tv [untitled] August 27, 2014 9:30pm-10:01pm PDT
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jewel of san francisco. unfortunately i can't be as complementary as the general manager may have been about what i will call the candlestick melt down. i attended the mccarthy concert -- or attempted to attend the concert and found it -- to find various entities and departments in the city failed miserably to really make this an outstanding send off for candlestick park. i found it to be inaccessible by taxi because the taxicab entrance to the park was shut down to allow essentially what was called dignitaries to attend
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candlestick and after a 70-dollar cab ride had to ride about a mile and a half to get into the entrance of the stadium. then to add insult to injury i get to my assigned seats and find them broken and inoperable. this should not happen. i hosted people to the concert from parts of the united states and from other parts of the world and it was embarrassing to me personally and an embarrassment to the city and if we say we are the city that knows how then that should apply to all of our activities, and i am sure that everyone will point fingers at various agencies that didn't do what they were supposed to, but one hand has to know what the other
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hand is doing, and i appreciate your attention and as i say this is not the way san francisco should operate. thank you. >> thank you. >> okay. so is there anyone else that would like to make public comment on the general manager's report? seeing none public comment is closed. we are now on item four which is general public up to 15 minutes. this item will be continued to item 8 if you don't have the opportunity to speak now. at this time members of the public may address the commission on items of interest of the public that are within the subject jurisdiction of the commission and do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items your opportunity to address the commission will be afforded when
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it's reached in the meeting. i have two cards. kelly watts and ellen dewiser. >> sfgovtv -- >> powerpoint. >> it's started. go ahead. >> i am here regarding the planned use of toxic use of [inaudible] by the rda of san francisco and athletic fields and the artificial turf and comprised of 200 chemicals and many are toxic and the state of california said are known to
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cause cancer. based on the calculations the manufacturer of the product and used by san francisco the city of san francisco introduced 44 million-pounds of this intro the environment. that's over 23,000 tons. this is the material that you're eir says the wind will scatter within the city of san francisco. currently this issue is adjiewt indicated in the superior courts of california. as a precaution this spring a group of citizens initiated a voter initiative and halt use of this until it's been carefully and legally processed. surprisingly city fields, the rpd lead by philip ginsburg who has better things to do to pay attention to my video and which commission has undermined it and have a poison pill initiative that will trump and kill the
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citizen initiative and in effect mislead voters to unknow increase the use of this product. this is little more than a correcting initiative to the citizens initiative. the confusion which this commission and mr. ginsburg are enabling and ensure that innocent children and families are exposed the cancer causing effects for years to come. street soccer usa by the way doesn't need to use this to play. they play on a hard surface and benign and not cause cancer. grass will not cause cancer and cost the city a fraction of what this artificial turf costs. i advocate that we instead of following this agenda blindly we pay attention when people come up and speak about
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it, and take it seriously, not treated as a laughing matter. thank you. >> thank you. >> next speaker. >> good morning commissioners, and general manager ginsburg. i am linda lighthizer and today i am wearing my friends of camp mather hat and the t shirt i indicated at the camp. i am here from the friends of camp mather to commend the staff and the department for an excellent year at camp and all of the wonderful things that were available to me and my family. we served as volunteer leaders which meant we got to talk to a lot of the campers. we were able to engage with them and talk to them about the wonders of camp mather and all the things that as citizen volunteers we can do to help. we were very happy to share our week with commissioner mcdonnell and his family. it was a great
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week. we had sun. we had all the good things that camp mather is there to represent. the food this year i think is excellent. the activities in particular are great. the staff that has been put together to do sports and art activities has done a stellar job. they really engage the people getting up doing things getting involve. you could be at the lake and somebody is putting together a volleyball game and bring the kids out and even kids that are shy and don't want to engage i feel the staff did an excellent job presenting all of that. i also want to remind the commissioners and the public gathered here today and who will see this we're having our ninetieth anniversear gala and event to recognize the firefighters and the staff that helped save the camp from the rim fire last year and want to
