tv [untitled] August 22, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm PDT
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advise there are the board has acted twice to prohibit short-term rentals both in the administrative code not within the purview the code this is something with the planning commission commented open but the board will future leg let and there's not discretion in the legislation for the planning commission to further look at the short term rentals. and we'll see you know how this develops but at this point there are two pieces of legislation and in effect that prohibit short-term rentals, and, secondly, there would be a condition, you know, it would behove the commission to find
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something different from other residential buildings that warrant a particular condition >> thank you commissioner sugaya. >> yes. on that point just to make clear ambassador short-term rentals less than thirty days are currently prohibited in the city unless someone comes and asks for a bed-and-breakfast type of permit that's not allowed in every zoning district anyway. so at the moment we know there is pending legislation before the board of supervisors that will alter some of that but i think it's for the public's sake should make clear that short term rentals are currently prohibited in the city of san francisco and employed to this
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at the moments until september >> thank you commissioner sugaya that's helpful i want to echo the comments of commissioner moore he do think that one extra benefit of having more two bedroom units up 060 percent of the two bedroom units there are two bedroom b m r it's a challenge often larger householders is are looking for larger householders and only allowed to rent and one bedroom to meet their needs and also the question of the fear of hoteltion doesn't say w you have to be the primary resident there's no proposal on the table
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that looks like full-time rental to tourist. >> commissioner johnson. >> thank you sorry really quickly i kind of ended my comments before i made the suggested change to the motion i'd like to have a condition that we receive an update on the small business on level 5 lou of the roof-deck as a condition of approval. >> that is okay. if just a written report to the commission only a special session. >> i was going to do ask that seem question do you want on updated plan sent to you. >> yeah. a written plan not a hearing. >> commissioner moore >> i'd like to say it's not just planting grass a high skilled landscape design so it will have a high design there
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will be a plan and fun to see it. so i'll support as a 1ek9 motion that be incorporated >> commissioner antonini. >> yeah. i made the motion and supportive of the compromise that is with the neighborhood donates a very nice locking small business on the deck and would have been as a couple of commissioners said it fit in nicely other than the same level of the same housing but that's what the motion is and what we're going to be voting on. >> i second it seeing the terrace changes. >> very good. >> commissioner sugaya. >> yeah. i think true mark come down too early. >> commissioners on that motion and second to approve with conditions as amended to remove the references to a roof-deck
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and for a for the kwirgsz commission to receive a written update. commissioner antonini. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong p commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes unanimously 6 to zero. >> the commission will take a 15 minute break. >> and welcome back to the planning commission regular hearing for thursday, august 14, 2014. commissioners we left off under our regular calendar and will be talking up 1213 abc and for those causatises also known as
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moscone center please notice the admiring ends on june 16, 2014, it public comment may not be respond to in writing case numbers 13 e k r v and x under the california quality act determination for consideration of general plan referral and request for variances >> commissioner moore. >> the city attorney has advised that i ask for recusal on o this my decade employment may invoke the impression tailors or there's a conflict of
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interest. >> motion inform recuse. >> on that motion to rouse commissioner moore. commissioner antonini. commissioner hillis. commissioner johnson. commissioner moore. commissioner sugaya. commissioner fong and commissioner president wu. so moved, commissioners, that motion passes sxhoerp you are recused >> good afternoon commissioner president wu i'm elizabeth from the environmental division from the planning department's i'm joined with other and in addition elizabeth is here for the downtown general referral. evidence code lopez the city architect from the pksz is here to rent the project sponsor it's a final environmental impact report for the moscone street project a copy of the draft eir
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certification is before you perturbed u pushed on april 18th the public comment period closed and the documents was described on july 31st pr subsequent to the public comments those comments were farther to you and additional comments one for the support of the carrying out of the measures and the eir and the analysis of the pedestrian impacts is deficit because they're received after the publication we are noting were not able to pit them in their adequately addressed in the admiring the comments didn't perpetrate any changes or alter conclusions therefore recirculation of the
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environmental impact report is not required. so i'd like to address one not able change as you recall the claugs evaluations result in a significant environmental impact report related to children's parks. since publication the draft eir he project sponsor has made refinements on the muscone south part you saw the changes last month this will reluctance the shadow on the children's garden in late spring with the revised design the proposed design will have no significant changes. the qualification of the shadows not detected until after the
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public comment it shows the corrected calculations. for the 4 small businesses. that discussed in the eir the numeral of the theoretical available sunlight and the shadow square feet hours was erroneous but the errors of the shadowing are correct the draft was for informational purposes no small business is subject to the planning code will be effected. the conclusions regarding shadow impacts and the final eir were not effected. for all other projects as analyzed in the draft eir the changes don't effect the draft eir. those changes reflected in the document you have before you and those are the in final eir we request you adapt the eir and
