tv [untitled] August 24, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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wish you couldy see the photos from june. look at june. that's why you're not seeing the photos and before we were going to maybe lose glen eagles. but we talked about it. you haven't heard anything less than positive and moving forward with tom shay. there's a track record. you heard folks who are going to be national models for the community golf and work force. like the last gentleman said and nobody is into it. if it's a continued conversation you will see more folks that will support decision and respectfully ask you to support the lease extension in closed session and we are waiting to hear the news and celebrate and keep glen eagles and keep the
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operator in place and put the community to work and all of the things you heard about and we're excited about and if i haven't said it enough we respectfully request your approval of the extension of the lease. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> hello commissioners. i am sam and a new resident living in the richmond and the first time before this commission so you heard a lot of different perspectives but i think one is missing is the youth perspective from an actual youth so offering the program under tom shay's leadership, the first tee program, the job training skills that's done a lot for the community and when we look at what the youth is facing in the city there's a lot of programs. however they're shrinking. the job market is shrinking and not everyone is getting a professional degree and that's where tom's organization comes
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in. it offers the opportunity for those not directly driven toward a certain area or career. that's why i think the current operator is doing a great job and i want you guys to keep that in consideration right now so that's about the first tee program. second about the job training skills. what we have seen so far people have given up what is in life. if it's not college after high school and what can they do? improving thesmz in skill based labor and it's beneficial to san francisco and the blue collar and the services that tom provides with glen eagle it's a valuable asset in and south bay and east bay there are not a lot of organizations like this to give back to the community. san francisco can lead it and representing the youth perspective and i am
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representing others because they can't be here and it's great and we need to keep it going and help san francisco lead the charge right now for the people and remember the community at large and i will end with a quote, the only thing necessary for the trium of eively is do nothing and don't forget the youth of the city. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning commissioners. thank you. welcome. i am brian smith and i am an avid golfer lived in san francisco for 15 years. i primarily play out of glen eagles and sharp park and i represent a group that is interested in running the course. when i initially set out to work with this course it was because we thought there was
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a threat it would close and if it fell. through our experience i feel compelled to ask the city for a bid even if it doesn't close by the nature of the current operator walking away from his negotiations. nobody gets into a water dependent business during a drought because they think it's a great investment idea let me assure you. we're pursuing this because one as a taxpayer i can't stand to see a contract reassigned to a operator that clearly not taken care of the real estate he has leased to take care of. this is a city resource and apparently seems to be mismanaged and i urge the commission to look at the course, the property. everything else that has been spoken about today i agree with.
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we like good things. i think we can agree. i wonder where the operator has been for the prior 10 years. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> is there anyone else that would like to make public comment? vince. >> thank you. good morning commissioners. welcome. i just want to comment on a couple of things that i heard. first of all legal issues are going to be raised in your closed session. it's all red herring stuff and i hope the city attorney is adamant about that that you get an appropriate opinion related to the legal issues because you always have them when confronted with these situations. i want to talk about how many people gotten behind this effort because it's exciting. we're enthusiastic to move this ball forward and something we haven't done for and what frustrates us the most in the press these conversations just started. we
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have been having these conversations and they will attest to it and we have been talking about it for two years and in the recreation and park department you have hundreds of workers who are non union and not involved in a structured work force where they can be oriented, evaluated and ment tored and that's all we're talked about doing and administer a structured serious professional mechanism for orienting and mentoring these young workers because the argument has changed for labor. we're not about jobs, jobs, jobs anymore. we're about career pathways and people want a little money for the summer and you want to meet their needs and there are those that don't make it and wash them out and bring them in later and there are a select few that want a career so if you don't have oversight you won't reach the people and that's what the community wants. the community wants career pathways and not just the laborers you heard from the
