tv [untitled] August 26, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT
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is now closed. madam secretary, next item. >> cl eric clerk no. 5, communication. are there any public comments on the record? seeing none, public comment is closed. earlier when i asked to represent a number of items with community work concerns related in part to green scapes, green jobs. i have asked for probably the past several months to have these items placed on the agenda and somehow and i don't know how, maybe it's me, it doesn't seem to be getting on the agenda. if i don't see those items
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getting on the agenda, i'm going to work with vice-president caen to see that it does. the committee is counting on us to vet these things out. donna, would you be kind enough to provide me a bullet point list of the items that i have requested under this line item, but also under the line item that comes immediately following the closed session. >> i will. >> thank you very much. commissioners, anything else? are there any public comments on my comments? public comment is close. thank you francisco. >> commissioners, what if i share one thing in common and that is that we worked as union members and represented the community.
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what you have stated and what some of the employees do not seem to fathom is this: when we are talking about workforce development, we are talking about career jobs. you had a career job, i had a career job. the career jobs come benefits. when they play the youth with all this mickey mouse giving them opportunities for two or 3 months, no good training, and even city build, you have to evaluate that, then what happens is you train somebody, but you train them at you about -- buffoonery. you can go in the army and go to various departments and train and choose what you want to be.
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that's what we need. the other thing is we have 29,000 city employees. for every constituent we have 900 employees. the population is 805,000. how many of those employees live in the city? so we have all these people who don't live in the city, who come here and their heart is not in the right place. when we give the statistics that our unemployment is just 5 percent or 6 percent, that's not true. there are hot spots where there is unemployment as high as 50 percent. and we need to address that. so, i'm calling upon the unions, i'm calling upon the private sector that we need career jobs with
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benefits. that employees department heads are not paying attention to that. they listen to you, they promise you and then they tell you the hands are tied. summer time we can give 10,000 youth jobs. we did that as presidio but we also give career jobs. that's the time when we vested in something, we did real evaluation and took care to a support system. our youth data support system. they need good jobs, they need career jobs. they don't need too much of the mickey mouse. amen. >>president vince courtney: thank you for your comments. i will piggy back. i think given the fact that we are funding a number of these opportunities, the time is now to explain the difference between a job
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opportunity between someone who is looking for work and job opportunity for a career. somebody having an opportunity to have health care, pension and to be able to afford to live here. what i'm looking for is a robust dialogue about how we steer people into those career pathways especially from communities that are under served and under represented. i haven't run into any opposition with any of the departments, really, it's about being sufficiently motivated to tee up this conversation. francisco, thank you for those comments. if there is no other public comment, seeing none, it's closed. next item. cl eric clerk report of the general manager. >> good afternoon, mr. kelly is on elevation. -- vacation. we are going to start off with our summer youth employment program.
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>> julie for the employment of jenna fares. general -- a ffairs. in someway i really appreciate the dialogue between president courtney and the last comments for a cue up for this update and the public around how we've been really focused on investing in young people over the summer. before i start the presentation it's really important to clarify that our youth employment summer program is one program of many that the puc has and we have a very intentional eye focused towards our opportunities and president courtney and i have discussed about those conversations but they do think the opportunities to provide employment over the summer provides an opportunity for
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young people where they are looking for paid employment and positive things to do over the summer and we have the opportunity to get them exposure to future careers at a variety of things at puc and important context issue areas whether it's around drought or renewable energy or $2 billion we are getting ready to invest in our sewer system. i'm going to start the presentation but just wanted to say there has been a lot of hard work over the last two 2 years to sure up our investment in young people to make sure it's not some frivolous pushing paper experience. we took over 100 youth to hetch hetchy this summer. so with that little announcement, again, today i'm excited to give you information on the work for
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summer employment opportunities for young people. i will try to do it fairly quickly and provide an overview of the strategy that we've undertook building off the success from last year and we did have goals that we were trying to achieve invested in youth this summer and the public and you commissioners attend that's going to highlight the work the young people did. so as many of you know the mayor last summer and again this summer as part of his summer jobs plus initiative put forward the goal of this summer of the city employing 7,000 young people during summer months. again it really reflects the city's acknowledgment that it's a good thing for young people to have paid positive work experience during the months that they are off school. so this sfpuc was glad to help the mayor reach that goal that
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he articulated but also i think clearly recognize and understand that we have as an agency have a strong commitment to supporting people prior to the summer jobs youth initiative in that we really see in our own self interest to make these types of vechlts investments and have this type of programming and being able to educate young people on sfpuc services and provide skill building and opportunities for them and really expose them to career exploration opportunities at the puc. for us we see these young people as the next generation as environmental stewards as they know we have a combined system. it matters what you put in your drain and down your toilet and that type of thing because they are the proctors of the system and we see them as the next generation of the rate
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payers. the second strategy was really focused on us being able to diversify puc pipeline by exposing them to job skills at the puc. you may know there are utilities throughout the country that are having conversations right now around the challenge or opportunities depending on how you look at it, at the puc alone in the next five 5 years over 40 percent of our workforce will be eligible for retirement which makes sense when you think about it on the wastewater side that a lot of those employees came in around the clean water act. if you look across the country they are all talking chicago, washington d.c., around these issues of succession planning and they need to do that. for us as we think about how do we think about the 21st century worker and the puc investing in
