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tv   [untitled]    August 21, 2014 1:00am-1:31am PDT

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school is a small block away 4 houses and the school yard it literally 40 feet those guys are not talking to people i didn't hear about the april hearing and your staff never told me i sent in the primary objections they never informed me i get a letter a formed letter this is way out thank you. >> hi good afternoon, commissioners sorry i'm morris the project sponsor just to reiterate we've been in connect with the owner of this year i know with there's some disconnect between the owner and
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tenants and if those guys they can deal with the plan our height is matching with the brick building we're not faking anything regarding what the marshal elementary school we met with the school principle and one of development they were unaware of the extensive meditations we took 3 hundred work loads of contaminated soil we won't have a lot of traffic and deliver it will be from van ness and 16th street i'm hoping you guys will push for the two weeks we've already given the
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july 10th extension. we feel we've been more than cooperative and hoping for the first week in september please. thank you. >> good afternoon. my name is is rick i'm a tenant in also speaking on behalf of the light temple association the red stone building is adjacent to this project. the red stone temple association is the tenants group within the building about 35 tenants more or less a hundred people represented we've long opposed this project and i'm speaking and the labor temple association is strongly in favor of a minimum one month continuance so the actual marshal parents can participate and be involved in the process of this. this project.
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i know the project has been going on for a longer there's been a hiatus of two or three years all of a sudden there's this huge placard on the fence around it. being a tenant in the building adjacent i've received no information of the all of a sudden public meetings on valencia gardens this is the school is a mere half block away and will have a great effect on the traffic around the school primarily true most of the because it's a one way most of the traffic will go on - and try to keep our comments to the continuance >> allow the marge parents to have more say it will definitely effect the playgrounds and
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school. thank you >> thank you. >> thank you shawn the project sponsor arrest i'm here to report we will respectfully support either continuance, however, i urge you to pick the soonest the sooner of the two. but only if their long and cumbersome process the coming off the earn neighborhood rezoning one can almost add the two layers of notification we've been talking about sites like this there's been a lot of talk about the eastern neighborhoods and this project and at some point the process is the process i will remind you 24 has been continued ones i learned the supervisor requested a second
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continuance. i know this morning and after discussing the matter and going back and forth and hearing the years and the time it took for this to go through the process after hearing and realizing there is already been been one 5 week extension we came to a compromise i realize there's not a hearing in two weeks but if all possible make it; four, the next available hearing we want to do more outreach and meat with others folks there maybe some things that note need to be addressed bus it's been pa long, long process thank you very much >> is there any additional public comment okay seeing none, public comment is closed. commissioner antonini >> yeah. i understand maybe i can ask the gentleman a question i understand the process has been going on for 4 years; is that correct. >> correct it's the very first
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preapplication meeting and going from 0 my notes commissioner antonini over and over again, the community said this built sooner rather than later you've seen 50 letters of the endorsement. >> there's been an outreach to the administration at the elementary school as was presented but i guess there's not been conversations with the members of the pta as yet is that the case. >> that's true we met with the facilities director mr. golden san francisco unified school district and showed him the shadow study demonstrates it as well we showed him the traffic
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study it doesn't go through the common path of travel and spoke to the 3 had had loads of contamination and that was part of the remediation. >> thank you. i appreciate the contact but my question is do you think you'll be able to contact the pta we have three weeks until our next hearing we have a hiatus of 2 weeks. >> it's we contacted the principle and asked by the supervisors to contact peter's his first day back on august 1st had a lengthy conversation he realizes there's an economic change going on in and around
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the area he's been there for seven years and also realize that the pta has gotten involved with mr. blue and others on the 16 mragdz that abuts the project and - >> thank you. well, not contacted anyone from the pta this has come up >> as part of the continuance you be on the names of whoever you can who are mechanics of the pta and try to reach them as early as possible and ask for their comments because i'm going to continue to the earlier day. thank you phil a that's fine. a couple of points on this for a reason i'm going to ask this to continue this to the sooner date it's been 4 years in the process i was part of the neighborhood meeting that included a lot of the neighbors cloig people that
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are here today. i thought it was very well done but it's a project pits compiled with the neighborhoods as the one we approved and there's been a lot of outreach already but to the point of the pta specifically i'm going to move to continue to the fourth unless there's a reason interests not been adequate contact made we can month move it forward. so anxious i find hard to believe that any member of the elementary school child would have a vacant lot then have a beautiful new building with tax dollars to the city having raised children and
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grandchildren i'd be surprised in the members of the school families again want it there i'm going to move to continue this to the fourth of september >> commissioner moore. >> i'd like to ask mr. lessor a practical question at what time will the school be back in session it will shed reality. >> next monday. >> thank you very much, sir. >> which day and mr. lining. >> the public is indicating that monday the is 18 will be the day that the parent and children are back at the school does the commission building that is an sufficient amount of time and sport commissioner
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antonini's motion? commissioners there's a motion and second to continue this matter until september 4th. monoon that motion >> commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong. commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. commissioners that places you on item 15 for the next case. at 645 texas street request for large project authorization >> good morning. >> commissioner moore. since removing a larger discussion out of order is everyone here to hear the other one? >> well, there's a public and . >> because the calendar it shifting around.