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building construction trades council and this is good governance. the alliance for sustainable growth and the police officers and the people all support. this is their jobs program and it's not just intended to be at glen eagles. it's about apprenticeship and we are excited about it and the community is excited about it and i am sympathetic to the speaker that spoke before me because i understand conversations needed to take place in the event it was going to fall through but it wasn't going to fall through because we have been doing our homework and the conversations with the mayor's office, dpw and theresa is here and does the contract negotiations. it's been transparency and out in the open for years. it's good work, good governance. it's going to be incredibly popular. we just need to make sure to tee it up,
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no pun intended, right. i know we're prohibited from delivering the water there. >> >> and phil is great at getting creative. we administered apprenticeship programs that didn't exist before and i am excited about it. i hope you find a way to move forward even though issues will be presented we will get this thing done. thank you very much. welcome to the commission. thank you for your support in advance. >> thank you. [applause] >> one more. okay. if there is anyone else that wants to speak can you please line up against the wall? thank you. >> thank you vice president low, commissioners, commissioner wei welcome. i invite you personally to the tour of glen eagles at your earliest convenience, general manager ginsburg. it's my privilege and honor to hold the lease in the last nine years, a course that
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i grew up playing as a young person in san francisco. the course i grew in love with and the game of golf. in the past nine years we have done an incredible amount of work to restore specifically the greens which have been the prized asset at glean eagles. pull public golf courses are a little bit scuffy. the pictures were taken at probably the lowest point in nine years nine months when the lease was on a month to month situation, when the water was increased 40% by order of the puc for specific reasons related to the drought, and it's very difficult as an operator to know how much you should invest when the certainty of your business is in question so i ask to you look at the pictures but with a grain of salt. if you go out today because we have certainty we're moving forward as
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partners you will see a tremendous a lot much of grass growing in all areas. we have some areas we turned off the water because we want to be responsible in the third year of the drought. there are areas that we literally turned off the water and specifically off the tee boxes and 150-yards where the balls should not be. we turned off the water and that's the pictures you're looking at. it's a responsible decision we made because we're under a lot of pressure with regards to holding on to our precious resource. the work we did together over the last nine months to negotiate a lease has been tremendous. the aid that the department is willing to give to the golf course will help it make a more sustainable model. it will help improve the course so the golfers are happy. the most important part and exciting part is how we opened
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up glen eagles. that's one of the mandates when i took over the lease nine years, nine months ago, tom you have to open up glen eagles. it's been closed to the community for too long. i know what they're talking about. i was part of that community and we did open it up and i think the testament of the community leader who is testified today proves that and we're not done yet. we want to finish the job we started. we look forward working with the recreation and park department in doing that. thank you very much. >> thank you. [applause] >> okay. is there anyone else that would like to make public comment? did you want to sir? no. okay. >> [inaudible] >> on this issue. okay. public comment is closed. commissioners we now need a vote on whether to hold closed session to confer with real
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motion whether to disclose items that were discussed during closed session. >> motion not to disclose. >> seconds. >> all in favor? any opposed? motion carries. next i would like to entertain a motion on whether to -- well, on whether to approve the lease extension and allow the general manager to complete lease negotiation. >> second. >> wait. >> we need a motion -- commissioner harrison i think commissioner -- >> okay good. >> i would like to read this motion resolve that this commission does one, approve the terms and conditions for extension and amendments of the lease held by glen eagles partners lp that commences at
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said date for the nine year term contemplated in section 4.6 of the lease as the proposed amended terms as the proposed meamded terms are reflected in the term sheet for first amendment b to lease agreement that was approved by glen eagles golf partners on august 19 and second authorize the general manager of the recreation and park department to prepare the proposed first amendment b consistent with the approved term sheet and forward the first amendment b to the board of supervisors for consideration and possible approval. >> thank you commissioner. is there a second. >> second. >> second by commissioner harrison. there is a motion on the floor. i would ask -- >> roll call. >> the secretary for a roll
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call vote. >> okay. commissioner bonilla. >> yes. >> commissioner harrison. >> yes. >> commissioner levitan. >> yes. >> commissioner mcdonnell. >> yes. >> commissioner wei and commissioner low. >> yes. >> the vote is unanimously and the motion has passed. >> thank you. [applause] >> we are now on item 10 commissioners matters. are there any commissioners matters ? no, no. any public comment on commissioners matters? seeing none public comment is closed. we are on item 11 new business agenda setting. commissioners, do you have any items? no. is there any public comment on new business agenda setting? okay. commissioner it's up to you.
