tv [untitled] August 20, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT
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forward. thank you very much. >> i am actually going to be speaking as a civic leader because i attended three of the community out reach meetings it is hard to say that i represent all three groups that were reached out to. i think that to be the bar owner and well intended and to try to have a new business into the neighborhood but as far as the alee ans, we are neutral on this business because we do not really support any idea of having any new liquor licenses brought into our neighborhood
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because it impacts the police we are not seeing any police staff coming into the neighborhood and any time that there is going to be a tax on the police, we have a problem with that. and again there were three protests, and i think that the reason for the out reach was done, in part because of the fact that a consultant was hired to help the bar owner, realize how to do that. and the community out reach, which again, is great to see it happened. as it happened. as far as the community out reach, like i said i sat through three different presentations. there was one presentation where it was asked, what is the floor plans, there was no floor plans being presented at the meetings. and so nobody could really get a concept of what the business would look like. and i think that is kind of important when there is a new build out or you have to submit
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that to abc and your floor plans and i think that is just a legitimate request that the floor plans or some sort of mock what will the business look like, so, and then, it is hard for the people to conceive the one that are just being talked to and not shown any diagrams. other than that, like i said, i am going to maintain a neutralty and i wish them luck and i think that they will have the support of the committee, but, i wish to also point out that any new business should continue to do out reach, and in order to be a good neighbor. so i hope that they take that into account that this is not do the out reach initially to get the permits but to continue to do the out reach, and to continue to reaching out to the community members, and because that way, they are truly a good neighbor. and thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please?
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>> i was pleased with her out reach and my concern is too many bars in the neighborhood and in that block alone of the probably 12 commercial, spaces at least nine of them sell liquor, you can't ask for it being any more convenient than that. granted, i like the fact that it is eco friendly, the noise factor, of not having bottles and the fact that she is going to deal with the people on the outside, loit tering and smoking and what are you problems and is approachable, that is good, but one of the
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things that everyone needs to consider when we look at these liquor licenses once you grant that license, if there are no conditions attached, that bar can flip the following week and that new person that takes over makes none of those commitments, if there are no conditions. that is a concern of mine. because when we grant these licenses she has every well intent and she is a two time cancer survivor. and hopefully she will stay cancer free. but if she does not, the bar gets sold and it goes to a new owner and that new owner may not be near as hospicable and that is the issue that i rise. as far as the bar, it is a small bar, it is a small space, it is a 42 liquor license and it is not a 48, and i think that it is disengenius when we hear the reports on someplace that is vacant for four decades when you look at a situation of
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a police thing, take a look at the block, how many calls were made in that block of bars, how many police calls were made in that block, that is a much more better reading on what you have got in that corridor, rather than taking nothing, sure there is zero calls because there is no one at that address. so you are really not taking, it is kind of disengenius to say that. ask how many calls were made to whisy thieves, and to one of the other nine or ten bars there. or liquor establishments. so that is the issue that i will raise when you start looking at police calls at a specific address, but other than that i am not opposed to her having the bar and i hope and i wish her luck and i hope that she is very successful with it. >> thank you very much. >> and salt lake any other member of the public that would like to speak in please come
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forward. >> hello, my name is christie misona and i am the resident manager at 850 geary apartment building which is the building above the tender and i have a letter here that i wanted to read from one of the tenants, who lives directly below the bar. and here it goes. to whom it may concern, i live at 850 geary a building that has been in breathing life and quality standard of living to an area that has been and still is in the lingering undeveloped parts a ses pool of drugs, street walkers and all that makes an area a slum. i am trying to understand why there is resistance of any kind for a sophisticated wine bar, that will service professionals such as myself, a realtor, who live and work and embrace the growth of legitimate businesses, and neighbors in
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the tender loin. as i san francisco native, mother, and taxpayer, tender, is what should be happening on the 800 block of gear geary street and i also wanted to say, we are not really concerned about the noise. all of the tenants are really excited for her to be here. and i am really nervous, i am sorry. >> you are doing great. >> next speaker. >> if you like to speak, please line up to your right and our left. go right ahead, sir. >> right here? >> hello my name is justin, and i am a small business owner. i operate my art gallery that i have for 12 years on geary and larkin at 886 geary street and so i am on that block and i know it very well. and i also live in an apartment above the gallery that i own. i own the property. and i have been struggling as a
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small business owner for 12 years to try and help make that neighborhood better, and specifically that block better. so, when i finally have the chance to meet miss lipton a few months ago and she is pleasant and wonderful and found out what she was planning on doing and i was excited to find out that someone was going to open up a wine and cheese bar which i will be attending and spending a lot of my money there and enjoying with a lot of my friends and to address the issue of police calls and i live on the block and i have a picturesque window that overlooks the block and it is probably one of the safer, mellower, blocks in the neighborhood, and we rarely, rarely ever get police calls there. and i look forward to help to curate the shows and i know that her business is going to bring me more business, thank you very much. >> thank you, next speaker.
