tv [untitled] August 17, 2014 2:30pm-3:01pm PDT
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all of that to make transit traffic more and more move more wisely through the area. and the only thing i'll comment on i think this is a great first step i may have mentioned this is from the 25th largest convention center to the 17 largest in the united states. as a city we're somewhere between 12 and 14th larger in population there are others cities that are of the same population but more important than that there are a lot of cities that attract the convention because of the appearance and the larger ones that attack if you kwemgz by a more significant thing the convention center is the largest in the i didn't in you include
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the santa fe but people think of conventions more important in terms of world and national interest san francisco rates between the top three or four people want to go to conferences as we move forward this is a first step we'll have to continue to look at fire chief expansion to allow us to have conventions that allow more space as what happens time going on kwemgz bet larger and will attract more people. the good thing we may not have the largest convention center but one of the most attractive with the open spaces and we have
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a place that oofrlz the area and the buildings it's a very nice experience and probably other places i'm not only speaking for one spotty happened to see that one i'm very much in favor of the project and support it. >> commissioner sugaya. >> thank you yes. when john comes to speak i'm other than the edge of my seat. i note that nike has said that he i don't think hesitate one hundred percent supportive as he said but it comes down to the center making a lot of accommodations for what the community minded especially in terms of the traffic
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transportation on 79sz pedestrian side for him to say it's a matter of some details i think is quite commend able to the project sponsor to accommodate the needs of todco in the community. that said i know there's been a letter sent to the commissioners in which i think john is still hedging his bets to make sure that things get implementedrepo
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requests part of our specific approval today or not mr. staff and number one number 2 is the comment. >> hi commissioner johnson there are through the mitigation monitoring program that is a result of the eir and included in the condition of the approval there's mitigation dealing with the pcos to have the translation management plan that includes the discussion around parking control officers as well as if you want more details i can i'm going to turn it over to the colleagues and the m m rp are conditions of the entitlements their included. >> as i saw the m m r t that was my question thank you very much.
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a couple of other things i ask those questions because being on the successor commission i agree because of the dividing of the redevelopment a lot of the forums for public comment and also for looking at this project we're sort of taken away i appreciate the project sponsor was able to work with the community i see that a lot really, really positive changes have been made. one final thing on transportation i know that one person mentioned bicycle safety and neglecting through the area i have the same concern when i was on another agency commission i don't think there's enough done on bicycle safety there small business specific at least sort of shared bike lanes added to the project and i'm not sure
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the mitigation of saying that traffic south of the bike lane will be moved by the parking control officer parking control officers will be getting to the networking of howard street i'll add that in as a potential thought are some of the changes that are part of the project sponsor specifically part of the approvals today, i wasn't sure that my comment needed to be part of the motion i don't think it does that's my comment i'm supportive of the project and thank you >> commissioners there's a motion and second to certify the environmental impact report with the staff. >> on that motion. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to
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zero. >> go ahead and move to approve items can i do it if bulk 13 abc. >> d is a variance sorry. >> the zoning administrator. >> on that motion to adapt the sequa finding to approval the determination of compliance and the consideration of the general plan referral. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously zoning administrator would say close the public hearing and grant the variance >> thank you commissioners i zoning administrator that will place you on item 16 of your regular calendar for the next case. at 2369 mission street request
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for conditional use authorizati authorization. >> good afternoon. eric can jackson planning staff before you, you have a conditional use authorization to establish a new retail mobile within one thousand one hundreds square feet on mission street no changes to the building are property as part of the project the project is a relocation of the t mobile store the project was note for the 20 days time
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periods commissioner johnson wanted me to clarify the commission has received no comment and this is for a new formula retail use within the transit zoning district and with the bulk district that concludes my presentation. i'm available for questions. >> thank you project sponsor. >> no project sponsor? okay opening for public comment is there any public comment on this item seeing none, public comment is closed commissioner antonini >> well, despite the absence of project sponsor it seems pretty state your name for the record we're basically having a relocation of the same formula retail use from one location to
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another as was presented in the staff report we have quite a few of the active commercial spots and only 24 are formula retail so there's not a proliferation of that and 50 vacancies so, i mean you don't know i don't think this has a negative impact navigate it's a positive one everybody's is afraid of the digital divide and having the access to the types of devices you'll need to become involved with the type of communications with cell phones and muni annie think it's a good thing i move to approve. >> commissioner moore. >> i want to talk about the positive impact that formula retails are feeling the pinch on
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the square footage cost of the establishment. as we often is many of the formula retails occupying spaces for their use i see this as a positive move it's the first time i've seen it happen and i want to kind of say that formula retail in smaller spaces would not be as impacting as when they are occupying new spaces and not improperly using the space >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i hate 2 when project sponsors are not here i don't know if i get to say it's disrespectful but they should at least send someone. >> commissioners there's a motion and second to approve that matter commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya.
