tv [untitled] August 26, 2014 4:00pm-4:31pm PDT
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eureka association w and a friend of the market value that secured the harvey milk camera shop and was the treasurer of san francisco heritage and in the community also served on the board of the deploring services organization. mr. richard has a tremendous respiration of fighting for the neighborhoods and historic preservation and also is someone who has a long reputation of working well and trying to bring district voices together and with that, ask for your support and want to thank the rules committee for their unanimous recommendation of mr. richard >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> thank you, mr. chairman i'm proud to be supporting president chiu nomination i've had the pleasure of working with dennis
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on many, many issues both before i was on the board of supervisors when i was the president of the castro valley neighborhood association and he was the president of the triangle association we got to work on any issues and since i've been on the board of supervisors i've had the pleasure to work with him. i cannot think of a more qualified candidate than dennis richard he brings a credible you breath of experience in terms of every imagineal air force issue and historic preservation and formula retail dennis is an amazing hard worker that dives into the details he will be a very, very well prepared
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commissioner on day one will take the time we know that planning commission is not glaushz he'll learn the facts. i'll also is this dennis and i don't ago on every issue but we've worked through them he's a professional person who understands you try to find common ground and times when you can't agree what we had you san diego it's okay it's a democracy so i'm proud to support this nomination >> supervisor yee. >> i share supervisor wiener's statements. i found in dennis richardson an open minded person that has a wealthy of experience that is going to add value to the
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planning commission, in fact, all 3 of the commitments that president chiu has named are excellent choices. and i'm going to, you know, express my appreciation to president chiu for bringing those especially the two new nominees to us for consideration >> thank you, supervisor wiener. >> mr. chair my apologies i forgot to mention president chiu thank you for ending the dry spell on the commission in terms of not having an lgbt commissioner he know that there are more than one high profile commissioned that have no lgbt positions. i know that both mayor ed lee and president chiu have been going out ever their way to recruit lgbt candidates to thank
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you >> supervisor campos. >> i'm happy to port in nomination i know there are a number of people to lobby to get candidates like the one we've seen but that effort paid off and that, you know, we ended up with the individuals we have. i think having a member of the lgbt community especially on the planning commission is something that is a long time coming i wish the same thing could be said about the latino community they have not had a representative on the planning commission for a while. i want to thank our new planning commissioner but our continuing planning commissioner who i think will be excellent on the team so look forward to supporting this >> thank you.
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colleagues, can we take that without objection same house, same call? this motion is approved. madam clerk the next item >> item 60 is recommended with a motive title a motion to approve the president of the board of supervisors president chiu nomination to bobby wilson who's term is ending. >> president chiu. >> thank you, colleagues i'm sure you're aware of the board of appeals is a judicial body that provides the bodies with a wide variety of appeals related to many city decisions. we're talking about the granting and denials and revocation of permits and licenses and acknowledge entitlements surveillance and other discretionary review decisions. i wanted to find someone that would quickly grasp a myriad of extremely complicated and detailed administrative law and factual situations.
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my nominee is a woman by the name of bobby wilson who grew up in public housing and went to columbia law school and fighter for individuals that have obey discriminated against and over a number of years she was been named one of the top lawyers in cancel super lawyer a rising star as the first african-american and lesbian partner at two highly recognized laurmdz in california. part of how i learned about here in addition to the community voices she served as the pro bono council working with terry
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stewart and enjoyed that and decided to seek for service for the city i ended up finding her and decided to name her i want you to move forward >> thank you supervisor cohen. >> thank you very much. actually colleagues if we were to pass this motion before us we would absolutely pit hit the jack pot. bobby is a force to be reckoned what i'm one hundred percent in support behind this woman he's an advocate not only in the african-american but on a neighborhood level and within the lgbt community everything she touches she manifests good
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faith >> supervisor campos. >> i wanted to note that, you know, it's interesting how life works bobby wilson has been a friend and mentor for many years. i started out as a baby lawyer with both bobby and terry and i agree that with cohen we're lucky she will serve and thank you for putting her name forward and happy to support any former colleague thank you. >> and constituent. >> and thank you supervisor cohen for that reference for hitting the jack pot. colleagues, can we take that without objection same house, same call? this is approved. >> item 61 and 62 were considered by the land use committee at the regular hearing on monday july 28th and