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>> my name is john gorly and i have the good fortune of 2002 from moving from the panhandle to my boyfriend's apartment right hand hide and geary and it was kind of a mixed blessing because panhandle is the nice pretty neighborhood and the tender loin, well, in that respect it was not quite so nice i would describe it as a less amenable in some reports at that time, my recollection is that building at 850 geary was to be generous and it was not an eye sore but it certainly was not positive vocal point in some sense that building and any building if it has windows for the street
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level businesses, they can be seen as the eyes of a face and in this case, those eyes were kind of like cataracts like an old dog that had not been well treated and was in, and at any rate, in the last two years, that building has been renovated in a way that has really raised it and it has become kind of a high point of that side of the block. and the those, eyes they underwent surgery and they were covered up and there was evidently something going on behind it one would hope, just like all of the face of the building that it was going to be a transformation there. and i must say that i rolled my eyes when i saw the type of security covers that were put in there and these kind of forbiding metal doors that roll down. and to protect the windows.
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and then, not so bad, they got painted and then in the case of tender, there is actually a very nice i am not sure if it is a mural but there is a painting that draws the eye and it is a pleasant thing. all of this makes me think that i am eager to see those eyes opened up, and a vital business going on behind there that in the way that somebody might have their eye lids tattoos when they are asleep, you look forward to seeing those eyes open and see the vitality that is going on evidently behind those, and miss l. pi. ton she has lived in the city long enough to have two kids, who are in school, and i mean they were one of them is in high school, i understand and the other one about to go to high school and born in the city. and she is a part of the city, and is making a substantial commitment to continue to develop and be a part of the development in this city.
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i thought it was kind of cute when they named it... >> thank you. >> acknowledgment of, but her out reach... >> thank you. >> for the rest of the... >> we have to give everyone the same amount of time as a matter of fairness. >> you are... >> you are also making me think about seeing my optomitrist but i appreciate the comments. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker please? >> good morning, supervisors. and i live in the district where the beer and wine liquor license is wanted. as you know, not much business
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rolls up from market street, the street that you or the board of supervisors really focus in on to bring the hey days back of the days gone by. of the city. but, i don't think that adding more liquor licenses or beer and wine or places that are cloaked and well places period that are cloaked under the name of beer and wine and would be selling liquor. but they will still be selling beer and wine spirits. but, the thing is, the area is already saturated with all kind of beer and wine. or so-called restaurants that sell just beer and wine or whatever that the mayor is
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allowing or the board is allowing to come into the areas that already don't have enough places for kids to play. so, there may be a tax on sugary beverages and if we focus on the kids, as this board has proven to do, we should not add another so-called beer and wine establishment in the district, and in the tender loin area that i live in. fresh treats and vegetables and i understand that the person is a long term resident in this city and has two kids that went to school and stuff. but i don't think that this should be able to pass to the full board, because we have enough of beer, wine, places and there is not enough businesses, not enough business
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rolling in from market street, the crown of our city. and also, even though we will be having the hospital built in a little while, i wonder how much business will be rolled into the area. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker please? >> hi my name is chris esketa and i am a small business owner here in san francisco and i am opening a restaurant next door to tender, and i think that this is exactly what the neighborhood needs, i think that we will bring quality individuals to the area. and more importantly, a quality establishment, and care about the neighborhood and we really hope to be a part of revitalizing the neighborhood and i think that there, you know, there should be no issues. and you know, obviously there is a quality establishments and
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these other kind of places that are going to get the people that normally would not come to the area because there is maybe nothing of that caliber or quality into the neighborhood. and it is also going to attract other businesses, and other small business owners to want to be a part of the neighborhood. and hopefully it makes everything better. >> thank you sir, next speaker? >> good morning. >> my name is mickey and i will be working along with miriam and i met her in 1991 when i moved to san francisco and she is very committed to keeping her business and her family in the city, and it is an amazing place to be. and i think that what is really something mostly besides working with her, was the concept of the keg beer and i have been the general wine buyer in the city for 20 years and the main complaint when i worked in the south of market,