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no. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes that 6 to one with commissioner sugaya voting against and places you on item 16 aba for the next case. at 16 - request for a conditional use authorization and the zoning administrator will consider a request for a variance >> good morning commissioner president wu and commissioner jessica of planning staff the case is a conditional use authorization to allow a carefully facility doing business as as arithmetic academy providing day kevin care in the rh1 zoning district the use of the property will be replied by the childcare use. currently right now the property
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operates a carefully facilities for 12 to 14 children and currently owned and occupied by the project sponsors due to increased demands of the caregiver requests and not finding enough property that is loss located in close proximity to youth and families the project sponsors are seeking this conditional use entitlement. the project sponsors hope to expand the capacity up to 36 children ages 2 to 5 and a half years old and the children will be deposited off in the morning between 8 and 9 the project sponsors have expressed the zoning in front of their places
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according to the project sponsors the day care facility will help are the loading and unloading to help with the traffic patterns. since it's projected to provide childcare up to 36 children will need parking and the garage is being commemorated to a play area to meet the children's guidelines for the interior open space to s so it requires a conditional use they've received opposition from increased traffic to double-parked cars loss of off-street parking and dlrd access for motor vehicles and the negative see effects of a non-residential use within a residential area.
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in addition to the letters received i have a 14 for your review the department has received several letters of support due to long waiting lists for childcare from the letters ever support received some were from the residents of the sunset the outer sunset has submitted a letter of support. finally the department received a letter asking to, removed from the petition. the commission needed to grant a conditional use authorization the department recommends approval with conditions we're recommending because such a large portion of children and
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working families and people flight from san francisco we need this the demanded for childcare is indicated by the long wait lists and the project sponsor has expressed to maintain the character of the properties to allow tore easy conversions back to single-family homes and finally the project sponsors is going to apply for the loading zone to reduce traffic and parking concerns. that concludes my presentation. and i'm available for questions >> thank you. project sponsor
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>> good afternoon commissioners i'm marching from garden public community i'm here representing the project sponsor steven and isabel incline mr. incline will prefer not to speak because was a childhood disease with you he's happy to answer my questions. i'd like to request that some of my time be set aside for my best partner that wants to speak at the end of the testimony periods. the san francisco academy has existed i'll put this on - >> if you refer to the older there it is. >> there it is has exist since 1998 this is a prizewinning
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school from stuart hauling hall to the best of the best magazines for 2013 and 2014. there has been a sizeable waiting list for years the clients searched for a property that meets the state and city reminders especially wards to open space requirements and no property is better suited other than it needs remodeling to accommodate more children. the academy has never been sited by the social services, in fact, the inspectors say you're a model facility we're wasting our times here if all facilities were like users we would be out of a job never complaints from resident from the 16 years of
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childcare it's a modified proposal to increase the schools capacity from 12 to 36. in october 2013 mr. kline wrote to all residents and invited them to stop by or e-mail only one resident responded and that's someone wanting to enroll his child the planning department sent out the nose only then did the residents pay attention and circulated a petition focusing that on too main issues diminished property values we immediately hosted a meeting at the school approximately 10 residents showed up. after the jill 29 meeting we wrote to the residents again explaining how research indicated property values are
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not damage by the schools in their neighborhood and their enhanced and cited newspaper studies the property will remain zoned rh1 and we explained how drop-offs and picks up will be stalgd and future some students are only part time and picked up in t in the middle of the day. i understand that today, the planning department had a special seminar on the subject of responding to childcare facilities a practical guide in that it says for those reasons in discussing parking for smaller childcare centers which