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the procedures for which the eir was prepared comply with sequa the sequa guidelines that concludes my presentation. unless the commission members have any questions >> thank you. >> good afternoon commissioner president wu and members of the commission i'm assistant director of planning together those constitute the project for the muscone on howard between 3 and fourth street. since the commission heard the physical aspects of the will project i'll focus on the key attributes once i've concluded my presentation the mucus folks will have a presentation. san francisco's primary meeting facility the proposed project will increase the mucus center
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through 3 areas of expansion first, it will maximize the space on mucus north and south the primary goal this will be achieved by low grading spaces of the exhibition halls it's located at mucus south antes at 2 hundred and 60 thousand square feet it will create 5 hundred and 50 exhibition space below grade. second the project includes an above grade of the ballroom. the combining of those structures will result in one facility and above grade the mucus south and ballroom will expand by 2 hundred and 77 percentage to two hundred and 68 thousand square feet. third the project is a minimal
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of muscone north the expansion has been scaled back and an existing lobby to meeting rooms near the pedestrian bridge close to howard street the north expansion will adds 8 thousand square feet of the area. the project also includes two pedestrian bridges located above howard street framing in the main conference center brown the north and south building the eastern bridge will be partially enclosed and the pedestrians will be moving between the public walkway and improving the small businesses on the north and south blocks it will be
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designed to function as an expansion of the small businesses and touch on the children's parks it includes significant public realm improvements adjacent to the site and howard will have a pickup and drop off facility. slafrl third street will be improved of the off street area it will help to break up the streets and increase the activities located within the interior of the lot and create an small business in the form of a terrace that is occupant by restaurant at the yerba buena gardens. the project will include significant improvements as to
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the children's garden south of how are you. in addition to the eir there are several luldz the adaptation of the finding pursuant to sequa and the planning section from the ground floor currents and this motion will need to be amended to correct the square feet hours of shadow as discussed previously by elizabeth and lastly you'll having be asked to look at sidewalk go width changes and changes to properties the zoning administer will be asked to act on the planning code over the projects on howard street and the section to allow some non-active use on the mucus south and los allow the
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transparency long howard street and to allow an off street opening of greater than 15 feet as guidance with the section it must meet certainty sections of the code. the department has reviewed the exceptions as described in the draft section and impact the department buildings the exceptions are warranted and meets the code performer as it relates to the general referral the project meets the goals and objectives of the goals to increasing the small businesses to visitor and to improve the quality design we alameda recommend you approve the project i'm going to turn it over to joseph president and ceo of sf travel
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>> thank you. >> hello and good afternoon the opportunity to be here i'm authentic actually after many years of planning it's an unparalleled relationship with when you have a public and private sector to come together it's really a positive step forward. as you know traveling and tourism is a major generate our of spending the mucus center generates a quarter of that spend the job creations and the engine of the mucus center that is has been generating >> why expand. the mucus center is one of the most effective centers in the country the clients are needing more space and anymore flexible
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space when conference centers we are built there's a lot of walls so many of the important pushing pursues of green underground conditions we're not necessarily with this expansion and improvement looking for bigger conferences our larger conferences are what the community wants but allows us to do back to back conferences smaller conferences instead of having dark days we can have a smaller conference in mucus west. the benefits will create about 34 hundred construction jobs and about 35 hundred permanent jobs. an additional $20 million in hotel tax revenue generated out of the project and continue to be a major economic development force for the city and county of san francisco and region of san francisco. the objectives of this project
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are to maximize the economic impact by attracting the clients and keeping the clients what we we already have. we want to maintain contiguous operations of the building that's a complicated process to do the improvement while conferences are meeting in san francisco we don't want to close the building and have the negative impacts we're keeping the building open during construction and it will be beneficial to the citizens and california lists on muscone location by improving it's connections into the neighborhoods that's important when moscone opened 32 south it was different this will help to build san francisco's economic going forward but recognize and respect the neighborhood that has developed around it so we're
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very excited and we're forwarding to a successful project i'd like to ask mr. lopez our architect to come up and talk about this >> good afternoon edith lopez i wanted the opportunity to add a few words about the importance the project to san francisco. over the past two years we've been w5shgd with the project team with an capitalization to fit the needs and expanding and at the same time fits into the neighborhood we've held more than two dozen community meetings with people and not or listens to their concerns and feedback has helped we've changed the maps and scaled back the south end of the building not to impose on was children's playground and improved accident
