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there are items coming before us quickly, would i note for the record, specifically the installation of the panels on top of our own city hall, and i would like a report, one-pager from the staff related to who will be forseeing and doing that work is it similar to the davies symphony hall? is it work performed by employees in the private sector or the public? and what will be particularly helpful will be a record of the symphony hall and any of the other projects a break down by hour or by trade will be helpful for this conversation, is there any objection commissioners? >> no. >> the only other item in the news is a conversation surrounding the golf courses specifically the glen eagle and the south east part of town and there have been a lot of discussions and i would like, the general manager and staff to consider that there may be an item on the next agenda
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related to the glen eagle golf course and potential programming by this department in that area, any objections? >> item 7 is a report of the general manager? >> we are going to start off with the rim fire recovery, and todd rydstrom is going to present that. >> i know that it is a pleasure to see anyone, and i have a brief presentation but an important update for you. in your packet, we wanted to share a few pictures of the progress being made in the recovery. and on the cover of the slide deck today is the repairs of home powerhouse, that were completed back in january, and it will close with further repairs that have also been made to the power distribution system.
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and so the fire is almost a year old. and it started on august 17, of last year, and to date, we have update the our damage costs, and it is about $35 million on slide two. and 29 related to the facility damage and about $6 million in responsing and debris removal, insurance recovery received to date is $3.5 million in the bank and more is pending when we expect the number to grow significantly, several state grants is 5.6 million approved or in process and we continue to expect that number to go up significantly as well. the summary of estimated damage is here for you, $35 million. and that is again, a decrease from the original $51 million, that we have estimated back in the fall and so the numbers have come down, and the recoveries have started to come in. >> mr. president? >> yes. >> commissioner torres?
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>> we had heard the average number of $125 million. >> that is a larger number that includes the public safety response as well. and so the $51 million will just be for the property damage related to the fema claim and not the fire management assistance and so there is a much larger bigger number for the multicounty effect and just for the public sector. >> so the taxpayers have to pay close to $70 million. >> and taxpayers have the right. you are right. >> the taxpayers have a bigger bill. >> and $3.5 million in the insurance cost and what is the total amount of the claims that we have submitted. >> we are submitting against the entire $35 million and so we are going and looking at every single dollar that we can recover. >> and we have just been told that the alleged perpetrater has been arrested and indicted and ready for federal court. >> it will mark the one year
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anniversary. >> do you know when he is going to court? >> i don't know that. >> thank you. >> you bet. summary of next steps, restoration work, 75 percent complete on work, emergency work debris removal, 64 percent completed on the construction for the permanent work projects where we are timely filing all insurance paperwork and we have to do that against the actual expenditures and actually the fema claims and it is almost down with the work sheet and obligation letters and so they are moving ahead, and they are moving as fast as it can. and we talked with the families regularly, weekly if not daily. the next commission update will be october, 20, 15 and then i will come back to you and let you know if we have any budgetary questions, or need for supplemental, but i don't anticipate them at this time and i will close with a picture of the fire restoration for the distribution lines. we were done with the major
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distribution lines, repair work as of august first, and you can see a before and an after picture there and just, the dramatic work that the men and women up in the country have been doing. >> so thank you. >> thank you very much, commissioners? >> this is not your area, but i was just wondering have we learned any lessons from this fire? short of not having another one? certainly, i would think that there would be some lessons that we have learned. >> so to address that question, we actually about an after action report on the whole fire and how we responded in our personnel, and there are some things on communication and other areas that we need to improve. and so we are looking at that, and there is also some areas which were inaccessible for various reasons and we need to make sure that we have adequate access to the facilities in the feature and there are numerous things that we have identified and there is a lesson learned that we are actually
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implementing. >> sure. >> and on this city-wide front we have shared three of those lessons learned and also participated in city wide training on cost recovery. and the men and women in our it department at the sfpud developed a photo map, app that is now available to all city departments, to be able to track condition of assets before damage, as well as upon insurance renewals on july 1, and then that is available through the js network as well and we run three trainings with the controllers office and also the city administrator's office to all city departments in the month of august. and as well as shared materials for emergency preparedness and desk manual references and wallet cards so that all departments could use the sfpud templates if they wish the departments to be further prepared. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, todd. >> i just want to add that