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>> we do have two speaker cards already submitted the public should know that items on the agenda do get modified on a regular basis and things get called out of order we can't give anyone of a specific time when a matter is called. >> thank you. good morning diego sanchez i present to you the large authorization it is for the institutional use for a 5 story mixed use building and retail space that will provide off-street parking located in a basement level. the project is located at the ends of the block founded by the second street to the west and within the m go u r the mixture
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residential street with a heightened bottle strict it requires you to grant the large authorization to allow the could mixed use building up to 91 dwelling units with the planning code section dwelling unit explore street frontage under the planning code and commissioners staff recommends that you take the above mentioned actions for the following reasons the project provides 91 unit two percent will be 2 bedrooms or larger it satisfies the oversight affordable housing and it has a 2 courtyard and small businesss on site.
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commissioners at the current rate that will produce $800,000 impact fees plus and the project is on balance consisting with the policies presentation. if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them thank you. >> project sponsor. >> good afternoon commissioner my name is kim diamond i'm the development developer for true mark, your honor, thank you you turning out to speak today, we appreciate the hard work you and your staff have provided. i want to spend >> few minutes talking about the dog patch and katrero hill our project is here then i'm going to turn it over to john of the architecture to talk about our plans and designs.
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for the past two years we've been reaching out to our residential and neighbors and walking the streets to let people know about the development and hear their questions and comments we'll have numerous one-on-one meetings and support for the project including approximately 20 letters of sport and 80 signatures. we're very proud of the signatures represent the combination of our neighbors and as well as people that work in the earners either their small business or employees we've designed and worked closely and collaboratively with our neighbors and presented our project to the dog patch and the katrero and received numerous support from the dna we've been fortunate to supports the effort of the leaders who build a
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children mraurdz in the heart of the dog patch. we look forward to the opening on this saturday >> true mark is very provide to be giving back to the neighborhood creating for outdoor space. we greatly appreciate the input of our neighborhoods at sierra heights as a result we've changed our design that are before you today. provisions to the building facade has been made to create more of a townhouse design and added 6 ground floor walk up units on mississippi i 22nd street and leementsdz the area of the building at the uppermost floor on mississippi and 22nd to
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reduce the site and retail space has been added to provide a neighborhood amenity and activity the street and finally removing the roof terrace we believe that all the changes in response to the neighborhood input received at the katrero has created a much improved project your plan is to provides 91 homes including 11 inclusionary units we're proud over 60 percent are two and three bedrooms to create more family oriented housing housing that will confer it by the trees and native plantings and night
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time sites on the corner of mississippi to enlighten the pedestrian experience the project will create over 2 hundred and 80 construction jobs over an 18 month period. and this program as we've talked about is a partnership with the united players to potential employment and education tunltsz within the construction industry. in closing, i want to add it's been a pleasure and honor to work with the residents and neighbors and we greatly appreciate all the work of the planning department staff i'm going to turn it over to of john of b d architecture that will present our design and plans thank you very much.
