tv [untitled] August 26, 2014 10:00am-10:31am PDT
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the place holders is over one million dollars and it's the capital projects we've identified the last one is the new and upgraded street if so a mix marsh but the stabilization on the highway project and a lot of the improvements on the 19 corridor helping to landscape helps the people not park on the sidewalk and some of the signal improvements. some of the things in the capacity there's additional funding for the 19 avenue project. there's caltrain refarsz and walk first and the water project and the sewer project going on this is a big deal and trying to coordinate the construction on the community. there's a dpep will get money back from the from federal government so we're going
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reallocating it so from chris from our cac this is not part of the plan 1952 work that needs to be done immediately to prevent erosion and last but not least is the category that includes some specific funding for the projects coming out of the study i'll appoint us u out last month the committee talked about the schlage lock project to provide direct cease to the caltrain station through the development there the sequa benefits now as well as the people from the rehab with that, i'm going to turn it over to this will be more ground level provision for the categories >> thank you maria thank you deputy for policy and programming so this guide
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demonstrates the first vision zero oriented educate with the pedestrian safety and the circulation category. there's 3 signal categories in prop k. and those are 20 to install signals and signs and to improve the infrastructure and bring it into a state of good rape much felt technology in san francisco is old so this is upgraded work. this thing i'll point out about signal work the consideration is to identify benefits to all modes with the infrastructure that's put in place there's the signal heads and the padded count down signals the curb ramps and a host of consortiums that are supportive of vision zero and the improvements to the network. i will highlight that the work
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that's been done and the work proposed to be done at the signal location is where you can look at the planned signal locations that's been identified by mta. this gives an indication of the work in the next 5 years including the pavement workers this work has shifted from the pedestrian safety category into the signal category to free up prop k funds for others improvements to be opportunity from that category. sf go this is the corridor level the transit signal and sinking to allow for the vehicles to communicate with realtime information on transit and traffic in the fields so this is continuing the work that's fund we've funded work that has been
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0 supportive of the benefit corridors over the last 5 corridors and continue to be the transit effectiveness project on the network. the is as follows a that's done and underway you can find the location on the website those are for the modification with the existing infrastructure. and the work that's property over the next 2 years is also on the website this includes improvements more improvements to the van ness signals and the van ness corridors rather and those are supportive as well as on the ellis theres 75 percent more prop k that mta is prepping to ask allocation of in the next 5 years then the last so ramp up
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delivery on the projects are that for traffic by the way of background prop k has funded the traffic cohn a program and most recently, the planning work for the revised about a year and a half ago to improve the traffic cohen e cohn program to reflect the city's priorities including shifting resources with the greatest safety needs based on the safety data and supportive of vision zero so this slide highlights the work funded to date with the residential cohn plans. over the next 5 years particularly within the mere term in the next year mta plans to request about $2.6 million in prop k funds to complete the backlog of the plans those are
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plans that have been implemented over the past several years and the list of locations is shown in our packet available online at and the location on the residential program is underway on track and applications are done every year and the first grouping of the locations that has been accepted for the program will be delivered around the end of the calendar year. the pro-active residential program and the aerials program are part of the new program the pro-active residential program allows mta to have the residential locations that have not summit the cohn applications but benefits in terms of safety and moenlt as well as an
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opportunity to improve the groeveng equality and the prop k funds in the fiscal year are to further plan and scope out those elements the traffic cohn program and come up with a method doing and implementation plan for the aerials and pro-active residential this is really mta is transitioning away from the program and in full swing to the new program in 2015-2016. i think i've pretty much covered the highlights in the next 5 years mta is coming in for more money than the last 5 years there's significant funds available from existing allocations so the work will be continuing as time is going by and we're supportive of vision zero and there's also the
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pavement funding for the mta and dpw can coordinate on the improvements. for bicycle safety we're identified through the 2009 bike plan and funded the bike plan through the transit stations and through the vision zero large vehicle education campaigns with the bicycle access. the projects proposed there's a number of how often of projects and a significant number of place holders and the project are shown in our embarcadero and the second street will improvements the bicycle upgrades are still working to identify the highest priority location with the prop k funds
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so there's we've worked out a condition to have mta could you be to the authority board with a list of projects to be delivered with this funding we expect that to happen by the end of the calendar year by the end of 2015 continuing the work in addition to the bike and others work we'll continue to fund the outreach and the education classes we've been funding for the last ten years back to workday and caltrain and station access. continuing with the highlights this is the bike strategy in vision zero again most of funding is place holders is 65 percent of the funds to be listed and that the allocation will be conditioned upon cob to