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raise money for special equipment, emergency equipment that the camp could use in the future. the event at the lake merced boat house on the 20th and tickets are available and i have invitations here today but they can get more information on our website. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> anyone else to make general public comment? come on up. >> hi i am jermaine jackson with the [inaudible] organization and can you help us reopen our park. we have been growing up with it closed the last seven years and now i walk my daughter to school there is broken glass, broken everything. there is hazardous stuff and by reopening it you could bring us
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to the park and kids play, more job training programs. help it not be a hazardous place for the community and we need your help to do all that and make it possible for more kids coming up in the future. thank you. >> thank you. >> rodney hampton and we help with the [inaudible] organization and as one of the youth was saying the hunter's point park has been blighted for over the last decade or more and we are looking at title 6 here and i will speak on both sides and i am here to support them as well and as a representative of the wop we are looking to restore that park and we need your help to do that movement and like mr. jackson said there is glass all over the place and children walking in the area and we are looking for help and just having a open space and putting
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grass down because it's terrible and if you want to change what we do and how do we it we need to change to what we see everyday and hopefully you can help us and not tomorrow and we need immediate action and we looking for support and revitalizing and reshaping the community park. thank you rodney hampton. >> thank you. >> anyone else that wants to make general public comment? seeing none this item is closed. we are now on item five which is the consent calendar. is there anyone that would like to make public comment on the consent calendar? seeing none this item is closed. we need a motion. >> is there a motion. >> so moved. >> second? second. >> all in favor? any opposed? so moved.
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>> we are now on item six, the san francisco zoo. >> good morning. tanya peterson commission of the san francisco zoo. commissioner wei congratulations. i hope your daughters like the zoo as well as the park. okay. so if i can have the powerpoint please. am i good? we have started a new fiscal year so let me -- july 1 and let me give you where we are after one month. july as you can see we are ahead of projections by nearly 3,000 visitors so we're starting the fiscal year off on a great foot and we know we have one free day a month and in august it was record breaking and 10,000 free visitors coming through i think
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august 3, so still a value i believe to our families to offer the free day. they could be crazy and i often suggest don't come on the free day. with that we also are growing in our facebook likes. we're almost at 60,000 likes and just a few years ago we had no social media presence at all so thank you. we are also getting ready for accreditation and take a sense of our plants and gardens and who knew we have over 8,000 species at the zoo and our name is the san francisco zoological society gardens and i didn't realize we had so many and thousands of species of trees and we have nature connects and that will highlight some of the plants, trees as well as animal life. that is sponsored by lego and
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coming this fall. okay. we did something new this summer. the san francisco zoo is about families so we had a special pride day for families of lesbian, gays and transgenders. they had a special concert and a picnic and the zoo was partitioned off for them and a huge success and we will do it again and we're glad that we were able to offer that for those families. as phil mentioned it's time to get back to school and if kids came in wi a gently used pack back we gave them folders features some of the animals there. we are giving them to a local school. we had so many backpacks returned that we can sponsor a few schools by the zoo so it was a huge success and there are a few days left if you have a used pack back to bring in. this
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highlights the camona dragon and i don't know if you can see him and this is a carnival light for the labor day and carnival booths and fun for the three days as people transition back to school. it's been a few years and i don't know if you can see it but those are flamingos with eggs. if you haven't seen it they build nests out of mud. some years they do it and some years they don't. it's been a few years since they tried. i am happy to report we have four eggs. it's trigy to have them in captivity. we are krotionzing our fingers. both the mothers and the fathers take care of the young and that's a great species as i remind my husband and lastly the zoo lost a good friend and there is mr. robin williams two months ago at the zoo. as you know he
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annually gave us an auction item which was bedtime reading with the kids. he often would show up on a surprise at zoo fest and help auction off items and as a thank you we named a black kellar monkey after him and he said "finally a species as hairy and as loud as i am" and always keeping his sense of humor and that last day he visited his parrot and because of the travel schedule he donated his parrot to us and thought the zoo was a better place and happy to see it with a flock of parrots and we have donations to keep up the care for the parrot. my last words to mr. williams "you are the zoo's hero" and as i say to his family he will not be forgotten at the san francisco zoo. with that i finish my