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was the bottles of recycling and that problem was being relieved and i think that alone is a great reason to welcome her and her passion to the neighborhood. >> any other member of the public who has not spoken? seeing none, public comment is closed. again, i want to thank all of the members of the community who have come out and spoken. and i guess that i will speak from my perspective and i understand the concerns about the number of alcohol establishments that are going into this neighborhood and i think that calls for a different discussion and larger discussion. and i would say that, i have been impressed by the presentation from the applicant and i do believe that this applicant is committed to being a good neighbor to being a responsible member of this community. and for me, the fact that the district supervisor and the
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police department and members of this community have come forward, and speaks to that. and so i believe that in the context of what is permissible here that we have someone who is going to make sure that you know, she does right, not only for her business but also for the community, and i don't have a problem with people working with consultants if that means that it is a good out come in terms of community out reach and so i am certainly prepared to move forward with the recommendation and i do want to thank the members of the community for bringing out this issue of the fact that independent of what happens here, we need to make sure that there are other establishments in this neighborhood and especially for families with kids, and i know that supervisor kim is working very hard to make that happen and so colleagues? any comments or thoughts? >> supervisor mar? >> i wanted to say that i totally agree with my colleague, supervisor campos and i want to make a motion that we move this with a
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positive recommendation as a committee report for consideration of the july 22, board meeting. >> great if we could take that without objection, thank you very much. >> if you could call the next item. >> item number threehearing to consider that the transfer of a type 21 off-sale general license from 601 van ness avenue to 1 jefferson street (district 3), to john kevlin for garfield beach cvs, lcc, and longs drug stores california, llc, dba cvs, will serve the public convenience or necessity of the city and county of san francisco. >> great if we could hear from the applicant, either john kevlin or mark? >> supervisors, thank you so much for your time this morning, i am genius with the law firm and mr. kevin is out of the country at the moment, this is an 8,000 square foot cvs on the corner of jefferson and it is under construction right now and schedule to be completed in the fall and this is a convenience store only and not a pharmacy here. and one interesting thing about this item the alcohol use
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itself, the 8,000 square feet is the total retail area, and only 250 feet will be devoted to alcohol and it is a small component of the retail for this location. the license as would mention is being transferred from another location on polk street and not an increase in the district three number of licenses. our out reach consisted of fisherman's wharf and working closely with the merchant's association. and there are no residents nearby and no opposition to that we are aware of and we are in agreement with all of the conditions that have been proposed and happy to answer any questions that you have. >> thank you. >> supervisor mar? has a question? >> i just wanted to ask him, you mentioned that there is no pharmacy at this cvs, how many in the city don't have pharmacies? >> this actually might be the only one, i think that most of them are certainly and its business is a pharmacy based plan and this one does not have pharmacy. >> and i appreciate all of the materials that we have received
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on this site, and is there a 7 eleven around the corner and a bullet point between the cvs and the 7-eleven could you explain that. >> i think that the cvs is a larger and i think that we are familiar with how a 7-eleven works and they are kind of both convenience stores, for sure, i think that the offerings that a cvs brings to the neighborhood you know is highly trafficked pedestrian area and lots of tourist and goods that would not be available at a 7-eleven, 7-eleven is quick for candy and food and a lot more available and convenience goods and travelers will appreciate. >> what a perfect spot by the pier 39 parking garage. >> it does not get better than that, thanks. >> thanks, why don't we hear from santos of the alu. >> the alu and investigational reading regarding garfield beach cvs llc doing business as
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cvs farmly 10391, one jefferson street. on behalf of the garfield beach cvs has filed an application with the california department of alcoholic beverage control, seeking the type 21 license for the number one jefferson street. cvs has set the goal of enhancing the over all convenience of adding the sales of wines and beers and spirit and for the purpose of this hearing, the california department of alcoholic beverage control, seeks a determination from the board of supervisors as to the approval or the denial, of this license. in respect to the police calls for service, from april of 2013 to april of 2014 there have been zero calls in respect to the police reports from april, 2013, to april, 2014, there have been zero reports as well.