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young people and getting them ready for this career is important inform us. additionally employment is going to help us to broaden our reach to the youth that we serve and they are families. this year we had more project based learning efforts and initiatives that were happening and through summer projects, and hopefully you will get a chance to see some of them in the events we are going to have. when you see these young people presenting these documentaries in many creative ways to talk about the drought, conservation and they had projects where they talked about climate change. the fact that we have thousands of miles of pipe on the ground and it's this invisible system. the way they talk about it is different than the way our staff talk about it, they are talking to their families, presenting to the communities that they are participating with. finally we had a strategy that we are continuing to work to leverage the impact that we can have
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through partnership with non-profit sector and our consultants. whether it's the consultants agreeing to let young people to get mentored by them or shadow in the summer that already had leadership programs and they agree to tie their summer program to puc contents whether it's the drought or conservation etc. over the past two 2 years we've worked to in accrues the s -- increased the number of youth served and tie to enhance awareness around puc and get the best thinking we can get from young people about how to community about what the puck -- puc is doing. this slide really is here to show you the type of impact that we are having and we did take a pause last year to see what was working and refine investments for the summer. prior to the youth information
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initiative last summer at bays line we were investing fl 275 people in 2012. in 2014 we were able to support 632 young people and this summer we'll have invested in over 1,000 young people. and we have this priority around the diversity of young people served. we piloted a project over the summer focused on increase the youth that are part of the summer program at the puc. one pilot we had was called the project pull achievers built on the success the puc has invested in which is a youth internship program by kelly has been around for 19 years. we how to we could see if we
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can have diversity goals we had tied to that particular program. the pilot did a heavier recruitment and impacted neighborhoods and provided additional ways for youngster through that program mentor ship and leadership opportunities and training and as a result of that pilot we were able to double the african american project pool. 24 percent of the participants over the summer for that particular internship program we offered ended up being young african american men. i want to thank him for working on that program and he works with the city and mayor's office helping us focus on diverse issues on the city. theo is right this and he's done amazing work with the summer youth. another way we have looked to expand the diversity was by expanding our partnerships with community
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based organizations. this is some of the most exciting work we are doing at the puc as part of our youth workforce efforts over the summer. last year we provided grants to community based organizations. this summer we were able to provide grants to 25 local community based organizations and they really do reflect neighborhoods that we have traditionally had harder time getting debriefed into and also helps us to be able to reach more numbers of young people. these are community based organizations that already offer some leadership programs and as parted of them responding to our grants program they agreed and picked a learning project picked through the priorities of the puc projects. we worked with project enterprise to discuss what is some intellect to think through to identify what the project categories would be and when the request for proposals went out, it really
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focused on those categories. we were able to support 25 organizations and able to reach 500 young people just through that community based strategy. so we have been extremely enthusiastic about that. >>president vince courtney: what's the average amount? >> $25,000 and those would have come to you for approval prior to them going out. and then finally we had a strong focus on puc issues and also had young people engage others. what we saw last year is youth engaging other youth rather than us working direct ly even though we feel young. we really try to expand on this strategy. this past summer, almost 600 young people toured our
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headquarters and southeast plant and those tours were led by young people. it's something we are going to continue to do throughout the school year and have young people lead those tours. over 100 youngster were able to tour hetch hetchy. as you remember we had the class from the high school that we are supporting open up the season of camp this year and first time we invested in that way of having a high school class exposed to that and all of those young people as well as others were able to tour the hech tch hetchy facility this summer and we that had clean up and the young people helped facilitate that event. demand closing lifting up the engagement of the work of the young people did. we did a much better job this summer of creating opportunities for the young people to talk about their final work product. so we did an event of the san
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francisco public library where the young people showed these documentaries that they made over the summer that we had a great turnout that we made over the summer and this advisory committee toond show case their good work. the truth is when you hear them talking around our content whether it's biogas and the system and talk about what civil engineers do, i give some of these examples just to expose light on we are really trying to get the young people to be able to see. had are is what civil engineers do. we had a lot of engineers do and we talked about it and this is what they do and there is different types of civil engineers. we do a much better job of providing opportunity, exposure and letting the young people digest it and
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report it out to their peers in the community. this slide let's you know what's coming. we still have a couple more events that we would like to join us where the young people will show case their work. we can send that to e-mails to commissioners who may not be able to see it on the screen. we have a youngster who wants to share his experience and we have anyone smn someone from the center. i want to thank the staff because having coordinating a thousand people is not an easy task and even though they are at different places it makes it more challenging because you are tracking people that are off sight. it takes a stroilg make -- village to make this all happen. the groups on the ground that