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forwarded to the board. item 61 is amended with an ordinance to amend the plodding for the requirements for mechanic amusement devices and remove obsolete provisions and supervisor breed thank you. this item can about because are a of a great business that's been an excellent member but found itself in violation of the arcade violation. in 1982 pinball and arcade were popular they are or folks were concerned of the corruption of our youth so the board of supervisors passed extensive regulations where and when and how our arcade games can be
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placed in san francisco there are arbitrary try decisions if you're restaurant installed one game you'll have to pay over seven hundred fees and $300 every year therefore you can't have a game between 3 hundred feet of a school or any gas station not an arcade game in other another place located in a cv d. and not after school hours you're required to give the pd police department and the department access to any games as deemed necessary a requirement that is unreasonable but i'm sure it violates the fourteenth amendment of our resolution if you're knowingly
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in violation the chief of police will immediately impounded you all our games until you pay $25 per game to the san francisco police department. the times have changed and arcade and on ball games are more of a inch that appeals to people of my age and supervisor farrell's and supervisor wiener's age and so on and so forth. according to the entertainment commission there are only two permitted arcades in the city if kids wanted to play video games they could take out their cell phones. we've spent a lot of time passing laws but we need to go back and review old laws especially who those laws are
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unduly effecting business owners so this has a pinball lead that enjoy getting to know their neighborhoods it's a true asset of the community it's important we don't let outdated codes stand in the way of our residents and folks to enlighten their communities so working with the entertainment commission and the police department i wrote regulations for people that want to add a few games. maintain the entertainments oversight roll with bars that have 5 or more games and strengthen the controls against illegal gambling. and streamlining the permit process to bring in line with on the entertainment commission
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practices. i want to thank supervisor wiener for joining my effort from the beginning and joel's and cain from the entertainment commission and i want to say with us today glen done hyde the vice president of the traefks and the san francisco pd has representatives here for all their help and support on the issue. i want to thank supervisor kim for covering co-sponsoringing for requiring one permit to at least 5. there's been concerned by increasing the number of machines in bars because of the entertainment commissions for the good neighbor policy they can't do without a policy directly one issue should not be
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addressed for other issues i'm committed to provide them with the authority to implement the good neighbor policy their worked hard to establish. legislation is not also about pga new laws but taking the time to fix the old ones and government shouldn't be standing in the way of the fear of updated policies. on the boos of that colleagues, i ask for your support to moving forward today >> thank you supervisor breed for protecting our pinball wizards. >> thank you supervisor breed and taking out the obsolete portion of our planning code and as i was reading i was wondering if many of our small businesses and bars know they have to
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register if they have a pinball machine that you have to file for a permit. some things i hear about when preparing the new wedging proposal or closely the health care loopholes how is it an easier process in san francisco i think this clean up legislation is part of that we have a number of bar owns if they have one pinball machine pay a $700 fee and go before a hearing in entertainment commission and probably for the board of appeals we have no evidence to having negative implicates to a neighborhood or community. if we knew those machines in and of itself trishtd to negative
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outcomes we want small businesses to provide processes and policies to insure the positive outcomes we just don't have the historic outcome if we want to support neighborhood policies we should use tools like there isn't a nexus between the actual permit and the good neighbor policy. so i'm glaed glad this is moving forward and looking at to playing pinball an hate ashbury when this opens up >> supervisor mar. >> i want to xhooj the entertainment commission leader and to the supervisors talk about the pinball machine i'll
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come to your districts and play pinball. >> supervisor you are on like donkey connecticut. with that, roll call vote >> item 61. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. there are 11 i's. this ordinance is passed on is first reading >> item 62. >> a resolution for an 19 period to clear the distinction in the planning code and affirming the planning department's environmental determination. >> colleagues, can we take that
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without objection same house, same call? without resolution with that we have results back for our two special p.m. i know we've called the first could you please announce the results of ballots. >> yes. mr. president, for the lower polk was 68.23 percent and the return ballots voting against was that 1 percent 77 percent further indicating there was no majority protest. >> it's been described i want to thank the community for all their work and no majority profits we can precede with the vote to adapt the resolution to establish the lower polk benefit district roll call vote. >> item 46. supervisor mar. supervisor tang.