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access around mucus center. a lot of that was done through very detailed codifies with community members thank them and the project is better off when we start and look forward to your approval of the project. thank you >> thank you. let's up for public comment please line up on the screen see of the room not to block the doors this is the public comment for item 12 through 13 d (calling names) >> good afternoon. i'm elaine i'm 81 years old i live across mucus from any
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balcony i see mucking everyday. there are 2 thousand people living around moscone. at the back maybe i don't notice. we live here in the more thaning we go out and come home in the afternoon you're talking about mucus thousands and thousands of young people middle-aged we live here don't forget about us it's a children's park there's singers here the young and old there are too many people you're talking about extension. we want the city to implement a sidewalk management plan. that's all we ask. thank you >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon, supervisors i'm john the chair of the beyond all doubt consortium i need to say the eir is still bad but what happens is what matters we're willing to live with the paperwork and the results are very good. i wanted to note when i first when we first started this process maybe four years ago, we asked two goals from the city one was that yerba buena gardens after all said and define be a better place today, i'm pleased to report it will be a much better place the improvements that mucking center will make are used full and have a very good outcome and second i've explained to you at the hearing
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that the pedestrian issues clearly resulted from mucking starting 32 years ago finally once and for all will be mitigated and i'm pleased to report thanks to the leadership of the director of public works they are going to be solved going to be basically mrementsd several items put before you two months ago to address the issues so the outcome is really good. we do need there's a few dot all the i's and cross the t's about the pedestrian mitigations we need what's been briefing alluded to by the city and put in a memo or letter before the board of supervisors when they approved this project i definitely have confidence in the director and team to foreperson follow through. i wanted to just amend what the
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gentleman said i know why we said it's a public-private partnership it's really a public-private at the mucus center the changes in the design over the several years are sixth they were significant a great deal changed and so from our point of view you, you know, this is as we hope outline large south of market projects will be it's not just an economic engine for the tourists community but it's important south of market for all of us to get outcomes. and mr. alessandro will discover it's the best conference center in the country as a result >> thank you.
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>> good afternoon commissioners i'm sonya with todd could community advocate i thank john and i think they've spoken about the expansion of the mucus center but we still have concerns about the number of conference people that will be at the center at all the complexed with the expansion and how that refers to pedestrians in the neighborhood. because people live in the neighborhood seniors people with disabilities and families that use the garden so there needs to be a mitigation plan in place to be or actually, i'mlogies my train of thought to be a part of the overall expansion of mucus. thank you very much.
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>> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners commissioner president wu i'm alice light director of community planning at the todd could groco group a. those were on drawings but not part of the timeline of the project we're we're pleased in the current project the current amended project description those are part of the project and in the timeline i've talked specifically about when this begins we're pleased about that. there are items around design
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that have yet to be flushed out we look forward to continuing the public-private communicated partnership with the mucus team to find out more about the green wall and as i said before we would like to see the 10 lower 10 feet be excellent plantings because that is what impacts the opportunity community the most and the bridge we know where it that will land but look forward to being part of the design >> thank you as the next speaker comes up i'll call more names (calling names). >> good afternoon, commissioners henry i'm the president of the south of market business association.
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we looking forward to an expansion of the mucus center it's going to create a better venue for companies to come over here rather than going to chicago other cities around the country it's a great project and we're pleased to have this it will help to bring more people into south of market i hope you'll support this and we are certainly looking forward to that thank you. thank you >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm the secretary of the hotel of san francisco i want to thank you for your continued support the discussions have happened about the economic benefit especially for our hotels but in addition to that we have more business many our hotels had helps the citizens especially those working w in the hotels it increases our presence and our
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guests spend more money outside the hotels and helps others businesses working as well we're an industry of 24 you thousand employees and 57 period of time live and work in san francisco as a benefit of the expansion of mucus really helps our citizens not only working but enjoying our community. i want to thank you and encourage you approve the eir before you today. thank you so much >> thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners i'm scott i'm managing director for the yerba buena center i'm speaking on behalf of myself and our director. >> the yerba buena center supports the mucus project and the mucus center we appreciate the designer teams listening
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