tv [untitled] August 21, 2014 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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such repair. upon approval of park code changes by the commission and the board of supervisors glen eagle golf partnership will establish san francisco resident rates to conform to the rate structures of other city owned golf courses. the department will provide them with access to easy links a new reservation system when it's installed in other city owned courses. upon approval of the changes by the commission and the board glen eagles golf partners may implement flexible pricing for golf use as we currently provide at hardening, lincoln and sharp park. the department supports the continued relationship between glen eagles golf partners and the first tee program of san francisco. the department recognizes the public purpose that would be served by
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them collaborating with the laborers, training community fund local 261 in establishing a a apprenticeship program, job training program at glen eagle and consent to it as landlord according to an approved operational plan. if you approve the term sheet you may delegate to the general manager responsibility to prepare a lease amendment consistent with these terms, or you may request that the complete lease language be returned to the commission for approval. in either case the extension would require further approval from the board of supervisors. >> we do have public comment. would you like to go to public comment commissioner? >> yes. just for the colleagues on the commission we will take public comment -- the
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public can address going into closed session or the line item. following public comment there will be a closed session which we will go into deliberation. >> i am confused we're having two public comments. >> no. >> oh i see what you're saying. i apologize. [calling speaker names] >> commissioners i am from the san francisco building trades council. one of the issues they have been consistent with since 2005 is advocating using public sector contracts to leverage access to our trades for candidates from under privileged neighborhoods and from the city of san francisco more broadly, and so i was an early supporter
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of the city build academy. i supported the public utilities commission of the use of the water improvement program to establish relationships with four community based organizations regionally and bring apprentices into the trades throughout northern california. i was supportive of the return of shops to john mcconnell high school and provisions and wrote and crafted provisions in the san francisco unified school district pla that ties the program more to our apprenticeship programs. for that reason i find the proposal to establish the apprenticeship program at glen eagle very, very exciting and very promising and i will note that sunnydale is perhaps most isolated neighborhood in san francisco, and yet has never had a relationship with the golf course right next to it, and
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this begins to break down those barriers and open up sunnydale and the residents to career in the trades, more specifically laborers but more the other trades as well and establish a relationship with the broader city by means of glen eagle so i am supportive of this proposal. thank you. >> okay. may, tony and then chris, ed, and thomas. >> good morning commissioners, uncle phil. i have been before you many times in support of the current operator of glen eagles. in the past we didn't really feel that glen eagles was concerned with the neighborhood. with this operator we feel much more comfortable and i hope you support us in supporting them and renew their lease as requested. thank you. >> thank you. so tony, chris, ed and thomas in any order.
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>> good morning commissioners. i am tony castillo with the laborers training community foundation, and i am here to urge you to approve to extend the lease which at the end it's going to help us develop an on site training center that will provide skills, upgrade training for the local residents. we're excited and we again urge this for your consideration. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> chris. [applause] >> and can we ask folks not to stand in front of the door, over to the side a bit please. >> thank you. good morning commissioners and general manager. i am chris cruel and a trustee with the training foundation and on behalf of my fellow trustees and ramon and
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oscar we are enthusiastically support of this and we provide preapprentice training around california. our first project was here five years ago at the plaza for the courts and some of the employees are got jobs here. many grew up in sunnydale and i can't think of a better place to have a training center in san francisco than glen eagles. there is work to be done and we pay young people and see if they want a life as a laborer and with this extension we can have a training policy so we ask for your support. thank you. >> thank you. >> ed, thomas and linda and linda and dennis. >> good morning commissioners and mr. ginsburg. i am ed reidy, i am the volunteer board
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chair of the jan palm center and the ark of san francisco. i know some of you are familiar with the work that the two facilities do. they work with people with disabilities as well as the elderly. we provide recreational services, job training skills, and all within the whole objective of creating independent living situations with folks with disabilities. with this community we have over 3,000 participants in our programs. we have facility near the zoo and lake mered as well as downtown here in san francisco as well. one of the things we're always looking for is partnerships for our participants, and one of the groups that has been terrific for us over the years, gone out of the way to help with this community has been glen eagles and the partnership really directed by tom shay. i think as you can imagine think of all of us and the networks that we
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have. you're a volunteer and i am a volunteer as well and involved in the community activities. for those with disabilities they don't have the options and oftentimes put in institutions or locked in their homes. the chance to go out and be in the community and participate on things that other folks do is a blessing for them and glen eagles has been wonderful allowing access to the course to do that and if you think of the first tee program which is a great program for san francisco what it does this is more than that because folks with disabilities often don't get the chance to go out and play on golf courses. well, the folks at glen eagles do that and continue to do that for the community. they have been actively involved. i can give tom a call and he steps up and then some always on this so we endorse and his support and hope that you will too in that consideration and thank you very much.