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report. >> thank you. >> anyone that would like to make public comment on item six? seeing none public comment is closed. item 7 is off calendar so we are now on item 8 which is general public comment again. this is continued from item four. is there anyone that came in that would like to make general public comment? okay. seeing none this item is closed. we are now on item 9 which is closed session, conference with real property negotiator and legal counsel and we will start with that. >> good afternoon commissioners. i am dana ketchum acting director of property management and of permits and reservations. tom hart who has worked on this unfortunately couldn't be here so i am presenting on his behalf and giving an overview of this
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matter. lincoln park golf course partners participated in a request for proposals process in our department in august and september of 2004 for the lease of operation of lincoln park golf course located in mccarren park. they were subsequently interviewed and chosen by the committee, negotiated and signed a lease with the department and began operations on december 1, 2004. the lease called for one term of nine years with an option to extend for another nine years. as the initial term was less than 10 years and valued at less than $1 million the lease didn't require the approval of the board of supervisors. on march 14, 2011 glen eagles golf partners
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noticed the department of the exercise of the extension. this was dependent on the partnership -- glean eagles partners having operated the property in a satisfactory manner and invested in capital improvements. golf partners also had requested changes to the terms and conditions of the original lease for the extension term and the lease contemplates possible approval of such changes. with or without any modification any extension of the lease will require approval of the board of supervisors as the extension will lenten the term beyond 10 years. glen eagles golf partners and the department staff first began discussing possible changes to the lease and have reached an agreement on an amendment which we call first
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amendment a but was brought before you in june of 2013. the commission reviewed the proposal and recommended on june 20, 2013 that the amendment be forwarded to the board of supervisors for approval. prior to action being taken by the board glen eagle golf partners requested that the amendment be withdrawn and requested additional changes to the amendment. the parties have since negotiated terms of a further lease amendment outlined in a term sheet titled first term sheet for first amendment b. the proposed term sheet would incorporate the terms of the first amendment a, which has been previously approved, as well as the following key terms. the extension term will be nine years as contemplated in the lease. the department will pay 50% of the water charges, not to
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exceed 12,500 units by us per year. glen eagle golf partners will be allowed to submit request for rent credits to perform deferred maintenance or emergency repairs up to the annual payments up to the lease. all rent credits must be approved by the commission. glen eagle golf partners may request to terminate the lease if the cost of any proposed extraordinary repair exceeds $150,000 and the parties cannot each agreement about the necessity, schedule and cost for such repair. upon approval of park code changes by the commission and the board of supervisors glen eagle golf partnership will establish san francisco resident rates to conform to the rate structures of other city owned golf courses. the department will
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provide them with access to easy links a new reservation system when it's installed in other city owned courses. upon approval of the changes by the commission and the board glen eagles golf partners may implement flexible pricing for golf use as we currently provide at hardening, lincoln and sharp park. the department supports the continued relationship between glen eagles golf partners and the first tee program of san francisco. the department recognizes the public purpose that would be served by them collaborating with the laborers, training community fund local 261 in establishing a a apprenticeship program, job training program at glen eagle and consent to it as landlord
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according to an approved operational plan. if you approve the term sheet you may delegate to the general manager responsibility to prepare a lease amendment consistent with these terms, or you may request that the complete lease language be returned to the commission for approval. in either case the extension would require further approval from the board of supervisors. >> we do have public comment. would you like to go to public comment commissioner? >> yes. just for the colleagues on the commission we will take public comment -- the public can address going into closed session or the line item. following public comment there will be a closed session which we will go into deliberation. >> i am confused we're having two public comments. >> no. >> oh i see what you're saying.