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made this happen, is fernando smith, steven curry, who two 2 years ago when we got the money from the board of supervisors who said we wanted to engage more young people had three months 3 months to get this initiative up and running, deplore gloria page, williams, miller and deb really were the main crew that made all the components happen as well as the enterprise staff. they took the time to say these projects will be helpful. i just wanted to give them a very quick thank you as well. >>president vince courtney: a shout out, right? >> yes. a shout out to my people. i can take questions. >>commissioner francesca vietor: i have a question. i love this idea that the youth are getting exposed to different career opportunities through these learning projects. i also love the idea that
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they are getting some experience on the presentation and work that they have done. i'm wondering if this can involve in the strategy because even if they don't end up being a civil engineer or work for the puc they can develop skills around presentations and i know we are going to hear from a couple of the youth, so i'm looking forward to that and i would love for that to continue to be an opportunity that is presented as well. >> definitely. where the staff have done an amazing job is that they have taken the time to pause between last summer and this summer and say what worked and what didn't work. we know we wanted to have a much clearer tie to making sure that all people whether you are in an internship program or one of seven vehicles that all of them
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have an experience and they all have a tour of the facity and they have an equal sxoent -- component so when this get the tour of the system. what do they need to know? they need to become strong writers and communicate and be able to come in and dress professionally and we've had a very more intentional eye towards those skill sets that we wanted to make sure they are getting as well and when you hear them present, they presented a couple weeks ago. it blows your mind. they are so confident and they talk about things that honestly i have worked for the puc for four 4 years and i'm saying what is cogent and they were able to communicate it out that
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is inspiring and accessible. i think all of us were bloen away. it's very clear that they came in and left better prepared and they got paid over the summer. those are all sumer clear to us. >>president vince courtney: i would just add there was a little celebration at city hall a couple weeks ago and i can't remember how many hundreds were there, but we had someone get up and speak and when i was in high school, i couldn't do that. we saw students get up and spoke articulately and inspiring people. the real success is actually in them. it's not who runs the program. you just talk to them and you get a feeling that they really were engaged this time. we really have a program. it goes to juliette and theo and others and having a real structured program, we can see the results now. >> and to evaluate and track
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over time. that hopefully we'll see these kids again and whether they have additional opportunities whether it's through a track >> to join a labor organization. >> exactly. if there is no more questions i can turn it over to our guest. we have canine thornton who is going to be a freshman in a couple weeks. where are you going? his partner is part of our city with part of the project pool. he was at the community center this month. we saw him often when we were
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down there. >> i didn't hear you. and leroy worked with theo but placed at the community center and we saw him all the time because we were down there often an he did amazing work as well. >> where is he going? >> lane community college, right next to the university of oregon. >> we wanted to see if any of our high schoolers could come, but because the meeting is so early, they are in school. >>president vince courtney: good afternoon, welcome. >> good afternoon, my name is caneen thornton and i'm beginning first year as a college student. [ applause ] a little bit about me, i
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graduated independent private high school that is very rigorous with a high demand in work load. my first couple years i was struggling academically and diagnosed and difficulty with learning. i felt adversity and felt isolated at times and inferiority in school. people of color are often under represented and private institutions. sometimes i would look across the table and there would be no one looking like me and i would lose hope and sometimes passion in my schoolwork until my later years in high school. when i came, i was surprised to see people that looked like me and that had same goals and passion and had the level of the standards that
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wanted to make a difference in the world and wanted to make a change. my parents disciplined me while i was young so one can say i had a running start. however it really prospered in my professionalism to those that didn't have as many opportunities as i did. it has shown me the importance of networking, mentor ship and giving back in any shape or form for i believe those are the catalyst for success. i would like to thank the commissioners and ms. ellis for making this opportunity possible. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> good afternoon, commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, how is everybody doing today? my name is leroy, 19 years old and just graduated fwr high school. i'm originally from alabama.
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i can honestly say this summer for me has been one of the best you -- summers i have ever had in my entire life. i have built close relationships with so many of my colleagues that are not able to come today. and we spent so much time with our mentors and they helped us dwell on so much knowledge and helped us see the right way and step into success. it really impacted me in a major way and helped me see things in a different broad in life. i wanted to give a special thanks to them because i had so many positive experiences this summer that i never had in my entire life. i just wanted to give a special thanks to sfpuc and all the staff that put in hard work and dedication into
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this. i just want to thank you all for listening. have a great day. >>president vince courtney: thanks very much for being here. [ applause ] >> the last person is susanna. >>president vince courtney: i just want to say something to the two young men. you are lucky, right because you got a head start. you make us all really really proud. it's really good that you were able to be here and bussing -- busting the bow tie. thanks again, guys. >> hello, my name is susanna roses for mission girls services part of mission neighborhood centers. this is my partner valentinea. this summer we did a project that's called god water. we collaborated together with
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two different centers and were able to employ 12 youths and they learned how to become peer educators and they created a big event where families came and they had families recycled properly and conseven water. we gave them a little bit of the documents we created in working with the youth. when we saw this grant for us, we thought it was really to fulfill one of our biggest objectives of the organization was to be able to empower our youth to learn and we were able to do that and we were able to train our youth to be able to hold a job and be able to apply and interview and get a job and be able to
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