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>> thank you. >> thomas, lind a linda, and dennis. >> good morning commissioners. my name is thomas bassis and the golf superintendent at the golf club in san francisco and in 2008 we went through a massive renovation and found ourselves in a situation of having a great deal of extra resources that we could lend to a less fortunate golf course that being glen eagles. tom shay asked me if we could act in a big brother role for them and we established that relationship and did well with that. as a result i was able to with the blessing of my golf course help glen eagles out tremendous. in 2010 they under went a grass resurfacing project
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and i donated my time and resources and staff were able to restore all of the greens to near perfect conditions and to this day they're some of the best greens for the price at which you could play golf. we all did this for the betterment of golf realizing that people don't start out at a cal club playing golf. they start at glen eagleses. i have members that started there and this is where everything starts so this was on my clubs and a great pleasure on our end to give help and i will pledge my support to tom specifically and glen eagles because the way tom reflects the golf industry and helping those that want or enjoy the game of golf so i urge you to support tom in this operation. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker please. >> good morning commissioners and general manager ginsburg. i am speaking today as a member
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of the mccarren park collaborative and we meet monthly and following the passage of the park bond last year we have been working with the rd planning staff to come up with a 3-5 visioning plan for the park. i will like to bring that to your attention and work on the lease with glen eagles because i believe having a separate lease that is outside of that timeline plus our visioning should be taken into consideration and somewhat worked together so that perhaps at the five year mark or somewhere in the middle of all of that we come together and collaborate so that the overall visions of mccarren park and all of its facilities are part of the same conversation and i do want to complement tom. he's been recently very active with us. he's helped us with our
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fundraiser and i expect to see a lot more of that and i think it's really important it be a joint conversation and not a separate lease here and our planning around the rest of it, so i hope you do take that into consideration when you meet this afternoon and discuss the lease. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> hello. i am linda lighthizer and a member of the collaborative. i am speaking of an individual involved with mccarren park. i echo what she said. my concern built golf course it has for too long not been considered as part of mccarren park as the whole and part of that is the perception of other people who are involved with the park of not knowing much about the golf course and ways to get involved with the golf course itself and bringing that collaboration together, and
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i also commend tom shay for being a good partner with us to help bring that collaboration around. it's there. it just needs to be fosterd and worked on, so i am very excited to see what the future will be for mccarren park as a whole and with more people saying to me and others "oh there's a golf course in mccarren park." they need that education and need to get involved. i am excited about foot golf which is a new addition and played with a soccer ball and bring in a new demographic. it's in an experimental phase right now but i have seen it in other places and countries. the parks can solve into more activities and lots more collaboration so i am excited to see the project with the lease arrangements. i wrote a letter in july and a lot has happened since then and all
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positive. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. [calling speaker names] >> good morning everyone. i am dennis and straight out of hunter's point. 52 years ago i found myself on the golf course of glen eagle as a delinquent messing with the golfers, and 52 years later i now work for san francisco unified school district and i am employed by the golf program first tee, and so we've gone this route before in terms of golden gate park and its issues and now we're back again with support of glen eagles and so with that being said we served in the san francisco unified school district 10,000 kids in the after schools golf program and part of the community at
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visitation valley, visitation valley middle school has enjoyed a good collaboration with tom shay and his golf group. across the street -- right across the fence line is sunnydale housing project. one of the biggest success stories we have in first tee is having our kids come from that community and now playing excellent golf and are excellent citizens. how did that happen? they never thought they could have access to that course right across the fence line. they thought it wasn't reachable but with the collaboration with tom and san francisco unified school district and first tee we have been able to build community. isn't that important? when you talk about the kids don't have let's talk about what they can have and the jobs program he's proposing as long as with the collaboration with san francisco unified school district and also