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i apologize. [calling speaker names] >> commissioners i am from the san francisco building trades council. one of the issues they have been consistent with since 2005 is advocating using public sector contracts to leverage access to our trades for candidates from under privileged neighborhoods and from the city of san francisco more broadly, and so i was an early supporter of the city build academy. i supported the public utilities commission of the use of the water improvement program to establish relationships with four community based organizations regionally and bring apprentices into the trades throughout northern california. i was supportive
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of the return of shops to john mcconnell high school and provisions and wrote and crafted provisions in the san francisco unified school district pla that ties the program more to our apprenticeship programs. for that reason i find the proposal to establish the apprenticeship program at glen eagle very, very exciting and very promising and i will note that sunnydale is perhaps most isolated neighborhood in san francisco, and yet has never had a relationship with the golf course right next to it, and this begins to break down those barriers and open up sunnydale and the residents to career in the trades, more specifically laborers but more the other trades as well and establish a relationship with the broader city by means of glen eagle so i
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am supportive of this proposal. thank you. >> okay. may, tony and then chris, ed, and thomas. >> good morning commissioners, uncle phil. i have been before you many times in support of the current operator of glen eagles. in the past we didn't really feel that glen eagles was concerned with the neighborhood. with this operator we feel much more comfortable and i hope you support us in supporting them and renew their lease as requested. thank you. >> thank you. so tony, chris, ed and thomas in any order. >> good morning commissioners. i am tony castillo with the laborers training community foundation, and i am here to urge you to approve to extend the lease which at the end it's
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going to help us develop an on site training center that will provide skills, upgrade training for the local residents. we're excited and we again urge this for your consideration. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> chris. [applause] >> and can we ask folks not to stand in front of the door, over to the side a bit please. >> thank you. good morning commissioners and general manager. i am chris cruel and a trustee with the training foundation and on behalf of my fellow trustees and ramon and oscar we are enthusiastically support of this and we provide preapprentice training around california. our first project was here five years ago at the plaza for the courts and some of the employees are got jobs
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here. many grew up in sunnydale and i can't think of a better place to have a training center in san francisco than glen eagles. there is work to be done and we pay young people and see if they want a life as a laborer and with this extension we can have a training policy so we ask for your support. thank you. >> thank you. >> ed, thomas and linda and linda and dennis. >> good morning commissioners and mr. ginsburg. i am ed reidy, i am the volunteer board chair of the jan palm center and the ark of san francisco. i know some of you are familiar with the work that the two facilities do. they work with people with disabilities as well as the elderly. we provide recreational services, job training skills, and all within the whole objective of creating
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independent living situations with folks with disabilities. with this community we have over 3,000 participants in our programs. we have facility near the zoo and lake mered as well as downtown here in san francisco as well. one of the things we're always looking for is partnerships for our participants, and one of the groups that has been terrific for us over the years, gone out of the way to help with this community has been glen eagles and the partnership really directed by tom shay. i think as you can imagine think of all of us and the networks that we have. you're a volunteer and i am a volunteer as well and involved in the community activities. for those with disabilities they don't have the options and oftentimes put in institutions or locked in their homes. the chance to go out and be in the community and participate on things that other folks do is a blessing for them
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and glen eagles has been wonderful allowing access to the course to do that and if you think of the first tee program which is a great program for san francisco what it does this is more than that because folks with disabilities often don't get the chance to go out and play on golf courses. well, the folks at glen eagles do that and continue to do that for the community. they have been actively involved. i can give tom a call and he steps up and then some always on this so we endorse and his support and hope that you will too in that consideration and thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thomas, lind a linda, and dennis. >> good morning commissioners. my name is thomas bassis and the golf superintendent at the golf club in san francisco and in 2008 we went through a massive
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renovation and found ourselves in a situation of having a great deal of extra resources that we could lend to a less fortunate golf course that being glen eagles. tom shay asked me if we could act in a big brother role for them and we established that relationship and did well with that. as a result i was able to with the blessing of my golf course help glen eagles out tremendous. in 2010 they under went a grass resurfacing project and i donated my time and resources and staff were able to restore all of the greens to near perfect conditions and to this day they're some of the best greens for the price at which you could play golf. we all did this for the betterment of golf realizing that people don't st
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