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the premises is located in the plot 110. the plot has 136 police reports recorded for the year 2013. and the applicant premises is located in a high crime area. and the premises is located in census tract, 101.00. and the population for this tract is 3739. on sale license, authorized by the census track are 12 and the active on sale licenses are 71. off sale licenses authorized by the census track are three. and the active off sale licenses are 13. and the applicant premises is currently located in an undue con concentrated area. there are zero letters of protest received by the california department of alcoholic beverage control. and in respect to the letters of support, there have been
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none recorded with the department of alcoholic beverage control. >> the dean approved the off sale use and the regulations shall apply. you recommend the approval with the following conditions attached. number one, sales of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted only during the hours of 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. and number two, no one shall be served with an alcoholic content greater than 15 percent by volume except for dinner lines, which have been aged two years or more. and number three, the alcoholic beverages shall not be sold in containers, or bottles 375 mill litter and under. and number four, no malt alcoholic beverages shall be sold. and number five, the petitioner shall be responsible for maintaining free of litter the area adjacent to the premises or which they have control.
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number six, loitering, defined as to stand idly about and go aimlessly without any business, prohibited to the property, under the control of the license, as particular on the applicant's 257 form and lastly number seven, the exterior of the premises shall be equipped with the lighting of sufficient power to eliminate and make easily decertainable the appearance and the conduct of all persons on the premises and additionally, it shad not disturb the use of any neighbor residents. >> thank you. >> colleagues any comments or questions? >> seeing none, why don't we go to public comment? >> thank you. >> i have not received any speaker cards, but if there it any member of the public that would like to speak, come forward. >> thank you. >> good morning, good morning,
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supervisors. i would ask that you approve this. because i think that cvs is a great neighbor, and none unlike walgreens ha has a pharmacy in it and has a liquor license on powell street. but i do ask you to approve cvs getting their liquor license, they are a great neighbor, and i like the stores a lot, thanks. >> thank you very much. >> is there any... >> okay, mr. nolty. >> michael nolty and i will start with ditto, but actually if you recall that i had a large issue around walgreens and i think that sometimes there was a point when david chiu was going to actually start the legislation to ban additional alcohol permits to pharmacies. but then, again, you have to also look at the big picture
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and that is we are losing our small pharmacies and then we have the big pharmacies and of course, obviously, walgreens has become the biggest on every corner kind of a thing at least in the district six. and i think that it is great to see a competitor come along and knock them down a couple of pegs and i have to be supportive of cvs and i think that they listened to us a couple of times and on the suter store they chose to do what they did there and when they did there and cvs decided for do their store at on 7th and market, they chose not to put alcohol and again they listened to the community and they started to understand, the community issues. so, i think when corporations understand or listens to the community and acts like a community partner, then they should get the support of the
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community when they don't listen to the community and all that they care about is money, and then, i think that i don't know if you are aware of it, but walgreens was actually not going by the regulations and they were passed when they were on the powell street address, and they actually were breaking the conditions that they asked for that we had to go to a administrative hearing. and you know, so, they could say one thing and of course they can do what they want because they are a big corporate entity. and there is no checks and balances. so, hopefully, cvs will continue to be a more of a role model in the community. and listen to us and when they place the new stores into the san francisco. and so, i appreciate them, and doing what they are doing, thank you. >> thank you very much. >> and any other member of the public, seeing none, public
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comment is closed. >> colleagues, do we have a motion on this item? >> so we have a motion by supervisor yee to move this item forward as a committee report if we could take that without objection. >> without objection, thank you very much. >> if we could now go to item number 4. >>ordinance amending the administrative code to expand the category of jail inmates eligible for the home detention program; and authorizing the sheriff to implement an electronic monitoring program to pretrial detainees being held in lieu of bai >> great, thank you. >> and now we are going to hear from the sheriff, and i also want to note that our under sheriff is here as well. sheriff? good morning. >> good morning, mr. chair, and supervisors, and good morning, thank you. and i'm ross rucameri, for the city and county of san francisco. and we were also joined here by the san francisco adult
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probation department in the san francisco public defender in support of this legislation. and this legislation really is simple, the state of california in statute under 1203.016, enables all county sheriff's departments to enact an electronic monitoring program also known as home detention for sentenced inmates and with the advent of ab 109, a new statute in the state rtion known as 1203.018, creates the ability for county sheriffs to create a electronic monitoring program for pretrial detainees and i don't think that it is uncommon knowledge that throughout the state and this country, a high percentage of detainees and those within the jail, county jail systems a high percentage are pretrial.
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