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with the core value building of the first tee program we support -- i support tom's endeavor, his group's endeavor to make it an accessible course and a viable option for the kids in the community. please we encourage you to support tom and his efforts. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> tony anderson. i am the site coordinator of the visitation valley first tee program. good morning mr. ginsburg and commissioners. i am here also in support of the extension of the lease for the glen eagles golf course. as was indicated our program serves over 10,000 students throughout the school district. specifically at visitation valley we have 500 to 600
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students every year through the pe classes have the opportunity to go over to glen cany -- glen eagles and experience the course. it's a challenge. part of it is teaching perser verence and if you can do that at glen eagles you can do it anywhere so we're looking at this partnership that we established seven years ago to continue. our students -- we bus them from from the schools el dorado, cleveland, sheraton. they spend time at visitation valley middle school and then a culminating activity we take them to glen eagles and they get to see a real golf course and you would be surprised that many of the students that come from
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the neighborhoods they are actually surprised to know that there is a golf course in their community that they have access to where they can go, where their families can go, where they can participate as a community member, so without a doubt we feel that these extensions with the continuation of the lease will provide the access, the opportunity, and the fun experience for the kids who later will be citizens of our city of san francisco. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. so after leah we have eddie, rodney, solomon, paul and jay barrett. >> good morning. i am leah and i am a third generation from district 10. what tom and the laborers is doing is an community asset for the community. they're taking six
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year old under served children and giving lessons. the the percentage of children of color that play is less than 5% and they're exposing them to the area and the community and taking the idle time they had and giving them jobs and will lead to careers and changing the perception of the community and realizing they're hard workers that they're part of the community. this course is in the community and allowing them to work together and i am completely supportive of it. i believe they're hard working people and bringing people together and help the youth and the community to succeed and have a long thriving career. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning commissioners. i am rodney hampton and i want to say i am definitely in support of glen eagles. born
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and raised -- i am a product of the san francisco housing authority and i am 41 years of age and i remember being in the area and my mom and me and the kids -- brothers and kids running down the street, nothing to do, broken glass, boarded up houses. kids killing folks and kids don't. >> >> >> >> folks killing folks and kids don't have those experiences and i would do and throw eggs at the golfers and i attended cleveland and 40 years later i have the opportunity to teach my child and play golf and look at the caddy and actually see someone hit -- have an actual conversation in a building block of me and my son and this is a
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generation of change and that's what i want to be about and this is what my organization did and we help the people and i am the president of the organization and the founder of the hunter's point now and we are all about changing and social inequality and how do we help the mayor's 17 point job plan? this is one. if every division is taking accountability and doing what you can do right today and having glen eagles provide opportunities for kids so they can go from throwing eggs at the golfers to be trained to become the next tiger woods or the next person working at the state of the art golf course. we would like to have a minigolf course in the hunter's point and this is a major collaboration and we are looking to break loose into tsd title six. everybody look and stop. we're up under the
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one umbrella and let's share the resources and explore the ideas in the isolated neighborhoods so the kids can thrive and move into family foundations and unities and the fathers can be fathers to the children and move on in this nice diverse world and bring love, beauty and we are here to support glen eagles and hopefully you are too. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning commissioners and welcome commissioner wei. >> if i could get you to speak into the mic. >> i am speaking on behalf of offer western regional director. we advocate for employment through the chapters throughout california, oregon, washington, nevada and arizona. we particularly work to support and develop powerful community and labor partnerships that uplift
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economically disadvantaged communities with good paying jobs and benefits and opportunities. we strongly supports the work of glen eagles partners and the recreation and park department to renew the lease for glen eagles golf course particularly in light of the groundbreaking work force initiative developed in partnership with laborers local 261, the san francisco public utilities commission, the san francisco department of environment and community partners such as a phillip randolph institute of san francisco. apr chapters from around the country are in reno nevada for the annual convention and the glen eagles work force program is an important topic of conversation. that we are poised to enjoy glen eagles for many years to come with the additional benefit of a job training center that will