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>> yes. bring it. i don't know what it is but he's been patient. >> you do have three minutes. >> wonderful. hello i am bradley william cross and a service disabled combat veteran and a social entrepreneur and a footballer or a soccer player. i am here to talk to you about nominating arnie stadium as a national landmark. >> harney -- >> harney stadium -- correct, the building that is now designated candlestick park and candlestick park was close thursday week after 54 years of consective service serving the community of california. harney stadium or better known as candlestick park is the first
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full rebar structure built as a stadium to be designed by architect john bowls. john bowls is a master. he has been recognized. his information is held at the harvard library for architectural design. all of these cases in point to include the last historical review assessment of candlestick park need to be rereviewed and why we bring this today because we seek to nominate candlestick park as a national landmark because it deserves the recognition. on that note i hope we have the opportunity to bring new business to you to show you our designs and plans to renovate candlestick park, to revitalize our stadium and bring a major league soccer franchise to our city which we obsesan
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-- deserve. san francisco has the longest association and longer than many other leagues. because of this reason and because we understand the time table is we're asking for a one year moratorium on the detrukz of candlestick. the reason for this is because we request a new historical assessment because the one provided is both incomplete and inaccurate. with 38 seconds left i would like to say for the last 12 years i served our country over overseas and worn my san francisco ball cap and in my heart. while i was in afghanistan the giants got to win and i didn't get to see it and my grandfather told me this: do you know what makes
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candlestick great? it belongs to the people and i want to make sure it stays with the people. thank you very much for your time and i look forward to talking to you in the future. >> thank you. >> anyone else making public comment on new agenda setting? seeing none this item ied. number 12 is communications. commissioners. public comment. seeing none public comment is closed. >> number 13 is adjournment. >> move to adjourn? . we are adjourned. [gavel] >> thank you.
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in a few moments as soon as everyone is gathered. it's great to see everybody. what a great compilation of folks. the children aren't paying attention as it should be. how is the food? >> great. [applause] >> sip did a wonderful job with the barbecue. let's give them a hand. [applause] . a street violence intervention program. they did a wonderful job with the barbecue and the hamburgers and hot dogs and if you go away hungry you must be on a diet so water further delay let's welcome our mayor, mayor lee. [applause] >> thank you. thank you reverend. thanks for being here as well and blessing us. good evening everyone. welcome to
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herst play ground in sunnydale. i am grateful to the chief and supervisor cohen and park and rec and juvenile justice here. we have so many departments that worked together to make sure that this place is safe and we welcome everybody back here. i know that everybody feels the tragedies of things that happened a few weeks ago, but this community is strong because of its people, but saying we want to bring people back to our own park. this is the people's park right here at herst play ground and we want to make sure on this national night out not only do we celebrate across the city but we bring people out to their parks, to our parks, to our neighborhood to celebrate
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to reclaim the areas we want to be safe and collaborate with our youth and employment organizations, our education institutions to work together with seniors and families to make sure that there is no place in the city that is unsafe and particularly here, so i want to say thank you to everybody for coming out tonight, and that this should be yet another beginning, not just this one night. this is everybody's park. this is where the kids can feel safe to play where the parents can bring them out and watch over them where all the different agencies can have and create programs that support them. where our seniors can have a walk and feel the vibrancy of the city and invest in play grounds like this. you like this new play ground? yeah. [applause] and soon we will get the sand
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out of that play area and replace it with some good things that don't have the sand in them. we're going to continue investing in this neighborhood and in the people especially but i want to say again thank you to supervisor cohen. your wonderful leadership out here working with us. thank you to tamika moss and the program working with the residents of sunnydale and the community. thank you to all of the different agencies. i know public works is out here doing the fiscal things with rec and park but we're all here to invest in the people that live out here and i want to say thank you again to the police department. you are -- all of you are on the front lines helping us not just with your service but also making sure that community policing leads our effort here, and how about creating more jobs for our youth making sure we do the right
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thing because it's not just about police services. it's about youth services. making sure our public health is supported out here. give people the recovery that they need. helping with services -- our youth organizations, our health and human services program, our jobs program working together to make our community strong. this is for everyone. it's not just prevent crime. it's about encouraging people to fulfill their whole lives richly. this is what this play ground means to me and i plan to be out here often and embrace our kids and grow up freely strongly safely in our neighborhood. thank you everybody for being out here tonight. [applause] >> thank you sir. all right. you know advisory board for the police is the one that organized this. we really want to thank the mayor and the police chief
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for bringing all these resources together so that all that you can see came together. we are also blessed to sur police chief here so let's welcome our police chief suhr. >> thanks reverend. [applause] >> i got to thank the ingleside sea path as well and acknowledge the captain over there for coordinating with park and rec. how about the rides and jumping things? this is exactly how national night out is supposed to be. this is a national event. it's all across the country and it's just great that this year again after having such a sad event that occurred up the block just last month this year -- this is bigger than last year. we were here last year and i don't think there is anyway it was bigger than this
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