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supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor cohen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. there are 11 i's. the resolution to establish the lower polk benefits district it adapted (clapping) and with that, colleagues why not going to temples 46 to 48 for violation could you summarize our conversations >> president chiu the following items have been removed from the delinquent charges for cerritos and 96 howard street and 5976 clement street and 25, 13th
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avenue and 35th avenue. the report report ca can i have a motion to increase lie the report oar supervisor mar the underlying report obey amended. at this time i will declare that is heard and on the underlying resolution can we take that without objection? same house, same call? without objection this resolution it adapted. with that, why not proceeded to roll call vote for introductions >> supervisor mar your first up to introduce new business. >> thank you madam clerk i have several items today. the first item is i will be
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introducing our retail workers births today with the strong support of president chiu also supervisor avalos and supervisor campos and i'm proud to be here with coalition of labor organizations that have westbound organize for several years for our retailer workers bill of rights. this issue in san francisco of raising the minimum wage is so important to our communities it's not enough and addressing the issues ever ours and they're scheduling and job security and retention for many of our part time workers t is important i'm proud we have a coalition jobs for justice and a number of organizations that are part of our eshgsz that are advocating for our bill of rights many are
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retail workers thank you for being here with us. jobs for justice is a coalition of labor organizations in the bay area that works with my office and supervisor chiu to develop the enar equality gap in our city a wealthy gap and inequality gap it squeeze low income workers and raising the minimum wage we have to promote full-time employment and stable employment for part time workers and retail and other workers are not just living paycheck to paycheck but hour to hour and suffer from erratic schedule many of our close friends are part of this workforce that don't know when it they should be coming in or on call and not
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getting the number of hours she should get also the bill of rights will increase economic security for tens of thousands ever low wage workers. i want to acknowledge not only job for justice but other organizations that are part of this the alliance for community the south of market community network and youngest workers yoourntd and example s c w and service employees inspirational union and unit here and the san francisco labor council and many others. president chiu will give remarks but this 4 part workers bill of rights is a package of
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initiative policy this will make sure that the employers offer more hours before hiring more part time workers or temp workers it discourages bad policies that requires the workers be paid 4 hours if the employer requires them to be on call for a shift or 3 if a shift is cancelled within twenty-four hours and the equal treatment for part time workers this will prohibit the discrimination bans their part time status or i think ability to maintain open available with their rate of pay and paid time off and promotion
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opportunity so it's about equal treat and fair treatment for part time workers and the worker retention and job security. this policy will protect the workers from louis jobs when their company is bought by another company and hair to be kept he 90 days. had retail workers withers bill of rights is important for people to live in our ever increasing hard to live in city. those provisions of those four provisions of the bill of rights will be applied to all large retail establishments considered to be formula retail for changes that have 11 or more stores in this country there are over 12 hundred and 50 chain retailers
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including target and lowe's and fashion like the gap and h aeshgs and m for over 21 and radio shack and tape recorder joe's and safeway it covered starbucks to olive garden and bank of america or wells fargo pr this is part of a national campaign that's been led by organizations george miller has raised this international and this is raised for working conditions that at least the part time workers with instability in their lives and also those policies can have a huge positive impact on tens of
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thousands of retail workers in our city and the national impact will lead to many cities following suit to look at ways to prove the low was this for accountability workers. earlier today, i stood with a number of retailer works from safeway security businesses from the gap and from starbucks and other companies and they raised the issue this will make their lives and staying in the city easier and they stressed that this is really an urgent matter of staying in the city or being pushed out like so many others are because of our economic and wealth gap in the city. lastly i want to say i authorized along with the coworkers this is an issue where
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workers are not only living paycheck to paycheck but hour to hour and this measure the worker bill of rights will help with the stability of low wage and part time workers in the city. the last point i want to make in my introduction before president chiu gives comments this is extremely good for listing the low wage workers out of poverty but many workers are offered high employment, however, the overall trend in the growing san francisco service sector is employers are looking at to cut costs and that's the low road
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type of employers we're trying to alter their ability to do that. when they do this that pits the pressure on the good employers to encourage in the same allowing low road cost cutting this drives down a motivation so that's why our workers should be offended full-time hours. i want to say this matter is urgent for our city s it will help us to lift many of the part time and low wage earners out of poverty. so with that, i'd like to ask if supervisor chiu would like to comment >> thank you supervisor mar. today, i'm pleased to stand with
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our coalition to announce the san francisco employees bill of rights you remember i proposed the family friendly work ordinance our city became the first in the country to create the rights of parents and kaefrz to ask for flexible work arrangement and president obama issued an executive director providing this same right to over 2 million federal workers. as part of the first draft of the legislation we included provisions to address predicable scalds but the topic was complicated so i asks the working laborser and others to address this topic. during those discussions we've learned how precinct - how unpredictable and
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