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the board this is only for the improvements. for the bike circulation and safety educate this slide shows the highlights of the projects completed and underway in the past the city has lacked the pedestrian safety and the program is benefiting from the walk first and the projects to identify the pedestrian high injury network. there are large walk first and zero place holders one of the things that is an option for the committee to consider the vision zero committee could officially list the projects and forward the list of recommendations to the plans and projects for
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allocation since there's significant place holder and 50 percent more in prop k you funds over the next 5 years as in the last 5 years we want to make sure that the resources in place when the projects are identified and ready to go into the ground. with that, i'm going to turn it over to maria >> we're almost there too more educates the last two categories are transportation and parking management and the transportation land use categories they're two of the other small categories in prop k they call it the fruit and vegetables brakt basket a lot of eligible holders but a lot of things come out of them the p d m parking management we've funded the 70 environment work on things like commuter outreach
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practice writing these programs and the emergency ride home program and the first investment strategy and the bicycle analysis. >> it's a nicely placed photograph of supervisor avalos and children. >> one of the underway things is a cigarette way to the transportation is leading an interagency group and the mta for the private-public partnership it was trying to do develop a coordinated citywide strategy the most cost-effective but with a limited amount of resources they've reached an agreement but that's really shaping in part. what's proposed for the next 5 years. so this is the first of two slides they're in the stuart p d
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m sub educator with the p d m strategy i'll highlight two the second sub let the employee program it's off and on when we studied what's proven to be effective is a hielthd area that's funded the other thing the will transportation planner this includes program elevation to make sure it's working. and a second pot of money in this category is the plan calls out for studies to improve the ability for disadvantaged community so there's funding to supplement the projects and good example is the western edition of the transportation that's in an identified concern we've
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business owner be supplementing this with some of the money here. the last two buckets within the category this is the allowing for a data first to continue to identify the categories that are in need of improvements and also the match funding for the recreational capacity study this is a planned bay area and the mta looking at the growth that's assumed to be take place our transit corridor and you're our muni cord they're at capacity so as you know m t c had a tiger grant that involves the transportation authority this is a match for the tiger grant if you don't get the tiger grant the agency will be contributing fund last but not least there's
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a demand in placing the management in the past we've worked on this mobility study i'll highlight one thing the freeway corridor management study this was in 0 o our sf t p if you looked at the map of the freeway network you'll notice that san francisco is the only place that didn't have carpooling so we've been award a grant under caltrain to move people first if the corridor that probably will include looking at our ramps to see for example, guess if we want to give the transportation - it's our initial work to improve the transportation for our san francisco freeways. and the very last category the transportation and land use i'll not dwell on what we've done
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this is a small by critical place of match fund for the predecessors as well as the caltrain planning grant. so going forward we have the board of last currently cycle this is our prop k matching and we have a place holder matching from the last project and the planning fund are in this educate i'll note one the lessons learned from community-based plans it is that the most important part of the process is properly scoping a process and we've provided goals for the sfmta staff to work and make sure their scoped properly and we result in a visible product so there's lastly a planning match for the city grant for the transit with the
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priority and lastly the match for the grant funds which again is community based. so we've made it to the end of the slide i'll say quickly in total when i consider all 21 of the programs it's about $585 million in prop k fund for the next 5 years not including the transbay and central subways their leveraging about $2 billion in funds that's a sequesterer estimate this is a 47 percent increase in the last 5 years and this is exciting we want to see more projects and benefits delivered to the public i'll not the majority of this is the replacement of tire fleet f
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this is a terrificly critical project but other careers that are related to vision zero all of them have substantial increases as well this is the subsequent increase in deliver so in september in the last 5 years is the adaptation of our strategic plan that's our thirty year documents this has the policy to the prop k program but this is where we show the bonds and the agencies where if we don't have enough money >> can i ask you about the significant increase you said 50 percent and most of it going towards the replacement of fleet but still it's a significant increase how will we have the capacity within the dpw and the mta to complete that. >> that's an stent e excellent
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question most of it is the vehicle project and mta once it's scoped out the money will be spent but the traffic calm and the traffic are double digit and more increases we've had those decisions at the vision zero committee about what the agencies are doing what the mta and the dpw are able to speak to that but the traffic calming that's one of our categories that have the traffic record but the program restriction that mta undertook after we have the experience we find this is extremely reliable where community submit an levitation and the next year get their improvement so lastly i'll add along with the strategic plan you'll see the designated pilot
