tv [untitled] August 21, 2014 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> okay. >> i would like to entertain a motion whether to disclose items that were discussed during closed session. >> motion not to disclose. >> seconds. >> all in favor? any opposed? motion carries. next i would like to entertain a motion on whether to -- well, on whether to approve the lease extension and allow the general manager to complete lease negotiation. >> second. >> wait. >> we need a motion -- commissioner harrison i think commissioner -- >> okay good. >> i would like to read this motion resolve that this commission does one, approve the terms and conditions for extension and amendments of the
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lease held by glen eagles partners lp that commences at said date for the nine year term contemplated in section 4.6 of the lease as the proposed amended terms as the proposed meamded terms are reflected in the term sheet for first amendment b to lease agreement that was approved by glen eagles golf partners on august 19 and second authorize the general manager of the recreation and park department to prepare the proposed first amendment b consistent with the approved term sheet and forward the first amendment b to the board of supervisors for consideration and possible approval. >> thank you commissioner. is
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there a second. >> second. >> second by commissioner harrison. there is a motion on the floor. i would ask -- >> roll call. >> the secretary for a roll call vote. >> okay. commissioner bonilla. >> yes. >> commissioner harrison. >> yes. >> commissioner levitan. >> yes. >> commissioner mcdonnell. >> yes. >> commissioner wei and commissioner low. >> yes. >> the vote is unanimously and the motion has passed. >> thank you. [applause] >> we are now on item 10 commissioners matters. are there any commissioners matters ? no, no. any public comment on commissioners matters? seeing none public comment is closed. we are on item 11 new business agenda setting. commissioners, do you have any items? no. is there any public comment on new
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business agenda setting? okay. commissioner it's up to you. >> yes. bring it. i don't know what it is but he's been patient. >> you do have three minutes. >> wonderful. hello i am bradley william cross and a service disabled combat veteran and a social entrepreneur and a footballer or a soccer player. i am here to talk to you about nominating arnie stadium as a national landmark. >> harney -- >> harney stadium -- correct, the building that is now designated candlestick park and candlestick park was close thursday week after 54 years of
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consective service serving the community of california. harney stadium or better known as candlestick park is the first full rebar structure built as a stadium to be designed by architect john bowls. john bowls is a master. he has been recognized. his information is held at the harvard library for architectural design. all of these cases in point to include the last historical review assessment of candlestick park need to be rereviewed and why we bring this today because we seek to nominate candlestick park as a national landmark because it deserves the recognition. on that note i hope we have the opportunity to bring new business to you to show you our designs and plans to renovate candlestick park, to revitalize
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our stadium and bring a major league soccer franchise to our city which we obsesan -- deserve. san francisco has the longest association and longer than many other leagues. because of this reason and because we understand the time table is we're asking for a one year moratorium on the detrukz of candlestick. the reason for this is because we request a new historical assessment because the one provided is both incomplete and inaccurate. with 38 seconds left i would like to say for the last 12 years i served our country over overseas and worn my san francisco ball cap and in my heart. while i was in afghanistan the giants got to win and i didn't get to see it
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and my grandfather told me this: do you know what makes candlestick great? it belongs to the people and i want to make sure it stays with the people. thank you very much for your time and i look forward to talking to you in the future. >> thank you. >> anyone else making public comment on new agenda setting? seeing none this item ied. number 12 is communications. commissioners. public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. >> number 13 is adjournment. >> move to adjourn? . we are adjourned. [gavel] >> thank you.
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>> i think it ae's public and private property. i'm against graffiti. >> who can get it out the most who can be noticed the most. >> i i've seen seniors doing graffiti. >> the city is art, other people who have their names tag -- >> [inaudible] our unit there are 2 sections we are doing one is abating and others are notice of violation to private property. all the utility boxes in public right-of-way we abate. >> we abate calls that come
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within 48 hours. >> we are a small group in g f graffiti. we don't have enough help. >> i have a group in town down and china town and the north tunnel. [inaudible] the graffiti we abate everything is coming up to the areas now. >> i'm willing to take it on. i think -- >> you are telling me you are ready for this? >> i think so. >> okay. >> there you go. >> all right. >> all right. >> ready to do it. let's go. >> want to get the gray signses this over here and the garbage can and normally we don't do private property since it's on the corridor route you can come
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with me we will use black. >> we had a lot of changes in the graffiti unit. we do private property if someone moved we remove it and send it to the attorney's office and they take appropriate action. >> damage their property there. it's important to write the color in case they want to say what part of our house you abated the graffiti on. >> using your safety glasses the gloves. >> you got it. >> you know some places we gashi, people appreciate that. you know, a lot of timeses they say, thank you.
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>> the time where it's visible. a lot of people put it on the ground. >> i like when tourists come and say, you do this for your city and you get paid for that? >> we use the [inaudible] for the holes and the retaining walls. [inaudible]. white on the fire hydrants. fire box red for the fire boxes. our brown for the pg and e poles. >> we are not painters we do
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our best. >> i'm assuming it has to do with gang activity. >> if it's territorial i mind. >> in case it's gang related and they are marking our territory i would like to paint it over. >> anything with numbers like x iv or x 13 west side mob and the bay view those are gang related. with gang related or profanity we will abait it as soon as possible. >> i consider it an art. there are circles of people that form around it whether or not they should ruin public property. >> this is art work i'm for it. unless it's on someone's property and they don't want it there. judge kids with silver paint
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expressing their ego needs doesn't belong on our property. >> graffiti is when you don't have permission to write anything on their property. >> eighth street is part of your regular rout? >> yes. >> everyday. >> eighth street. divisidero street. irving street. every block they going through they paint 3 or 4 streets in the block the poles the utility boxes, mailbox. >> thank you. >> okay. >> put the drop cloth. come on around. >> there you go. force for we have to remember we are not painters we abate
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graffiti. we are abaters not painters. get that out of the way and keep moving. >> how many of these do you do a day? how many poles we do a day? >> yeah. >> depends on the location. may be 20. >> do you like working with the team? >> yes because i'm a people person. i like being outside and interacting with the public and i like the response we get especially from the good job we do in the community. >> goodbye.
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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features.
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>> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here. we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before.
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>> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here. >> we are about to take a bike ride. we have 30 cyclist. i'm really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store.
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