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provide a connection for sunnydale and visitation valley residents to gain access to good paying union jobs as greens keepers means that your commission is poised to do something truly extraordinary today. we strongly urge you to approve the lease extension for lincoln park golf course and in turn initiate a. >> >> >> glean eagles golf course and a model for the nation. thank you. >> thank you. >> eddie, paul and jay. >> good morning commissioners, general manager ginsburg. i have spoken before this commission before. it's a pleasure to see you commissioner mcdonnell sitting on this commission and welcome commissioner wei for coming on to this exciting hopefully approved lease extension item that we're going to be discussing today. you have heard a lot today from the community labor partnership
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that exists on the practices of glen eagles that he spoke to and the partnership and how sunnydale and visitation valley residents will have access to this program that has been established around it and adheres to three principles that bright line has believed in. first is the concept of local hire making sure san francisco residents, economically disadvantaged residents to work when they want the opportunity. second, the investment in the neighborhoods that you have seen such support today and that the neighborhoods support this lease extension wholeheartedly and third on a light night entertainment. the idea of having an community sound community oriented golf course. we don't see that in san francisco with the rising
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costs and we ask for your support and hope it passes today. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> i am tom [inaudible] and here to support the lease extension for glen eagles. i come to this discussion here today as an outsider. i got to know glen eagles a few years ago and tom shay's children and my children go to the same school at [inaudible] and tom suggested the idea to host a fundraiser at his golf course and upon so we did so and familiar -- phenomenal for the school and we noticed the welcome being nature of the staff and the professionals we observed there. since then that excited a lot of the other folks that participated in the fundraiser and we scheduled
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others and i think other schools are considering it and seems to me like this course is a well kept secret. since then i have golfed there on numerous occasions and what struck me is the incredible diversity of players that are there and having golfed at different courses it's something you don't see, certainly in the higher end courses, so to me in this day and age you need courses like this and management like this to bring these equality and access for everyone to these courses so i am here to support it and thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker and as a reminder if you have handouts to commissioners please hand them to me and i will distribute them. thank you. come on up jay. you want these distributed? >> yeah, that would be great.
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thanks. okay. everything's all well and good, everything that is said. i am trying to get this open, this bid open, fair fight. okay. everything that everybody said is totally correct and good but what we're talking about is a golf course,. all this other stuff is fine. look at the photos that are being harchded to you. this is san francisco asset beaten into the ground and almost destroyed. okay. if you owned a house and had a carpenter come in and put windows in and did a crappy job. okay. you reluctantly pay him and hey i can put the doors in too. what are you going to do? sure, go for it. no, come on. i will get someone else, so why not open this up for brian
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smith. this guy has a good team. he's got great greens keeper, two good partners with him. he has money to do things. he will give san francisco a good deal. why just give it to this guy? this is looking like the stole leg boot house and the mcclellan family there for 20 years. come on. that's what you're paid for. this is a city. it makes perfect sense. look at those photos and when you get home tonight go to youtube to his course cost and you will -- golf course and you will see every hole. what is a capital improvement? i played the course on the first day in 1962. 1962. this place is a dump. it's a golf course we're
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talk about. all the other stuff great. super. it's not going to change. if brian smith gets in there great. all of the stuff is not going to change if he gets in there. he will give you guys a better deal, a better deal. think about it. it's a golf course and this guy has a good thing to offer so think about it. >> thank you. >> anyone else who would like to speak? come on up. >> hi. josh [inaudible] bright line executive director. i have so many positive things to talk about in asking and encouraging the commission to extend this lease extension. some of the stuff this gentleman said people have thought about when there is somebody with a bunch of money was going to work with the department to do a counter proposal which is something that was discussed in the past, a couple weeks. we will work with the job training center. w
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