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program one of our customer service things this is the board approval the specific listed of projects where the board detail has been provide and when the agencies are ready to proceed they present the allocations and the staff will look at so its about 4 to 6 weeks when we ran that by the cac members we're trying to balance the transparency so people can weigh in and lastly the m t f gill's want to thank courtney and others in the background. >> thank you, ms. lombard and all the staff that worked on this. questions or comments let's open
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this up for public comment is there any public testimony seeing none, public comment is closed. supervisor kim >> so i just had a question on the school portion i know there were one hundred and 15 thousand looked for fiscal year 2015-2016 is allocated and then the following year a smaller grant i was hoping that someone could walk me though how the grant will get spent down. >> just to clarify is this for a particular school locations. >> i asked about carmichael. >> let me pull of sfgov staff we've opportunity the work. >> yeah. that was in the
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report. >> yeah.. good morning with the sfmta thank you for the question so if i'm understanding you want an update on the sfmta project eave recently implemented a walking audit and the draft is being finalized we're going to enter the environmental at the end of this year with the construction occurring between october 2015 and 17 and kwhadz that mean >> right now, we're just implemented the walking which will help determine the improvements on the street then we need to make sure that all the improvements are vooiment cleared and construction will start. >> what are the examples of improvements. >> it's usually a variety of pedestrian improvements that
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provides for the bulb out for accident pedestrian and commenting any bike improvements but the most useful determining and if you want more updates we'll get you. >> i know that sunny has asked how the grant has been spent down we've not been able to participate we don't know if our parents or teachers have been involved so i know that question has been asked before so we have not gotten a respond. >> we'll be sure to brief our office on the audits. >> that will be great i think we wanted to operator from the beginning of the project and also to make sure that the community and school is involved so it could be that you contracted them we just want to,
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you know, you know - >> thank you. >> there the chair i'm the deputy for policy programming prop k is proposed to fund planning work in 2014-2015 we've not allocated the funds for the particular school location. that preponderance of evidence i believe it's k through 8 and there's a facility for the middle school year age group so i'm not exactly sure i think the scoping is on the elementary school but how to consider the middle school area could potentially benefit >> thank you very much. >> i want to add that the traffic around the middle school campus st. is really horrifying so i e i hope the parent can be involved i i know it's an ambitious number of projects i
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want to add as we looked at reducing speed limits as a strategy looking at the traffic and pedestrian signal upgrades may not be a good effort on the speed limit issue and in the richmond we're looking at fulton and other aerial streets to make improvements. i know as those prop k projects move forward we'll be findings the connection by thank you to this staff let's open this up for public comment are there any members of the public who wish to speak seeing none, public comment is closed. my understanding this was on informational item so it was action so roll call >> supervisor breed. supervisor campos absent. supervisor kim.
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supervisor mar. supervisor yee. that item passes >> thank you. can we have the next item >> item 7 clipper next generation for the collection upgrade an informational item. >> i want to say i asked for this item on the agenda because of the prelims of the clipper card i think the electronic cards we call them clipper card for people to use the numerous, numerous different transportation systems in the region. i last week, i traveled from my home in the richmond district to oakland i'll say that clipper cards make it easier to connect up with the transit options. i think not having to dig into my wallet to find multiple cards
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we need more transit agencies to work close together to cooperate and make the transit riders experience better it's been about 10 years old from the technology i look forward to hearing from my staff >> thank you supervisor mar that's a great introduce. the main introduction will be given by the electronic transportation commission and travis from sfmta are here to talk about sfmta involvement. and i feel like i live here working there's high tech people around you but aside from the technology advances this offers carl will touch on the ability to make further policy changes
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i'll underscore that is no small challenges given the operators we have we support you carol >> thank you for that enthusiastically and positive introduction. climber has come a long way i'm going to talk about where the clippers are where we're planning for the next generation and happy to take questions. so very quickly as i think most of you know hopefully from being clipper card yours clipper is in place and allows seamless traffic from the all the major bay area riders we have 1.4 million active cards this is progressing more than $35 million and of note for this
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group 9 million of the board of directors we support are on muni and about 50 percent of all rides are taken with the clipper card. so we're focused on making sure that the clipper works for the operations today and as well as there's an capitalization to make sure that it provides for 9 be county to expansion efforts are underway what we we will them in other county and further expanding to the bus operators in the m operators like 2016 and the smart railway are going to open as a clipper only service. this is the new operators that will be coming on board. i note that includes san francisco ferry service to va
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half but other services have, in fact, a high market share of clipper riders the va la route is waiting to be picked up. a quick look at the history yes. the clipper contract was signed in the 1990s pr i'm sure you're aware of it was launched as trans link i it was a long implementation process a long process of working with the resemble operators to launch that the big milestone was in 2009, 2010 when they moved to clipper only including the muni fast pass this is the exceptional growing we're supporting more than 20 million contributions of transactions
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