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this size of this facility which is a total of 36 on for smaller childcare centers fewer then 40 children loading and unloading drop-offs should be available for activities. currently there are 3 teachers one works and two uses the public transit we have part of the center for sustain boirlt according to the founder and director quote the academy is a model program for how it could be in public schools they totally get it they look at preschool education and most preschools are babysitters it lacks the quality and its important that quality
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preschools be allowed to expand in order to keep families in the sky unquote we live in a city where parking and traffic are daily factors people's no. 1 public streets are just that public and public parking is just that public parking but the kline's will do everything possible to mitigate any impact they'll have on parking and traffic and this modified or - let's make san francisco an education city first. thank you >> we have photos here at 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon
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there's a lot of off-street parking parking and this is where everybody comes home they have two car garages and one car inside. okay. thank you >> mrs. garland if you want another member of your project team to speak this is their opportunity rather than at the end. >> okay. >> good afternoon commissioners i'm steven i will ivy, address the commission i also wanted to say there was a solicitation to my hues from a realtor from prudential that was trying to list my house and had 12 liks equalizing prices and the sales prices were significantly higher it's no secret san francisco property is in high demand and people want to have a home near
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a school or church so it is something they look at. in your packet i'll see go significant relevant individuals and families that have kids in school it's desirable because the waiting list not all schools are alike it's very much desired it's comparable it's not easy to find a school it meets the city requirements in addition to all the states requirements there meditates to be open space and in this case, the backyard services that as children services that's very, very convenient. the big thing you'll hear opposition because there's fear out there this is instilled it
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will make a better project i wouldn't want this project with prudent companies such a maybe requiring that a staff monitor greet the cars as and come and depart so in orderly and a safe manner in addition i'll say this this is going to be a fact of life in san francisco and throughout san francisco and it is something that i think we can all do together we're a can do city and at the end of the day i hope you'll please approve that with prudent conditions so it doesn't have adverse companies but only combasz embarrass the life in san francisco >> thank you. i'll open it up
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for public comment please line up on the screen side of the room (calling names) the first speaker can come to the podium. >> hi, i'm maria i had a childcare and it was a small childcare he had a 3 year waiting list. i feel the children will need childcare in the city our block is not for that they say they bring in children from according to their writing from the burlington to marin county those are europeans that are coming on
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vacation they leave their children there. the cost for the childcare is very high in the city but this is extremely high for people in the neighborhood or or city in as a whole not everybody can afford that fee we should address the childcare that's already here i like my facility. i know we should address the childcare that are there they need a boost and help from the city and that's for childcare that's how i feel we hope you all don't approve that there's a lot of traffic and extra noise we like our block the way it is they need to find another place 367 children is too much.
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thank you so much and iowa all due respect i hope you don't approve it >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> hello commissioners. i'm josie i'm the founder of arts and our mission to connect the gifted with the youngest and most vulnerable citizens of the bay area through art projects that explore links between classical and fine arts discipline i've had an opportunity for an entire year to go to the academy and work with this academy and have artists such as the distinguished person and hive been really, really impressed with not just the quality of the
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instruction but with the care and concern of both the parties have shown to neighbors that i have shoen seen and their contact with the parents. their communication with the parents and their understanding with the parents as to their place in the neighborhood i for one when we teach children we get contact information from parent we have meetings are parent and parent chiropractor fully in whatever place we work i work with folks in hunters point we have folks that bring folks from all kinds of walks it takes a village we need to keep children in san francisco it's important this model
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