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>> good morning jonathan architecture. we'll should some plans and images that demonstrate the plans kim was talking about. you can see here the site with this white line around it we have a number of uses and to the north lighted industrial and single-family homes amend residential development and to the east we have live industrial uses this is the trip sdold shape in the multi single-family homes and this doesn't appear but we have a 25 foot grade change to push the limits of height we have to work closely
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with the staff and follow the slope down the street. the next slide ant washed out some key features showing the street landscape plan we've ringed the student with roughly 18 inches ordinance all sides in keeping with the pedestrian friendly project we have 6 stoops all around the project on all four sides that have an entrance from the floor this activates the street. we have the common courtyards in the mid and pedestrian assess. you can be walking down the sidewalk and see the gate to the
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courtyards it hold this barbecue and all kind of plantings >> the next slide is about our roof-deck we've removed from the project so i won't talk about that. briefly this is a basement plan to show you where the cars come in and out where the red arrows are. the active part in the lower right immediately a commercial area we counted add for some of the neighborhood outreach and we have the lobbies for the project and to the resident unit on that street. the next slide is illustrating a view of the black and white image and our project features
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high quality materials a cladding system and aluminum windows it's very rich palate of materials at the ground floor you can see the light the small reach out commercial area. and the next slide this is a view the real 22nd street master program that comes up 22nd street that culminates at the end of our project with bulb outs and you'll see the podium access we're talking about but it's nice to see we worked with staff to break down the building into 35 pieces in keeping with the santa fe san francisco pattern of development with smaller lots instead of mass of
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building we've zoomed in on the corner to see the retail a lot of folks from caltrain get off and supplied right or left we have nice lighting around the project to make it safe and at the ground floor the project has activated public uses. you can see on the lowest does the courtyard so you see did pronounced is set and designed you can move in and out of the courtyard onto the public sidewalks and see two stoop units the green set back and the private stoop and the project above plenty of beige >> and this i'll utility this
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sighed looking down trying to lulth this to step down the hill and be roughly in keeping with the project on the west if you have any questions, we'll be happy to answer them. >> we'll open for public comment if i call our name, please line up on the screen see of the room (calling names) the first speaker can come to the podium. >> i'm andy shaw i'm going to withdraw my objection we've pushed very, very hard and they've responded with a much better design that will fit the neighborhood better and our instruction with the department has been truly excellent credit to the planning commission >> thank you. next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, commissioners i'm a local sheet metal worker. and lives here in san francisco i want to an opportunity to speak to you on behalf of my brothers and sisters i'd like to voice a strong opinion for this residential project at 645 texas. the development will assure and create a direct and indirect construction jobs in addition provide balanced needed housing in san francisco. also this project beautifies the mississippi and texas in addition to street trees and native plantings.
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the aftermath of this project will hopefully keep middle-class families in san francisco as well as working thank you. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm peter garza i represent xarptsz 22 here in san francisco and represent the 16 hundreds residents members of san francisco and want to voice our strong support for this proposed residential development on texas street. we've participated in the pathways programs to connect youth to employment opportunities in the construction trade industry our hope to offer employment opportunities on this project to individual from within the area.
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and this is the specific immediate area those are good paying jobs with benefits it goes without saying they're a good developer for the city we're hoping you'll move this project forward thank you very much >> thank you. next speaker. i'll call more names (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is janet president of the dog patch neighborhood association i would to say we've worked successfully with true mark they've responded very well to suggestions by our members. several of which are 3 bedroom units keeping the look of the project in scale with the
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neighborhood bringing the height down slithering and changing the facades on second street it works with our what do you call it 22nd street is becoming our hub for people walking to and from the neighborhood up to katrero hill this project is going to be an asset to the neighborhood. also speaking from the point of the greening working with green trust sf i'm also the chair we talked to them about enhancing their facade with greening and working with our 22nd greening plan we've established over the last few years they were very nice about working with us on that with the butterfly habitat and the greening so we did vote unanimously at the dog patch
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association everyone is happy. i want to commend the group for working with the residents across the streets from the project even after we voted they continued to work with the neighbors and come up with are a better plan it's truly a neighborhood oriented developer it's been a pleasure to work with them 0 so, of course, i hope you pass the project thank you. thank you. >> good afternoon joel electrical workers local 6 we're going here in strong support of the project as proposed. true mark is the most responsible developer we've come into contact with we continue to work with them through the summer pathways programs. and encouraging city kids to be
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incorporated into our we have programs and workforce development again strongly support this texas project >> good afternoon, tim on behalf of the thirty plus members of the housing coalition the per diems came and making made a presentation they've reviewed it in daily and our members loved the project in particular with what was noteworthy more than the parking and all the tributes of the project this design really gets it in terms of which an viewing neighborhood it gits fits in, well a backdoor balanced neighborhood we love the affordable and remarkably parked in the